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Our endgame gear...


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I mean if they at least fixed the shoulders it wouldn't be so bad....I would prefer an outfit that is dark in color and a hood with the end game gear. I am sad if I have to eventually wear that for PvP. It always seems like MMO's do so well on the beginning stages of gear as far as looks go and then run out of ideas for level 50's so they come up with something rediculous hoping that we will like it.....
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ROFLOL because of all the hilarious descriptions ('the offspring of Queen Amidala and a banana tree' cracked me up really good) of the raiding gear.


Sadly, the descriptions, hilarious as they may be, are entirely accurate. How is it possible for BW to spend dev-time on annoying security questions, security codes, emotes in taxis while they could have spent it on fixing the awesome beta gear for release instead of this crappy looking wardrobe malfunction.



Edited by ddenhartog
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^ This, a thousand times.


I'm kind of like the feather shaman helms, but I don't pvp so I doubt I'll ever have them.


As for the other gear... those aren't shoulder armor. Those are kites. At the next gust of wind you're going to take off on a magical adventure through the skies. Then crash into a tree. Weeee.


As I read this the only thing I could think of was the "Flying Nun".....evil nun mind you but even still.

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Yeah... end gear for for empire is ugly... i'm sure some people in Bioware mentioned that they we're ugly... or at least hinted it... i want them in charge. Flashy does not always mean cool, if they mean to add better looking stuff later or make the armoring removable they better do it soon cause most of the end game armor makes me cringe every time i look at it. There are alot of other lvl 50 armor out there that look good that should have been used as the model for pvp and pve sets. But no... sure the end gear can look cool from a certain perspective but alot of it is just looks bizarre... and i'm sure they know its bizarre so i'm confused as to how this happened. A players gear should be able to reflect how they want to portray their character, what kind of appearance do you think someone who want to be an Assassin Inquisitor would want? How bout Bounty Hunters? It was really good... until we get to the armor that really matters that must be when the designers ran out of good ideas or some weird person was too high on the food chain. ( I will admit to not knowing the situation that resulted in this so if there is a REALLY good reason I can live with it ) I really don't expect anything to be fixed anytime soon they probably have their hands full with real bugs rather than appearances... but it still really sucks. Also being unable to remove the armoring creates alot of clones... which people don't like. Moddable gear is useless if you can't use them at end game where gear really matters. My character is the 1 thing i see 99% of the time i'm playing so its preferable its not something i dislike... etc... etc... etc...


*blink* oh i ranted... i meant to do just one sentence... but in case my meaning got lost in there... I want my characters gear to not look bizarre AND be effective.

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yeah my lvl 40 pvp gear is the exact same as my lvl 40 pve gear.. haha looks awesome! but the 50 pvp gear and the pve gear... I think we are either in the SW universe Toll expansion pack or Michael Bay remake of Star Wars.


This is exactly the kind of gear I want as an assassin. Awesome mask and hood, not whatever it is you call what we get at 50. The only saving grace is mods. I'm going to use Kallig's helm for as long as I can.



The robe in that screenshot looks remarkably like one of the light robes that drops in the Foundry that my Sorc friend pulled the other day. I think they're called the Dark Adept Robes. They are also very similar to the robes worn by the Mysterious Jedi Boss of the Foundry. Could we potentially rip the mods out of the PvP armor and put it in those or will we still lose bast stats and set bonuses given by the PvP shells themselves?

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Thank GOD that wit 1.1 we're gonna be able to mod orange gear into "endgame gear". At least that's how the post reads. I know you're going to be able to customize gear so you don't have to ear the conehead/bull in a china shop gear. This stuff is atrocious!
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Well at least the art team didn't go the easy direction and just start making stripper gear. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make some of that Synthweave 400 gear for a few Sith Warriors.


They all seem to want that particular set for their companions.

I wonder why.

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Guys do you realize these are all just opinions right? I think they look very awesome, especially the one with the horned helmet. Sorry but I think they look pretty cool. Sure, they could add more better armor but those look pretty cool (in my..gasp...OPINION!)


You can have your armor, but I dont want my Sith Lord to be running around in bikini with huge metal pads and shamanistic prehistroic helmet. PvP chicken **** isnt good either, but at least I got used to it...


p.s. republic version is even worse...

Edited by Vesperr
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I was laughing uncontrollably for 5 minutes after reading some peoples descriptions of the gear :D


"Queen Amidala mated with a banana tree.." ROFL

Those shoulder pads! SHOULDER ... PADS

Reminds me of this



Im going to put in my support that Bioware replaces the chest pieces with something... sane.

Edited by Karkais
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I freakin LOVE the lvl 40 gear!



it looks just like the Dread Master's armor from the storyline and i was hoping it was a wearable (is that a word? lol) set.


im lvl 47 now tho and i have not seen even ONE piece of that Dread Master lookin' set :(

Edited by Xaldynn
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I freakin LOVE the lvl 40 gear!



it looks just like the Dread Master's armor from the storyline and i was hoping it was a wearable (is that a word? lol) set.


im lvl 47 now tho and i have not seen even ONE piece of that Dread Master lookin' set :(


The lvl 50 inquisitor pvp gear looks like a few of the dread masters with the feathered head gear.

Edited by Corvane
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I just spent 120k creds to reorganise my mods from columni gear and use a remotely believable chest piece instead.. I just cant bring myself to use the endgame gear.


it looks just like the Dread Master's armor from the storyline and i was hoping it was a wearable (is that a word? lol) set.


Dread masters used mostly pvp gear iirc.

We are talking about the hardmode/ops gear which is among the most ridiculously looking gear I have ever seen in a mmo..

Edited by Karkais
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