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Sentinels need force push/pull back.


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The main problem with Sents in pvp is crowd control abilities. See, for us to do damage, we need to be in melee range. For us to build focus to do damage, we need to be in melee range. Currently there are way too many ways to keep us out of melee range, thus making us a nonfactor.


Almost every other class has some form of a push or pull. Us? Nothing. Huttball? Forget about it. Our one job in Huttball is leap up to a ledge, just so we can get knocked off of a ledge. Our only form of crowd control is channeled, can be interupted, and is on a long cooldown. I've had other classes hit me with a knocback, then a root/freeze, just to keep dpsing me while im stuck. My favorite is the knockback and root in the SAME skill.


We need more utility. Other classes have dps/heal, dps/tank choices, with the exception of gunslinger. All we have is dps,dps,dps. That being said, we are not even the best at doing dps. So why gimp the class?


I level to 50 as combat, and I respeced to watchmen. Watchmen is currently the best spec in pvp and pve in my opinion.


Giving the propsed changes will not fix all of the problems with the class, but it will be a good start.


And if other Sentinels want to chip in their 2 cents, please hit 50 first and pvp more than twice. I read many whine posts about the class leveling up so I waited to hit 50, get really good, before making an assesment.

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I'm actually going to disagree on this one.


In a Combat spec, we have two roots which help tremendously... but everyone has access to a snare which allows us to stay on targets very well. A knockback would do us no good. A pull would certainly be useful, but is completely unnecessary IMHO. Yes, we get knocked around a lot, but we have plenty of skills that help get us back into the fight just as quickly.


In Hutball, my Watchman spec is plenty deadly enough to kill the Imp carrier and already has all the necessary utility to be one of the best ball runners in the game. Transcendence gives us a huge burst of speed to offset snares and leave enemies in the dust, Guarded by the Force just flat out lets us walk through fire, Force Leap always gets us to where we need to be and Force Camo allows for some interesting tricks with the ball or getting to it.


Also, you appear to have forgotten about Awe. Absolutely invaluable.


If you ask me, CC is already too heavy in PVP and is a crutch we just don't need any more of.


And since you appear to be interested in the credentials of those replying to your thread, I am an 11+ year MMO vet, have been 50 for some time now, PVP daily and haven't lost a single 1v1 in the open world since turning 50. Carry on.

Edited by Fascion
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i agree with this post. In order to use force leap in pvp you have to run up to a guy focus starved. Boom they knock u back and then u force charge back. By then you are aleady behind in damage. And i spend most of my time trying not to get knocked in to that retarded green crap. Either nerf all these knock back / cc or give us something useful
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Everything you said, I agree completely with. Words right out of my mouth.


I would like to doubly emphasize that it is ridiculous for the ranged classes to be able to perpetually CC us into oblivion. Isn't their advantage clear enough without giving them more and better CCs? A knockback+root???


Oh yes, another thing: If line of sight means nothing to the nubsauce pew pew classes, (as far as circle strafing is concerned) please explain to me why I should EVER, when in combat range, get the message "you are not facing your target." Seeing that message is like a big "FU" when I'm running around smashing face.


Which brings up my next point: Sentinel DPS should always be dealt to targets in a forward cone area effect, even allowing multiple targets to take damage if they are within range. Running into a group of enemies and trying to tab thru in order to deal proper damage is fail. I don't like spending the last 5-6 seconds of my life trying to tab to the guy that I want to hit. If I'm standing in front of you chopping you to pieces, you should take damage.


PS: I still come in top 5 dps in most warzones despite the CC imbalances, targeting fail, and LOS fail. However, I relate this to my being experienced with melee and putting in at least 2x the effort of most any other player.

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I would like to have a skill that give me CC immunity for x seconds. Instead of breaking CC that would let me take a preventive action at the right time.


That skill could have a long cooldown and maybe with a talent or naturally the CD would decrease everytime I get hit by a new CC ability.

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If i remember correctly in one of the earlier Beta phases (around feb/march) We had force pull/push as Jedi Knight skills. Though i was quite upset when they removed it, nowadays I believe it would be OP for sentinels to have force pull
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I'm actually going to disagree on this one.


In a Combat spec, we have two roots which help tremendously... but everyone has access to a snare which allows us to stay on targets very well. A knockback would do us no good. A pull would certainly be useful, but is completely unnecessary IMHO. Yes, we get knocked around a lot, but we have plenty of skills that help get us back into the fight just as quickly.


In Hutball, my Watchman spec is plenty deadly enough to kill the Imp carrier and already has all the necessary utility to be one of the best ball runners in the game. Transcendence gives us a huge burst of speed to offset snares and leave enemies in the dust, Guarded by the Force just flat out lets us walk through fire, Force Leap always gets us to where we need to be and Force Camo allows for some interesting tricks with the ball or getting to it.


Also, you appear to have forgotten about Awe. Absolutely invaluable.


If you ask me, CC is already too heavy in PVP and is a crutch we just don't need any more of.


And since you appear to be interested in the credentials of those replying to your thread, I am an 11+ year MMO vet, have been 50 for some time now, PVP daily and haven't lost a single 1v1 in the open world since turning 50. Carry on.


Well, I disagree with your disagree. The 2 roots you spec of in combat only work maybe 40% of the time. Crippling throw works decent but the Master Strike root is broken beyond all belief. But why should we need to spend 25+ skill points to be able to what other classes are given?


Where do Sentinels stand out? Damage? No, out damaged by Inquisitors, Bounty hunters, and Agents. Tank/CC? Not even options. CC? No.


Whle I do believe there is too much cc in the game as is, we either need more of it to level the playing field, or give us cc immunity for a set time period, instead of popping resolute, then getting stuned right afterwards.

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Can I add how I love the fact every other class has a insta cast stun, where you cannot do anything while getting pounded on, and ours is channeled? If the Sith Dreads/Marauders force choke is insta cast, while they continue to hit us.


Where is the Balance?

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To be completely honest, I wouldn't dislike some kind of "grip" ability, but it would be OP, we already have the possibility to snare (Leg slash, Cauterize if talented,the last talent in focus I can't remember the name right now), root (Force leap), stun (force stasis).


In a 1v1 scenario, you can avoid to be knockbacked by incing with Force camouflage + zealous strike, once knocbacked you leap and do your rotation.

Edited by Hetz
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To be completely honest, I wouldn't dislike some kind of "grip" ability, but it would be OP, we already have the possibility to snare (Leg slash, Cauterize if talented,the last talent in focus I can't remember the name right now), root (Force leap), stun (force stasis).


In a 1v1 scenario, you can avoid to be knockbacked by incing with Force camouflage + zealous strike, once knocbacked you leap and do your rotation.


This game isnt about 1v1 though. Its group based combat. My point is we bring nothing to the table aside from damage, but its too easy to negate our damage by cc.


Give us utility to knock a Marauder off of my sage, or pull someone off of him. Let me do something aside from chasing people around the map the whole time, just to get there and get knock off/away, then rooted.

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Almost every other class has some form of a push or pull. Us? Nothing. Huttball? Forget about it. Our one job in Huttball is leap up to a ledge, just so we can get knocked off of a ledge.


If you blow your gap closer before they use their gap creator, that is a recipe for failure. Run/sprint up there the old fashioned way, and when they force push you off, then leap back up.

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i agree with this post. In order to use force leap in pvp you have to run up to a guy focus starved. Boom they knock u back and then u force charge back. By then you are aleady behind in damage. And i spend most of my time trying not to get knocked in to that retarded green crap. Either nerf all these knock back / cc or give us something useful

You can also leap -> leg slash -> try to get in zealous strike, get knocked the **** back, they are walking slow -> force camo to remove slow and get there quick, continue battering the fck out of em.

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Well, I disagree with your disagree. The 2 roots you spec of in combat only work maybe 40% of the time. Crippling throw works decent but the Master Strike root is broken beyond all belief. But why should we need to spend 25+ skill points to be able to what other classes are given?


Where do Sentinels stand out? Damage? No, out damaged by Inquisitors, Bounty hunters, and Agents. Tank/CC? Not even options. CC? No.


Whle I do believe there is too much cc in the game as is, we either need more of it to level the playing field, or give us cc immunity for a set time period, instead of popping resolute, then getting stuned right afterwards.

I can say that, with absolute certainty, I have never once had the Master Strike or Crippling Throw root fail to apply. Snares/roots completely ignore resolve CC immunity, so it's really quite impossible to muck it up.


Where do we stand out? Well, given the purpose for this thread, I hate to even suggest it... but... utility. We have plenty of the stuff geared both towards survivability and general wtfpwning an enemy. We are also easily the most mobile class on the battlefield.

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I personally believe we should get an ability similar to Charge in DAoC (short term anti-cc buff) , since we have some mythic people running the PvP . You guys must have learned by now that to have viable melee in PvP you need abilities that allow said melee classes to stay at melee range . Fix this **** now please , I want to play my sentinel again !!
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we don't get force pull as a jedi sentinel???? what? thats such ******** i like don't want to play this class anymore, everyday this class gets stupider and stupider, the only reason im not a marauder is i like the build ur lightsaber cinematic and i am totally not down with killing "HIM". and the story is awesome and has a more emotional ending.


but this whole "your a jedi knight so we decided to give you..eh hem...no force powers, no doubled bladed lightsaber (but your still the mast of ALL lightsaber combat -.-), crappy offhand dps, no armored robes, terrible compaions, end game type of storyline ending (if hes dead wouldnt it all be over???), terrible outfits, terrible looking animations for atacks and stuns, and last but not least ONE female companion (the rest are all males with terrible stories and quests) who is the glitchiest thing in the game from what ive seen and been agreed with.


this is getting ridiculus they shoudl scrap this whole class and redo it. same with jedi shadows, and all 5 melee attacks they get -.- hey EA and Bioware, this isn't mass effect so stop making classes like mass effect. you did kotor perfect, let us choose companions and stop restricting a JEDI to either force or no force, this isn't WoW you can't just expect everyone to be balance because you have 4 mirrored classes



there that was my QQ for the evening

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and thats 1 point for me and another taken from EA and Bioware.


Bioware if you become the new Bethesda I will cry. if i see ONE person in this game say "i used to be a jedi like you but then i took an arrow to the knee" or flying rancors that you can't kill. i'll never ever look at you the same....


i wont get mass effect 3 oh ya i went there....i know you are reading this....i know you are....ill do it....i swear to god i wont

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and thats 1 point for me and another taken from EA and Bioware.


Bioware if you become the new Bethesda I will cry. if i see ONE person in this game say "i used to be a jedi like you but then i took an arrow to the knee" or flying rancors that you can't kill. i'll never ever look at you the same....


i wont get mass effect 3 oh ya i went there....i know you are reading this....i know you are....ill do it....i swear to god i wont


Actually, it's "I used to be a Jedi like you, but then I took a blaster shot to the knee".

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I'm a 50 Sentinel in with ~500 expertise. I've PvP'ed a bit.


Sentinels would be so lol-OP with good CC that we would surely need a nerf in another area to compensate, and I like things the way they are right now.


Sentinels/Marauders have insane damage right now. The drawback is lack of CC. It keeps things balanced.

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Actually, it's "I used to be a Jedi like you, but then I took a blaster shot to the knee".




but seriously do we seriously have like NO force powers? because i am currently looking threw my abilities and i SWORE i had force pull somewhere, but i don't recall ever using it. ive been to busy on my BH lol we have that statis thing, lightsaber throw, and that thing where you throw wind at them or something and destroy their face,


im talking offensive force powers btw

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