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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Really, who cares how many copies it sold, it only means they spent a lot on advertising and the franchise has a large following to begin with. Him telling me how many copies swtor sold is irrelevant when it really comes down to individual preference.


Exactly. However, I doubt Bioware cares about the 50 people who hate the game when their bringing in the money. The game is certainly a financial success.


Over-all quality will be determined by how many people keep subbing after a few months.


But what else do you intend to measure it by? Should we sit down and have an individual interview with every person who bought a copy? Cause honestly, thats the only 'real' way to determine how good a game is.


And honestly, if you have seen the internet before you know a good majority of people are idiots, so how many of the customer interviews would end up being biased pointless dribble? Most of them.


So what exactly determines a good game? To developers it would be how many zeros they see when they cash it all in. To the individual player it could be any number of things.


So what else is there really to go on other than the amount of copies sold?

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If I tell you Ford sold 2 million Focus cars will you run out and buy it? It's not what he can and can't say it's the motivation behind it.


Yeah he must have had some truly evil motivation behind this topic...:rolleyes:

Edited by Zlattrick
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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


I personally love this game but cant wait after MoP, I was playing red when I was 12, and now I am 25 and yes I want that pet battle stuff and those pandaren in wow, I will play both game since swtor is so nice too :D

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Global Total (Extrapolated): 2,042,877


There are 1.7 million confirmed sales. The other 300k are a guess. An educated guess but still a guess. That is was I was getting at.







How many did warhammer sell in the same mount of time? No baiting, just wondering.

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How many did warhammer sell in the same mount of time? No baiting, just wondering.


They did sell good. They got around 800k pre-orders, but after that it went downhill fast.

They didn't come close to 2 million sales, not even in 6 months.


The RvR they offered was Awsome, but you had to be level 40 to enjoy it fully.

And let's face it, was there any more annoying mmorpg to level up in than warhammer online?


People think WoW had bugs, or sw tor, or..... etc etc. Warhammer was the worst of them all. Too bad tho, because the PvP/RvR they offered is great. Collision Detection ftw!


But that's about it.. it went downhill.

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Exactly. However, I doubt Bioware cares about the 50 people who hate the game when their bringing in the money. The game is certainly a financial success.


Over-all quality will be determined by how many people keep subbing after a few months.


But what else do you intend to measure it by? Should we sit down and have an individual interview with every person who bought a copy? Cause honestly, thats the only 'real' way to determine how good a game is.


And honestly, if you have seen the internet before you know a good majority of people are idiots, so how many of the customer interviews would end up being biased pointless dribble? Most of them.


So what exactly determines a good game? To developers it would be how many zeros they see when they cash it all in. To the individual player it could be any number of things.


So what else is there really to go on other than the amount of copies sold?


I would blow the trumpets of victory so early because the games development costs were over 300 million (mind boggling considering all the bugs) and if you figure an average sale of $90 that only equals to 180 million. I would rather listen to player reviews and my own personal experience to determine if it's for me or not, not some sales person who tries to justify purchasing the game because 2 million other had. This kind of tactic is very anoying and seeing all the yuppies line up and support it makes me want to vomit.

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I would blow the trumpets of victory so early because the games development costs were over 300 million (mind boggling considering all the bugs) and if you figure an average sale of $90 that only equals to 180 million. I would rather listen to player reviews and my own personal experience to determine if it's for me or not, not some sales person who tries to justify purchasing the game because 2 million other had. This kind of tactic is very anoying and seeing all the yuppies line up and support it makes me want to vomit.


300 million was never accurate. It was closer to 100 million, or 150 million.

But 300 million... = No no no.

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I would blow the trumpets of victory so early because the games development costs were over 300 million (mind boggling considering all the bugs) and if you figure an average sale of $90 that only equals to 180 million..


Even as a harsh critic of the game I doubt the 300 million number. A more credible number seems to be ~160 million.

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You know too much...


They comin at you!


Guess you do free promotions and advertisements? I am hiring if you work for free, but like I said this post is pointless from a players perspective because it's the individual who will determine weather the game is for him or her. Not someone that passes out a reassurance to those who might be reading the forums and thinking about purchasing.

Edited by Deepmemories
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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




Minus 1,000,000 cancellations due to sheer boredom.

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Everyone talks about how WoW has such and such many subscribers but it is very important to remember the break-down of those subscribers. There are only a reported 2,500,000 subscribers in North America and 2,000,000 in Europe at the last time they reported their numbers.


Of these subscribers, there is no way to know exactly how many are alternate accounts, accounts which are not played on, etc. That aside, a bulk of WoW's subscription base comes from CHINA/ASIA, with over 5,000,000 reported subscribers. In China, the 'subscribers' are limited in playing hours by the government and play at netcafe's for way less than the actual subscriber price.


So while it is fanciful to say that WoW has 11.5/12 million subscribers, keep in mind that a big majority of them are in Asia.


Now, SWTOR has only launched in Europe and North America and has already gotten 2,000,000+ purchases of the game with no real way of knowing exactly how much more after just 3 weeks or so of launching. World of Warcraft at launch sold an impressive 250,000 copies and that was considered record breaking. Throughout the thanksgiving weekend, the numbers increased to 350,000.


So while you're like "SWTOR has to compete with 12 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS" the actuality of it is that SWTOR has to more or less compete with 4 million subscribers. To my recollection, SWTOR hasn't even launched in Asia and China is IP Banned from SWTOR.com at the moment.


TL;DR Most of WoW's subs are from China.

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