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Better Patch Notes


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This is a simple request and place where people can also request better patch notes.



Please stop with vague patch notes. Take for instance two patches ago when they changed gathering nodes on 3 planets. Why not specifically say which gathering nodes, ie which profession. If you can't specify because its all of them, then say "all gathering profession had nodes removed from X planets." This isn't the first time, anytime there is a time change on a spell or reduction or increase in damage we aren't getting percent changes. It would be nice to get percent changes and literal time values. ie "spell was 4 second cast time is now a 3.0 cast time". Or "had a one second reduction" as opposed to just saying "the spell had its cast time reduced." We are left too assume to much during each change which will only lead to blind QQ.


Please give more detailed and specific patch notes. It won't take long and really makes it easier to gauge what is going on in the game and how developers are handling things. You would be surprised how helpful the community can be. Shutting us out of the numbers and code is only going to hurt you in the long run BioWare. Thanks for listening. Help us, help you and in-turn make the community better.

Edited by Zoldor
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  • Dev Post
Thanks for providing your feedback about patch notes! Though we are occasionally required to make a note somewhat vague, we are always working to improve patch note clarity so that the community understands exactly what we're changing and how, especially when it comes to class abilities and other information important to you. We appreciate you taking the time to give us this feedback!
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The notes we see are a translation from highly technical notes that were written by programmers. They have been translated into English understandable by the non-programming masses.


Sure, but you know things are altered but don't appear in the patch notes. E.g. "Changed a spelling error on X item" or "Casting time on X NPCs heal has been changed to 1.75 seconds." I know it seems really minor but I'd like something like that.

Edited by Thaltom
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Thanks for providing your feedback about patch notes! Though we are occasionally required to make a note somewhat vague, we are always working to improve patch note clarity so that the community understands exactly what we're changing and how, especially when it comes to class abilities and other information important to you. We appreciate you taking the time to give us this feedback!


Put in well thought out non-troll post, get out a response from a mod that accepts feedback.


Thank you Allison.

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Please give more detailed and specific patch notes. It won't take long and really makes it easier to gauge what is going on in the game and how developers are handling things. You would be surprised how helpful the community can be. Shutting us out of the numbers and code is only going to hurt you in the long run BioWare. Thanks for listening. Help us, help you and in-turn make the community better.


It sure will make complaining about the changes easier, as you no longer would be required to log in, and test out the changes before crying nerf :):D

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Thanks for the reply and I hope the concern goes forward with the developers and people in charge.


I understand its a translation, but I've been playing MMOs since Beta testing EQ, yeah I'm an old man. Simply adding percents and times isn't going to complicate it beyond what the average person can understand. This isn't a single player game and its filled with competition and tons of people who can do insane math so numbers are something an MMO needs to progress. Sure the average joe doesn't even read the patch notes let alone care about the details, but to cultivate a good community those numbers are required. In all those MMOs those cookie cutter specs, most profitable professions, perfect rotations, and best gear lists don't spawn up because people guess, its a math game.


Again thanks BioWare and people please keep posting its easy for a company to forget the little things. This is something so simple in idea that can be changed and implemented with little cost, a few more minutes time from the guy making the change to write the specifics and a few more key presses from the person actually typing out the notes. This small change at minimal cost can really help the community. It does put you more in the cross-hairs of the QQ crowd, but it also causes a great upswing in end game play.


Thanks for all the swift replies from everyone.

Edited by Zoldor
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Thanks for providing your feedback about patch notes! Though we are occasionally required to make a note somewhat vague, we are always working to improve patch note clarity so that the community understands exactly what we're changing and how, especially when it comes to class abilities and other information important to you. We appreciate you taking the time to give us this feedback!


Don't be afraid to have fun with the patch notes.


It's always fun to see...


"X bug has been fixed... again and for real this time, but don't hold our feet to the fire."

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Thanks for providing your feedback about patch notes! Though we are occasionally required to make a note somewhat vague, we are always working to improve patch note clarity so that the community understands exactly what we're changing and how, especially when it comes to class abilities and other information important to you. We appreciate you taking the time to give us this feedback!


Feel free to pass this on.


Being vague with disgruntled customers pushes those customers to SOMEONE ELSE.


Start talking to us about the issues we are having before we starting leaving, not AFTER. Its easier to do damage control when the person still actually cares about your product.

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