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I take it back - We are good


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I was one of those that felt that Marauder was pretty gimped... but I think we are just very gear dependent.


Now that I am 9/14 pieces champion geared I own face.


I end up in the top 3 or even #1 on damage fairly often, and that is when playing well, not just hunting for damage.


I am also predominantly Carnage specced. not Rage.


The Rage marauders put up bigger numbers because of Slam, but if I fight a Rage marauder 1v1 I eat him alive, he stands no chance.


Part of it is picking targets, true. If i predominantly jump guys that are at 80-70% HP, they have blown some cooldowns and I can kill them in one rotation without them being able to hit me back much at all.


We are still a little squishier than I think we ought to be, and it would DEFINITELY be nice to have some more utility, like a non-channeled stun or a knockback (yes, knockback is useful for a melee class that has force charge).


Let me put it this way. Damage is not our problem, utility is. There is nothing we really bring to a team that other people can't bring. Our team buffs are nice, but not THAT impressive. Bloodthirst is a 5 minute CD and only lasts for 15 seconds... c'mon man.


I say all this knowing that there is a caveat, I am 9/14 champ geared and I am in warzones where probably 70% of the people are below 50. When there is a 50's only bracket I will see if I still perform as well. It might be that the only reason I am doing so well now is because I outgear most people.


...However, it might not.

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Don't get me wrong. we are still broken in a few ways.


We should do as much damage as Snipers do, but we don't. they burst way harder.


They have way more ways to get out of stuns/snares than us. They get a knockback. They also wear medium armor. And they can do ranged damage. They are also the only other class that can only do dps and not any other role. We should do as much damage, but we don't come close.

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Don't get me wrong. we are still broken in a few ways.


We should do as much damage as Snipers do, but we don't. they burst way harder.


They have way more ways to get out of stuns/snares than us. They get a knockback. They also wear medium armor. And they can do ranged damage. They are also the only other class that can only do dps and not any other role. We should do as much damage, but we don't come close.


They also get Energy starved way,way faster than we get Rage starved. Roll a Sniper and play it to 50, yes your burst dps is amazing, but once you flatline on Energy you are completely worthless while a Rage starved Mara has utility to escape the fight or keep on fighting.

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They also get Energy starved way,way faster than we get Rage starved. Roll a Sniper and play it to 50, yes your burst dps is amazing, but once you flatline on Energy you are completely worthless while a Rage starved Mara has utility to escape the fight or keep on fighting.


Yeah they have their own problems.


the main thing that I don't get is this:


Why do we have the least amount of tools? like no stuns, knockbacks, just the one 2 minute CD breakfree?


Other classes all have them, and sorcerers can still heal some, even if primarily specced lighting or madness.


Mercs can still heal some even if specced more into dps.


Juggs and assassins can put points into tank trees for survivability and they get that stuff.


We are fine at damage. But we are still squishier than we ought to be and we still lack tools that we should have.

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And today I was fighting some geared up 50s.


I hate to say this but I think we are a little underpowered against people who are equally geared.




Well no duh, thats what many people have been saying for the longest time?

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Rage mara's can pretty much counter everything you do. You'll never get a ravage off, or get use out of your gore.


No marauder will ever get a ravage off against another one, even if yours is talented to be uninterruptable or you force crush the guy. That is, if the guy doesnt have downs, wich is a rare thing. Gore can indeed be pretty useless tho, but that doesnt mean he cant out dmg you. With alot of gear and well used cooldowns, the Rage burst can be countered, while the carnage has alot more substained dmg and has a good chance to win in a 1v1 situation. Equal gear and equal skill situations rarely happen tho so its hard to know


I also agree with the OP that we have good dmg, but 0 utility, wich would make our class somewhat obselete in any kind of competitive ranked PvP. As great as our dmg is, there are other classes with the same dmg output and utility. We also are getting stunned and knocked down ledges all day, and with 1 gap closer and no real stun, while most classes have more than 1 stun and knockback, we get kited alot.

Edited by Kadabrax
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No marauder will ever get a ravage off against another one, even if yours is talented to be uninterruptable or you force crush the guy. That is, if the guy doesnt have downs, wich is a rare thing. Gore can indeed be pretty useless tho, but that doesnt mean he cant out dmg you. With alot of gear and well used cooldowns, the Rage burst can be countered, while the carnage has alot more substained dmg and has a good chance to win in a 1v1 situation. Equal gear and equal skill situations rarely happen tho so its hard to know


Pretty much this. In pvp while rage can hit the high numbers, The sheer amount of damage carnage can do makes me chuckle at mara spec rage. Now Jug rage on the other hand are scary.

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My server is one of the top 5 most populated servers and is full of lvl 50 classes on both sides in champion gear. Let me tell you this, all these "watch my awesome pvp video" posts will diminish as their little servers will also get saturated with other classes equipping similar gears. Playing as a lvl 50 Marauder myself in WZs, the only class I feel safe against is another Marauder since he has no CC and spams 3 buttons. I don't know if you've ever seen a Sorcerer in full pvp gear, but if you meet one check that char and see their base damage is bigger than ours. Sure they don't have many melee abilities but they don't have to with all the ranged stuff they get. And I doubt you ever got kicked in the balls by an Op appearing out of nowhere, stunlocking you and finishing you off in 3 hits.

Yes Mara is good when you have the gear, versus ungeared classes.

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Well no duh, thats what many people have been saying for the longest time?


Honestly dude, do you have better places to be. Every possible chance a "Marauders are UP" topic comes up... you are there, like a pesky gnat.


Give it a rest. I have seen some Marauders roll through mobs, and players, alike. Sounds like your problem with the class is in how you play it, not so much the class itself.


Could they use a tweak here and there to provide a bit of utility and survivability? of course. But find a new hobby... I heard stamps are pretty popular.

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Honestly dude, do you have better places to be. Every possible chance a "Marauders are UP" topic comes up... you are there, like a pesky gnat.


Give it a rest. I have seen some Marauders roll through mobs, and players, alike. Sounds like your problem with the class is in how you play it, not so much the class itself.


Could they use a tweak here and there to provide a bit of utility and survivability? of course. But find a new hobby... I heard stamps are pretty popular.


Sure sure, ok the big bad mara can own everything. Its just a l2p issue. It's ok dude, I've heard it all before.

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Sure sure, ok the big bad mara can own everything. Its just a l2p issue. It's ok dude, I've heard it all before.


Did you even bother to read what I posted? I said we could "of course" use tweaks, but there are those who are doing exceptionally well at the class.


My point of you being a pathetic whiner on a forum, with nothing better to contribute, still stands. I cannot go into one thread about Marauder performance without you doing, what I can only imagine as, gritting your teeth and mashing the keyboard.


Every game has guys like you on the forums... can't cut it playing in game, so you whine on the forums til they fit your class to your play style.


Good day, sir.

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It's dependent on skill and talent placement.


Is anyone else here a successful annihilation marauder?


Skill has a **** ton to do with it, but from what I've seen there are successful people with each tree. I do more than fine as Carnage, I know several people who swear by Rage and there's those that brag about Annihilation's heals.


Each spec has its weak points, some more than others, but all of them are viable.


Gear does play quite a large factor in it, though. You can't deny that.

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It's dependent on skill and talent placement.


Is anyone else here a successful annihilation marauder?


I'm a battle master annihilation marauder and love playing the spec. I frequently play matches against the top republic guild on our server and can still wreck equally geared characters at level 50.


Timely usage of your cooldowns will make or break your career as a marauder. I am full champion or above with all crit surge slotted where appropriate.


Again with the right cooldown usage at the right moments you can take anything but tanks down in mere seconds. Crit and surge ramp up annihilation to obscene levels and bleeds become truly deadly.

Edited by Extinction
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