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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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  • RE'ing an item can lead to learning the same schematic again and resulting in a "you already know this schematic" prompt. Since the chance to learn new schematics is already low, please make it so you won't try to learn duplicate schematics anymore.

Please! 8 blue REs tonight would have given me schematics, but six of those were duplicate schematics. Or hey, if you want to leave it that way, let it put a copy of the known schematic in our inventory, I'd take that trade any day.


OP, thanks for this list. In particular, thanks for posting that there's currently no Defence+Alacrity result for deconning Redoubt gear! The above attempts were primarily to try do determine which purple prefix I was missing.

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Is it just me or do you guys have errors where you can not do crewskills? Frequently I have "unavailable" in my mission list or I have four crew skills instead of three in my UI.


no, I have gotten both. It's why I'm here, in fact. If I switch between my main and my alt, and both are crafting, Underworld Trading (from my Alt) will show up as a 4th usable skill on my main. And I have sent my companion on one of the missions. Then it goes away next time I log in, or craft.

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* There are currently no lvl 400 Armstech schematics you can find through either investigation or dropped off bosses in EV or any Hard Mode


should be added to your list.


also if this is incorrect someone please tell me ...cause ive been 400 for a while, and been clearing HM's and EV regularly, and I also have investigation... NOT ONE pattern.

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This looks serious,


After i logged out from my alt and logged in to my main char( they are in the same server) i saw that i had 4 crew skills and can deploy 4 companions for missions.


This doesn't seem normal, what do you think? What shall i do?

Edited by tegororn
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Good list, hope it becomes sticky.



-> Since my Artificer got to lvl 30 gear, the counter (that tells you how many items u can craft) is off. it eitehr shows 0 or goes down to 0 after I added the first item to the crafting q. This seems to be an issue with some grade 4 resource, you can still craft the items though it says 0. The counters in the needed resources lists are also correct still.


-> There need to be more filters to basically all lists, e.g. "show all items with X stat", since I usually only browse for items with the chars/companions main stat. This is important for user schematics list (which becomes insanely long at higher lvls) and for vendor lists.

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BUG :-


'Send Companion' Greyed out for both my companions so cannot gather any resources using them at all.


Might be connected to when a companion is sent off or comes back whlst during a space mission as space also seems to go all choppy if this happens.


I suffer from this issue as well:


Seemingly at random, X companion cannot be sent on any mission as the "craft" or "send companion" button is greyed out.


Another oddity which might be related to this as well, i can now queue different missions from different crew skills for the same companoin, but they will not show in the mission queue. This was not possible before the bug started some 3-4 days ago.


I do not recall any special circumstances when the bug started :(

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I have a UT Bug not mentioned.


Prior to the Slicing nerf patch, I was getting 1-3 Schematics to drop per day from Underworld Trading. Since the patch I have received just one schematic in over 250 UT missions. That is outside any flukey curve possibility, so my characters are bugged now, since this is not affecting every player.


Also at about the same time as the patch two of my alternate characters started using crew skills. I have two with Underworld Trading on Vrook Lamar server. So that may have something to do with it. Nevertheless, it's a very annoying bug to never receive schematics. Everyone else says they are getting 4-7 per day.


I have mostly stopped playing SWToR because of this. I just want the game to work correctly.

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Failure rate for missions seems a touch high. I've seen a number of green missions fail. I've also seen too many missions started with epic items fail with maxed skills (also using companions with correct bonus and max affection).

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Thank you! Great post and hopefully the devs will look right at this for the things they need to fix.


One thing I would add that is very annoying.


When one of my crew members returns and wants me to accept their items, that pop-up window will close the Global Trading Network window I have open. arg...

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I have a UT Bug not mentioned.


Prior to the Slicing nerf patch, I was getting 1-3 Schematics to drop per day from Underworld Trading. Since the patch I have received just one schematic in over 250 UT missions. That is outside any flukey curve possibility, so my characters are bugged now, since this is not affecting every player.


Also at about the same time as the patch two of my alternate characters started using crew skills. I have two with Underworld Trading on Vrook Lamar server. So that may have something to do with it. Nevertheless, it's a very annoying bug to never receive schematics. Everyone else says they are getting 4-7 per day.


I have mostly stopped playing SWToR because of this. I just want the game to work correctly.


1-400 Underworld trading: since launch i have recieved 3 schematics total, all synthweaving.


Out of curiosity - do companion gift missions proc schematics more often? because i seldom run those.

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1-400 Underworld trading: since launch i have recieved 3 schematics total, all synthweaving.


Out of curiosity - do companion gift missions proc schematics more often? because i seldom run those.


I've played a couple of weeks now. I've gotten 5 schematics I think, 4 were synthweaving, the other was armormech. I haven't gotten any schematics the last week or so. I haven't run many gift mission recently either.

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My underworld trading is at 50, and I can't queue for higher grade missions.

When I hit the dropdown menu to switch it to 17-24, it is greyed out, as is everything lower. But I can do scavenging missions for up to 25-(? can't remember) despite being only level 21.

I really wanna be able to craft my blue recipes for cybertech, but I can't do the metal missions for underworld trading.


Not sure if bug or if I'm just doin' it wrong.

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Not sure if this is a bug or what- UWT 'Rich Yield' missions for grade 6 fabrics and metals almost always only give 2 blue grade 6 metals. Grinding both out all day long, metals and fabrics with Vette (+5 UWT) and Jaesa at 10k affection, and I get maybe 2 epic g6 mats of each. Every other time its 2 Ciridium or 2 Nanosilk. Also, 'abundant yield' missions are yellow while 'rich' are green, and usually failed (even though I send Vette, who should have 400+5 UWT and is max affection).


A good bug I noticed today was when I had Jaesa crafting stuff while I was doing space combat. In an hour and a half, she made 10 Leviathan Handgear (takes 21min each), with every one she crit she finished another 2 on the queue. 3 critted boots, all in a row, with 2 non-crits being completed with the crit. 1 crit, 2 non-crit. 1 crit, 2 non-crit. Every 21 minutes.

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1-400 Underworld trading: since launch i have recieved 3 schematics total, all synthweaving.


Out of curiosity - do companion gift missions proc schematics more often? because i seldom run those.


Obbu, from my experience, yes. Have nothing to back up that theory thought.

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If you wish to add to your list


Cybertech itemization..


Something is seriously strange with recipes .. there is NO recipes except veichels and ship parts over lv 24?


There is NO PvP MOD or armouring (with expertise) that we can made for now.. at last if we can buy some for PvP comanderions? or find some random in PvP bags?


OK doing underworld missions im geting SILK .. if i try to see prices other people are selling silk to put it in auction house im unable as i dont have skill !

Mount and ship parts in general are not on the trainer, but only drop during Slicing missions, this is working as intended.


Added the PvP mod to suggestions.


Silk displays under Diplomacy, not under Underworld Trading, this is already in my bug list.


Not sure if it's a bug, but the mission trainers for Scavenging and Underworld Trading never have have anything to teach. I have to buy missions from the GTN, and you never see if they are missions you already have.


That's working as intended. The missions you buy from the GTN are single use (but high reward!) missions, i.e. they disappear once used. You can (and should) buy them more than once.


My underworld trading is at 50, and I can't queue for higher grade missions.

When I hit the dropdown menu to switch it to 17-24, it is greyed out, as is everything lower. But I can do scavenging missions for up to 25-(? can't remember) despite being only level 21.

I really wanna be able to craft my blue recipes for cybertech, but I can't do the metal missions for underworld trading.

Mission skill missions don't advance to the next level at the same skill level as harvesting skills. I believe for mission skills it's around 70 that the next grade becomes available. So just keep working at it :).


Not sure if this is a bug or what- UWT 'Rich Yield' missions for grade 6 fabrics and metals almost always only give 2 blue grade 6 metals. Grinding both out all day long, metals and fabrics with Vette (+5 UWT) and Jaesa at 10k affection, and I get maybe 2 epic g6 mats of each. Every other time its 2 Ciridium or 2 Nanosilk. Also, 'abundant yield' missions are yellow while 'rich' are green, and usually failed (even though I send Vette, who should have 400+5 UWT and is max affection).

That is becaus the grade 6 "Rich" missions are misnamed, they should be named "Moderate". Which is also why they are green to you while abundant are correctly yellow to you. Check the cost of the "Rich" mission, it is also lower than the abundant ones. This is already in the bug list though.

Edited by Rhaphael
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Seems people are still having trouble with the 'send companion' button being greyed out. had this problem and sorted it by accident in about 15 seconds - even with the button greyed out you can double click on the mission text to send your companion.

just thought i'd mention since so many people seem to have this problem.:D

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I didn't read all the pages. But when switching between characters, some of the professions of one character shows up as 0 on the list of another. Then the nodes show up on my map that I can't gather because it's my other characters gathering skill.


EDIT: Apparently already coming down the pike with 1.1 patch on the test server now.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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