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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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How many MMOs have you ever actually played? I really want to sign up for the ones that do server maintenance in 15 minutes, but I'm not ware of a single one.


WoW for starters does these simple "Hot fixes" Without needing to do maint... Sure their actually maint time is longer but then again... they have way more subscribers wonder why that is.

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How many MMOs have you ever actually played? I really want to sign up for the ones that do server maintenance in 15 minutes, but I'm not ware of a single one.


Rift is the best at it. Servers go down for weekly maintenance like most other MMO's at about 3 AM PST but if it's to fix issues with a patch they do a restart and it's life as usual.

Edited by Zajen
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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


Wow you are a bright one! Yes the game is just released and unlike every single game in the history of gaming SWTOR was released 100% perfect, not a bug or glitch or oversight. They are only doing patches, fixes and maint to annoy the tar out of you.

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WoW for starters does these simple "Hot fixes" Without needing to do maint... Sure their actually maint time is longer but then again... they have way more subscribers wonder why that is.


Those are client-side. It's a very different situation, and this game has been doing those kinds of fixes, too. WoW still takes servers down to do patches to them. It sounds like you don't really understand the process very well.

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$15.00 a month should be brought down to $7.50 a month if the servers are going to be down 3 or 4 days a week.


3 to 4 days a week? It's not like they are down for 96 hours a week. Either you play way too much, or you just happen to try and play during the maintenance times. I have never been kicked off a server. Maybe I'm just lucky...

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Wow you are a bright one! Yes the game is just released and unlike every single game in the history of gaming SWTOR was released 100% perfect, not a bug or glitch or oversight. They are only doing patches, fixes and maint to annoy the tar out of you.


Again... I must explain I'm not against the patches.... I'm against the downtime that is coming with those patches. And the patches are small why couldn't they put them all in one patch on the day it was scheduled to go down? And if the patch itself created issues maybe they should consider testing their programming better before shoving it out the door. If this was any other product other then a MMo with thousands of people ready to put there chest to a sword to defend its honor. This would be unacceptable. But because the type of people who play MMo's are generally used to being treated like trash they seem to think its okay. So that will continue to be the practice until people stop throwing themselves on that sword and start demanding being treated with more respect. Start demanding their products be tested better, their patches being tested better. Because better testing would of avoided the last 2 patches.

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Just for everyone's information, if you use you words "fanboy", "biodrone" "how much does bioware pay you" or any other similar stuff you only succeed in making yourself look like a child and completely invalidate any otherwise valid point you may have. I'm sorry that other people do not have the same opinion as you. I'm sorry that what seems like the end of the world to you may only be a mild irritation to someone else. Myself, the biggest issue is successful companion missions coming back with failure audio, and vise versa. Bugs the crap outta me. But i sure don't pretend that every one should care, or that BW should drop everything to fix it. Relax and enjoy the game.
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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.

Im going to assume you are trolling

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They get this fixed, and fixed fast, or SWTOR is nothing more than a waiting room for people rolling Pandas and GW2.




No one is going to leave this game for Pandas. WoW players will play that no matter how good another MMO is. As for GW2, it's a F2P title. Anyone who expects GW2 to be an amazing MMO is in for the biggest letdown. It's by far the most over-hyped MMO in history.

Edited by Kazmtyh
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Relax and enjoy the game.



Would love to! thats what this thread is about...but you see there was 3 days in a row that a number of people couldn't because they chose to take the game down for minor patches... Patches that was rushed out the door causing more issues that needed patching. A rushed product is never good. Never.

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WoW for starters does these simple "Hot fixes" Without needing to do maint... Sure their actually maint time is longer but then again... they have way more subscribers wonder why that is.


Then you haven't played wow at the beginning when servers were brought down without much warning and stayed down for a good portion of the day, every other day.


They are only able to do hotfixes now because of all the big fixes they had to do before, to get things stable.


And they have more subscriptions now because they have been around a lot longer.


You clearly have issues with your logic and lacking understandings of MMOs. And you wonder why people aren't taking you seriously?

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Guess what WoW did because of those issues.



5/14/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/24/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/10/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/18/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/17/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/4/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/3/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/1/07 N/A One Day Credit


12/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


10/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


9/7/06 N/A One Day Credit


9/4/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/4/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/2/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/1/06 N/A One Day Credit


7/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/30/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/28/06 N/A One Day Credit


4/28/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/27/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/6/06 N/A Three Day Credit


2/26/06 N/A One Day Credit


1/26/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


11/24/05 N/A One Day Credit


9/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


8/25/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/10/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/9/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/4/05 N/A One Day Credit


5/1/05 N/A Three Day Credit


4/1/05 N/A Free Month


3/22/05 N/A Ten Day Guest Pass



(marked above as spoiler because it was spammy, no spoiler is inside)

Notice something they did?


And Oh wait... You mean they gave free time during the free month too? How amazing is that to all the people saying "OMG shut up your first month is free"


^ Hey laz... Yeah I was around during those issues. But look what they did. (Requoting cause the troll can't read)

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Then you haven't played wow at the beginning when servers were brought down without much warning and stayed down for a good portion of the day, every other day.


They are only able to do hotfixes now because of all the big fixes they had to do before, to get things stable.


And they have more subscriptions now because they have been around a lot longer.


You clearly have issues with your logic and lacking understandings of MMOs. And you wonder why people aren't taking you seriously?


Not to mention that hotfixes aren't server patches, they're client patches. This game has that capability as well, and they've been using it.

Edited by imtrick
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Right, but they can provide compensation for it. I don't see why you so objected to that matter. Does Bioware pay you to be so defensive? Or are you just that brainwashed?


No. I work in the business world, in software/hardware development, and I know that your view of how this whole process works is....mistaken.

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No. I work in the business world, in software/hardware development, and I know that your view of how this whole process works is....mistaken.


What is flawed about expecting compensation for time lost? Here I thought it was the proper thing to do when you make mistakes as a company? I guess people in the software/hardware development have lost the idea of courtesy to their costumers?

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Then you haven't played wow at the beginning when servers were brought down without much warning and stayed down for a good portion of the day, every other day.


People's memory of any given MMO is about the last two weeks. They feel any new MMO that gets released should have 7+ years of bug fixes and polish already completed.


WoW was a nearly unplayable nightmare of a game for the first few weeks, and not a whole lot better for a few months after that. It took years of fixing random crashes, lag-spikes, falling through the world, broken quests and invisible mobs before it became anything similar to what it is today.


Maybe BioWare should have fit in Pandas and Pokemon to make these people happy.

Edited by Kazmtyh
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^ Hey laz... Yeah I was around during those issues. But look what they did. (Requoting cause the troll can't read)


Uh, no. Wow was launched in Nov 2004. Your list starts at 2005.


And I know it's easier calling me a troll than to refute my logic. You either don't know what a troll is or you rather run and hide from a valid argument. Try again.

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People's memory of any given MMO is about the last two weeks. They feel any new MMO that gets released should have 7+ years of bug fixes and polish already completed.


WoW was a nearly unplayable nightmare of a game for the first few weeks, and not a whole lot better for a few months after. It took years of random crashes, lag-spikes, falling through the world, broken quests and invisible mobs before it became anything similar to what it is today.


Maybe BioWare should have fit in Pandas and Pokemon to make these people happy.


Or maybe they could just compensate them with a day or two? Like other mmo's have done?


Uh, no. Wow was launched in Nov 2004. Your list starts at 2005.


And I know it's easier calling me a troll than to refute my logic. You either don't know what a troll is or you rather run and hide from a valid argument. Try again.


Yeah your right, but also as stated in other previous posts. Thats just the account I have access to now because I got my own account at that time. Also a few months didn't change a entire lot.... Your reading march like its a entire year later. When its only a few months..

Edited by Xukuth
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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.


No, but bringing up compensation is equally as stupid.

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What is flawed about expecting compensation for time lost? Here I thought it was the proper thing to do when you make mistakes as a company? I guess people in the software/hardware development have lost the idea of courtesy to their costumers?


As I mentioned earlier, the total amount of downtime due to the maintenances of the last few days has totaled one tenth of a percent of the uptime for the month. Are you really going to flip out over a possible 15-cent credit?

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