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Theran Cedrax... I would pay to push him out the airlock


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Tharan, dear Tharan, what an interesting chap he is!


Were it not for my Jedi calm and patience, I too would agree with the OP that he might need a little quiet time in the airlock to think about what he has done!


I like having Tharan around, when he does heal, he REALLY heals - when he is busy looking at his watch, no doubt looking for more interesting Holiday pictures, probably not so good!


Yes, his voice and anti Jedi stance are not really good material for a companion that has worked with Jedi in the past and should jolly well know that The Force is what we do!


But, he is a good companion in a fight, depending on your build of course.


So for my Sage it goes like this:


Fenton...sorrry, Qyzen will run headlong into a fight, whether you want him to or not, switch his shield on or whatever and scatters the nice little clump of enemies you had targeted to group kill with Force in Balance or Forcequake unless you turn that off but why would you do that when it does cause a bit of damage?


Irresso - really nice guy, I like him tons, don't quite know how firing the blaster in the air actually does damage, but I guess if you are a healer and you kit him out really well, he could be excellent. I am not a healer, so using him is difficult but not impossible.


Zenith, perfect for a sociopath, who would turn on you should he disagree with what you are doing - good with a rifle and again, like Iresso, keep him well kitted out and healed, he'd be fine. Just too grumpy for me, I'm a nice guy, I like working with nice people!


Nadia, fun, naive, little bit shaken for obvious reasons, but excellent to have in a fight - might have been taking lessons in the Fenton...sorry, Qyzen School of dispersing clumped up crowds, but still, impressive none the less, good with a shield and a few heals.


So then we get to Tharan - fantastic healer and professional creepy weirdo - probably best if your character is male, then you don't get all the weird flirting! My poor female Sage has had to fend him off so many times as "no" is something he doesn't work well with! But, for both my Sage and Shadow, he is invaluable, when he keeps me alive, he does it ever so well - more so when I take him along with Guild friends, his Holiday stun works very effectively, especially playing alongside a Trooper or Smuggler who can range shoot everything whilst enemies are stunned.


I understand the OP's decision to have him hurled off the ship, but I also understand his worth, he just needs to shut up! :D



(By the way, C2N2 apparently might be getting an upgrade in the 1.2 patch from tomorrow, I do believe that those of you who would like to get minus points in his affections will be able to do so! :D)

Edited by Assam
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I'm usually pretty stoked when I'm getting a new companion just so I can see what's different, but when I first met Theran/Holiday I almost threw up. Even thinking about it makes me twitch.

And HE'S a romance option? Oh, ick. Someone's got some serious issues...

To be honest, I only rolled the Jedi to see what she'd be like, and I'm not all that impressed. I like my smuggler better and not just because of the companions (though thank GOD Corso isn't as brainless as this guy, and can hold his own in a fight, especially since I have heals).


Just sounds like he's trying hard to measure up...and failing miserably. Plus, my consular'd be too paranoid to do anything...Holiday'd probably do something to the ship. "Flair" my butt.:csw_r2d2:

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While I do find his personality mildly annoying at times, I use Tharan ALL THE TIME. At endgame he is by far the best companion in my oppinion. While I love Nadia, Tharan's healing and stuns are simply way too awsome not to use.

As for ejecting characters out the airlock, I would double my subscription fee to eject C2

Edited by Vorian-Rob
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As a Sage, you have two options. Tank or heals. So the majority of your companions are just taking up space on your ship. The dps Sage's best friend is unfortunately this arrogant creep. I really wanted Nadia to become my primary companion (not because "omg she's hawt", but because I like the idea of having an apprentice at my side. With being a Jedi and all, you know?), but without some sort of system that allows us to re-class companions, we're stuck with the weirdo. Edited by TurokDarkstar
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I agree. I'm using Zenith now. He's better than Cedrex, but Nadia can't come fast enough for me.


He is good love theran he keept me alive for some fights with his healing, not to mention we did 4 man heroic with only him as a healer.


But I have to say, he is annoying but I love his line, never expect a scientist. that is totally 5/5.


But I prefer doc anyday.

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I kinda like Holiday, in a "so far over the disgustingly cute line that she doubled back" sort of way. Give her Theran's healing abilities, THEN let me dispose of him out the airlock.


While on the subject, can I *please* get the ability to move Q's abilities around on his bars, so I can at least see when he forgets that EMP blast is verboten?! It's an incredibly annoying bug that has killed me a bunch of times now. Also, I'd like to put his 2 minute CD shields in the front two slots so I can see when they're up? The EMP and shields would be much more useful than his taunt and whatever is second.


kinda like the idea, give us holiday for theran

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I wanted to like Theran because hey, a fellow geek. A brainy, tech-savvy buddy, something different from the usual companion stereotypes? Should be fun. Right?


... no.


I don't actually mind his "pacifist" line too much because I could write it off as irony in the light of his other, decidedly not pacifist combat lines if I'm feeling generous. What really bugs me to the point of loathing his guts, though, are three other issues:


1) The way he breaks into an allergic rash at any mention or use of the Force or anything Jedi-like. Hey brainiac, you knew damn well what my Shadow is when you decided to invite yourself to her crew. You've even run with Jedi before. "Jedi" is all you ever call my character since due to full voice acting, player characters don't actually have names in this game. So stop your whining already!


2) He claimed to want adventure, but half the time I find myself an adventure and selflessly offer help (y'know, what a Jedi generally does -- oops, right, he is allergic to Jedi-stuff) he disapproves. Other times he approves. Make up your mind, Theran!


3) Worst of all is the way he is written for a female character. I cut off all his attempts to get frisky, yet he still has a conversation about how we have to "end our liason" -- and there is no option to laugh in his face or kick him in the balls for presuming we even had one to begin with. You're forced to play along against all previous choices. That is obscene, hell it can be damn triggering if you've ever been in a situation where some piece of **** refused to acknowledge your right to say "no". I honestly can't fathom why that sort of crap is in a Bioware game and can only hope there's a bug involved somehow.



I do wish all companions were dual-role, DPS and either tank or healer, so that they could all be useful regardless of our own spec and we could simply bring someone we actually get along with instead of someone we don't care for. Since I'm a tank player, a healer is so useful to me that the difference between Theran and Qyzen -- didn't play past Chapter 1 so I didn't meet the others -- was like night and day. At the very least, there shouldn't be only one healer companion per class.

Edited by Erian
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