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Get rid of the damn revive timer "10 min"


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That is not necessary true. I've died 4 / 5 times on the one boss and got them on the 6th by retrying new strats and what not, maybe I was a bit low level for them but still got them - the 10 min timer is annoying it doesn't need to be -that- long. A couple of mins is more then long enough when it already costs us credits. Respawning back at base generally means you have to again fight through everything you just fought through to get back there - equally as annoying.



If you have died 4 or 5 times on a boss YOUR TOO LOW OF A LEVEL.


Most bosses I can either 1shot or I will die once ( and it will be a very close death )


now I have hit that 10min timer only once so far. I was trying to solo a heroic.. Then i releised i was an idot and i left


If you hit it more than once in a blue moon your doing it wrong.. so stop with the MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE generation bs and learn how to take your time and play a game.

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because your so pro!!?? whether i suck or not its still ridiculous regardless.


dude, I wish they brought in naked corpse runs from EQ, just to show you how painless this death penalty system is.


If you die 3 times in that short of a time, you need the 10 minutes to think of the different tactics / companion to use on the guys your fighting.

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Take that 10 minute to actually understand how to play the game. Then you won't die 3 times in a row to a joke boss while leveling.



Your solution is for him to learn to play the game while waiting to be able to play the game. When your parents taught you how to ride a bike did they have you reason the process out mechanically or did you fall off and get back on to...I dunno, practice?

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Your solution is for him to learn to play the game while waiting to be able to play the game. When your parents taught you how to ride a bike did they have you reason the process out mechanically or did you fall off and get back on to...I dunno, practice?

Practice is pointless without the necessary knowledge. If you're trying to learn to ride a bike, and you practice peddling it while lying sideways on the grass, are you really getting anywhere?

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I said this way back in Beta and everyone got all over my case like I just said something bad about their mothers. I agree, the progressively longer res timer is a group killer. Besides, the repair bills are punishment enough, and there is no real reason to have timers.


I think it's a WoW attitude. Maybe earlier, I dunno, but the MMO subculture is full of poorly thought out conjecture. You'll hear these common mantras no matter what game you play, as though all aspects of an MMO are set in stone and deviation from the norm is automatically shunned.


For instance, there were dozens of threads regarding being able to respec AC and throughout all the BS that got spewed in beta the argument essentially came down to "other games don't let you and therefore it is wrong." I pressed many people for substantiation beyond this but that's when the ad hominem kicked in.


If I didn't enjoy watching hardcore MMO folk rage on the forums when their perspective is challenged I'd probably have a stroke.

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Practice is pointless without the necessary knowledge. If you're trying to learn to ride a bike, and you practice peddling it while lying sideways on the grass, are you really getting anywhere?



No, which is why you shouldn't wait ten minutes to get up off the grass and nor should you spend your time on the ground trying to contemplate the physics behind the equation. You just get back on and ride.


No 6 year old has anything that could be considered "knowledge" regarding riding a bike. It's operative conditioning and muscle memory. And no MMO player is going to figure out how to play without actually playing.


I'm not saying he can't res and run back or even that 10 minutes is too long, I'm just pointint out that the post to which I responded makes no sense.

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Have any of you noticed that when you respawn at a Med Center the timer resets? Also, like just about everyone has said, if you can't beat a boss or anything combat related over 3 times in a row either re-analyze your strategy, level up, or both.
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If you have died 4 or 5 times on a boss YOUR TOO LOW OF A LEVEL.


Most bosses I can either 1shot or I will die once ( and it will be a very close death )


now I have hit that 10min timer only once so far. I was trying to solo a heroic.. Then i releised i was an idot and i left


If you hit it more than once in a blue moon your doing it wrong.. so stop with the MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE generation bs and learn how to take your time and play a game.


1) If you can't spell "you're" don't treat other people like they are stupid.


2) I died four or five times trying to beat the Emperor with my Lvl 50 Knight who has purple 22 hilts and armor. Long respawns and outrageous repair costs almost make me hate this game.

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1) If you can't spell "you're" don't treat other people like they are stupid.



2) I died four or five times trying to beat the Emperor with my Lvl 50 Knight who has purple 22 hilts and armor. Long respawns and outrageous repair costs almost make me hate this game.





seriously, you have no one to blame but yourself


edit : spoiler btw

Edited by boobaffet
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seriously, you have no one to blame but yourself


edit : spoiler btw


Not level 22. 22, as in, the highest recipe you can buy 22. The 22nd version of it. The version you can't used until you are level 49. The one called "hilt 22". Herpa durr.

Edited by jimmybob
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In Lotro the revive timer (if i remember right) is an hour pre-lvl 40. After lvl 40 it's 2hrs. I think this one is GREAT coming from there lol


And with that revive timer, you are dropped right in the same spot, minimal morale, and no stealth while you heal up either.

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This is seriosly why mmorpgs are going down the wrong path... because people like you want everything with no challenge or consequence. you want everything handed to you... you can never win with these people.... if they tone it down then the next thing they want is a buff when they ress..... then after that since they died they want a bonus level gain once you ress. and so on.......


it never ends.....

Edited by Beamermichel
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It's never 10 minutes. Ever. I call BS. Or maybe you haven't noticed there are two buttons?


Seriously ? If you enjoy running through 15+ minutes of respawns go for it, others dont.


The 10 minute wait is a joke of the worst kind, fair enough if your out and about killing random things then just pop back to the med centre, but right near the end of a dungeon and you get that ?


Its idiotic and everyone knows it, on top of the crazy repair prices its overkill.


A death penalty I can understand, a death "time out" that gets longer and longer I cant..

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only time i have seen a 10 min revive timer is when some one revives you....that lasts for 10 mins...but as for the med driod respawn. most i have seen is 1.5 mins and that was with like 5 deaths in a row. how many time do you need to get the respawn time too 10 mins? and how on eath did you get it that high
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And I love all the posts saying those against the wait time "want everything handed to them" etc.. omg what BS


We dont want anything handed to us, we want an enjoyable game.. A death penalty is fine, a stupid death penalty time out that forces you to start from the beginning of whatever you were doing is a painful chore.. this is a game, it shouldnt be painful.


I think you are all missing the point, think about it.. 10 minutes ?? really ? 10 minutes ?!?!?!


Thats just insane... it forces you to respawn at the med center when you otherwise wouldnt want to, and then have the joy of going through everything all over again just to get back to where you were.


Sure, I agree if your dying at the same place over and over move on, but quite a few times ive been at an end boss and the fights have been so close that I keep trying and get better and closer each time till bang, you can sit in the corner and think about what you did for 10 minutes, or your more than welcome to restart and go through it all again.. oh and here is a HUGE repair bill for you as well..


Stop sticking up for something that is flawed, you look silly :)

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And I love all the posts saying those against the wait time "want everything handed to them" etc.. omg what BS


We dont want anything handed to us, we want an enjoyable game.. A death penalty is fine, a stupid death penalty time out that forces you to start from the beginning of whatever you were doing is a painful chore.. this is a game, it shouldnt be painful.


I think you are all missing the point, think about it.. 10 minutes ?? really ? 10 minutes ?!?!?!


Thats just insane... it forces you to respawn at the med center when you otherwise wouldnt want to, and then have the joy of going through everything all over again just to get back to where you were.


Sure, I agree if your dying at the same place over and over move on, but quite a few times ive been at an end boss and the fights have been so close that I keep trying and get better and closer each time till bang, you can sit in the corner and think about what you did for 10 minutes, or your more than welcome to restart and go through it all again.. oh and here is a HUGE repair bill for you as well..


Stop sticking up for something that is flawed, you look silly :)


ya your right they should just remove the timer....and make walk back everytime

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what is the point of the timer???? i am not the only player that is troubled by this, get rid of the timer or tone it down to a couple min. 10 min is ridiculous.


Exactly what I've been experiencing since EGA and one of the main reasons I'm canceling.

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The timer is there to prevent people from taking off all their armor, running to the end of whatever instance you are in while dying multiple times, getting the final objective, and running out. If anything, having a respawn instantly at place of death thing makes the game too easy anyways, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a patch in the future where they make quest mobs respawn after a death. I can solo zerg just about any quest encounter with multiple mobs as the system stands as it is. Edited by Kurtayn
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