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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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To get everyone up to speed on the issue. This is a pic from the PTR patch 1.1 now showing only two texture settings high and low (medium is not removed). The medium setting from before has now become the high setting despite various low textures throughout the game world, most notably on the characters themselves.




We are asking for a response to this issue...

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Bump for high textures!





I would like to have a next gen MMO look like one. What's worse is when it has the ability but they deactivate it.


I can only come to conclusion they are baffled by it themselves and are probably working with the maker of the Hero Engine.


Perhaps to get rid of confusion they got rid of "medium" setting till they find the real issue. As the original "medium" setting was the highest you would get regardless of the "high" setting.


Really I just want them to actually recognize the issue.


Something like, "we are aware of high resolution textures not loading when "high" settings chosen. We are currently working on a solution with our team and the Hero Engine team."


If i had that I'd at least be happy! At least I would know it would be something I will see soon in a patch once they get it right.

Edited by WarheartZero
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my box can handle some hi-res action, I built it to run more intensive games. Hell even Aion which looked good to start off with put out an improved texture package. I don't mind cartoonie graphics and graphics do not make or break a game for me but I still want my Operative to look slick :)

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Must admit this is also bothering me, my rig can take it, I get 110+ FPS and I built it to handle games lik BF3, it's frustrating when this problem has been around for quite a while and we haven't heard a peep out of Bioware.
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There is hope at last:


Quote from german SWTOR thread:


Hier ist der Link zu meiner ini, bzw wo ich sie her habe.




Bilder dazu:


Cutscene http://i.imgur.com/oQtAN.jpg


Ingame http://i.imgur.com/bpmSJ.jpg



EDIT: Fixed gamespot link - speaks for itself "Also, texture quality set at 0 is the setting you want! Trust me!"

Edited by daMarek
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There is hope at last:


Quote from german SWTOR thread:


Hier ist der Link zu meiner ini, bzw wo ich sie her habe.




Bilder dazu:


Cutscene http://i.imgur.com/oQtAN.jpg


Ingame http://i.imgur.com/bpmSJ.jpg



EDIT: Fixed gamespot link - speaks for itself "Also, texture quality set at 0 is the setting you want! Trust me!"


That INI thread has been around for weeks. It does nothing to solve the texture issue.

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I have used all of those tweaks including texturequality = 0. It only provides a minor improvement (better tree/building draw distance, and more grass), most of those changes to the ini file do nothing including setting the textures to zero.
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I have used all of those tweaks including texturequality = 0. It only provides a minor improvement (better tree/building draw distance, and more grass), most of those changes to the ini file do nothing including setting the textures to zero.


oooo really? too bad...


At least the guys overseas have the same issues, gives us more momentum BIOWARE WHEN WILL YOU LISTEN TO US!


Anybody speak french to check in their forums?

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The low res textures definitely look their worst on body types 3 & 4 (bounty hunter armor and jedi robes being the blurriest/muddiest textures). I just wish my bounty hunter armor looked as crisp as the screenshots bioware is flaunting on their website:




Oh, and this one:



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I will resub when its fixed, as the game just looks like turd for a 2012 game. (or a game released in the past 5 yrs lol)


Yeah, this sums it up pretty well. The current textures we're stuck with look like garbage. It's a real shame, too, when you get a piece of gear and if you item preview it on your companion you can see what it's actually supposed to look like. But then in-game on you or your companion, it looks just like the rest of the low rez trash.


This should not have been a "feature" when the game launched.

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The low res textures definitely look their worst on body types 3 & 4 (bounty hunter armor and jedi robes being the blurriest/muddiest textures). I just wish my bounty hunter armor looked as crisp as the screenshots bioware is flaunting on their website:




Oh, and this one:




It does seem like false advertising when all the screenshots on the website and the game box are high rez, but we can't enable those textures in the real launch client. If the change in 1.1 makes it to live, where they rename medium to "high" and just take out medium altogether and they don't mention it anywhere in the patch notes, I may seriously consider putting my subscription on hold. I love the game, but if that is their "solution" and they think they can just sneak it in there and get away with it, I plan to let my wallet do the talking.

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Well you're probably not going to get a statement on Saturday regardless :)



Monday will probably be the earliest somebody qualified to respond will notice this. IF they decide to respond, the response probably needs to go through an approval process to make sure they only provide the information they want to. I would be very surprised if we saw anything before Tuesday (if at all).

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Yup, no statement from Bioware yet, even several weeks after launch.


Just like the no grace-period fiasco prior to launch, Bioware/EA is avoiding the issue and failing to live up to their responsibilities to their customers.


If they really wanted to make the game run smoothly for low-end PCs, then why not slip this high texture setting into some tucked-away advanced settings so that the rest of us could enable it? Or are their high textures so fubared that they're embarrassed to admit they're broken?


Either way this just makes Bioware look more and more like any other fly-by-night developer out there. They were a reputable developer in the past but now that EA owns them they've been just another bunch of talking heads that can't seem to get the details polished.


Don't get me wrong, I still love TOR and will continue to enjoy it, even if this isn't fixed. But this along with all of the other glaring issues, simpleton UI, and long-standing bugs makes me care as much about Bioware as a spec of dirt in MMO history.


Bioware, what happened to you? Did EA really strip away your dedication to polish and the details? Why are you throwing away your long standing reputation over these little things?

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Well you're probably not going to get a statement on Saturday regardless :)


Why not? The guy deleting our posts and warning people could chime in and tell us that he will raise this issue to one of the developers monday morning...

Edited by daMarek
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Completely untrue.


Name one way that a PC monitor is better than a full array LED television? Color?...nope. Black levels?...nope. Viewing angle?...nope. Size?..nope.


Your statements would have been true a few years ago, but today they are just plain wrong.


I'll tell you whats different, as I run a PC on my Large modern LCD all the time.


A monitor is not loaded with graphical settings designed to improve compressed source slike MPEG2 and H.264. A monitor does not try to sharpen edges all the time with no option to disable it, it doesn't try to interpolate frames and 'motion-flow' things. Seriously just look at a plain old desktop and open a browser with text, you could swear you are not running at the native resolution of the screen. I tried disabling as much post processing by the TV as possible to get it to look 'normal' and while I got close it's still not right.


Fortunately it still looks great for what I built it for (a media centre to watch 3D Blu-Ray ISO's mounted on my file server).


PS - This texture issue is a huge deal. Some items look completely different and 'correct' (like republic dancers outfit) when in cutscenes but out of cutscenes they have totally different colours.

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