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3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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Yep your right, there used to be a time period where it was socially acceptable to treat the minority like trash and make them ride in the back of the bus. But in today's day and age that is considered rather rude and in fact for most of the world its no longer legal.


Ok, so having some down time to fix game breaking issues, for your gaming longevity, is treating you like Trash? Seriously? And you're comparing this to Racism? You're really desperate now aren't you?


You clearly have no idea how the world works. Again, you've demonstrated all you want is things to revolve around you. You have no valid rebuttal, just ridiculous analogies.

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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


I wish people would read the EULA and TOS before posting these silly suggestions for refunds. The EULA and TOS of every MMO clearly state that your subscription fee is only paying for access to the servers while they are up because they always reserve the right to bring down the servers at their discretion for maintenace (or any system need, for that matter). Therefore, no MMO owes you a refund for downtime during either scheduled or unscheduled maintenance periods because you are not paying for 24/7/365 access to the servers.


Even if that were not the case, $15 per month, given an average 30 day month, comes out to (in USD):


$15 / 30 days = .50 (50 cents a day)

.50 / 24 hours = .020833 (2 cents per hour)


So, for last night's maintenance, which I believe was scheduled for 2 hours, that equates to .04 cents of your subscription cost (which, as stated, falsely assumes you were guaranteed access during those hours).


It is the height of absurdity to request a refund for .04 cents because you could not play the game for a couple of hours so that they can fix problems, potentially game breaking problems, with the game.

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I wish people would read the EULA and TOS before posting these silly suggestions for refunds. The EULA and TOS of every MMO clearly state that your subscription fee is only paying for access to the servers while they are up because they always reserve the right to bring down the servers at their discretion for maintenace (or any system need, for that matter). Therefore, no MMO owes you a refund for downtime during either scheduled or unscheduled maintenance periods because you are not paying for 24/7/365 access to the servers.


Even if that were not the case, $15 per month, given an average 30 day month, comes out to (in USD):


$15 / 30 days = .50 (50 cents a day)

.50 / 24 hours = .020833 (2 cents per hour)


So, for last night's maintenance, which I believe was scheduled for 2 hours, that equates to .04 cents of your subscription cost (which, as stated, falsely assumes you were guaranteed access during those hours).


It is the height of absurdity to request a refund for .04 cents because you could not play the game for a couple of hours so that they can fix problems, potentially game breaking problems, with the game.


very nice way of breaking it down!

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Continue to bash me I really don't care I'll just flag you. I seem to recall the moderators here are very forgiving in nature for such actions. Hope you don't have too many warnings cause you better read the ToS your forums affect your game account too. Good game.


Of course, I'm not surprised.


When you have no valid rebuttal, you flag or ignore the poster with the valid criticism. And you're calling others children? That in itself is a flagable offense.


I don't mind being flagged actually. It clearly demonstrates your mindset and how you just can't handle a true debate on a topic. It validates my thoughts about you. It's worth a flag when it proves a point.


Here's a final tip. If you can't handle the heat, don't play with fire.


And by the way. Many other posters here have valid points that refute your ideas. You seemed to have ignored most of them. Again, that's proof that the one with the childish mind is you, not others.

Edited by Lazorous
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Of course, I'm not surprised.


When you have no valid rebuttal, you flag or ignore the poster with the valid criticism. And you're calling others children? That in itself is a flagable offense.


I don't mind being flagged actually. It clearly demonstrates your mindset and how you just can't handle a true debate on a topic. It validates my thoughts about you. It's worth a flag when it proves a point.


Here's a final tip. If you can't handle the heat, don't play with fire.


Oh you mean don't express valid concerns on a forum because there is people who can't handle other peoples opinions and insist on belittling them? Please, go troll elsewhere.

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I wish people would read the EULA and TOS before posting these silly suggestions for refunds. The EULA and TOS of every MMO clearly state that your subscription fee is only paying for access to the servers while they are up because they always reserve the right to bring down the servers at their discretion for maintenace (or any system need, for that matter). Therefore, no MMO owes you a refund for downtime during either scheduled or unscheduled maintenance periods because you are not paying for 24/7/365 access to the servers.


Even if that were not the case, $15 per month, given an average 30 day month, comes out to (in USD):


$15 / 30 days = .50 (50 cents a day)

.50 / 24 hours = .020833 (2 cents per hour)


So, for last night's maintenance, which I believe was scheduled for 2 hours, that equates to .04 cents of your subscription cost (which, as stated, falsely assumes you were guaranteed access during those hours).


It is the height of absurdity to request a refund for .04 cents because you could not play the game for a couple of hours so that they can fix problems, potentially game breaking problems, with the game.


Actually he's complaining about 3 days of the down time. So it's like 12 to maybe 30 cents he's owed. I don't recall how many hours the other down times were so I'm just estimating. Lol

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I have a floorboard... interpret that as you like, cause words apparently doesn't have their intended meaning anymore.


HOW DARE YOU insult your poor loving dog that lies around in the middle of the floor all day like that!! It's rude and degrading!! He never hurt anyone...


Sorry had too...


Back on topic,


Bottom line- Don't expect compensation, eventually the maintenance periods will diminish. Deal with it for now and enjoy the game when you can.

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Exactly! But people will defend biowares action to no end even when they know how ridicules 3 days of patching in a row is. These are all things that could of been fixed in one patch or avoided completely by testing the patches better.


You weren't around for WoW's original launch were you? You weren't even around for about the first 6 months of that game.


Because if you were, you would know that we are experiencing nothing close to what players experienced then.


Here's what just occurred:

1.0.2 - Normal Maintenance

1.0.2a - Emergency Patch that was literally preventing people from being able to log in

1.0.2b - Emergency Patch that fixed a bug disabling ALL Chat Channels for some players and closed a PvE Exploit

1.0.2c - Closed 2 potentially-gamebreaking economy-related Exploits (and downtime was roughly 2.5 hrs, not 8)


And you seriously have issue with this?


I suggest you take some time for reflection and meditation. Seriously.

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Oh you mean don't express valid concerns on a forum because there is people who can't handle other peoples opinions and insist on belittling them? Please, go troll elsewhere.


Speaking of can't handle other people's opinions, have you looked in the mirror?


You take a grammar correction as belittling? So when an instructor tells you you're doing something wrong, you look at that as an insult rather than guidance? Sure I'm not your instructor but you can't deny that if you continue to speak with inaccurate words, other people will look down upon you. But hey, perhaps you like it that way, who am I to judge.


Your "valid" concerns have been constructively criticized and refuted by a lot of people. Go ahead, and respond to those if you think my posts are so belittling. I have yet to see you debate intelligently as you think you have.

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There's nothing childish about it. As an educated person, it's very difficult to read something from an uneducated person (you).


You want people to take you seriously? At least show you have knowledge. You have demonstrated very little knowledge in many areas, and not just grammar.


By correcting these obvious grammar mistakes, it will actually help you in Real Life. I've just helped you to not continue making a fool of yourself in the future, should you ever have to write a serious paper on anything career related. Your Welcome.


And again, as a few people have mentioned, read the TOS as it covers BW's policy and how you agreed to it when you signed up for the game. Why are you ignoring a valid rebuttal to your argument?


The true children ignores constructive criticism because they can't take the thought of being wrong. Which means they never learn from their mistakes.


Good bye, child.


Talk about bad spelling and grammar.


You should never start a sentence with the word and. How about "You're welcome?" The word ignores should not have that s at the end when following children, nor should the sentence start with the.

Edited by JaymzLX
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You weren't around for WoW's original launch were you? You weren't even around for about the first 6 months of that game.


Because if you were, you would know that we are experiencing nothing close to what players experienced then.


Here's what just occurred:

1.0.2 - Normal Maintenance

1.0.2a - Emergency Patch that was literally preventing people from being able to log in

1.0.2b - Emergency Patch that fixed a bug disabling ALL Chat Channels for some players and closed a PvE Exploit

1.0.2c - Closed 2 potentially-gamebreaking economy-related Exploits (and downtime was roughly 2.5 hrs, not 8)


And you seriously have issue with this?


I suggest you take some time for reflection and meditation. Seriously.



Guess what WoW did because of those issues.



5/14/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/24/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/10/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/18/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/17/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/4/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/3/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/1/07 N/A One Day Credit


12/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


10/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


9/7/06 N/A One Day Credit


9/4/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/4/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/2/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/1/06 N/A One Day Credit


7/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/30/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/28/06 N/A One Day Credit


4/28/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/27/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/6/06 N/A Three Day Credit


2/26/06 N/A One Day Credit


1/26/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


11/24/05 N/A One Day Credit


9/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


8/25/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/10/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/9/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/4/05 N/A One Day Credit


5/1/05 N/A Three Day Credit


4/1/05 N/A Free Month


3/22/05 N/A Ten Day Guest Pass



(marked above as spoiler because it was spammy, no spoiler is inside)

Notice something they did?


And Oh wait... You mean they gave free time during the free month too? How amazing is that to all the people saying "OMG shut up your first month is free"

Edited by Xukuth
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They fixed 1 or 2 bugs in each patch. It was down for essentially the entire time I can play (at night, after work). 3 nights in a row without being able to play. I know for certain that all those defending this junk were not similarly effected. The most vehement defenders of this would be the most up in arms if it was impacting THEIR gameplay, you better believe it. But it's easier for them to mock and disparage when it essentially has no impact on them.


You know for certain, do you? Funny, because I have had to log off for every maintenance period they have implemented so far, so I have been similarly affected. It has impacted my gameplay. Yet, as I have done so in every one of the eight or so MMOs I have played to date. I "vehemently" disagree with you and those who take this same position.


The EULA and TOS specifically tell you that there will be maintenance times. Those times are going to be scheduled when it impacts the least number of people. The fact that you live in a time zone and/or work hours that puts those hours in conflict with your play time is unfortunate, but something you just have to live with. They never guaranteed you 24/7/365 access to the game, and they never guaranteed you that the game would be available to you when you wanted to play or at times that were most convenient to you.


I am sorry you don't want to hear that, but it is the truth.

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Talk about bad spelling and grammar.


You should never start a sentence with the word and. How about "You're welcome?" The word ignores should not have that s at the end when following children, nor should the sentence start with the.


That's fine, I've made typos before and I'm very aware of the difference between "Your" and "You're". And because of such common typos in a forum, I haven't mentioned those same mistakes from the OP either. However, he clearly didn't know the difference between "Could have" and "Could of" in several of his posts.


I'm also aware "And" should not be used to start a sentence. That is a habit I have with informal writing.


I can acknowledge my mistakes. The same can't be said for the op.


On a side note, if you really want to be nit picky, I believe your sentence should have been constructed in the following manner:


You should never start a sentence with the word, "and".

Edited by Lazorous
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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


Dude. Seriously. Have you glanced at the forums lately?


Fix this fix that add this add that take this out add this in nerf this nerf that why this why that...???


I guess all we were missing was an "Omg why are they fixing things?!?" thread...

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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


They're fixing bugs. Just stop.

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People complain when Bioware doesn't patch.

People complain when servers go down for frequent patches to fix game.


Bioware can't win.


I don't think anyone would complain with weekly patches like the majority of MMo's do at the launch. That is to be expected, but multiple down times is frustrating. And yes we have a right to be outraged by it.

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Guess what WoW did because of those issues.



5/14/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/24/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/10/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/18/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/17/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/4/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/3/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/1/07 N/A One Day Credit


12/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


10/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


9/7/06 N/A One Day Credit


9/4/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/4/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/2/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/1/06 N/A One Day Credit


7/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/30/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/28/06 N/A One Day Credit


4/28/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/27/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/6/06 N/A Three Day Credit


2/26/06 N/A One Day Credit


1/26/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


11/24/05 N/A One Day Credit


9/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


8/25/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/10/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/9/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/4/05 N/A One Day Credit


5/1/05 N/A Three Day Credit


4/1/05 N/A Free Month


3/22/05 N/A Ten Day Guest Pass



(marked above as spoiler because it was spammy, no spoiler is inside)

Notice something they did?


And Oh wait... You mean they gave free time during the free month too? How amazing is that to all the people saying "OMG shut up your first month is free"


LOL, your free month in 2005 was a year after the game was already released. That's hardly a valid comparison.


Here is my re-imbursement history from when I bought the game in December of 2004, one year before you, right after the game launched at the end of November 04.





3/25/05 N/A One Day Credit


1/24/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


12/24/04 N/A Free Month





The game was out for over a year before they started reimbursing any game time.


Get a clue kid.

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