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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Take a look at the lovely screenshots on the first page that showcase the game in all its low-res glory.


I just want my bounty hunter armor to look this crisp:




You need to upgrade your computer if it does not look that way for you. It does for me, it's just going to cost you 600-1000 dollars. I did it, games looks amazing.

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Stop using a 10 year old computer and you will not think that is so funny >.>


Bunch of silly bandwagen jumpers ><


Yes, even though plenty of people who probably have as good or better a rig as your new one, see the issue as well. Must just be bandwagon jumpers.:rolleyes:

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wa? this does not even make sense. if they look like that to you then you are definitely doing something wrong.


How am I doing it wrong lol put graphics to medium they look like games released 10 years back.


Go take a look at aion a mmo released nearly 4 years ago. Very smooth graphics, smooth shadowing, HDR lighting, Beautiful texturing.


The point is Swtor... is behind the curve with hero engine. Aion also runs better with the top end graphics then swtor does with its jaggie shadowing/muddy textures.


Especially in heavy population areas.


Bioware doesn't really have an excuse to be honest.

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You need to upgrade your computer if it does not look that way for you. It does for me, it's just going to cost you 600-1000 dollars. I did it, games looks amazing.


Actually no, myself and many others in this thread have very good computers that do not need to be upgraded. How about you post a screenie of your "amazing" graphics?

Edited by Angelshooter
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Stop using a 10 year old computer and you will not think that is so funny >.>


Bunch of silly bandwagen jumpers ><


Your right my 4k system with 4 sli cards all liquid cooled is from 10 years ago lmao.


I hit around 150 fps in this game everything maxed with 8x AA forced. With V sync forced im at 60 fps and never drop below that number.


The games engine blows.


How bout you get off your fanboy wagon or go try some recent mmo's with ground breaking gfx and get back to me on what bioware should be fixing in this graphics engine.


My 50 year old parents might think swtor looks great to in its current state though.... lol

Edited by Barracudastr
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This thread is not about whether or not the game is beautiful, it is about high res textures being missing. I think the game is beautiful too, but I want to see it in high quality :)


technically they are not missing. just inaccessible unless in chat

Edited by HomeSlixe
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How am I doing it wrong lol put graphics to medium they look like games released 10 years back.


Go take a look at aion a mmo released nearly 4 years ago. Very smooth graphics, smooth shadowing, HDR lighting, Beautiful texturing.


The point is Swtor... is behind the curve with hero engine. Aion also runs better with the top end graphics then swtor does with its jaggie shadowing/muddy textures.


Especially in heavy population areas.


Bioware doesn't really have an excuse to be honest.


They do not need an excuse. Dumbing down the graphics, even slightly, is a brilliant marketing move. They do not care about losing 100,000 customers when 5 million (potential, possible) people can play it because their slightly older or very older computers can run it.


I have not seen Aion graphics, frankly I do not care. You cannot believe a screenshot unless it's very obviously trustworthy and make sure the specifications of the computer of the screenshots are made public.


So you guys are posting screens from a dinosaur computer and matching it with a supernerds 2000 dollar computer.


bunch of silly bandwagon jumpers.

Edited by Aisar
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You need to upgrade your computer if it does not look that way for you. It does for me, it's just going to cost you 600-1000 dollars. I did it, games looks amazing.


Prove it - I have a i7, 16g of ram, gtx 560ti, 0cz ssd and all that "fancy" expensive stuff and it looks like ***. Simple fact is in beta - there were high res character textures & environment textures - available all the time - in cut scenes everything looks good - outside of them characters looks like crap - (environment textures are FINE) show your "miracle" quality character textures in a brand new screenshot right now, that is not from a cut scene, or get out of the thread.

Edited by Altumus
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They do not need an excuse. Dumbing down the graphics, even slightly, is a brilliant marketing move. They do not care about losing 100,000 customers when 5 million (potential, possible) people can play it because their slightly older or very older computers can run it.


I have not seen Aion graphics, frankly I do not care. You cannot believe a screenshot unless it's very obviously trustworthy and make sure the specifications of the computer of the screenshots are made public.


So you guys are posting screens from a dinosaur computer and matching it with a supernerds 2000 dollar computer.


bunch of silly bandwagon jumpers.


5,000,000 is a huge jump. where you getting these numbers from bro?

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They do not need an excuse. Dumbing down the graphics, even slightly, is a brilliant marketing move. They do not care about losing 100,000 customers when 5 million (potential, possible) people can play it because their slightly older or very older computers can run it.


I have not seen Aion graphics, frankly I do not care. You cannot believe a screenshot unless it's very obviously trustworthy and make sure the specifications of the computer of the screenshots are made public.


So you guys are posting screens from a dinosaur computer and matching it with a supernerds 2000 dollar computer.


bunch of silly bandwagon jumpers.


apparently, you have not checked facts. in beta high res textures were all over. now it is just in cinematics. and with the 1.1 patch there wont be a high setting at all anymore. medium will be the new high and armors like that look simply blurry.


go compare in cinematic and out of cinematic on highest setting, pls.

Edited by Ommm
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They do not need an excuse. Dumbing down the graphics, even slightly, is a brilliant marketing move. They do not care about losing 100,000 customers when 5 million (potential, possible) people can play it because their slightly older or very older computers can run it.


I have not seen Aion graphics, frankly I do not care. You cannot believe a screenshot unless it's very obviously trustworthy and make sure the specifications of the computer of the screenshots are made public.


So you guys are posting screens from a dinosaur computer and matching it with a supernerds 2000 dollar computer.


bunch of silly bandwagon jumpers.


Are you just attempting trolling for the first time, or does being an idiot come naturally?

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Prove it - I have a i7, 16g of ram, gtx 560ti, 0cz ssd and all that "fancy" expensive stuff and it looks like ***. Simple fact is in beta - there were high res character textures & environment textures - available all the time - in cut scenes everything looks good - outside of them characters looks like crap - (environment textures are FINE) show your "miracle" quality character textures in a brand new screenshot right now that is not in a cut scene.


I do not host or temp host screenshots or anything like that so I have no idea how. Im guessing your game looks like mine (it should with that setup).


I think you are just not happy with the quality and want it higher. But it's not going to get any better, sorry :(


Before, when I was being dumb, the game looked AWEFUL!!! Now it looks more than acceptable for an MMO. Again, your post that I just quoted as well as this post are both opinions. Im curious as to what some of these people are running on system wise.

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5,000,000 is a huge jump. where you getting these numbers from bro?


The majority of MMO players do not have a screaming system, mainly because MMOs do not require it. This is the first game since WoW that has forced me to upgrade (thats 7 years).


Do you know how many people play WoW? Far more than 5 million bro..

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I do not host or temp host screenshots or anything like that so I have no idea how. Im guessing your game looks like mine (it should with that setup).


I think you are just not happy with the quality and want it higher. But it's not going to get any better, sorry :(


Before, when I was being dumb, the game looked AWEFUL!!! Now it looks more than acceptable for an MMO. Again, your post that I just quoted as well as this post are both opinions. Im curious as to what some of these people are running on system wise.


This guy thinks a $2000 computer is a big deal... nuff said

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Are you just attempting trolling for the first time, or does being an idiot come naturally?


No I personally feel I am intelligent enough for this thread and that I am not trolling (yes I know exactly what a troll is lol).


If you do not like my opinions it is within your rights ^^

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I do not host or temp host screenshots or anything like that so I have no idea how. Im guessing your game looks like mine (it should with that setup).


I think you are just not happy with the quality and want it higher. But it's not going to get any better, sorry :(


Before, when I was being dumb, the game looked AWEFUL!!! Now it looks more than acceptable for an MMO. Again, your post that I just quoted as well as this post are both opinions. Im curious as to what some of these people are running on system wise.


So basically, all you've got is that if someone post a spec inferior to yours, it's obviously their "poor" hardware, and if they post a spec similar or better than yours, they just have unrealistic expectations.


That about cover your whole repertoire, genius?

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I do not host or temp host screenshots or anything like that so I have no idea how. Im guessing your game looks like mine (it should with that setup).


I think you are just not happy with the quality and want it higher. But it's not going to get any better, sorry :(


Before, when I was being dumb, the game looked AWEFUL!!! Now it looks more than acceptable for an MMO. Again, your post that I just quoted as well as this post are both opinions. Im curious as to what some of these people are running on system wise.


I'm fairly certain he (and I as well),wants the textures to look like they once did in beta before the weekends. the same quality we can only see now in dialogue.


EDIT: I was shown a picture of a sandwich on the menu but just got a slice of bread (good bread though).

Edited by HomeSlixe
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You do NOT know what your are talking about buddy. Maybe gaming for 10 years on a crap computer has made you not realize how sharp textures look like but I can guarantee you that these textures are muddy/blurry by most games standards. Yes, even games that were released a good 5-10 years could have better textures than this. Just look at some of the things people have made for morrowind.
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I do not host or temp host screenshots or anything like that so I have no idea how. Im guessing your game looks like mine (it should with that setup).


I think you are just not happy with the quality and want it higher. But it's not going to get any better, sorry :(


Before, when I was being dumb, the game looked AWEFUL!!! Now it looks more than acceptable for an MMO. Again, your post that I just quoted as well as this post are both opinions. Im curious as to what some of these people are running on system wise.


Come on, really - can you read? Go to a library, pick up a dictionary, compare the words in the post with those in the dictionary, and then comprehend what is being said - THEN post a reply that makes sense.


IT WAS BETTER - there is no want for something new that was never there - there is just a "want it back where it was"

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Originally Posted by Aisar

Actually since I just upgraded my processor, my motherboard, my power supply, my memory and my doubled my cooling capacity, the game is BEAUTIFUL!


I was using a dual-core with a very outdated motherboard/processor but a HD Radeon 5770.


Now im using a "suped" up system and the game went from looking like a 10 year old painted the textures on to what it should be


I know exactly what im talking about, obviously you do not ^^


Ahahahaha...... welcome to the finally being normal and using medium settings.

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So basically, all you've got is that if someone post a spec inferior to yours, it's obviously their "poor" hardware, and if they post a spec similar or better than yours, they just have unrealistic expectations.


That about cover your whole repertoire, genius?


No. I do not believe I stated those words, with that kind of attitude, or with any malicious intent.


I went from a computer that could run any raid with full graphics in a 25 man in WoW to SWTOR. My older system could not handle this game. The graphics (my sith jugg pants are a perfect example), they literally looked like a 10 year old took a brush and painted them on. And then BW was like oops you went outside the lines a little, here you go!


Now I can see the little buttons/nobs/bits and pieces on my armor. I can see all the detail in my blaster rifle. I do not get constant slowdowns when I run around the fleet (i get a steady 40FPS during peak with full graphics settings and anti-aliasing and anisotropic aliasing on).

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