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This bug I found really breaks immersion


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When I'm in my ship and send my companions out on missions....THEY DON'T GO ANYWHERE.


Sure, they say "brb master" or whatever, and the timer starts ticking down, and they sometimes give me valuables...HOWEVER, when I walk around my ship while they're supposedly on their "mission," they're all just standing there doing nothing.


So I'm to think that I send Khem Val off to Faraway Moon to steal Arch fragments from some fat Hutt's stomach, and all the while he's standing right there in front of me. Suuuurre....okay.


Either Khem is sneakily subcontracting the work behind my back, or this is a terrible bug that BREAKS IMMERSION. Whhhaaa!


Please fix this dumb bug right away.

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On that note, I'd pay a Bioware Developer's salary for a day if he could fix it so that C2N2 WOULD leave my ship on missions. I would queue up missions for him 'til the end of time, just so I don't have to hear him babble about my resperatory health or the state of my ships seat cushions or the eating habits of my crew.
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What I find that breaks immersion the most is the lack of need to go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, shower/bath, do the dishes , cleaning, you know just like in real life...


/sarcasm off


You guy's are focusing on the most ridiculous things.

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I'm sure your very important immersion bug is on the list.


UNDER THE OTHER THOUSANDS of things that are much, much more important.


BTW, when I send my guys out to do stuff, they are all in the room with the cargo hold @ the workbench.


I would not go so far as to say its a "bug". I would just call this lazy design. Its not that they programmed the companion to actually leave the ship but because of broken code he fails to leave. They never programmed him to leave the ship at all. They never intended to add any more depth to this feature than just running a random number generator to give you some items. Almost all games do it to some degree, some times it's more obvious than others. I still think it is kind of lame though, the degree of lameness being directly proportional to its obviousness.

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What I find that breaks immersion the most is the lack of need to go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, shower/bath, do the dishes , cleaning, you know just like in real life...


/sarcasm off


You guy's are focusing on the most ridiculous things.


It would be cool that if you slept in your bed in your ship, you got some kind of small additional rested bonus over the normal rate.


Also would be cool if your ship had a bathroom. I mean, I don't need to be able to use it, but it would add to the realness of the ship.


Also would be cool if you could use the computer terminal in your room.


Also would be cool if you could fly around freely in space.


Just sayin

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So calling them from anywhere in the universe to work on something, then having the item teleported to you in 2 - 25 minutes doesn't break immersion?


You would think so, but not really in my case. There is lightspeed travel in space, quicktravel on the planets, etc. I can suspend my disbelief for that much. Just can't go as far as to believe they're off somewhere looting tombs when they're standing right in front of me.

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When you have them actually craft they do actually go the a unique craft item on your ship and craft.


Just not for missions. Not sure what they could do there. Perhaps put them at the Holonet calling their contacts?

Edited by Deyjarl
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On that note, I'd pay a Bioware Developer's salary for a day if he could fix it so that C2N2 WOULD leave my ship on missions.


lolwut?!? C'mon. I think you're making too big of an issue out of this. Here's an idea, maybe every time you issue a mission he's waiting for YOU to leave. Ever think of that? Next time you send him on his way, leave your computer for the exact amount of time the mission takes, then come back. It's kinda like the light in the fridge.

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What also breaks immersion is that you are standing outside your ship with your companion, and as soon as you enter your ship, they are gone (or maybe they are now in the bridge?). It just seems that this is an engine limitation, not a deliberate design decision. Maybe your character can only be 'bound' to one other object at a time, and because they are bound to the ship, they can't be bound to a companion.


Anyway, these things aren't the most important things, but are things that break immersion none the less.



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Furthermore, how do they get off my ship to do these missions? I'm hovering around in space. Does another taxi spacecraft magically come pick them up?


Why else do you think the Escape Pod always says it is not available at this time?

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The only bug that breaks my immersion is having this passive aggressive droid tell me he performed the task to perfection while having failed the mission. That and not coming back torn to pieces after failing a mission that involved some combat.
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When you have them actually craft they do actually go the a unique craft item on your ship and craft.


Just not for missions. Not sure what they could do there. Perhaps put them at the Holonet calling their contacts?


Wow...this is news to me. This may be only affecting myself then. Literally, when I tell Khem Val to go to some archaeology, he stands right there leaning against the bunk for the 3 minute period and never moves. Never goes to the cargo room or anything.


Thanks for the insight.

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The only bug that breaks my immersion is having this passive aggressive droid tell me he performed the task to perfection while having failed the mission. That and not coming back torn to pieces after failing a mission that involved some combat.


Better yet is when he fails but says he improved upon my specfications! :eek:

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