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POLL: do you want to see dual speccing in SWTOR?


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The reason they even implemented advanced classes is to give the illusion that this game actually has more than 4 classes.


This is just another example of VO taking precedence. They absolutely needed there to be a minimal number of classes so they could story/VO everything in the time allotted.


Advanced classes are an incredibly cheap way of making it look like there are more true classes then there really are. It's difficult enough rolling different class alts through 95% of the same quests , let alone nearly 100% if your just trying to roll the other advanced class.


It's kind of amazing how much they emphasis rolling alts in this game and how little replayability it actually has.

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under 500 ppl vote and not all want it :cool:



Grr. If you knew how much effort it takes to get ~500 people to reply to a poll...


I think I need to bump it during afternoon GMT hours, because that's the only time of day it hasn't been around on the front page.


Anyway, updated the OP with the latest results.

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Of course the majority of people want to play the game the way they want.


This poll in essence is asking "Do you want the option to have tomatoes on your hamburger?"


Anyone who opposes dual speccing is just opposing players having a simple convenience and getting rid of a needless credit sink that only punishes 2/3's of the player base who as you can see by the poll results respec fairly often.


Glad to see the majority of players are smarter than I thought.

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under 500 ppl vote and not all want it :cool:


Out of the 1 million + 400 ppl want Dual spec.. :D


And you think its coming ? :p


I Hope not.


Experience the stories ! enjoy the game.


This may be the dumbest post I've ever read, certainly in these forums, and perhaps on the internet. A tiny minority of those 1 million read the forums and then a minority of those post, a minority of which would take the time to do a survey.


500 is a perfectly large sample to be statistically relevant and the people that didn't or wouldn't take the survey are more likely to be in favor of dual spec as they likely play more casually and enjoy these convenience features.


In short, never post again, just embarrassing.

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If not duel specs, at least let us save a talent set up. It is annoying and unnecessary to make us reselect our talents every time we feel like trying something different.



PS- Why in gods name would any one vote no to this? This is a real question which if you think no to duel specs please speak up.

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At least in current environment, dual specs would make the few pure DPS advanced classes feel and play like second class citizens. ..Even more than they do now, I mean.

Hell, I'd rather see a change to Respec AC through quest chain once a year or so.


I don't know, don't Snipers/Gunslingers get, like, an AOE Bombs spec, AND a Sniper Spec?


Being able to switch between AOE DPS and Single Target DPS could be handy. And then the poison third tree could have its use.


I think all specs would enjoy DS.



I don't know much about Marauders or Sentinels. It would be up to Bioware to make sure that there were two, distinct, appealing trees in there.

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You can easily manipulate the survey via a proxy, VPN or even a dynamic IP address, therefore it's kinda useless.


Guess you are against dual-spec. If you start thinking that anyone can change anything, then you can't trust any facts in th world.

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Follow this link to complete the poll.


Results should be viewable once the poll has been completed (if not, check the spoiler below).


Dual respec/respeccing discussion thread here >>


Results as of Wednesday 11th Jan 18:05 GMT:




Yes - 385 (68%)

Don't mind/not sure - 32 (6%)

No - 151 (27%)


Next update: Thursday 12th



Hmmmmmm....very interesting, the link to the poll about dual speccing takes me to a sight that has two things, the question and a banner ad telling me I can play WOW for free.



Nice post OP, well done, I would normally never even notice a WOW ad, but when it is the only thing on te page....Sneaky, mean spirited yes....but also crafty and clever.

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