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Hoping that BW will wise up and drop the staggered EGA


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I can't get my head round a lot of these threads, where were these threads on the 12th December before anyone got in?, because the situation was exactly the same then, it hasn't changed. 'You will get into early access based on when you redeemed your pre-order code'. It wasn't a problem 2 days ago but now it suddenly is?


The only valid reason I can see for complaint here is if you pre-ordered early, (say around July/August time), and someone who pre-ordered after you got in before you, or if you pre-ordered on say day 1 or 2 of pre-orders and aren't in yet, that's it.


The situation has not changed, if you knew 2 days ago there was a chance you wouldn't get in on day one of EGA because of when you redeemed your pre-order code and you didn't complain about it then....then what gives you the right to complain now, apart from the reasons I outlined above?



Having said all this, those of us that are 'in' should in no way be provoking the situation. Let's not rub peoples noses in it, keep the silly comments like 'you mad bro' etc, etc to a minimum.

Edited by Theodrid
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Not everyone is against the staggered invites. It just seems they invited too few people did too few waves and ignored different timezones to NA. I do think there are some genuine complaints.


It's nothing to do with having or not having ordered on the day the game became available.

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guys, when you pre-ordered, it was in large print about how EGA worked. i agree, there are problems w/ the EGA method, there are problems with any method but you agreed to it, its not going away so stop aggroing the mods/admins and let the forums cool off ok ppl?
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If staggering is the best launch idea for future MMOs... Well then those future MMOs will have one less customer. This is will be my first and last time I get burned by a staggering launch/Early Access.


It was advertised as a staggered release you didn't get "burned".

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With all the rage caused by staggered EGA, I am hoping, praying that Bioware will drop this crap about phasing in pre-order customers.


They should hopefully by now realize it is the worst idea in MMORPG history no one cares about lag we do however care that because we were unable to preorder before others, we are less important in Bioware's eyes.


We are all paying customers who want to play an MMO competitively, it's not fair to allow such huge headstarts because they are favoring people who were able to purchase the game earlier.


This will kill the economy and any hope elitists have at server firsts.


Please keep this thread alive and ask/beg Bioware to just let us all in already.


Oh man, people like you piss me off. I preordered in October too, however, I am not ************ and moaning about not being in-game yet. They have stated for the past couple months that the EGA would be staggered, depending on when you preordered. So that takes out the problem of surprise. Bioware is trying something new, something that hasn't been done before.. Why does that mean it has to be a bad thing? Lastly, your just being immature and letting your jealousy overpower your logic and rational thinking. First come first serve. Those preordered before you deserve to play before you because those are- AND HAVE BEEN - the rules of this EGA. This is how the world works. Stop ************ and complaining, and just accept it. Be excited that there is any early access at all. Your an ungrateful, impatient, ridiculous, immature child. Grow up, or shut up.

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With all the rage caused by staggered EGA, I am hoping, praying that Bioware will drop this crap about phasing in pre-order customers.


They should hopefully by now realize it is the worst idea in MMORPG history no one cares about lag we do however care that because we were unable to preorder before others, we are less important in Bioware's eyes.


We are all paying customers who want to play an MMO competitively, it's not fair to allow such huge headstarts because they are favoring people who were able to purchase the game earlier.


This will kill the economy and any hope elitists have at server firsts.


Please keep this thread alive and ask/beg Bioware to just let us all in already.


Actually, I'm against this and I bet I'm not the only one. Letting everyone now will just exchange one angry mob for another. And crashing servers. So no, I like my staggered EGA just fine.


Also, I believe that changing the rules now could actually be a valid reason to sue BW by the early pre-orderers.

Edited by DrAidennwitz
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I slacked by not being able to purchase the game earlier? Yeah that's what should matter? I'm tired of you care bares complaining about us "whiners"


How about you quit reading and posting if your tired of it, or maybe you like it and you're just pretending you don't. It's obvious your not bro.


Yeah, being able to purchase the game early DOES matter. We knew they were going to do a gradual release based when you purchased. Wasn't a secret. Didn't order early enough? Oh well, no one's problem but you're own. Wait in queue like everyone else. You're most definitely not special, my friend.

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Lag trumps unfair advantage any day of the week.


There is no unfair advantage, they always said that entry into EGA would be staggered based on when you registered your copy of the game. Before the game went on sale the rules were known and everyone knew what to do to enter. People chose not to do what needed to be done and now want special treatment.


My date is mid September, and I think the system overall is fine. My only minor complaint is they stopped waves in the middle of the day. I think waves should be going out 24/7 until everyone has access.

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Ok, we either have people complaining about not pre-ordering on time, or we have people complaining about lag and that the servers are overflown with people, the mobs dont re spawn quick enough, to much spam bla bla bla.


The staggered release date is honestly the best decision made for early access as it eliminates those annoying first day issues.


but they claim they will just open more servers as needed, why not just put up the max amount of servers and merge them as needed? I guess that would make to much sense O_o

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With all the rage caused by staggered EGA, I am hoping, praying that Bioware will drop this crap about phasing in pre-order customers.


They should hopefully by now realize it is the worst idea in MMORPG history no one cares about lag we do however care that because we were unable to preorder before others, we are less important in Bioware's eyes.


We are all paying customers who want to play an MMO competitively, it's not fair to allow such huge headstarts because they are favoring people who were able to purchase the game earlier.


This will kill the economy and any hope elitists have at server firsts.


Please keep this thread alive and ask/beg Bioware to just let us all in already.



I endorse this post

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I can't get my head round a lot of these threads, where were these threads on the 12th December before anyone got in?, because the situation was exactly the same then, it hasn't changed. 'You will get into early access based on when you redeemed your pre-order code'. It wasn't a problem 2 days ago but now it suddenly is?


The only valid reason I can see for complaint here is if you pre-ordered early, (say around July/August time), and someone who pre-ordered after you got in before you, or if you pre-ordered on say day 1 or 2 of pre-orders and aren't in yet, that's it.


The situation has not changed, if you knew 2 days ago there was a chance you wouldn't get in on day one of EGA because of when you redeemed your pre-order code and you didn't complain about it then....then what gives you the right to complain now, apart from the reasons I outlined above?



Having said all this, those of us that are 'in' should in no way be provoking the situation. Let's not rub peoples noses in it, keep the silly comments like 'you mad bro' etc, etc to a minimum.


the forums were down on the 12th :p but yeah i see you rpoint, im not in yet but i understand that i pre ordered late so why should i get in before people that preordered on the 21st of july? OP is silly and impatient me thinks lol

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If an elitist was not informed, interested and smart enough to know about the staggered launch based on preorder date and thus preordered and put in his code in july - well, he lost the race before it even started, but the fault is his own.
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but they claim they will just open more servers as needed, why not just put up the max amount of servers and merge them as needed? I guess that would make to much sense O_o


Because merging is not that simple and would certainly also mean a lot of shut down servers. Now imagine the QQ and all the additional work when they have to transfer the people affected between servers.

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Yeah they should've just launched on the 20th instead of up to 7 days early for some and slowly all of us get to play before the ACTUAL LAUNCH.


That was a dumb idea. They should've just let everyone in at the same time on the 20th.


Then when at least 1 server crashes or lags. People start QQ'ing. That's definitely the smarter move.



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the forums were down on the 12th :p but yeah i see you rpoint, im not in yet but i understand that i pre ordered late so why should i get in before people that preordered on the 21st of july? OP is silly and impatient me thinks lol


im w/ you breh. same boat here, pre-ordered about 3 weeks ago. this suuuuuuuuuucks (but im tolerating it and blaming no one but my cat)

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