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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Try that without ALT+TAB'ing out of the game and you will get a drasticly differnt result.


I did. How do you think I loaded the game and then ran the program? There is no other way unless I have dual screen which I don't. You just need a new card. My 460 GTX is laughing at it.


I have also another program that tracks this type of info and it gives the same results. SO...:p

Edited by Phoenixblight
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i really doubt we will get any response before Monday but is important we keep this alive and show them our continuous frustration and discontent about this issue. If we let it go now it will never get fixed.


If they had any goodwill towards fixing this issue it would be on know issues already or we would have had a response to one of the countless threads discussing this very problem.

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I did. How do you think I loaded the game and then ran the program? There is no other way unless I have dual screen which I don't. You just need a new card. My 460 GTX is laughing at it.


I have also another program that tracks this type of info and it gives the same results. SO...:p


Fair enough.

Just seems very odd that your GPU usage is almost 0.

I'm on Republic Fleet atm and im geting 60-75% usage :confused:

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Bioware's support has shown nothing but negatives to everyone.. It really need to change or i think alot of peolle are just gonna give up on it all..


lets give the star wars fans a good game and not listen to what anyone has to say.. they dont care about the community.. obviously.


there fixing what they want to "FIX" if thats what there even doing.. there way of doing everything is just backwards


IMO Bioware should have stayed with Mass Effect.. give a real MMO company the right to make a game thats not failing in the first few weeks

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BioWare is caught between a rock and a hard place.


The engine that they are using is scaleable...to a point, its also real time updateable...to a point.


The mistake they done was include the high res textures in a game engine which is already one of the most poorly optimized pile of code thats been out for a long time. Sure, it helps them make content much faster, it optimizes as it goes but the engine literally chokes a mid to upper mid graphics card, the cards will run the game, but at the expense of the vast majority of the cards cores (cuda etc) running at 100% or close to 100% at all times, the engine itself is fine, but the render part of the engine has had problems from day one. It's why theres been reports of cards already heating up a lot, and thats just it on mid.


Now, on to the problem at hand. The high res textures are there, embedded into the games core data files. We know it, BioWare knows it.


One solution to all of this would be to have a simple extra setting in the graphics options...name it "High Resolution". BioWare are probably worried though of the outside chance that it might literally fry someones graphics card and BW would be held responsible...this is where BioWare can then have a pop up that will show the second someone chooses High Resolution that simply says...


"Although the High Resolution setting improves the graphical quality of the game, BiooWare, LucasArts and Electronic Arts must remind players that this setting will severely overwork older and some newer graphics cards"


...or something along those lines...


I've been out of the game dev industry for a long time...but from my friends who have worked with the engine BW have worked with, for the praise it gets, theirs a LOT of criticism...mainly about the render engine part of it. Sure its been in the finalist slot for game engine of the year for two years in a row...but there aint really much competition out there for what the Hero engine actually does.

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BioWare is caught between a rock and a hard place.


The engine that they are using is scaleable...to a point, its also real time updateable...to a point.


The mistake they done was include the high res textures in a game engine which is already one of the most poorly optimized pile of code thats been out for a long time. Sure, it helps them make content much faster, it optimizes as it goes but the engine literally chokes a mid to upper mid graphics card, the cards will run the game, but at the expense of the vast majority of the cards cores (cuda etc) running at 100% or close to 100% at all times, the engine itself is fine, but the render part of the engine has had problems from day one. It's why theres been reports of cards already heating up a lot, and thats just it on mid.


Now, on to the problem at hand. The high res textures are there, embedded into the games core data files. We know it, BioWare knows it.


One solution to all of this would be to have a simple extra setting in the graphics options...name it "High Resolution". BioWare are probably worried though of the outside chance that it might literally fry someones graphics card and BW would be held responsible...this is where BioWare can then have a pop up that will show the second someone chooses High Resolution that simply says...


"Although the High Resolution setting improves the graphical quality of the game, BiooWare, LucasArts and Electronic Arts must remind players that this setting will severely overwork older and some newer graphics cards"


...or something along those lines...


I've been out of the game dev industry for a long time...but from my friends who have worked with the engine BW have worked with, for the praise it gets, theirs a LOT of criticism...mainly about the render engine part of it. Sure its been in the finalist slot for game engine of the year for two years in a row...but there aint really much competition out there for what the Hero engine actually does.


i don't know about the card excessive usage. I got a 2g 6950 and it never goes above 55c while paying the game, nor makes any noise. For what i can tell the card is not getting taxed at all by the game.



However should this be the case , they should come clean and just say it, instead of pretending there is no a problem.

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For many people this game barely runs smoothly with the textures in the game now. You really think BW wants to risk more QQ by putting hi-res textures into the game and then having people figure out it drops them to 12 FPS? I'm not saying no one will be able to run them but putting them in the game now will just exacerbate the perception that this game is poorly coded. I'd say leave them out until they fix whatever flaws are making the lower-res version run like crap on so many systems.



I think that's the best way to, and I don't play this game just to have my computer run everything on High. though when/ if they get a fix for the resolution problem then i will be useing everything on High lol.

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Unfortunatly its been my experience that most big corporations think there customers are all idiots.


Stupid enough to not realise that it is the weekend, and no one in a position of authority is able to make a statement right now.

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Stupid enough to not realise that it is the weekend, and no one in a position of authority is able to make a statement right now.


This is an MMO in its FIRST month of launch.

By god if there is no one around on a weekend then im very very afraid for this game.

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This is an MMO in its FIRST month of launch.

By god if there is no one around on a weekend then im very very afraid for this game.


Of course there are people around, but the appropriate chain of PR command that has to bounce statements back between tech, development and the upper management? Maybe not. They have to be careful what they say as people like you and me will cluster-**** there dirty mouths if they commit to something they can't keep.

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This is an MMO in its FIRST month of launch.

By god if there is no one around on a weekend then im very very afraid for this game.


GOd forbid, that they have been working on this game for 5+ years and can't have a break. Sorry that they're are not droids and that they have lives and families to attend to. The game runs fine without High res its not a game breaking issue to grab everyone to work on to fix or to worry about what the forum is saying about High res textures.

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GOd forbid, that they have been working on this game for 5+ years and can't have a break. Sorry that they're are not droids and that they have lives and families to attend to. The game runs fine without High res its not a game breaking issue to grab everyone to work on to fix or to worry about what the forum is saying about High res textures.


A good worker will do his job in 5 years, and then will relax and profit. The bad one will have a lot to answer and responsible for... Even after 1000+ years:mad:

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GOd forbid, that they have been working on this game for 5+ years and can't have a break. Sorry that they're are not droids and that they have lives and families to attend to. The game runs fine without High res its not a game breaking issue to grab everyone to work on to fix or to worry about what the forum is saying about High res textures.


We're not saying "fix it naowwww!!!" we just want an official response. Is that too much to ask? :(

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