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VERY simple fix...


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Currently anyone that uses WASD to navigate, and strafing by holding down the right mouse button of course, can't play the game correctly if they keybind anything to the CTRL button.


This is because Ambient Sounds is keybound by default to Ctrl+A and there is NO way to unbind this that I have found, even binding a key to ctrl+a, saving it, then unbinding it does nothing. Ctrl+A is still bound to Ambient Sounds.


Why does this suck? Because if you try to turn or strafe with A held down (strafing would be with the right mouse button held as well) and fire off a ability that is key bound to Ctrl+anything else you won't fire it off unless you stop pressing A, or in reverse if you try to fire off an ability bound to Ctrl+whatever and then try to strafe with the right mouse button and A at the same time you will be rooted and won't move until your ability is cast.


For me personally this makes the game almost unplayable because I bind everything and use modifiers of shift, ctrl, and alt for many of the simple keybinds.


Bottom line is, it is silly to bind something like Ambient Sounds to anything remotely close to what 90% of gamers use to move, but the fact that it is permanently bound like that is unacceptable and unplayable for any sort of good control.


If I am still missing where you can unbind this function please fill me in but considering you can't bind it to something else then unbind it has me thinking this is a bug or a serious oversight.

Edited by Tequillashot
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I'm actually having the same issue- I had planned to use Right Ctrl for my vent PTT key, but every time I hit A to strafe left (edit: Obviously, I rebound A from turn left to strafe left), it toggles ambient sound and/or locks my movement (if I’m already moving, I continue, but if I stop or try to change direction, I just stop until I release the Ctrl key).


Much like the OP, I attempted to bind Ctrl + A to something else and then unbind it.


No effect.


I even tried binding Ctrl + A to something else and leaving it as such (I think it was “toggle chat pane”).


That had no effect either – in fact, it had no effect on the chat pane, but still toggled ambient sound.



I’m probably going to simply bind my PTT key to something else, and avoid pressing Ctrl at all.



Since the ambient sound is really a minor issue compared to locking movement.


I do have to wonder why you can't unbind ambient sound toggle from Ctrl + A, seeing as I have no reason to disable ambient sound that I can think of...

Edited by Riftmaster
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I have a related issue with my PTT Key for Vent and TS3, which is Mouse 4. If I am pressing multiple buttons (such as moving, attacking) while talking in Vent or TS3 my UI will occasionally lock me out of using the mouse to accept rewards, manually click buttons on the UI, etc.
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having the same issue. it's incredibly annoying and frustrating having my ambient sound toggle on and off whenever I use any control modified keybound ability while moving left with my A key.


fix: add the individual sound options (music, ambience, sfx, etc) to the keybind section of the game, so players can remove/change it.

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having the same issue. it's incredibly annoying and frustrating having my ambient sound toggle on and off whenever I use any control modified keybound ability while moving left with my A key.


fix: add the individual sound options (music, ambience, sfx, etc) to the keybind section of the game, so players can remove/change it.


That's the weird thing...you can unbind/rebind Ctrl + M (toggle music) and Ctrl + S (toggle sound), but for some inexplicable reason, you can't unbind Ctrl + A...


Or Ctrl itself, for that matter - it locks movement...


It’s the movement thing that really was messing with me…


So I basically moved all functions that I normally used Ctrl for, such as my PTT key, to other keys…

Don’t even use Ctrl for hotkeys anymore.


Also changed my strafe keys so that I’m not pressing A while moving…

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  • 2 weeks later...

As said.... the CTRL locks the movement itself and it really is annoying.


Just try to press CTRL and then press your right mouse button and move the camera around. You can't, unless the right mouse button was already pressed BEFORE you press CTRL.


This seriously needs a fix, it's pretty critical in my opinion. For people like me who binds CTRL and SHIFT as modifiers to lots of keys (including MOUSE 3, MOUSE 4, MOUSE 5, MOUSE SCROLL UP and DOWN) this issue is a real game braker.


I was hoping this was corrected in the patch notes today but... :(

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As said.... the CTRL locks the movement itself and it really is annoying.


Just try to press CTRL and then press your right mouse button and move the camera around. You can't, unless the right mouse button was already pressed BEFORE you press CTRL.


This seriously needs a fix, it's pretty critical in my opinion. For people like me who binds CTRL and SHIFT as modifiers to lots of keys (including MOUSE 3, MOUSE 4, MOUSE 5, MOUSE SCROLL UP and DOWN) this issue is a real game braker.


I was hoping this was corrected in the patch notes today but... :(

The Ctrl issue actually prompted/forced me to try out a completely different keybind setup, that doesn't use ctrl or shift as a modifier at all (so far).



I'm not having an issue now that I don't even use ctrl...well except for occasionally chatting in all caps, since I use capslock as my PTT key.

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far too many people in here with bad computers complaining about the game and not their bad pc, anyways can we get some insight on a REAL issue please?

They're both REAL issues... if you bother to read some of the threads, and are able to weed out the trolls and numb-skulls, you'll find that many folks with perfectly capable PCs, including a good number who have bonafide gaming rigs, are having trouble with this game. It's apparently a problem with the game coding conflicting with hardware and/or software on the user end, making the game as a WHOLE unplayable when you're crashing every 5-10 minutes. THAT is a REAL issue. So there are not "far too many people in here with bad computers complaining about the game and not their bad pc", there's a buncha folks who cannot play the game through no fault of their own asking for help.


Now, on topic with this thread... you have quite a valid point with the issue of 'CTRL-A' being bound to something such as toggling ambient sounds. I myself have some other issues with the lack of flexibility in user-customization of control schemes, such as the lack of the option for free mouse-look. It cramps my style considerably, but I also realize that many other folks have no problem with holding down the mouse button and do not presume to express my personal dislike of same in an imperious manner, unlike yourself.


In short, yeah... you have a valid point.



Fade to Black...

Edited by Zilrota
removed, rude. Old post
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Also cursing over this problem. CTRL+WASD locks movement and hotkeys binded to them do not work. Forced me to switch from bindings i've used for years in multiple MMO's.



far too many people in here with bad computers complaining about the game and not their bad pc, anyways can we get some insight on a REAL issue please?

Many of the complaints are valid as the game is far from perfect. But, is any game really perfect? Especially during release phase.


Ctrl key being hardcoded to actions seems to be just simple oversight in development, but big enough "feature" to cause annoyance to players.

Apart from random crashing, minor graphical bugs, getting stuck in chairs etc, in my opinion CTRL key not working in hotkeys is the most annoying as it forces me switch away from keybindings I've grown accustomed to over the years.

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  • 1 month later...
This needs to be fixed. It's driving me insane. I hit ctrl + my 3rd mouse button while trying to strafe left or right (with A and D) and it just makes me stand still due to it being bound to things that are impossible to unbind. It's ludicrous. Edited by DarthBastila
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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is an older thread, but I searched to see if this was a concern for anyone else and indeed it is.


There are two issues at play here, and I am getting really tired of them.


Issue #1) Ambient sound toggles on and off every time you press Ctrl + A. This wouldn't be an issue if you could simply unbind the command or bind it to something different, but that is not possible. As others have said, you can unbind toggle music and toggle sound so why is it that you cannot unbind toggle ambient noise?


Issue #2) Holding Ctrl disables the ability to move. The only way the prior sentence is not true is if you were already moving prior to holding Ctrl. This is a serious issue as a lot of people use Ctrl for push to talk in voice programs, or simply use Ctrl for in-game functions.


Devs: PLEASE address this in the next patch, this should be such a simple fix.

Edited by SaberClash
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  • 2 weeks later...
The fix to not being able to move while hitting ctrl was easy for me, I just bound WASD to move and the secondary bind for those as Ctrl-W Ctrl-A Ctrl-S Ctrl-D. Yet for some reason I cant even begin to comprehend CTRL- A still will not unbind to Auto ambience no matter what I try, and it seems everyone else is having the same issue
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Just logged onto the forums to search for a solution for this and saw this post. I'm concerned to see it date so far back. Support for modifiers is a must for me. The inability to use Ctrl with WASD movement is very disappointing. I tried adjusting to use Alt as my main modifier with keybinds, but it appears that causes issues as well, as some combinations (Alt + R) aren't even recognized by the game. starting to lose faith here... :(


Please fix this issue and add an entry for Ambience On/Off Toggle to the Keybinds menu.

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as some combinations (Alt + R) aren't even recognized by the game.


I have ALT bound to a number of different keys, and I don't have any issue with them. The specific one you mention, Alt-R, I have bound to a slot on my action bar where I have my speeder, and use it to "Ride", and it works, not problem.

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