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Three nights in a row I come home to down servers...


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Wasn't there some lip service to rotating patch schedules?


I'm not exactly this games biggest supporter as it is...


But seriously, can someone explain to me why I should support a game where both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance is going to be in my play time?



<insert random QQ moar drivel from the BDF>

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Tough luck if u have a ****ed up work schedule, but nights are for sleeping.

people work at night dips**t. on days off, its the only time we have to play. server maintenance once a week is fine by me (though i wish they'd do it on mondays and not teusdays) but three nights in a row is ridiculous. they need to combine all the updates into one patch and quit being retarded.

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Why cant they patch europe and US at different times?



Because whichever server group is up would be invaded by people from the ones that are down.



The locking the forums is very draconian in it's attempt to control people and minimize forum use. If they thought they could get away with it, I have no doubt the forums would disappear tomorrow.

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Wasn't there some lip service to rotating patch schedules?


I'm not exactly this games biggest supporter as it is...


But seriously, can someone explain to me why I should support a game where both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance is going to be in my play time?



<insert random QQ moar drivel from the BDF>


While I do support the game, I too have come home every night this week to the servers being down. I've been lvl 31 since Sunday and can't hit 32 because every time I come home the servers are down or going down soon. I just want to play the game. :(

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How many more times, how many more ways must I say this...


2003: EVE Online - 1 server for the entire population

2005: Guild Wars is released with serverless setup, with only home zone groupings & districts, where US & EU players can even come together on an Int zone if they want

...as well as several other mmos that don't use the antiquated physical server model.


Did you have to copy this drek of a setup from WoW along with 75% of the other crap...really? Did not one brainiac amongt all your tech gurus & propeller heads ever mention virtualisaion & server/data abstraction...? You know, where you can have truly staggered server schedules & dynamic, staged rollouts; where you can pair or cluster servers into logical groups so they can be brought down for maintenance...without actually turning them off & on again...where you can have a maximum of 5-10mins DT in a 2-4hr window & all you need to do is advise users to log out just before the actual 'reboot'; where the data model means all data is heavily redundant & distributed by design. Ever heard of ESX/VMWare...?


Instead, we get $130million of voiceovers & a server farm model from the 70s/80s. Bravo!

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Did you have to copy this drek of a setup from WoW along with 75% of the other crap...really? Did not one brainiac amongt all your tech gurus & propeller heads ever mention virtualisaion & server/data abstraction...? You know, where you can have truly staggered server schedules & dynamic, staged rollouts; where you can pair or cluster servers into logical groups so they can be brought down for maintenance...without actually turning them off & on again...


All "server maintenance" is really almost entirely "database maintenance". All production databases face limitations on how much optimization and maintenance can be done while the system is live. Anything else is probably unique maintenance needs of the custom server software (i.e. local temp/index file reorganization/cleanup, applying server side patches/optimizations that don't require a client update, etc).


Funny that you should mention EVE... its server comes down for an hour of maintenance EVERY SINGLE DAY.


EDIT: Since I failed with clarity, the point is that they aren't touching the hardware during maintenance windows. Virtualization would do nothing to prevent the downtime...

Edited by nezroy
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Lately I was a little occupied by the evil RealLife and could only attempt to play on irregular intervals. I call it attempts, because almost always something prevents me.


I had some time prior to x-mas, but the tremendous queues limited my game time.

Then there were scheduled maintenance.

Then I couldn't activate the game, because the website was down.

Then there was unscheduled maintenance.

Then there was a lengthened maintenance.

Then there was a huge patch to download.


Basically almost every time I tried to log in I at least had to wait some hours. Slowly this is seriously affecting my opinion on the game.


At least I could always persuade my self by trolling on the forums. Now they even closed them down. This is too far! At least give me my forums during the downtimes.

Edited by Diling-Hiling
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I work (worked, changing shifts on Monday) a late second shift. 5pm-3:30am ET. The past 3 nights I've come home and was unable to play. I feel for you. It seems like this is the time slot they've decided to go with for maintenance. I will neither confirm nor deny that the maintenance schedule of an online game had anything to do with me changing shifts =p
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I'm not complaining about maintenance, or even tonights hotfix / exploit fix, I'm adult enough to know that "sometimes **** happens, someone has to deal with it, and who you gonna call?".


where was I? The problem is, the two scheduled ones before that both...primetime for me.


Bioware needs to learn that the world doesn't end at the US E/W coast.

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