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Server Rollbacks MAYBE Required... Are you willing to pay the price?


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They are not going to roll back the servers. Anyone who actually thinks they will is truly delusional.


Even if they felt the economy would be broken forever without a rollback, they would not do it. A rollback that extensive would end this game. Period. You'd be playing in a ghost town afterward.



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Maybe for rare crafting mats that are cheaper to buy than to run missions for?


I love those people! They save me so much time and credits, by sacrificing their own for my benefit! One should always show appreciation for your servants and slaves. :D

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Please DO NOT discuss the details of the exploit in this thread. This is concerning if ROLL BACKS will be required and nothing more.


Now that the cat is out of the bag, the economy is in shambles, people were flocking to the streets of the star wars universe.


With exploiters sitting on literally BILLIONS of credits spread throughout the economy you can expect to see the following within the next few weeks!...


Advanced Blue Critical Crystal

+4 Critical

Requires level 4

1,000,000 credits


Are you guys as a community willing to pay the price and do server rollbacks to PREVENT this from happening?


I am and I believe the community will be better for allowing it to happen. Remember this bug has been around since beta!!!!



Bioware's Response:


I can only assume that you're the kind of person who'd burn his house down when told that he had a mouse problem.

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I don't see what the big deal is. If someone puts an item up for sale that is too expensive, then no one will buy it. It's as simple as that.


Prices are market indicators that are prone to such fluctuation. They are the purest way of determining value. And if people are trying to arbitrarily set prices in some sort of gambit to increase inflation, all one has to do is...NOT buy the items. Our behavior dictates prices--not the other way around.


Rollbacks are not even remotely necessary.

Edited by Yukondoit
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the exploits were knocked on the head very, very quickly and efficiently they should have minimal overall impact.


I remember in eve online when moo corp exploited game mechanics to destroy thousands of ships and even in game police causing ccp to completely change their terms and conditions and change game mechanics entirely to avoid such happening..


what happened in tor is just a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things and hardly worth a mention at this stage.

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Why are you talking about a rollback? Seriously? I don't think there is any problem that current MMO back-ends are not capable of handling that would require anything that drastic these days.


There isn't going to be a rollback, there isn't any need for one and any talk of one is pointless fear mongering.

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If people are sitting on billions of credits, then they should be pretty easy to find.


update player set credits = 0 where credits >= 10000000


Ten million is a good number.


Assuming they are setup like any other MMO, they can:


1) Track who has an unexpectedly high number of credits.

2) Track the source of the transactions where they obtained their credits.

3) Take credits away from players who obtained credits through an exploit.

4) Alternatively, ban accounts that have used exploits.


Because of #3, no roll back is necessary. They are not going to undo over a million accounts worth of leveling when they can just take away ill-gotten gains or ban exploiting accounts.

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the economy is falling!!
The economy is designed to fail. It is designed to be easily bypassed and thereby is completely unnecessary.


Its' a mini-game put in merely because other MMOs also have that mini-game.


It is of no importance whatsoever.


If you don't throw away your credits on crew missions or buying off the GTN, you earn sufficient credits from questing so as to pay for your leveling expenses. Once you've finished leveling, credits become utterly worthless thanks to how the endgame is structured -- endgame currencies and the behavior necessary to acquire those endgame currencies are independent from credits.


This is ignoring space and instanced pvp for the moment, as those give you even more credits on top of your from-questing credits.




Not that people who enjoy the economy mini-game want to hear this, of course. :D

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I personally have not seen this problem on my servers GTN. My wife and I are both crafters. I sell excess mats that I cannot use yet for what In my mind is a fair price based off what the final products should IMO be worth. I'm the ONLY person selling a couple of these materials on my faction. Doing the crafting and selling the mats I don't use along with questing has given me a very nice padding for when I actually hit 50. I have purchased every skill upgrade and regularly fuel the economy with buying materials I need to keep my 7 pages of brokered items listed.


I think that to many people don't understand how to be effective in the GTN right now as prices shift up and down drastically for certain items and some of them being totally useless. The economy will level out as crafters and levels of players mature over the up coming weeks. Right now you have people who list things really high because they are overly concerned with buying riding skills and skills for their characters. (Just from questing one of my friends was able to pay for all his skills and riding skill).


So I really don't see the need for server roll backs. Yeah it's lame people exploited to generate a bunch of credits but those people probably also bought goods from other people (unless thy were working for a credit selling site). But I agree wih the ban those credit seller accounts and give the warnings to people who didnt do it in obvious mass for retail sales.

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With exploiters sitting on literally BILLIONS of credits spread throughout the economy you can expect to see the following within the next few weeks!...


Advanced Blue Critical Crystal

+4 Critical

Requires level 4

1,000,000 credits


Congratulations, you found an item on the GTN posted by a gold seller. How do you think they transfer money between factions and accounts? :rolleyes:

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Month One of SWG - 100,000 credits was a lot...


By the time I quit, I was spending 10,000,000 or more on a whim every time I logged... I wasn't even a power player, and I had over 200,000,000 in the bank.


It's just the FIRST MONTH OF THE GAME. Don't freak out.

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