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commendation vendors ruin economy/crafting


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Actually, its not the commendation vendors that ruin the game economy, its the crafters' lack of interest in helping its community that ruins the ecoonomy.


Its a fact, crafters refuse to buy materials from players for more then 200cr per full stack and in turn makes over 5k or even more profit, so crafters can safely pay 2k and still make 3k profit, but no....they are too cheap.


That is what is ruining the economy, not the commendation vendors.

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Actually, its not the commendation vendors that ruin the game economy, its the crafters' lack of interest in helping its community that ruins the ecoonomy.


Its a fact, crafters refuse to buy materials from players for more then 200cr per full stack and in turn makes over 5k or even more profit, so crafters can safely pay 2k and still make 3k profit, but no....they are too cheap.


That is what is ruining the economy, not the commendation vendors.


Oh god, you're annoying and persistent...

So one player on one server runs across another one player who once demands that the first player sells his gear at a loss... And that's enough for you to make the sweeping generalization that "ALL CRAFTERS ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE WANT MY GEAR CHEAP TO SELL THEIRS EXPENSIVE!"

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That's not how economy works. Get you some knowledge.


That how not needing an economy works. Get you some pertinent knowledge.


Crafting for anything else is equally useless, because anyone can get better gear for even less time and money than it takes to craft it.


Which needs to change; I've never said otherwise. That, however, is a separate issue.

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That how not needing an economy works. Get you some pertinent knowledge.




Which needs to change; I've never said otherwise. That, however, is a separate issue.


Never mind the fact that you contradict yourself in this post, that last bit alone made no sense.

Crafting is hurt by the existance of readily available level-appropriate blue commendation gear. I don't see how anyone can see the source of the problem as a separate issue of the problem.

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Commendations do not ruin crafting. If someone is willing to farm enough Commendations to fill up their armor, weapons as well as their Companions they will be very, very, very board killing the same creatures over and over and over and over and over.


Stop complaining about this subject for the umpteenth time and do the math.


Just Play!!!

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Commendations do not ruin crafting. If someone is willing to farm enough Commendations to fill up their armor, weapons as well as their Companions they will be very, very, very board killing the same creatures over and over and over and over and over.


Stop complaining about this subject for the umpteenth time and do the math.


Just Play!!!


If you just do the quests you get more than enough commendations to deck yourself out and all your companions. I get so many commendations from quests that I never use them up. I still have over 40 left over from some planets.


Play the game if you don't believe it.

Edited by --Grim--
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If you just do the quests you get more than enough commendations to deck yourself out and all your companions. I get so many commendations from quest that I never use them up. I still have over 40 from some planets.


Play the game if you don't believe it.


I do, I am and you must spend way more time doing the quests and killing stuff than I do on any given planet.


After leaving a planet I have 1 commendation because I spend them. I am still in need of mods and go to the GTN, which is woefully lacking in mods that I need.

Edited by Raelstrom
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I do, I am and you must spend way more time doing the quests and killing stuff than I do on any given planet.


I'm just playing the game normally, not grinding and commendations fall like rain. The same goes for everyone I know.


Sounds like you aren't playing the game or are very low level where commendations are not as plentiful.

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Crafting is hurt by the existance of readily available level-appropriate blue commendation gear. I don't see how anyone can see the source of the problem as a separate issue of the problem.


Crafting is hurt by the absence of suitable end-game recipes. This is an actual problem as it completely strips crafting of any actual use past a certain point.


Crafting profit is hurt by the existence of readily available commendation gear. This is completely irrelevant because you're self-sufficient.

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I'm just playing the game normally, not grinding and commendations fall like rain. The same goes for everyone I know.


Sounds like you aren't playing the game or are very low level where commendations are not as plentiful.


You can judge me all you want and make assumptions of my level. I do every quest, kill everything in my path. Current planet is Quesh. No I am not 50 but I am not a low level character either.

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You can judge me all you want and make assumptions of my level. I do every quest, kill everything in my path. Current planet is Quesh. No I am not 50 but I am not a low level character either.


Then you should have more than enough commendations to deck yourself out and your companions.


Of course if you buy new orange gear instead of remodding the old stuff you will run out. But if you purchase wisely then it is easy to keep your gear up to date with just commendations.


I'm not against commendation vendors btw. I love them. I just think the prices are too low and it is one of the major reasons why many crafting professions are useless.

Edited by --Grim--
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Then you should have more than enough commendations to deck yourself out and your companions.


Of course if you buy new orange gear instead of remodding the old stuff you will run out. But if you purchase wisely then it is easy to keep your gear up to date with just commendations.


I'm not against commendation vendors btw. I love them. I just think the prices are too low and it is one of the major reasons why many crafting professions are useless.


Again you make assumptions that I am too stupid to play the game properly. I have crafters so that I can get the mods I need because there are none on the market. I do get some from commendation vendors. Like I said I would have to farm for days to get enough commendations to fully upgrade all my gear. I guess you are just luckier than I am in the acquisition of commendations. I have never come close to getting enough mods to upgrade all my gear let alone my Companions.

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I just quest and I have enough to fill out my gear in 3 hours. You should also be getting upgrades from the quests and item drops.


Do you never find upgrades via drops or quests...? That's the only way it would take you that much time :(

Edited by Purlana
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Crafting is hurt by the absence of suitable end-game recipes. This is an actual problem as it completely strips crafting of any actual use past a certain point.


Crafting profit is hurt by the existence of readily available commendation gear. This is completely irrelevant because you're self-sufficient.



You're not a crafter, are you?

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I just quest and I have enough to fill out my gear in 3 hours. You should also be getting upgrades from the quests and item drops.


Do you never find upgrades via drops or quests...? That's the only way it would take you that much time :(


Wow, I must be the most unlucky player in existence. I get maybe one or two upgrades per planet. I have usually already gotten that upgrade so I take the commendation. I never take the boxes.


I have never gotten enough commendations on any planet to buy all the modification upgrades I could.

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i am not proclaiming to be an expert of any sorts on economy/mmo economy, but in my opinion, the BIGGEST problem in swtor right now is the commedation vendors making crafting skills insignificant. player characters should not be able to keep their gear up to date (especially acquiring orange gear!!!) using commendations vendors, but instead should be done through spending credits for peoples crafts at the GTN. the trickle down effect that commendation vendors have on weakening the economy is really effecting the gameplay for alot of people in a very negative way.


i am not saying to get rid of commendation vendors, but imho, commendation vendors should offer bop companion gear only, which will greatly increase the need for crafted gear and strengthen the economy.


it seems almost EVERY crafting skill, sans biochem, is completely DE-VALUED because of what the commendation vendors offer for so cheap.


when someone can get orange gear at level 15 through commendation vendors, and keep that gear up to date for the ENTIRE leveling process, through commendation vendors, you are going to have a fubared econcomy.


for the people that dont like crafting, i think bw should un-nerf slicing to some degree the way it was before so that these people can still make a nice income. this income will also help feed the economy as the "slicers" will spend alot of that income in the GTN.


these are just my opinions, and by my own admission, i am a very inexperienced mmo player. so far, i love the game, but it just feels like these commendation vendors really "cheapen" and undermind the entire economy/crafting skills that swtor has to offer.


please discuss, and keep the bashing to a minimum. this is NOT a thread that is meant to bash bioware.... i just wish that getting great gear didnt have such an "easy mode" feel to it.



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Wow, I must be the most unlucky player in existence. I get maybe one or two upgrades per planet. I have usually already gotten that upgrade so I take the commendation. I never take the boxes.


I have never gotten enough commendations on any planet to buy all the modification upgrades I could.


Are you running the flash points and group quests as you level, they usually give you at lest 1 upgrade.


Sometimes you get unlucky while running the flash points, but so far I almost always get something out of the deal.

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You're not a crafter, are you?


Sure am. And, outside of the 6-figure expenditures and the sheer number of skills you get to top off at 50, I didn't want for credits.


Look: commendations have ruined the economy, because they're replaced the economy. Since there's a replacement for the economy, the game isn't dependent on its health. Crafting is not the economy. Crafting is not for the economy. Plan accordingly.

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Commendations are not ruining the economy, over inflated prices are.


It's expensive leveling up. Repairs, new skills, crew skills, etc...


Not to mention that I am not going to spend a ton of credits on a piece of gear that is going to get replaced in a level or two anyway. Maybe if crafters started putting items up at REALISTIC prices it would change. But as long as people are putting up sub-par items at 10,000 credits when I can go get a better piece for commendations, why would I spend credits?


Commendations make it easy to keep your gear current while saving your credits for other things that you really need.


The problem is the prices are not unreasonable... Remember that people have to pay thousands of credits for Missions to be run to gather randomized materials to craft with. The days of completely "free" materials you harvest yourself are somewhat nonexistant.

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Sure am. And, outside of the 6-figure expenditures and the sheer number of skills you get to top off at 50, I didn't want for credits.


Look: commendations have ruined the economy, because they're replaced the economy. Since there's a replacement for the economy, the game isn't dependent on its health. Crafting is not the economy. Crafting is not for the economy. Plan accordingly.


So basicly we have a MMO with the same type of economy of as single player RPG? :mad:

Edited by Purlana
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So basicly we have a MMO with the same type of economy of as single player RPG? :mad:


yup ...


between empty worlds and useless crafting/economy ... it really is starting to have a single player rpg feel to me


i am actually still having fun with the game ... im just afraid that once i get to 50, there wont "feel" like there is much left to do.

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I will admit the crafting system doesnt really provide good enough or diverse enough items. any 2 of the same class armtechs for example provided they both have the same schematic will create the same qaulity of item when maxed with the exception of a lucky crit. Basicly it take the purpose away from anyone who usually enjoys a bit of dedicated crafting.


I may be biased in my point of view for my love of teh old SWG but the crafting system in that was complex enough to be fruitful for dedicated crafters due to the added grade/qaulity of the harvested resources that went in to the items. It would require alot more percentages for the system to incorperate but it stops any willy nilly person with an easily obtained max crafting lvl being able to make the best gear and adds worth to crafters and craftef items alike should the items be useful.

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I dont know alot of the purple gear one can make is pretty freaking great. however i believe the biggest problem is with the GTN itself. and it is pretty sad that the only complaint i have seen so far about it is that players hate the search feature.


Seriously?! Who are you people? what planet did you come from? how do you not notice that almost NONE of the GTNs are linked?! heck im not even sure if there is cross faction access?!


to me that seems to be a MASSIVE issue with the GTN, significantly MORE of a problem than the browsing feature. and a 2 day expiration date on posts, which sometimes expire MUCH sooner than 2 days. no you aliens want a better search feature. dont even voice the other problems the search feature is where its at.


but yeah Purples kick tail and the GTN is a fail, vendors are not a problem the GTN is. crafters can craft awesomer stuff than the vendors offer.

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