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Grab and speed abilities making Huttball CHEAP


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as i've stated in other threads, if you're letting them sit on the ramps waiting for people to bring the ball to them to score then the issue isn't them, it's you.


If a football player lets an opponent sit in his half of the field unmarked and unchallenged, then you slap that player upside the head for not being spatially aware of his opponent.


Kick that player off the ramp.. now what? he's got nobody to pass to.


It's so ridiculously easy to mess up even experienced players with this, see someone waiting for a pass.. and knockback/forcepull/ mes them just as the balls coming in.. worse comes to worse they're stuck on the spot allowing your team to kill them, best option? you've binned one of their players in the pit for a few seconds and intercepted the pass yourself.

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Throw ball, grab and force speed. win in 5secs.


im going to quit every huttball match i see players abusing this strategy.


SCrew your huttball.


That's it, you show em by not earning rewards!


That'll teach those pesky winners.

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The problem I have when I see this as a 35 scoundrel is I have no way to run interference on them. I have two options either use dirty kick and stun for four seconds or attack and hope I can whittle him down. If they get the ball its an insta win :( any suggestions would be appreciated.
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I feel that it kinda does, yeah.


For example, the leap to enemy ability. Many classes (both Warrior types, Powertech shield spec and probably someone else too) have them. This basically means if he is ANYWHERE near the finish line, if anyone spawns or jumps down, they're giving the enemy a free cap.


Same with knocking them down into the pit. If you knock them down, and anyone anywhere decides to shoot down at them, they just give them a free hand to top back out of the pit. The only solution is for everyone to quickly jump down as well. In which case the enemy will just pass it up and cap unmolested.


Speed abilities also make it less fun. Shouldn't be able to sprint with the ball, just like you can't stealth with the ball. It gets especially fun when jump AND sprint are tied to the same ability (Powertech Jet Jump), where following the jump you move 30% faster for 6 seconds. Makes for ridiculously easy caps, coupled with the general tankiness.


Bottom line though, I wouldn't worry about it. In a month or two people (and by people I mean Empire, which is 75% of the players) will be so tired of it that they will stop playing it altogether.

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IMO, they should make it so that if you're carrying the ball, you can't use Force Speed, can't Force Leap, and can't be Force Pulled by allies


In other words: no strategy. The street goes both ways ya know. Do unto them as they do unto you.

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Really, it's easy enough to score as it is. I don't see why we need to make sorc/sage anymore wanted by allowing them to sprint a cap in easily.


Right now, it's plain just too easy to score in huttball with a competent team. Neither team can really stop these easy scores because it's so easy. At that point it becomes somewhat luck and RNG if you win because it really just depends who's sorc's are in position which isn't always related to skill at all because of the millions of knockbacks.


I think DPS sages bring plenty to a huttball match. Do you think they would lose their spot on a premade if they couldn't cheese the ball in this way? I sincerely doubt it. That says to me that we can all live without sprint ball scoring.

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Yea from the beginning I felt that the force sprint was kind of cheap in this context (of Huttball). But whatever, you cant nerf an ability over huttball... at least it shouldnt be though its the only pvp I get seems like.


But it should half the speed of their sprint when the have the ball, like for normal run, its just too good in that game. I feel totally inadequate to even have the ball as a merc with no movement tricks up my sleeve at all. Thats ok in a way, since dps-ing is what I do best anyway.

Edited by salamanderx
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Really, it's easy enough to score as it is. I don't see why we need to make sorc/sage anymore wanted by allowing them to sprint a cap in easily.


Right now, it's plain just too easy to score in huttball with a competent team. Neither team can really stop these easy scores because it's so easy. At that point it becomes somewhat luck and RNG if you win because it really just depends who's sorc's are in position which isn't always related to skill at all because of the millions of knockbacks.


I think DPS sages bring plenty to a huttball match. Do you think they would lose their spot on a premade if they couldn't cheese the ball in this way? I sincerely doubt it. That says to me that we can all live without sprint ball scoring.


I know; if only there was stun, knockback, or pulls to counter these clearly OP ACs......

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I know; if only there was stun, knockback, or pulls to counter these clearly OP ACs......


Some of those are on a long cooldown, and also they counter ALL movement so not an specific counter to the force sprint. Why would I wait for someone to force sprint to use them?


Add to that they are even more effective used on someone without the sprint since a sprint can also counter these abilities if used right after.

Edited by salamanderx
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as i've stated in other threads, if you're letting them sit on the ramps waiting for people to bring the ball to them to score then the issue isn't them, it's you.


If a football player lets an opponent sit in his half of the field unmarked and unchallenged, then you slap that player upside the head for not being spatially aware of his opponent.


Kick that player off the ramp.. now what? he's got nobody to pass to.


It's so ridiculously easy to mess up even experienced players with this, see someone waiting for a pass.. and knockback/forcepull/ mes them just as the balls coming in.. worse comes to worse they're stuck on the spot allowing your team to kill them, best option? you've binned one of their players in the pit for a few seconds and intercepted the pass yourself.

In football there's the offside rule.

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You can still throw the ball.


So strategy for you = stack Sith Inquisitors?


Strategy for me consists of using available resources. A full team of sorcerers and sages would be less effective than a team with a better distribution of classes. However your agenda is noted.

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Some of those are on a long cooldown, and also they counter ALL movement so not an specific counter to the force sprint. Why would I wait for someone to force sprint to use them?


Add to that they are even more effective used on someone without the sprint since a sprint can also counter these abilities if used right after.


SW/JG leap counters sprint. There is more than one way to skin the buck. The problem is teams who have bad players, no organization, or both will scream about anything that beats them no matter how many counters there are to something.

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Players shouldn't be able to fly to opponents on another level unless all classes are given this ability. I have to run around to the correct ramps, or hope that the wind blaster shoots me the right way.

The ability to traverse levels AND sprint with the ball makes some classes in PVP far too highly desirable for Huttball.

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Players shouldn't be able to fly to opponents on another level unless all classes are given this ability. I have to run around to the correct ramps, or hope that the wind blaster shoots me the right way.

The ability to traverse levels AND sprint with the ball makes some classes in PVP far too highly desirable for Huttball.


Right so you take away a classes only gap closer that has no true CC. THAT MAKES ALOT OF SENSE.

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Players shouldn't be able to fly to opponents on another level unless all classes are given this ability. I have to run around to the correct ramps, or hope that the wind blaster shoots me the right way.

The ability to traverse levels AND sprint with the ball makes some classes in PVP far too highly desirable for Huttball.


Sorcs/Sins (Sage/Shadows) do not have Force Charge (or is it Leap? I can never remember). Only Force Speed. Sages/Sorcs get an ally pull at 42, IIRC, and Sins/Shadows get an enemy pull (Force Pull) a bit earlier, if they spec into their tanking line. I've been punted off of the sides of catwalks and pulled down by Powertechs, Troopers, and Sins/Shadows, regardless of all the utility I have as a Sorc. I don't really see the issue here.


Huttball is about team work, not balanced around 1v1. If your team cannot effectively stop multiple scores of the same tactic, maybe your team mates are just... inexperienced or bad? I queue with guild mates and I rarely lose Huttball matches now because we focus on one goal -- scoring and preventing scores.


Most teams that work together not only protect their ball carrier, but they usually are ready for several scenarios. Their ball carrier gets punted off the side? NP. They have someone to pass to above. This is just good team work, and it shouldn't be penalized. However, if your team can't knock people off of the catwalks or not stand at the goal line when a Warrior/Knight is carrying the ball, or kill the Inquisitor/Consular with the ball... I don't know what to tell you.


Most of the issues people encounter in Huttball is from tunnel vision. People tend to focus on one thing in PvP -- killing other players. They aren't aware of the guy moving towards their goal line, the skills that class that's carrying the ball can use, or the people above that person can pass forward to to make it harder for your team to defend against. If you're aware of all of this though, it makes Huttball much, much easier. It's even better if you can get guild mates that do all of this, too.


Once you start scoring, it usually messes up the "flow" of the other team, too, making future scores a lot easier.


At least... that's my experience with Huttball. :)


Edit: Slight correction to "Force Pull" note.

Edited by Sugarpill
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So your complaning about an ability that has a 30 sec cd that lasts 2 secs and an ability that requires someone already survived to make it to the goal to pull their ally?


Ignoring there are stuns, pulls, roots that are not affected by resolve at all, kds, kbs, and snares that all are viable counters to this strategy. If those 2 seconds are all it took for them to score you failed long before then. If you weren't paying attention to other people moving into position for intercede and lifegrasp you failed to have situational awareness. Not every class has a direct counter to these abilities but that's why we have different classes so each has a role.

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Sorcs/Sins (Sage/Shadows) do not have Force Charge (or is it Leap? I can never remember). Only Force Speed. Sages/Sorcs get an ally pull at 42, IIRC, and Sins/Shadows get an enemy pull (Force Pull) a bit earlier. I've been punted off of the sides of catwalks and pulled down by Powertechs, Troopers, and Sins/Shadows, regardless of all the utility I have as a Sorc. I don't really see the issue here.


Huttball is about team work, not balanced around 1v1. If your team cannot effectively stop multiple scores of the same tactic, maybe your team mates are just... inexperienced or bad? I queue with guild mates and I rarely lose Huttball matches now because we focus on one goal -- scoring and preventing scores.


It really isn't that difficult. :\


Slight correction only tank specced Sins get pull

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Throw ball, grab and force speed. win in 5secs.


im going to quit every huttball match i see players abusing this strategy.


SCrew your huttball.



What is read here was "People who can organzie and execute a strategy are OP. Seeing as cannot defend against this strategy, its cheap. Guys... having a strategy and a plan is cheap. Remove all people's ability to plan and come up with strategys so people like me who use on the spot thinking (which clearly works here) have a fair chance."


Quit being bad.

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