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Sith Emperor vs Darth Sidious


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With regards of the Mace Windu duel, don't forget Yoda trained Count Dooku one of the greatest lightsaber combatants of all time and Sidious schooled Yoda during there beat down. Not to mention Yoda's connection and abilities with the force, yet he still couldn't best Sidious.
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Vader is actually quite powerful himself. Windu rivaled Yoda prior to his fight with Sidious and gave himself fully over to his vaapad which he has never done before making him, potentially, more powerful than Yoda in that exact moment.


Also Sidious was busy torturing Luke so he was caught off guard. Couple that those feats weren't in that body. He was able to do them in a younger more powerful body. Pretty much he returned far more powerful than ever. He's been dubbed emperor reborn. Sidious reborn would have destroyed Windu with no contest. Note Luke is even more powerful than Sidious reborn. So while Sidious was made "overpowered' by the EU it's nothing compared to how Luke has ended up.


Well.. I still don't think the Emperor reborn could beat Windu in a lightsabre duel, Force Battle Siidous wins absoloutely. But Windu is just below Luke in lightsaber skills on my list.

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With regards of the Mace Windu duel, don't forget Yoda trained Count Dooku one of the greatest lightsaber combatants of all time and Sidious schooled Yoda during there beat down. Not to mention Yoda's connection and abilities with the force, yet he still couldn't best Sidious.


Schooled? I think not, that was a real close fight.

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here i conflict again.

this current Empire, is inmortal it can't die.

so ahh, Darth Sidious is just a sith lord.


Being immortal means you can not die of old age, if someone chops your head off you'll still be just as ****ed as anyone else.


In short, Immortal is not Invincible.

Edited by Krusedullfaen
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Sidious definately threw the fight vs Windu to turn Anakin to the dark side. He knew exactly what was going to happen and that is why he revealed himself to Anakin alone at the proper time.


After Anakin assisted in Windu's death remember he had a slight regret for a moment or so, had Sidious initially killed Windu, Anakin would probably not have turned to the dark side right there.

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Sidious definately threw the fight vs Windu to turn Anakin to the dark side. He knew exactly what was going to happen and that is why he revealed himself to Anakin alone at the proper time.


After Anakin assisted in Windu's death remember he had a slight regret for a moment or so, had Sidious initially killed Windu, Anakin would probably not have turned to the dark side right there.


Sidious lost the duel. That's canon. After that sidious was close to disarming with his lightning. And after the incident with anikan wind ws dead before he flew out the window from eidious lightning

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think the Sith Emperor is probably more powerful in the force, if not in intellect or cunning. As for the above poster who mentions that Palpatine was the only Sith thhe conquer the galaxy, you may be wrong. We don't actually know yet. If you think back to Episode III, there are some lines that make me think otherwise. In the scene where Mace Windu attempts to arrest Palpatine, Windu says something along the lines of "the oppression of the Sith will never return!" Also, Palpatine says to the newly dubbed Darth Vader "ONCE AGAIN, the Sith will rule the galaxy." This obviously suggests that the Sith conquered the entire galaxy at some point previously to Episode III, and there isn't currently any established period in the lore where this has happened. Also, the culture, military and titles/ranks of Palpatine's empire is very similar to the Empire in the Old Republic, suggesting that Palpatine is modeling the Empire after the Empire in the Old Republic. Why would he do that unless he deeply admired it. All of this information combined seems to leave open the possibility, if not outright infers that the Empire will win the war in the Old Republic, and at least temporarily conquer the Republic outright. Truthfully though, it's impossible for anyone to know. We will have to see what happens in the story. Also, I don't recall Palpatine ever draining the life of over 100 Sith Lords simultaneously while completely stripping an entire planet of the force like the Sith Emperor (Vitiate) did on Nathema. Food for thought. The Sith emperor is no joke.


the sith ruled the galaxy before star wars III for sure

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the sith ruled the galaxy before star wars III for sure


No? Maybe small territories of the galaxy, but the GE ruled MOST of the Galaxy. It comes second to the Infinite EMpire.(After Rayla Felena explained why the IE was insanely powerful, I had changed my mind.)

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Read the revan book. T.O.Rs epmorer is a god. He took his power from a group of sithlords+ an entire planet. No1 can beat him.


If you really did read the book

you'd know that Darth Scourge had a vision of the Jedi Knight beating the Emperor. That's the whole reason he back stabbed Meetra and Revan.


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If you really did read the book

you'd know that Darth Scourge had a vision of the Jedi Knight beating the Emperor. That's the whole reason he back stabbed Meetra and Revan.


Yes. He will eventually lose or he would be in the movies. When he dies im sure it will not be 1 guy killing him. Hey i like palpatine but he is no mach for a for this emporer. Oh yeah the rule of 2 is nothing more than a ripoff of the mandalor helm.

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Yes. He will eventually lose or he would be in the movies. When he dies im sure it will not be 1 guy killing him. Hey i like palpatine but he is no mach for a for this emporer. Oh yeah the rule of 2 is nothing more than a ripoff of the mandalor helm.



Too bad it was one guy.


Edited by Aximand
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I know that Lucas said that Sidious is the most powerful sith lord ever bla bla bla...




You have to realize that the Star Wars universe is constantly expanding - some stuff will get retconned to lesser or greater extent. It is inevitable.


Just read Revan novel and play JK storyline and ask yourself who is superior - Vitiate or Sidious.


Here is some nice quote from codex entry related to the Emperor:


Every decision the Sith Emperor has made for the last millennium has been in the service of one dark goal: the complete annihilation of every living thing in the galaxy. The Emperor's desire is not destruction for its own sake, however. He is not a nihilist. The Emperor intends to feed on the galaxy's extinction and draw that energy into himself, giving him true immortality--and a godlike mastery of the Force.


The Jedi can only speculate on what the Emperor will do if his plan succeeds. Does he intend to preserve any followers, or live on alone? With such unlimited power, could he plant the seeds of life and raise a new galaxy from the old one's ashes?



Basically the Emperor wants to exterminate every living being in the galaxy by performing a ritual that will begin on Belsavis. He will consume entire life present on Belsavis and after that, nothing will stop him. Of course JK stops him. If Vitiate's plans would succeed and if he would have managed to consume trillions, he would become as it says in the codex: godlike.



After you find out more about the Emperor you realize what kind of creature of pure evil he is. The way he speaks, everything about him is just terrifying and causes chills to go down your spine. I mean, he killed a sith lord when he was like what, twelve years old? When he was an infant, his eyes were filled with terrible blackness and void (Wth?! How sick and creepy is that?).


He is unlike any being that was ever born, when Lord Scourge who was a Sith Lord took a not even second long glimpse at the Emperor, he cried out like a child.


Some of his abilities on top of my head:

- Being able to perform most complex sith rituals ever attempted (consuming life of the entire planet - billions of live beings destroyed in matters of seconds).

- Being immortal? "His life spans millenia". Also from what I understand, it is almost impossible to completely kill the Emperor. His essence will always live on, attempting to find another host it can possess. For sure the Emperor got some weakness that can be exploited in order to defeat him, as everyone, but noone knows what it is yet.

- Being able to mind control pretty much anyone (though it is possible to resist the Emperor, Revan being the proof of that.


I am pretty sure that it is BioWare's intention to make us feel that Vitiate is in fact the most powerful, evil and dangerous sith/living being to ever exist (including the movies and all post EP6 expanded universe).

Edited by Deviss
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Reminds me of a quote spoken by Ashoka some 2500 years ago.. "What good is it to rule over an empty land?"

He was also slated to become emporer you see, but on earth, in India. He was also one of the greatest warriors to have ever lived, and realizing that to rule over emptiness was to gain nothing, he turned his back on war completely.



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Some of his abilities on top of my head:

- Being able to perform most complex sith rituals ever attempted (consuming life of the entire planet - billions of live beings destroyed in matters of seconds).

- Being immortal? "His life spans millenia". Also from what I understand, it is almost impossible to completely kill the Emperor. His essence will always live on, attempting to find another host it can possess. For sure the Emperor got some weakness that can be exploited in order to defeat him, as everyone, but noone knows what it is yet.

- Being able to mind control pretty much anyone (though it is possible to resist the Emperor, Revan being the proof of that.


I am pretty sure that it is BioWare's intention to make us feel that Vitiate is in fact the most powerful, evil and dangerous sith/living being to ever exist (including the movies and all post EP6 expanded universe).


1. It wasn't a matter of seconds. Sidious goes to his retreat and consumes billions of lives every day there just to re-energize.

2. Sid is Immortal, he can transfer his essence to whatever body he wants to. He is THE master of Essence Transfer.

3. You do realize Galen Marek and Luke SKywalker were almost engulfed into complete darkness just by being in the presence of Sid. Marek's dark Side Powers were amped up.

4. Vitate never created a force storm that could consume The Entire Republic Fleet and make Planets turn into Malachor V.

5. Vitate doesn't have the strongest Force Lightning.



Trained to perfection by Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious was the most powerful Dark Lord of the Sith in the history of the Sith Order—something he himself firmly believed.[17] Additionally, he was the only Sith Lord in a thousand years to achieve the ultimate goal of the Sith: to eradicate the Jedi Order and bring the galaxy under the rule of the Sith.

Lightsaber trainingEdit

Darth Sidious with one of his lightsabers ignited.


Despite his frail appearance, Darth Sidious was incredibly skilled in lightsaber combat, one of the greatest duelists of all time. A Sith Swordmaster, Sidious was one of the very few who was the equal of Yoda or Mace Windu. Thanks to his tremendous skill, he killed Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin—who were considered to be two of the finest Jedi of their time—each with a single blow, and while also engaged with Mace Windu, slew Kit Fisto moments later.[9] He also managed to fight Yoda to a draw in a lightsaber duel later on.[9] Many years later, Palpatine, in one of his clone bodies, engaged and defeated Luke Skywalker in a one-on-one lightsaber duel in his clone labs on Byss. He was ambidextrous and could change his fighting style at a whim—keeping his opponents unsure of what his next move would be. A master of every form of lightsaber combat and stances, Sidious drew his opponents in, fighting less than his true capability, and then striking the fatal blow when his opponents thought they had the better of him. When fighting at full strength, the Sith Lord was a terrifying opponent. During his assassination of the Gran Protectorate, the speed and ferocity of his technique was so great that it appeared as though his victims were dispatched by a phantom.


Sidious had an extremely aggressive dueling style and augmented his swordplay by using Force Speed, which allowed him to defeat three experienced Jedi Masters with very little effort. His brutal fighting style allowed him to overwhelm Luke Skywalker during their first duel and Skywalker only barely defeated him during their second. In fact, the only people known to have defeated him in a lightsaber duel were Mace Windu on Coruscant,[9] and Luke Skywalker aboard the Eclipse.

Force PowersEdit


"I've played along with your Jedi dueling games long enough! Now you will experience my full potency… I live as energy… I am the Dark Side!"



Sidious demonstrates his prowess at telekinesis during his battle with Yoda.


In addition to his lightsaber combat skills, Darth Sidious was considered to be one of the greatest Force users of all time, described as a "Black hole of the Dark Side."[17] Palpatine was a master of Force lightning and was known to use this both as a lethal attack, and as a way of torturing his enemies.[3] In addition, he could use this power to light up the surface of a an entire planet.[122] He was also extremely skilled with telekinesis; during his battle with Yoda, he levitated several Senate pods simultaneously, including the one he was standing on, with incredible dexterity and precision.[9] Likewise, he was skilled enough with telekinesis that he was also able to remove Luke Skywalker's restraints while barely even lifting his finger when meeting face to face on the Death star.[3] Sidious was a master of Force speed, implementing it into his fighting style and allowing him to move so quickly that his opponents would often find themselves unable to react in time.[17] Darth Sidious also possessed the power of Force Flight.[84] After the first decade of his apprenticeship under Darth Plagueis, Palpatine possessed an exceedingly feral usage of Force rage, such as when he assassinated the Gran Protectorate.


Sidious was also the only known being capable of producing a Force storm of his own power, a dark side technique which he himself discovered. Using his anger and his will, Palpatine was able to rip the space-time continuum and create a hyperspace wormhole. It should be noted that even though he claimed to be able to conjure a storm simply by willing it, by his own admission he was not able to fully control it. By 10 ABY, however, the Emperor believed himself fully capable of controlling a Force storm, and it took Luke and Leia's combined efforts through the light side to turn his dark side creation against him.[123]


Another very dangerous and advanced Force technique utilized by the Emperor was the ability to use the Force to transfer his essence, as well as the essences of others, which he used to survive death on at least two occasions.[4] He had a supply of clone bodies ready to house his spirit until the last one succumbed to his own corrupting power and the sabotage of his subordinates.[124] He also, when taking over a host's body, overwrote the soul and personality of the being to fully dominate over it. He used this power not only as a pathway to immortality, but also as a particularly cruel and sadistic form of torture; it is known that he killed and resurrected Imperial engineer Bevel Lemelisk seven times as punishment for the destruction of the first and second Death Stars.[13]


Among the Emperor's powers was the ability to channel the collective life essences of billions to sustain himself and his Dark Side Adepts; his victims would live in a dream-like state while his own power grew. The entire population of Byss lived under this spell until the planet's destruction by the Galaxy Gun.[125] It was mentioned by Luke Skywalker that the Emperor's very voice had a hypnotic lull to it whenever he was outwardly projecting his dark side Force powers. Darth Sidious was highly adept at foreseeing the future, often utilizing the power to see his plots to fruition, ensuring that all would proceed as he had envisioned.[3] Furthermore, Sidious was a master of Force stealth, able to hide his dark nature from the Jedi Order for many years before allowing himself to be discovered. Sidious was so powerful in the dark side that he was able to cloud the Jedi's vision, making it exceedingly difficult to predict future events.[8]


Upon spending decades immersing himself in the many facets of the Force, it was believed that Palpatine had a mastery over all known powers, previously unknown powers, and could create new abilities on a whim.[110] By the time of his final death, he had become a nexus of the dark side capable of tearing apart the fabric of space.[123]


"Conquer the temptation to create specimens that are superior in every way. The danger of such monstrosities being turned against you is too great."

―Palpatine, from The Creation of Monsters.[src]


Palpatine was a master of Sith alchemy, an ancient art he was taught by Darth Plagueis.[9][75] He wrote about alchemy in The Creation of Monsters, the unfinished last part of his Dark Side Compendium. He rediscovered the long-forgotten art of creating chrysalides, and used it to alchemically alter rancors into fearsome chrysalis beasts used as pets at his Citadel on Byss.[126] He also created Shadow Droids, hybrid mechanic/organic starfighters controlled by his own will, used against the Republic after his return in a clone body.[124] He may have also used alchemy to hide his true face from the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy as a senator and Chancellor of the Republic.[127] The Dark Lord also possessed knowledge of Sith Magic, allowing him to use arcane rituals to detect poisons and drugs in food and drink.





Now please, no one stands a chance against him.

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Read the revan book. T.O.Rs epmorer is a god. He took his power from a group of sithlords+ an entire planet. No1 can beat him.


What did Sidious do again.. oh wait, He did even more powerful things that Vitiate could ever dream of WITHOUT the use of trinkets, sith lords etc.


He consumed billions of lives just like Vitiate, Except the ability didn't control him, He created wormholes with the force, fried planets with his lightning and destroyed fleets with his lightning, He even turned the most powerful force user to ever live (Luke) to the dark side for a brief moment.


You are either a very ignorant fanboy of the Old Republic series that sets his own opinion higher than canon fact or a troll that is joking around.

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