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Slicing nerfed AGAIN


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Excuse me Mr OP.


where are these 8-10 bountiful missions in slicing per teir that you can find? i had gotten my slicing up to lvl 340+ before the nerf. i have 1-2 TOTAL lockbox missions in the level 50 teir, which hasnt changed and i am now at 398.


Earlier teirs, i was getting 1-2 high level, and 1-2 low level lockbox missions in each teir of the profession.


Can't tell if trolling. 8-10 bountiful? *** are you on.



Basically it worked this way at 400 Slicing.


I can send a maximum of 5 characters. I selected precedence as follows




Class 5 Rich

Class 5 Bountiful

CLass 4 Rich

Class 4 Bountiful

Class 6 abundant


So on average I had at least 4 companions always on a rich or a bountiful mission. yes, some half hours would be a glut where only 3 companions were on missions and they were only bountifuls or sometimes it was 3 riches. But no matter what, I always had at least 3 on a -rich or a bountiful-



Thats Gone. Now I am lucky to get one or two riches, or one or two bountifuls, and thats it. After that they disappear off my Class 4 and 5 charts. I'll have 5 companions out doing abundant (if i'm lucky) but mostly moderate return slicing. Class 3 and below I don't even use since its not profitable to even waste 5 minutes clicking on ever since the previous nerf.


Now what? I decided to spend the time by dropping one of my gathering skills so I can try biotech. I've kept slicing for the occasional world nodes since I have it up to 400. Maybe Bioware will fix crafting and then turn slicing missions into something other than a worthless exercise.


Like I said, I'm banking hard on doing dailies. *** is the point of slicing missions again? I've forgotten. Oh, right, buying jukebox tokens.


Side note: you can get bountifuls and rich to pop back up if you just stop slicing for an hour. WOW EXPLOIT MAJOR RICHE$ THAR

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I've been making a killing off slicing from questing. Yes people, there are slicing nodes scattered all over in abundance. Quite a lot on the last two planets I've been on, Alderaan and Taris. I have over 600k at level 37, and I've spent quite a bit on unnecessary purchases.


The missions themselves earn more of a profit if you use companions with higher affection levels. Do NOT use the service droid that comes with your ship, he will almost always result in a credit loss.


I even changed the color of my text to orange, so there can be no dispute that I know what I'm talking about.

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I've been making a killing off slicing from questing. Yes people, there are slicing nodes scattered all over in abundance. Quite a lot on the last two planets I've been on, Alderaan and Taris. I have over 600k at level 37, and I've spent quite a bit on unnecessary purchases.


The missions themselves earn more of a profit if you use companions with higher affection levels. Do NOT use the service droid that comes with your ship, he will almost always result in a credit loss.


I even changed the color of my text to orange, so there can be no dispute that I know what I'm talking about.


Companion affection does not affect results. There are companipns that have a + to slicing critical and those will affect results. Other than that, its completely random and certain missions are designed to result in higher yields

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I've been making a killing off slicing from questing. Yes people, there are slicing nodes scattered all over in abundance. Quite a lot on the last two planets I've been on, Alderaan and Taris. I have over 600k at level 37, and I've spent quite a bit on unnecessary purchases.


The missions themselves earn more of a profit if you use companions with higher affection levels. Do NOT use the service droid that comes with your ship, he will almost always result in a credit loss.


I even changed the color of my text to orange, so there can be no dispute that I know what I'm talking about.


That's fantastic! I bet you'll just find tons of lockboxes to slice in PvP zones, where 50s like me gear up for operations. And then when you're on operations, you're just going to make an absolute killing getting all of those lockboxes too, aren't you?


Every other profession can gather doing whatever it is they're doing. Slicing can gather too, but only for spare change.


They should just say "Sorry we made a mistake, slicing was meant to bring money into the market only when you're out leveling up. It was never meant to be useful, it was meant to make you feel good about ruining your prospects for crafting. When you reach 50 we now expect you to drop slicing altogether." (unless of course you want to slice an elevator to save 5 minutes in a Flashpoint. Or get a vanity bot to help you out for 30 seconds before it disappears due to the overwhelming and overpowered force it exerts on your Flashpoint enemies.


- Having your companions maxed on affection nets you an extra ~ $200-400 credits per hour. After spending at least $100,000 on gifts per companion. WOW. The savings stagger me.


-That 600k you've got? That was supposed to be used to spend on what people are crafting. But guess what, nobody can craft anything other than garbage. And why buy garbage when you have training bills totaling around $1,000,000 by level 50?


So the solution is to nerf slicing? Great work Bioware.



Yeah sorry for the heavy sarcasm. I did like your orange text joke though ;)

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also good point..but those lazy ppeps think crafting is useless..


Not everyone has a lot of time to do crafting or to thoroughly clean out an area of mobs, and they too have a right to buy what they want - regardless of how much time they play for in a given month, their subscription costs the same as yours and mine.


Personally, I don't like crafting much - I'd rather just kill stuff, so I liked Slicing when it was a cash cow. Meant I could go to the GTN and find cool gear - I note now, in Heavy Armor in particular, there is very little if anything at all available between lv30-43. Which is really lucky for me (lv38) because if I spend any credits, I'll not be able to afford my next mount licence, or new mount .. I preferred before the original Slicing nerf - I could Slice like crazy, and buy whatever I wanted from the GTN, and still afford other stuff .. like repairs, and new gear.


Now I'm too scared to spend anything because I won't be able to earn it fast enough to get what I need .. welcome back to WoW .. dammit .. goldsellers ... accounts hacked and stolen stuff ... yeah, nerfing Slicing was a brilliant idea ... NOT.


I've said this in other posts, but I didnt come to swtor for an education on how to manage money - I came to have fun. I had a lot of fun buying cool gear from GTN with my excess credits from Slicing .. I dont know what I will do when I need more gear. Sufficed to say, if it ceases to be fun, my subscription too, shall cease.



Edited by RubberKal
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You don't seem to understand.


If by level 20 you could have 30k, then by level 45...


The fact that before the nerf, you where considered an idiot if you didn't pick Slicing just says everything. Having a stable economy is vital for an MMO, and if everyone was Rockefeller, then the economy would be non-existent.


Slicing does not ( actually, "did not" ) scale as exponentially like the income you get from questing. It was a big part of your income at the lower levels, it became much less so at the higher levels. People didn't see that, because they were still leveling in the mid-levels.

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Slicing does not ( actually, "did not" ) scale as exponentially like the income you get from questing. It was a big part of your income at the lower levels, it became much less so at the higher levels. People didn't see that, because they were still leveling in the mid-levels.


I wish people would have noticed this. Yes, with Slicing 400 at Level 10 you WOULD make a lot of money with the old reward levels. My highest character is at 37. The only reason I have 800k cr on my account (400k+ from before the first nerf) is that I haven't been leveling or spending any of it for weeks, only been sitting around chatting with people and joining the guild for the odd flashpoint. And even at 800k, I'm barely halfway to afford the most expensive vendor-sold item in the game that I know of, with nothing but grinding money for most of the day for a couple of weeks.. if I was a crafter or a gatherer in World of Warcraft, I could easily save up for a Mammoth at what, 15-18k gold, within mere days of grinding gold.


I also have a Level 12 character that has only been grinding up Slicing while otherwise chatting since January 1st. She's Slicing 280ish. Spending several hours every night, she has now made an astounding 10k credits! Oh, wait, I could do a single Space mission with my normal toon and simply mail her the same money after 3 minutes. All in all, Slicing as a reliable source of income for those of us not interesting in gathering or crafting is NOT working as intended. At least it does allow me a trickle of money without having to deal with the action house system, which I refuse to poke with a red-hot iron as far as trying to create an auction is concerned.

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I've started that on Voss so I could save up for some blues for myself and Guss. I also always kill walking mobs whenever I see them because not only do strongs have a 100% drop rate but because it's good etiquette to take them out. If there are mobs all along their path then I kill a group and wait for my pet and me to ambush it 2 vs. 1. I'm still keeping slicing for now until I max it and get some more max level purples, then I'll switchover to something else.


So strong's have a 100% droprate? not according to the vendor trash I've been getting off them. I rarely get a green, let alone a blue anymore. Did this change?

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I am just amazed by this as well.


All these people surprised that a button that said "Print Money" was removed from the game.


I'm amazed that people are still bandying about this absolute rubbish. I had 400 slicing before the nerf, I was level 36, I followed all the "tricks" for maximising how much you get from the skill, and my bank balance at level 36 was 260k. Three days later, after the slicing nerf, my balance was....320k. Later that day, after buying some gear from the GTN(made by crafters, won't be doing that again) so Khem didn't just drop dead when a mob blew on him, I was back down to 250k.


You know, I really do wish that Slicing made you a trillionaire in ten minutes as you numpties keep claiming, I'd be golden right now rather than trying to scrape together the cash to train both my class skills and rank 2 of the speeder skill.

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The problem being, the best gear isn't crafted, nobody wants craftable gear when there are commendation/flashpoint/pvp pieces that are easily attainable and FAR SURPASS what is available through crafting. Your entire post is rubbish built around a false sense of "how things should be". Having 500k credits so you can ignore the GTM and spend money on NOTHING because you got all of your gear through commendations, pvp, and flashpoints, and you have no expenses because you don't provide anything through crafting does not in any way encourage crafters or help the game economy.


Thats not how things are, Slicing was far, far too profitable and needed to be "FIXED" not nerfed, but fixed. Oh and by the way, Cybertech is virtually useless. I'm capped in Cybertech on my main and I have yet to make ANYTHING other than ear pieces that I actually use on my character. Levelling up I made a few mods, but not since capping, and the only other thing to consider is mounts.


How can you even say something as ridiculous as cybertech being overpowered?


honestly i agree with his post, in terms of how it was meant to be, the reason why slicing was OP is because crafting was too weak, they based your rewards for slicing on what they expected people to be able to make off of gathering/crafting with gathered mats. problem is, crafting doesnt make that much money, so therefor gatherers cant sell their goods as high as swtor planned, however if this ever changes, and crafting becomes something that people want to do, be it for profit or special items, then gathered items costs will go up, and slicing will stay the same and be pretty bad.



right now though, i think slicing is still pretty good, because most gathering is not that good. Its definately the only thing that one can level without losing money or depending on GTN market.

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i like the direction they are going where lock box missions yield minor gain that is not remotely noticeable.. however, i want slicing to be a viable option for gathering support. we all know and love those rare missions that you sometimes get and you either use them yourself, give to friends or sell on the GTN. if moderate and abundant rank 6 missions got a minor buff to mission drops and/or world nodes got a buff to mission drops it would still be viable, im not sure of the actual numbers as i dropped slicing (not RQ i planed on dropping it at 50 when i picked it up) i used slicing for the extra credits and missions to support my mission skill and other gathering skill, and to me it seemed to work out great having 1-2 companions on slicing while the rest were out on missions for gathering worked out great, the slicing missions both put a dent in the cost of running so many missions and gave me wealthy yield missions that were considerably more profitable. when i knew i was going to drop slicing i ran 5 on slicing for 6 hours to get some last minute gathering missions for myself and the gtn, the profits from those sales helped me with my crafting skills training costs. it should not be a money printing profesion but it should be a profession that helps other skills as its main focus, like a true gathering skill /endrant
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I think you guys are over reacting.

picked up slicing at 20, im now lvl 30 and my slicing maxed out, and im getting sick loads of money while im doing nothing...

so just a bit pvp and slicing them on and e voila im rich!

now i just gotta wait for my 4th companion so i can send 3 of them out while im doing something pve aswell

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I think you guys are over reacting.

picked up slicing at 20, im now lvl 30 and my slicing maxed out, and im getting sick loads of money while im doing nothing...

so just a bit pvp and slicing them on and e voila im rich!

now i just gotta wait for my 4th companion so i can send 3 of them out while im doing something pve aswell


Like I said before, do the math on things like $400,000 for expanded cargo hold. How many slicing missions are going to help you with that?


Too many.


You are forced to do dailies because your "crafting" skill has been gimped to trash. To match how gimped every other craft is.

Edited by Hironobu
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Personally, I picked up slicing knowing it was nerfed and I wasn't going to get much profit just sitting around sending my companions on missions. I picked it up so I could get my guildies some missions and schematics and maybe a few augments. I've got Armortech and scavenging as my other skills. But after reaching 200 in all 3 skills I'm starting to get frustrated because I have to go onto the GTN to buy the blue and purple materials because I went slicing instead of Underworld Trading. This is where the issue comes in... I lose soooooo much money by having to buy my materials. It's in no way shape or form "free and easy money". It comes with a price, and depending on your server that price can be more or less harsh. As it stands I have to spend much more time trying to slice for the money to buy the materials I need to make blue or purple items.


I'd just like for people to stop claiming that slicing is free and easy credits because it's not. You get hardly any profit from the missions unless you spend hours doing it and you lose out on rare material gathering skills.

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Slicing is free and easy credits.

You are just doing it wrong.


A couple of pages back Tipptoe pointed out exactly how to make a ton of credits with slicing in its current state and he was right on the money.


I actually wish he had not specifically named those planets that are littered with 500-800 credit lock boxes as they have been my personal playground for quite some time.

Edited by Wildbrain
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I'm amazed that people are still bandying about this absolute rubbish. I had 400 slicing before the nerf, I was level 36, I followed all the "tricks" for maximising how much you get from the skill, and my bank balance at level 36 was 260k. Three days later, after the slicing nerf, my balance was....320k. Later that day, after buying some gear from the GTN(made by crafters, won't be doing that again) so Khem didn't just drop dead when a mob blew on him, I was back down to 250k.


You know, I really do wish that Slicing made you a trillionaire in ten minutes as you numpties keep claiming, I'd be golden right now rather than trying to scrape together the cash to train both my class skills and rank 2 of the speeder skill.


Sorry to make you sad but skill trainign when you hit 50 costs around 500,000 - 600,000 (I know because I spent it)

So better start saving now haha.


About slicing - Well I am not going to cry and whatnot. I picked up slicing after the nerf and at this point of time it is still making "SOME" money if nothing. All you have to do is make sure you are sending you pets on missions.


Yes it is not the same but well what can we do about it now :(. Just suck it up I guess.

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My experience pre and post nerf echoes many others here. After the nerf I keep it and pick up every lock-box I see in the world. I don't bother with missions anymore unless I get a mission drop from a box or a guild mate. When it costs 1500 to send them on a mission, takes 40 minutes, and you lose 300 credits, well.. It was too generous, no one is saying that's not true, but failing a mission with 400.. especially when its a special one.. depressing. And yep, I fail way more than I like to think about.


I had about 250K at level 32ish when it was nerfed, was not becoming a billionaire cause I forgot to "press one button repeatedly"

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So strong's have a 100% droprate? not according to the vendor trash I've been getting off them. I rarely get a green, let alone a blue anymore. Did this change?


Strong mobs drop something 100% of the time, yes. What they drop will be random though, and vendor trash is of course a lot more common than useful gear. :)

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The millions came from the abusers ( that should have been BANNED ) who were sending their companions continuously on 5-6 characters.

You can make one JK with 3 companions ( 1 with +2 Crit Slicing ) per day.




Of course they didnt remove the money, nor the mounts, items and all the **** bought with those credits... but BW didn't remove the money for the stacking exploit recently fixed that put BILLIONS into the system for certain guilds/players.


So they obviously don't care a ****.

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