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Hey Devs any PVP love coming for Arsenal Mercs?


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There's no talk of making it instant, just giving it a cooldown. And... well, yeah, everybody should do decently with a pocket healer if they're fighting other people who don't have one. Fact is, though, we're very much outclassed by melee at 50 once they get their gear. At best we can stun them with Electrodart and try to run to teammates for help, because if you try to kite a melee in this game they'll end up catching you and murdering you in short order. Our only decent snare being a longish channel doesn't lend itself well to 1v1 situations and we're the most easily interrupted class in the entire game, in addition to being one of the least mobile. Sniper is worse off in that department, but they get a pretty beefy damage reduction while in cover to make up for it... as well as ROOTS. If you ask me, Jet Boost ought to be a root instead of a snare.


Here's how 1v1 PvP will play out for a Mercenary once he starts fighting geared melee at 50:


Merc: *attack Marauder*

Marauder: *charge*

Merc: *stun, try to run away*

Marauder: *trinket*

Merc: *knockback, try to run away*

Marauder: *vanish*

Merc: *scan while running away*

Marauder: *force choke*

Merc: *trinket*

Marauder: *Force Charge is now off cooldown again, Jet Boost still has 5 seconds.. charge*

Marauder: *pop damage immunity cooldown*

Merc: *gets murdered*


Merc: *sees Juggernaut, realizes it's hopeless and runs the other way*

Juggernaut: lolnope *charge*

Juggernaut: *force choke*

Merc: *trinket, knockback, Unload*

Juggernaut: *waddles through, losing 1% of his HP*

Merc: *Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Heatseeker Missiles*

Juggernaut: *95% HP*

Merc: *tries to run again*

Juggernaut: lolnope *charge*

Merc: *murdered since Juggernauts only do slightly less damage than Marauders for some reason*


Assassin: *comes out of stealth, backstab stun*

Merc: *trinket, knockback, stun*

Assassin: *trinket, Force Pull*

Merc: NONONO-*Rocket Punch*

Assassin: *gets knocked back two feet, continues stabbing merc in the face*

Merc: *gets murdered*


Operative: *stealth opener*

Merc: *25% HP, laying on his back* OH FOR FU-

Operative: *stun*

Merc: *gets murdered*


Heres how I play Merc in PVP

Marauder *charge*

Merc *Tracer Missile x3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Marauder


Juggernaught *charge*

Merc > Shield > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Juggernaught


Assassin * comes out of stealth*

Merc > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Assassin


It is rediculously easy to win as a Merc with tracer missile in pvp thats why 60-70% of warzones are made up of Mercs and Troopers

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Heres how I play Merc in PVP

Marauder *charge*

Merc *Tracer Missile x3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Marauder


Juggernaught *charge*

Merc > Shield > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Juggernaught


Assassin * comes out of stealth*

Merc > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Assassin


It is rediculously easy to win as a Merc with tracer missile in pvp thats why 60-70% of warzones are made up of Mercs and Troopers


interrupt says hi

Edited by Gadrak
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lol. It's so painfully obvious that half the people posting in this thread have little PvP experience outside of blowing up level 28s in Huttball. The fact that anybody honestly believes you can stand in one spot and spam point blank Tracer Missiles into a Marauder's face and actually come out on top proves how unskilled the opponents you're facing are. You're all going to have a really rude awakening if nothing has changed by the time rated warzones come out.
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I'm too disappointed with my mercenary in pvp. I feel hopeless in 1v1 and a waste of raid spot in warzones unless I'm healing because I bring nothing to the table except damage.


I've been trying to figure out a way to deal with melee other than staying rooted in place and spam my highest damage rotation non-stop hoping to kill before I'm killed...but with little success so far. Competent melee players give me no chance at all.


I wish I had rolled Powertech, but I dont like to play melee...it is disappointing to be a class with so few tools to work with. Probably going to quit PvP with my mercenary and roll something else... :(

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Competent PLAYERS or competent CLASSES? Don't get me wrong, if you care anything about PvP, you have to have an ego. I have one, albeit more subdued than others. That said, I know when I've been bested by an equally skilled or better player and take it in stride. I don't complain about class mechanics to cover up for something I could have done better. I try and learn from my mistakes.


Are there general issues in PvP that need to be looked at? Oh God, yes. For the most part, I feel most classes are well balanced. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. The problem with that in MMOs is that you just might get something you weren't expecting to balance it out.


If you really wanted a better 1v1 class you'd pick one that everyone says is OP. If you still have issues after that, I'd assume it's the player and not the class.


competent players, although i will argue that the balance is non existant. until we get two insta-cast stuns, a pull, another ranged slow, and an in combat speed boost we will be behind every class

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competent players, although i will argue that the balance is non existant. until we get two insta-cast stuns, a pull, another ranged slow, and an in combat speed boost we will be behind every class


i hope u meant root, not pull. This post is full of mercs not being able to get range on melee :)

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Heres how I play Merc in PVP

Marauder *charge*

Merc *Tracer Missile x3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Marauder


Juggernaught *charge*

Merc > Shield > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Juggernaught


Assassin * comes out of stealth*

Merc > Tracer Missile x 3 > Unload > Railshot - Dead Assassin


It is rediculously easy to win as a Merc with tracer missile in pvp thats why 60-70% of warzones are made up of Mercs and Troopers


Have fun standing still while trying to use Tracer Missile 3x. That might work on bad players, but any competent player w/movement will eat you up while you try and use Tracer Missile.


From range yes it will work, but any good melee will destroy you, thankfully there are a lot of bad players, but on the occasion you get that competent melee, you're doing them a favor by spamming tracer missile.

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lol. It's so painfully obvious that half the people posting in this thread have little PvP experience outside of blowing up level 28s in Huttball. The fact that anybody honestly believes you can stand in one spot and spam point blank Tracer Missiles into a Marauder's face and actually come out on top proves how unskilled the opponents you're facing are. You're all going to have a really rude awakening if nothing has changed by the time rated warzones come out.


just give to them the time till 50,then we shall see the same guys who think that the class is fine,coming here and ranting for a balance patch,because they cant do crap on 1v1.

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just give to them the time till 50,then we shall see the same guys who think that the class is fine,coming here and ranting for a balance patch,because they cant do crap on 1v1.


im 50, in full champion gear, valor rank 49, i've played arsenal extensively and have now just started playing pyro.


The class is fine, im on one of the most populated pvp servers in the game, I have no issues 1v1ing any specific class as pyro, and I only have issues 1v1ing assassins / tanks as arsenal.


Sorry that you are having issues with the class, that doesn't mean its the classes fault though.

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im 50, in full champion gear, valor rank 49, i've played arsenal extensively and have now just started playing pyro.


The class is fine, im on one of the most populated pvp servers in the game, I have no issues 1v1ing any specific class as pyro, and I only have issues 1v1ing assassins / tanks as arsenal.


Sorry that you are having issues with the class, that doesn't mean its the classes fault though.


if you are not having issues against sentinels,scoundrels and sages,your opponents are doing something very VERY wrong.


plus if i you think that the class is totally fine why dont you show us a video where you bring down 1v1 some other class with equal gear,ill be really curios to watch it,since apparently the class is fine as it is.

Edited by Gadrak
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in what pvp zone is it 1v1? if you are alone in the world have out mako, trying to balance pvp to 1v1 is absolutely insane


I refer back to my origional post, we are not gimped, we are not gods, we are kind of meh, but in a good group, with people protecting heals and dps by pulling them away, we wipe the floor with them big time.


this is not a 1v1 game, and every game that tried to balance 1v1 ruined pvp.


do we need a little love? sure, but not much.


we have superman vs chicken little on most of the conversations in this thread.

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