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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Lineage 2..I totally did not like it (lol)

What was that space MMO much like Eve but it was WAY more user friendly and..well it wsa basicly Eve. It totally tanked though, I think they shut down all servers like 2 years after launch.

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Okay uhm... I'm going to try and explain this whole lighting issue abit.

However, This does not mean, I do not believe that there is a problem with the textures. I still sincerely believe that HIGH RES textures are missing.


Lighting does MIRACLES to your character looks fyi. Go to places such as

Nar Shadda where there are different lights and colors stand around and look

at yourself with different lights and you will notice the significant difference.

Some of the pictures from the holo do look like lighting.


However, I am very very sure cutscene characters are High Res.

I don't even think our current high is Medium..

Everyone do this, go to your friend? Or maybe find a wall so when you turn

zoom in at your own face? Or zoom in on your friend's face.

Look at the textures on his/her face.. I can list alot of MMOS with better

"medium" textures then these. I would take a screenshot of this later

when I'm home for you guys too. :D

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.........how in the world can you still play MMO's. Half your life will be wasted away pressing buttons on a keyboard looking at a monitor screen. You don't get that time back. :-(


I WILL say very rarely did i invest more then a couple months.


I have a nice collection of Boxes though.


Only ones i invested a LOT of time in were some of the MUDs, UO, WoW, SWG, Fallen Earth Champions...


Wait youre right. Bleh.


God that makes me sad.

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Lighting does MIRACLES to your character looks fyi. Go to places such as

Nar Shadda where there are different lights and colors stand around and look

at yourself with different lights and you will notice the significant difference.

Some of the pictures from the holo do look like lighting.

It's true, lighting does change things - but it doesn't remove pixellation, nor does it add detail.

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It's true, lighting does change things - but it doesn't remove pixellation, nor does it add detail.


I have found turning gamma down helps a bit.


Sure, every planet looks like it's at sunset, but it does help hide the ugliness of the textures.

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Why bother getting into personal disagreements with the few people here who are clearly enjoying winding you up. I don't want to read about your ego's. Also we all know that vision is relative so we all see things differently. It doesn't matter about those who don't understand what we are complaining about. There are easily enough people stating their concerns about this issue to make it not only a valid point but one that should be at or near the top of a list for an official response.


I want to read constructive discussion.


Keep it on topic and focus on what the majority of us know is a serious issue.


Just a thought but can you imagine the storm it would create if this had happened to be a triple A title FPS and the company responsible had handled it the way this has been so far?


This has the potential to go one way or the other. Either it will turn out being a prime example of how not to treat your community and a huge embarrassment for all involved which considering the material and the sheer effort and money that have gone into the development would be a crime in my book. Or as the new week is starting we will finally get an official response, explanation and who knows, maybe even an apology.


Let's maintain an equilibrium here and give them a chance to officially respond in the next day or two. If nothing happens in that time then I'm all for us escalating it and bringing it to the attention of other media sources. Although to be fair I'm sure a lot of them are already watching the situation very closely indeed.


In the meantime, in memory of the orange pixel have fun all.

Edited by Sanxion
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.........how in the world can you still play MMO's. Half your life will be wasted away pressing buttons on a keyboard looking at a monitor screen. You don't get that time back. :-(




Also im pretty sure this whole graphics problem is known everywhere. It's the main complaint besides the bugs but there is not much we can say about that. They have to have at least 1 team dedicated to bugs 24/7 or they need to get on that!

Edited by Aisar
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Just a theory here:

After taking into count the fact that companions look better than player characters makes me wonder if it's that different textures from different armor pieces don't play nice for some reason. Companions are pretty generic with only 4 or 5 styles but player characters, while not as highly customizable as some other games, have multiple other variations that could be messing up the high quality textures.


Again just a guess, the high quality textures that were there in the beta might have only worked when most ppl would have only been able to play with premade beta characters too.


But again just guessing.

Edited by BearBreaker
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Just a theory here:

After taking into count the fact that companions look better than player characters makes me wonder if it's that different textures from different armor pieces don't play nice for some reason. Companions are pretty generic with only 4 or 5 styles but player characters, while not as highly customizable as some other games, have multiple other variations that could be messing up the high quality textures.


Again just a guess, the high quality textures that were there in the beta might have only worked when most ppl would have only been able to play with premade beta characters too.


But again just guessing.


Most companions show whatever armor you put on them, and they can wear all the same armor player characters can. Only a few companions are locked to a handful of premade outfits.

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Does Bioware seriously think they can just ghost patch in something as huge as high-res textures, as well as never even put them in and expect us not to notice?


Communities are kind of creepy in the fact that they'll find anything and everything out, even stuff you don't want them to find out.

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I enjoy this game, have had a lot of fun with it so far. As of now however, I won't be resubbing because of issues like this. Not because it exists however, it's not realistic for there to be no glaring issues when the game isn't even a month old yet, however I the way Bioware has treated the community through beta and up till now, tells me I won't be able to enjoy a good relationship with Bioware, and there is nothing worse than playing an MMO where the devs give off the aura that they don't give a damn.
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Most companions show whatever armor you put on them, and they can wear all the same armor player characters can. Only a few companions are locked to a handful of premade outfits.


Sorry didn't mean premade outfits I meant body types, like height, weight, skin color.

High rez textures might only work on companions because they have less variables like this than a player character would

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Does Bioware seriously think they can just ghost patch in something as huge as high-res textures, as well as never even put them in and expect us not to notice?


Communities are kind of creepy in the fact that they'll find anything and everything out, even stuff you don't want them to find out.


High res textures are in the game, they are now called Cinema Textures or Cutscene Textures.


Sounds silly but this is what it will be in a month or two.

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Why bother getting into personal disagreements with the few people here who are clearly enjoying winding you up. I don't want to read about your ego's. Also we all know that vision is relative so we all see things differently. It doesn't matter about those who don't understand what we are complaining about. There are easily enough people stating their concerns about this issue to make it not only a valid point but one that should be at or near the top of a list for an official response.


I want to read constructive discussion.


Keep it on topic and focus on what the majority of us know is a serious issue.


Just a thought but can you imagine the storm it would create if this had happened to be a triple A title FPS and the company responsible had handled it the way this has been so far?


This has the potential to go one way or the other. Either it will turn out being a prime example of how not to treat your community and a huge embarrassment for all involved which considering the material and the sheer effort and money that have gone into the development would be a crime in my book. Or as the new week is starting we will finally get an official response, explanation and who knows, maybe even an apology.


Let's maintain an equilibrium here and give them a chance to officially respond in the next day or two. If nothing happens in that time then I'm all for us escalating it and bringing it to the attention of other media sources. Although to be fair I'm sure a lot of them are already watching the situation very closely indeed.


In the meantime, in memory of the orange pixel have fun all.


This and btw the orange pixel was EPIC(i miss it).

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I have found turning gamma down helps a bit.

Sure, every planet looks like it's at sunset, but it does help hide the ugliness of the textures.

I love your solution! If you can't see anything everything looks great :) I find that playing with the monitor off completely solves the texture issue too hahaha


Here is another example.

Bioware, fix this ASAP!



Great example! You got the positioning perfect.


That is low textures compared to the quality of the cutscenes. Find max graphics vs cutscenes. You will be pleasantly surprised ^^


Edited by eskachig
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I love your solution! If you can't see anything everything looks great :) I find that playing with the monitor off completely solves the texture issue too hahaha



Great example! You got the positioning perfect.





You are entitled to your opinion but you obviously do not have a system that can run this game at full if you honestly believe that screenshot is not biased and purposely showing compeletely different settings to prove their point.

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You are entitled to your opinion but you obviously do not have a system that can run this game at full if you honestly believe that screenshot is not biased and purposely showing compeletely different settings to prove their point.

Jesus, any DX9 card can run this game "at full" - just with crap fps. The instruction set doesn't magically change, that's the whole point of having a dx-like standard. I have a 6950 myself, it's more than capable of running this game with everything turned up.

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