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GTN Terminals- There aren't enough


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In general, I'm ok with the markets being seperate - Rep/Imp.


But, what I think should have happen is rather than Nar Shadda being a 3rd market, just have it be where the markets combine into a single entity. At least then black market terminals in remote locations will have some value for the times when people want to trade between both sides (or have drops where that's their only option).



Otherwise, I'd like to see terminals in each of the major cities.

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While I understand the wanting GTN on the ship... Why would you ever leave it?


I believe the point of having the GTN in the Republic Fleet, and other social hubs is bring people together in a common area and out of the ship.

If Lag on the Republic Fleet is the reason for not going there so often, then lets fix that and not isolate players. Many of the worlds feel dead already, we don't need more of it.



I'd pick 2 mid level planets and Ilum.


Would you mind elaborating on what benefit is served by the part I bolded? Nobody else who has made this claim has bothered to do so. How do bodies standing around browsing/posting on the GTN benefit any else or add to a "social" hub.


I'll say it again: If you want have a social hub, give them a reason to be there, not a reason to go there.


The GTN is a reason to go there. An irritating one, at that. It is not a reason to be there. The FP hub is a reason to be there. Mini-games, like sabaac, pazaak, speeder races, etc. . . would also help.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


George, I think it would be a good thing to put a GTN on every planet in it's main city. That's my opinion. Since you asked about 3 places then I would have to answer every other planet, or every second planet, so that they are evenly distributed amongst the planets after the Capitol Planet.


I do not like the requirement of traveling to the Fleet Station or Capital Planet to check the GTN or drop things on it for sale. Having the GTN locations gives rise to a much easier market to be exploited by scammers and spammers. I do not know if you played Eve Online or not but the Jita system is the best example of how far this concentration can be exploited.


However, having the Fleet Pass does alleviate some of the pain of traveling to the Fleet station to do my GTN business. It lets me do it once a day with only the traveling back to where I am questing as a waste of travel time. I do not watch General so I have curbed my scam/spam exposure.

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Port Nowhere! Do it like the goblin-town in WoW where Rep and Imps can sell to each other at just this one place, Port Nowhere!


Imagine all the non-PVPs minding their own business whilst there is shootouts with the PVPers. I always loved that about Gadgetzan(sp?) (I actually forget the name of the gobby town).

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While I understand the wanting GTN on the ship... Why would you ever leave it?


I believe the point of having the GTN in the Republic Fleet, and other social hubs is bring people together in a common area and out of the ship.


If Lag on the Republic Fleet is the reason for not going there so often, then lets fix that and not isolate players. Many of the worlds feel dead already, we don't need more of it.



I'd pick 2 mid level planets and Ilum.


Making people go to the Republic/Imperial Fleet to vendor browse does not create a "social" environment. I go there, do what I need to do and leave because I cannot stand the lag caused by the sheer number of people huddled around the terminals. Rarely will anyone attempt to carry on a conversation while browsing the vendor. Putting terminals on the ship will not force people to be anti-social. If anything, it will help remove some of the excess lag and help make the fleet a more enjoyable place to want to socialize in.


The main point of the Fleet should be to gather people for Flashpoints, questing, or to have a main point where you can socialize if you so choose. Why force more lag on the Fleet by cramming 100+ people around the two terminals when there is no social aspect to what you are doing?

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Making people go to the Republic/Imperial Fleet to vendor browse does not create a "social" environment. I go there, do what I need to do and leave because I cannot stand the lag caused by the sheer number of people huddled around the terminals.



And while we're on the subject of a social envionment.... where are all of the people that were QQ'ing about being social in cantinas? Or not being able to sit down in one?

Do you know how many people I see in a cantina? Just myself 99% of the time and that's only if I HAVE to go in there.

Being social is a nice "thought" but it really doesn't apply to an MMO unless you're on a hardcore RP server.


/rant off :D

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


For Republic? Taris, Tatooine, Balmorra, every planet, basically. You shouldn't have to go to the fleet to access the supposedly "Galactic" trade network, you should be able to access it from wherever you are. As it stands it's like an eBay that you can only visit by taking a trip to New York.

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This is an out of the box suggestion, but since you asked...


I'd actually like to see it as a right-click option to send out your companion. So you right-click on the companion and choose "Sell on item(s) Galactic Trade Network". It launches up the (horrible) GTN interface and works as it normally does. However, there is an additional fee (i.e. Fuel Cost) based on the similar metrics used for space flight from planet to planet. When you are done editing the cost, duration and such it will ask if you want to sell another item or finish. In addition, to the Fuel Cost for each item the companion will be gone for 5 to 10 minutes.


Another suggestion I have (outside of the GTN) is for companions to have the ability to store stuff in your Cargo Hold. You choose the option, it launches the Cargo Hold and for each item you place in the companion is gone for x number of minutes.


Best idea in the entire thread!

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?

  1. My character's data pad
  2. See #1
  3. See #2


We are in 2012, how come I can check Wallstreet rates, pass orders on the web, from everywhere with a 4 something inches portable terminal and I have to walk to terminals to do so in a supposedly Sci-Fi world?



P.S: and

#A: let us send and receive emails on our datapads

#B: allow pacakges to be delivered to our space ships

#C: allow us to post items on the GTN through our companions

#D: allow us to have companions to bring packages from our ship to our current location


Now that would be a more credible Sci-Fi setting


P.S: A to D could come with money and time sinks

Edited by Deewe
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One of the most awesome things in KOTOR1-2 and final fantasy were the races, pod racers and chocobo racing is great if implemented. WoW has them jousting tournaments at the Argent Tournament too.


We need some interesting mini games as someone already mentioned above.


I think competitive Pazzak (sp?) Pod Racing should be in the game. maybe have an option to play for fun and have a more serious league where you wager credits or items kinda like pink slips.


Maybe tie pod Racers with Cybertech for making parts, Slicing for making electronic upgrades for the Pod racers, Armorsmith for making pod racer armours, armsmith for making pod racer weapons, biochem can make paint and fuel and decals for your pod racer, syntwevaing can make the flags and savery belts:)


anything that requires parts from all professions/crafters will stimulate economic growth. make these parts able to deteriorate/run out so there is some risk to getting destroyed in a race and needing to repair/recharge parts will fuel an ongoing crafting economy.

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For Republic? Taris, Tatooine, Balmorra, every planet, basically. You shouldn't have to go to the fleet to access the supposedly "Galactic" trade network, you should be able to access it from wherever you are. As it stands it's like an eBay that you can only visit by taking a trip to New York.


QFT absolutely.


It's not a game-breaking issue, but it's an annoyance that's somewhat immersion-breaking, as you have to take leave off-planet from supposedly "urgent" missions if you want to access a "Galactic" trade network that actually only exists on a couple of planets and a space station.


It's a timesink too far.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?



How about everyplace that makes sense? Not like they weren't on EVERY planet throughout beta. Seriously, it is as if you guys sat around and talked about what you could do to inconvenience and waste as many people's time as humanly possible, a cheap ploy to artificially extend people's subscription times.

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I want a portable GTN interface with the ability to browse, buy and sell items.


1: Open up gBay or somesuch on my portable communicator

2: Browse and make a purchase or 2

3: Send my companion to fetch the goods (60s timer like trash selling) or have them emailed to me (Choice!)

4: Decide I also want to sell something so look up prices and list an item

5: Send my companion to deliver the goods to the GTN man (Again 60s timer)

6: Send companion to collect my profit, or have it email to me


Also the GTN's all need to be linked, cross faction and cross server.*


We also need some kind of mission introducing us to the GTN because it was only chance that I even noticed they exist.





* If you need to throw a bone to the roleplayers have a 'only list for same faction' tickbox.

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I want a portable GTN interface with the ability to browse, buy and sell items.


1: Open up gBay or somesuch on my portable communicator

2: Browse and make a purchase or 2

3: Send my companion to fetch the goods (60s timer like trash selling) or have them emailed to me (Choice!)

4: Decide I also want to sell something so look up prices and list an item

5: Send my companion to deliver the goods to the GTN man (Again 60s timer)

6: Send companion to collect my profit, or have it email to me


Also the GTN's all need to be linked, cross faction and cross server.*


We also need some kind of mission introducing us to the GTN because it was only chance that I even noticed they exist.





* If you need to throw a bone to the roleplayers have a 'only list for same faction' tickbox.


Put one on my ship. That would be awesome. Great. Amazing. Wonderful. (Pick a word you like for the previous sentence.)

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