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these patches are out of control


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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up



Wish I had got 6 patches in the last 48 hours. I only got 3 maybe my game would be running better. Which 3 extra patches did you get, I got 1.0.2, 1.0.2a, and 1.0.2b. How do I download the others?

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I'm all for fixing stuff.


But, it would be kind of nice if it didn't take three tries to get it.

Three nights in a row is a bit excessive.


And the purely personal side of this, the patches are happening at the only time I have free to really play.


I really do like this game and despite all the problems there are with it I see some potential here.


However, I would implore Bioware to ramp up it's efficiency with development and application of bug fixes and patches. I can't see how three nights in a row of; "Darn! Hold on a second guys, We've got it this time. Erm....No? Okay... what happens if we do this? Did that fix it?" is optimal use of man power, time or cost.


Just my two cents.

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Wish I had got 6 patches in the last 48 hours. I only got 3 maybe my game would be running better. Which 3 extra patches did you get, I got 1.0.2, 1.0.2a, and 1.0.2b. How do I download the others?


should just download automaticaly or when you start up the game.

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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up



I couldn't agree more. Bioware I have had enough of you fixing and making this game more enjoyable so that it will be a strong contender in the MMO market. Don't you understand that if you take the game down for a few hours during a non peak time, that me and this guy above will never, ever have another opportunity to play, ever again?

Me and this guy are totally going to cancel our subscriptions if you keep making this game better. That will show you!




Sarcasm like a boss!

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So it would be so great for BW to shutdown servers for 3 days in a row at 6-9 pm cst just so all the people making fun of the op for asking for his game time not to be inturpted multiple times a weeks for minor fixes to the game can rage on the forums about down time Edited by trumpsofdoom
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I'm all for fixing stuff.


But, it would be kind of nice if it didn't take three tries to get it.

Three nights in a row is a bit excessive.


And the purely personal side of this, the patches are happening at the only time I have free to really play.


I really do like this game and despite all the problems there are with it I see some potential here.


However, I would implore Bioware to ramp up it's efficiency with development and application of bug fixes and patches. I can't see how three nights in a row of; "Darn! Hold on a second guys, We've got it this time. Erm....No? Okay... what happens if we do this? Did that fix it?" is optimal use of man power, time or cost.


Just my two cents.




You sir just nailed what I was about to type, so... thanks!

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There are some critical updates that are required, just find something else to do in the meantime. It's either that or deal with exploits until Tuesday and then put up with another 8hr downtime, but everyone complains just as much then so Bioware can't win.


I'd personally rather see them fixing things because I can fin something else to do while the server is down.


Yeah because adding babynames to credits and fixing but not fixing emotes on vehicles are critical updates :rolleyes:

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There are some critical updates that are required, just find something else to do in the meantime. It's either that or deal with exploits until Tuesday and then put up with another 8hr downtime, but everyone complains just as much then so Bioware can't win.


I'd personally rather see them fixing things because I can fin something else to do while the server is down.


There are allot of people who's "something else to do in the meantime" is going to be "go play another game".


Many of those people will simply choose to just use their gaming time for that day on said other game, instead of logging into tor to watch a clock for 2 hours then logging into another game and watch a clock till tor comes back up.


By the end of this month allot of people are going to have a decision to make. If "the game Isn't even up long enough for me to play it" becomes a contributing factor in that decision making process Quite a few of our already nearly dead servers "5 people on hoth in prime time on hypersapce cannon" are going to become honest to god ghost towns.


Fixing things is great. Unless your constant fixing makes the product unavailable every single day.


Then you're actually breaking your game to fix it.


Bit counter productive.

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so, it's smarter to release a new patch every 6 hours than to wait a week and post a 100mb patch? i HIGHLY doubt anything getting patched tonight is too crucial to wait another 3 days.


Fixing bugs is ALWAYS crucial. I haven't seen any game breaking ones but for those who do, they suck. fix them as fast as BW can.

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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up


Don't let the door hit you on your way out.


I mean seriously... First you write "I understand we're less than month into launch", and then you still manage to go ahead and bash Bioware for actually trying to fix things? No game is 100% bug-free at launch, and MMOs are especially subject to this. But guess what? Things get fixed, things get better. It's the nature of MMO development. If you can't put up with a few hours downtime, once in a while, then perhaps an MMO is not the right place for you.


Go do something else while the game is offline. Read a book, watch a movie, go outdoors. Don't need to bring your grievances to the game forums, when it's pretty much par for the course that there will be downtime/maintenance from time to time.

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People aren't complaining that they are fixing bugs you morons.


They are complaining because the servers are down during their peak playtime hours.


Not everyone lives in EST/CST.




I love how all the fanboys ignored this post.


Being a player from Asia, I can vouch for this. I went to school today, hung out with some friends, went to the gym and

came back home, so don't say I sat here all day. It's 7pm now and I still can't play. This is worse for the Aussies and Kiwis

because it's 10pm right now for them.


I understand that SWTOR came out a month ago, but eventually they should alternate maintenance times so that Europeans/Asians /Oceanic players don't get the shaft. We want to play too :(



EDIT: I can play now nevermind.

Edited by Syleal
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I think that the installation time of updatings for Europe and America should be different, because when Americans sleep in the beds, Europeans in fury from this updatings, as they spend their time for nothing
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