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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your personal top priority fix for this game?


Recommended Posts

  • Ability delay fix
  • Chat bubbles
  • Anti aliasing
  • High res textures
  • More ambient music
  • Less unnecessary instancing
  • An auction house that doesn't suck
  • More freedom, this is supposed to be an MMO.
  • FPS fix
  • Memory leak fix
  • Client crash whenever I exit a warzone on certain planets
  • DC to character selection screen upon entering a WZ
  • NPCs that actually serve some purpose other than cardboard cutouts, even allowing us to click on them and hear the tiniest bit of dialogue would've sufficed
  • The ability to re-sheath my weapon when running after combat
  • Target of target
  • Macros
  • UI customization
  • Fix grass from growing 3 feet infront of me


You know, the stuff that should've made release :-)


Nice list. I am sure they will get around to it eventually. It's just a small thing fixing and re -writing parts of the entire game engine. I am not hopefull :(

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Guild List/ Details not displaying correctly

Bugged instance bosses (Eternity Vault - Infernal One, Foundry - robot clicky boss, Foundry - Revan and his loot chest)

Booting to char screen when joining warzone

Queue Group feature for warzone (not sure this is a bug, just very bad mechanics)

Getting stuck in warzone at end.

Mouse cursor disappearing.

Mouse cursor not being able to click.

Mssg killing you/ not really working.

Warzone dailies/weeklies not updating.

Floating bug where can't cast because your are "moving".

Companion despawning after traveling.

Companion and panel disappearing completely.

Darkside/ Lightside points not updating from hardmode.

Social points broken and stuck at rank 1.

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  • Ability delay fix
  • Chat bubbles
  • Anti aliasing
  • High res textures
  • More ambient music
  • Less unnecessary instancing
  • An auction house that doesn't suck
  • More freedom, this is supposed to be an MMO.
  • FPS fix
  • Memory leak fix
  • Client crash whenever I exit a warzone on certain planets
  • DC to character selection screen upon entering a WZ
  • NPCs that actually serve some purpose other than cardboard cutouts, even allowing us to click on them and hear the tiniest bit of dialogue would've sufficed
  • The ability to re-sheath my weapon when running after combat
  • Target of target
  • Macros
  • UI customization
  • Fix grass from growing 3 feet infront of me


You know, the stuff that should've made release :-)


Oh come on, I said your main priority, not your laundry list! :p



Also, I love the instancing. Nothing worse than having 15 people all trying for the same heroic quest and having to "wait your turn".

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1. I want to adjust the graphics to my liking, I got a strong PC and feel like playing a game for 4 years old rigs. Sliders for draw distance, rendering distance etc.


2. High textures, same reason as above.


3. Bug fix companions, they die in elevators, they dont move out of fire, they need a better AI.

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Personally, mine is character responsiveness/ability delay. My 2.5 cast aimed shot shouldn't take 4-5 seconds to actually fire. It's my best move and yet this issue is ruining it's potiential.


I REALLY hope they fix this fast, because I'm going to completely shun things like PVP until I can actually use my abilities properly.


If you could make one fix the priority, what would it be?


Fix crafting so more than just biochem is useful at end game.

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1. The UI

2. The UI

3. The UI


How did it ship in the state it's in? Fights at 50 become needlessly frustrating and difficult because you can't see anything. Classes with dots are at a constant disadvantage for the same reason. If Bioware are unwilling or unable to do it themselves then they need to open it up to modders. the game is needlessly frustrating at max level at the moment and it's almost all down to this.

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I'd say the response-time is something I'd like to see improved. I'm not a computer-wiz, but I don't think it's intentional that it should take me too long to dive for cover/use portable cover as a smuggler. It feels like I've got lag, according to my connection I barely have any (it's below 100).
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Make the UI not garbage.


Things like scaling, moving, more hotbars, remove portraits, make the Voidstar Map NOT COVER some of my current bar buttons (which there are too few of), let the raid frames update health in a timely fashion, perma black background for chat.


Just basic stuff every other MMO (or nearly so) seems to have, that TOR inexplicably doesn't.

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Fix where every time companions recall they forget which of their abilities I turned off. That's about it for me, it's real annoying.



Yeah, Corso's Harpoon ability resetting itself is annoying, but I have gotten into the habit of turning it off every time I enter a new area, so not that big a deal for me.



I mean, if the range wasn't so far, the ability would be fine. If he'd run out, harpoon a gold and allow me to burn it down, fine. But as is, he harpoons things BEHIND my cover, which means I have to stop and move to keep the defense going.

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