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The game is fantastic: runs like silk, is a blast to play, and is relatively buggless


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talk about being narrow minded, from he sounds of it you are clearly new to the MMO world and forums.


I've seen you throw something like this around in several threads already.


Someone bashes your game and your only retort is "well, you MUST be new to MMO's"


Suck up more

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Not if the whiners are moaning about issues on there end but blaming the game or Bioware.


This seems to be one of the major issues on the forums


There is always going to be a level of that. These posts will go away if people simply don't post in them. However, sometimes what seems like a id10t problem turns into a real issue.

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I've seen you throw something like this around in several threads already.


Someone bashes your game and your only retort is "well, you MUST be new to MMO's"


Suck up more


Really because this is the first time I have said it lol, Clearly making up rubbish to form a comment and a come back, Nice try kiddo.


Also learn to read a comment, As I was using what he said to prove a point lol. :rolleyes:

Also please stay on topic and add to the thread, Your pointless posts are just taking up space.

Edited by Kanharn
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There is always going to be a level of that. These posts will go away if people simply don't post in them. However, sometimes what seems like a id10t problem turns into a real issue.


I do agree with you, just saying that we need to separate the two and on a forum thats a hard thing to do.

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I have never been to a forum and not seen mass amount of whining, followed by a mass amount of people complaining about the whiners.


In the end, the whiners are the ones making the game better and the people who are whining about the whiners, are making it worse.


These forums are for support and to hear these issues so they can be solved. Bug reports are the best thing a software company can receive. Especially if they are high quality bug reports. There is nothing wrong with these whiny forum users.


True, but I have seen forum whiners cut new games off at the knees before they've had a chance to hit their pace. By my response you will notice that I don't buy the argument that forum traffic has no effect on the reputation of an MMO (I know, only 10% of players read the forums, blah, blah....I just don't buy that).

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Look...I can't help it if you are trying to run the game on a toaster. And yes, the game is RELATIVELY bugless, as in, compared to most launches I have been through. Of course there are a lot of bugs to squash, that has been the case for every MMO released to date and always be.


Read up on the subject before posting. Poor and sporadic freamrates are a known issue. On my rig it runs anywhere from 20 FPS to 110+ FPS, not dependent on current on-screen graphical complexity or player density. Is that because I’m trying to run it on a “toaster?”


As for being relatively bug free. Relative to what, an Ant colony?

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Praising the game ? Yes. Praising an obviously flawed game ? No, unless you really just came out of a cave and discovered MMOs.


I actually laughed out loud at this. My cat, who was sleeping in my lap, now hates you. :)



Seriously, this really is a flawed game. I don't think it's as bad as Age of Conan, which through it's refusal to deal with the issues, killed itself... But it's flawed.


For those who don't know the AoC story, here it is:



#1. Age of Conan is launched - 800k players - May / June 2008


#2. Age of Conan is found to be fun but some playability issues arise and some massive bugs still exist. - June 2008


#3. Feedback from the players regarding issues are ignored for weeks - July 2008


#4. Momentum and Gem Exploiting runs rampant. Gameplay becomes unplayable. Players are STILL being ignored - July / August 2008.


#5. Gaute Godager "retires" from the gaming industry - September 17th 2008


#6. The new lead game Developer Craig Morrison begins to talk to the community and start addressing the major issues. Some gem issues are FINALLY fixed just before Gaute Godager retires and more gem fixes happen just after Craig takes over. Momentum and other balancing issues are addressed as well. - September 2008


#7. PvP XP and Gear patch is released - September 17th 2008.



By this time it's too late. The game is down to 100K and is mired in 'also ran' status as most people go back to WoW or move on to Warhammer. Which, ironically, does the same thing.


And, of course, there are all the fanboys who deny any problems with the classes/mechanics/exploits/end-game... And call everyone names who dare mention it...




Shame to, because it had potential.

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Yeah, this is General Discussion though, not Tech Support or Issue Redressment or Complaint Department or Bug Report Filing Station.


The people fixing the bugs don't read this. You couldn't pay them to read this. It's a mess. Bug reports in the game and the appropriate forums will be taken care of, but ten posts in General Discussion about X or Y is just pointless back-pattery that only makes the whiners feel better about themselves for drawing out 30 other whiners to pat them on the back and say, "YEAH! I feel that way, too!"


This is not a forum for feedback from developers. It's feedback from other players. Other players can't fix bugs that are up to the devs to handle. Stuff like Kira Carsen, ability delay, lack of neutral gear, etc., is all stuff that developers have to handle--not players. Everyone wanting bug fixes addressed here or feedback from developers here is wasting their time and keyboard life.


Put the complaints and feedback in the proper places and leave General Discussion for topics like WHO WOULD WIN IN A FIGHT DARTH REVAN OR GOKU???


(the answer is goku)


You're right, there are place for those types of issues. This is a community of consumers for a technical software game. There are going to be posters in the wrong forum asking for help or complaining about problems. They are customers and should be heard.


As someone who worked with customers from a forum stand point on a large piece of software, we did our best to read as much as we could.


I strongly feel you should not attack someone for complaining about an issue. The people replying in the thread are as much at fault as the poster if it's a poor discussion. Just stay out of the thread, by not staying out, you are causing the thread to grow and become relevent.


As for troll posters, you can never really control that.

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I just can't take these whining posts any longer. It's not that I don't appreciate feedback, even if it is counter to my own opinion, but these posts are starting to just baffle me.


My experience thus far:


1) Have had ONE crash to desktop and I play multiple hours everyday


Ive experienced a crash almost every time Ive stopped at Fleet. Its frustrating and Im not saying its gonna prevent me from playing the game. But it is a problem, bigger for some not so much for others.


2) The bugs I have encountered thus far have been so innocuous that I haven't even had the motivation to report them


I think this has more to do with laziness then actually wether or not the bugs are an issue, when my T701 collapses to the ground as if hes dead while still very alive. And then follows me across the map lying down. Its not innocuous. Its annoying, immersive breaking and shows a flaw in the coding. Just because your enjoying the game doesnt you have to ignore the bugs. Even if they dont bother you, you can still help by reporting it if you see it. But pretending like its not there is not helping the community or BW.



3) The ability delay "issue" is so minor that I have barely noticed it. In fact, I didn't notice it at all until it was pointed out on the forums.


This isnt even close to true. At lower levels where you dont have many abilities its not really important. But when you get in the upper levels where it counts what button you hit, when you hit it and in what order. It begins to actually play in a part of why your wiping. I dont know how many times I lost chunks of HP because abilities I popped, never actually popped.



4) The graphics, animations, particle effects, etc. are crisp and beautiful on my machine


Good for you. Yeah, people are for the most part complaining about this because they expect to be able to run it on any piece of crap computer, or refuse to adjust their settings.


5) I have zero lag and my fps runs anywhere from about 60-100....consistently


Ive been okay with lag since the launch, because of my new computer, but i still experience lag inside buildings, on certian planets like Alderaan, and in PvP.



6) The launch was absolutely painless for me. I followed Bioware's notifications and instructions and I got into early access in the second wave. No issues whatsoever. You see, I took personal responsibility and followed instructions and it all worked out for me.


For the most part Im with you on this, but that doesnt mean that peoples issues arent real because your experience has been as painless as you say. Bugs dont happen to people because they didnt do this or that in a certian order. This could alliviate some of the tension if people cared to bother doing what they should do, but it doesnt change the obvious issues the game is having. BW Developers arent denying it, why are you?



7) This has not felt like a single-player game whatsoever. I have made many new friends, have done tons of warzones, flashpoints and heroics, and the servers and zones feel alive and full of enthusiasm and energy. Btw, I've accomplished this with no LFG tools and it has been no problem whatsoever.


Ill agree with this point, I dont think it feels empty at all, Im constently running into people. Even when I dont want to because it slows me down when it comes to accomplishing a mission. But with that said I do think BW went a bit overboard with the instancing and sharding. I think they thought heavy queues with bugs being reported would do more damage to the game then instancing/sharding and bugs. They can definitely work on this to make it better.



8) The combat is visceral and exciting. Nothing really new, but very solid.


I havent enjoyed PvP combat because of the severe lag myself and others are experiencing. But PvE is refreshing. To actually get to watch my character parry attacks and send blaster fire back at the enemy makes me very happy I bought this game. That alone makes me glad they paid attention to detail because it helps me feel like my character is a Jedi not just a toon dressed like one.


I could go on but I won't. I agree that Bioware has got A LOT to implement in a very short time to retain players (why any company in this day and age would release a game of this magnitude with no combat log or UI customization is just jaw-dropping), but this has been one of my favorite MMO experiences thus far. The game is a masterpiece and I just cannot wait until January 21st.


Combat log is kindof a *** issue. But I can understand not bothering with UI until after launch. Its not a dealbreaker for me atleast and I think if its something that truely bothers people I personally think their priorites arent straight. Theyve already said they are aware of this and doing something about it. Id rather them tell me they hear us and are working to remedy it then to be completely silent and possibly blow us off.

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Read up on the subject before posting. Poor and sporadic freamrates are a known issue. On my rig it runs anywhere from 20 FPS to 110+ FPS, not dependent on current on-screen graphical complexity or player density. Is that because I’m trying to run it on a “toaster?”


As for being relatively bug free. Relative to what, an Ant colony?


Yeah, I have a solid 111FPS, then it just freezes, hard drive goes crazy, drops to 7FPS and goes back to normal. Weird.

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I actually laughed out loud at this. My cat, who was sleeping in my lap, now hates you. :)



Seriously, this really is a flawed game. I don't think it's as bad as Age of Conan, which through it's refusal to deal with the issues, killed itself... But it's flawed.


For those who don't know the AoC story, here it is:



#1. Age of Conan is launched - 800k players - May / June 2008


#2. Age of Conan is found to be fun but some playability issues arise and some massive bugs still exist. - June 2008


#3. Feedback from the players regarding issues are ignored for weeks - July 2008


#4. Momentum and Gem Exploiting runs rampant. Gameplay becomes unplayable. Players are STILL being ignored - July / August 2008.


#5. Gaute Godager "retires" from the gaming industry - September 17th 2008


#6. The new lead game Developer Craig Morrison begins to talk to the community and start addressing the major issues. Some gem issues are FINALLY fixed just before Gaute Godager retires and more gem fixes happen just after Craig takes over. Momentum and other balancing issues are addressed as well. - September 2008


#7. PvP XP and Gear patch is released - September 17th 2008.



By this time it's too late. The game is down to 100K and is mired in 'also ran' status as most people go back to WoW or move on to Warhammer. Which, ironically, does the same thing.


And, of course, there are all the fanboys who deny any problems with the classes/mechanics/exploits/end-game... And call everyone names who dare mention it...


Shame to, because it had potential.


Yet your calling people fanbois lol, thats calling people names kiddo :rolleyes:

These are the post that makes the forum community look bad.

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You've played what, four hours? I've had multiple memory-bleed crashes. It crashes on exit unless I go to the character screen first. I've had two DX11 crashes because of bad particle/lighting effects.


No other game I play has these issues. Not Skyrim, not Fallout NV, not Crysis, not Shogun 2 with huge armies fighting, not Portal 2, not GTA IV...




I have crashes in Skyrim all the time and none in SWTOR......did you only play skyrim for a couple minutes?

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Having fun no. I’m having fun. Acting like issues don’t exist is another matter.


I agree, but i can't tell you how many times someone has actually gotten mad on this forum because i'm enjoying myself in spite of the bugs. its hilarious. people actually get mad because you are having fun, how childish is that?


Oh and my favorite, since i haven't crashed i must be a liar. Sorry for buying a nice sandicore processor and top of the line comp......


how about this tidbit of maturity? I like the game and someone doesn't so i'm a fanboi. it's not because we have different opinions and maybe want different things out of games, it's that they assume their opinion is fact and can't deal with someone having a different one.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I agree, but i can't tell you how many times someone has actually gotten mad on this forum because i'm enjoying myself in spite of the bugs. its hilarious.


I think people see it as, my problem doesn't matter simply cause you're not seeing it.


I think this game is amazing. I love it. Best of all, my GF loves it. The bugs I have experienced have not really cause too much down time (other than 1 really really really bugged class quest).


I look forward to PVP being fixed and the next major update and I'm excited to see how this game grows. If anything, I am nervous if they don't expand this game to the realm it could possible grow into.


..and for the graphic glitches to go away ... but not that big of a deal ATM.

Edited by ExpLiciTSainT
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I agree, but i can't tell you how many times someone has actually gotten mad on this forum because i'm enjoying myself in spite of the bugs. its hilarious. people actually get mad because you are having fun, how childish is that?


Oh and my favorite, since i haven't crashed i must be a liar. Sorry for buying a nice sandicore processor and top of the line comp......

Ha, Ha I fully agree.

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