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What Species do you want to be playable?


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I want Sith Pure Blood and Rattataki


Wait a minute.




hehehe, not sure if this is serious or a joke, I cant imagine anyone actually wanting Rattataki. However its probably the same if they put in Gran I would be happy but most people would think I was screwed in the head.

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I hope to see Gran.


But I get the feeling that the devs have no intention of adding new species but don't rule it out so that they can string people along that hope that it will be implamented.


Nothing that any of the other MMO's don't do for 7 years SWGs spoke of Guild Flag Ships, Star Trek Online talks of a 3rd faction but each year it gets pushed back, WAR spoke about Skaven being added and short of a few meaningless war zones people are still waiting.


I hope Bioware prove to be different but given the levels of spin we see I doubt it.

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I hope to see Gran.


But I get the feeling that the devs have no intention of adding new species but don't rule it out so that they can string people along that hope that it will be implamented.


Nothing that any of the other MMO's don't do for 7 years SWGs spoke of Guild Flag Ships, Star Trek Online talks of a 3rd faction but each year it gets pushed back, WAR spoke about Skaven being added and short of a few meaningless war zones people are still waiting.


I hope Bioware prove to be different but given the levels of spin we see I doubt it.


Nope Bioware hasn't fixed any game breaking bugs, nor does it listen to the community at all. Why can't they be like these other games that have flawless launches that break records and fix bugs quickly to show the community they care?



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To be honest, I was very surprised at the small amount of playable races in SWTOR.


I can understand a limit on races in games such as WoW as each race has it's own starting area, zones, quests and racial abilities. However SWTOR and the Star Wars universe itself just doesn't work that way.


The character models for non-playable species is already in game, they have had as much effort put into them as playable races. There's different faces, skin color, gender, even unique body type species such as Ithorians have different looks and even clothing options. This indicates that most of the species that have been listed in this poll could easily be implemented into the game without any fuss at all.


Personally I'd love to see the Nautolan and Togruta available and the Cathar too.


Rodians and Ithorians worked well in Galaxies and I don't see why they wouldn't in SWTOR with the exception of the voices which could be a problem. But I can see Rodian Smugglers and Bounty Hunters working really well.


Also on the Romance aspect. Rodians have sucker fingers, the imagination runs wild! :p

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Personally I wouldn't consider any of the species the OP has labeled as Near Human to be, well, Near Human. To me they are all clearly alien. Most if not all Near Human species have evolved from either Humans or a common ancestor (by some historians presumed to be the Zhell).
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Any race that doesn't look like a different colored version of a human. Almost EVERY SINGLE race is just a human skin with a little bit of flare.


On a side note :


How exactly do races from different ends of the galaxy manage to have the same hairdresser??? Laziness thats how.

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