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BH Jetpack Outrage


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While I might enjoy having Jet Charge without needing to spec Shield Tech, as others have said balance trumps lore.


Being able to fly about the map may not directly effect the damage output but it would make a noticable difference to PvP where it's objective based instead of being a team deathmatch (despite what half the players seem to think!).

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Because Jet Charge = being able to fly around the map at will...


The biggest problem I have as a merc is my lack of mobility. I don't care about the irony of being immobile with a jetpack, or what some bounty hunter did in a movie. I only care that in Huttball I spend half my time chasing after the ball as it zooms away from me at a speed I cannot match or leaps away from me and I feel like the only class that cannot follow. My only recourse is to setup somewhere and spam tracer missle, which has the same problem of people using their mobility to either close and interrupt, or move out of range.


This also makes for an incredibly boring playstlye and leads everyone to think we all have no idea how to use any other abilities. I have tried to stay mobile and use explosive missle/electro dart/railshot but without the armor reduction and moderate heat of tracer missle my damage is less than ideal and I still have a problem keeping up with everyone.


If I can use Jet Boost to knock someone off a ledge and have them leap back to me, then I Rocket Punch them right back down and then they leap right back up to their teammate, and that is not unbalanced; I cannot see how some kind of movement ability given to our class would be.

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As far as PvP goes I would like some sort of immunity from the Light Flash and Sonic CC. Every BH and Trooper has a helmet and every helmet should be equipped with optic and aural overload dampening devices. If I have my cool helmet on then loud noise and bright light shouldn't be a problem. With those two forms of CC taken out of the mix I become mobile; even with all my channeled abilities.


Also, as an Arsenal Merc, where do I keep the ordinance I shoot? I am shooting off 3 or 4 metric tons of ordinance in every match and I have no clue where I keep it or how my logistics train keeps me supplied.


I would put the jet pack mobility issue low on my list. Being able to jump over fire pits or up to the scoring platform would be bad for Huttball. Troopers don't have equivalent tech and Stim Jumps would be dumb and are not feasible or believable.


But back to the helmets, BH and Troopers ALL have those and we would all benefit from some selective cc immunity.

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Bounty Hunters do need a quick escape. It's very fluffy. Maybe as said above ditch shoulder charge and have a quick jump. You can make it costly in heat and force the BH to choose a landing spot and land before he can attack again. I would also make it so that if you hit something while jumping you were stunned. Make it have some risk.


It would be very cool to unload on a target, it charges you, you jump up and a tank engages. You then land and can attack again, but the heat load hampers your ability to use high powered attacks.

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Because Jet Charge = being able to fly around the map at will...
No, but other things being discussed are:


having a jetpack with a ground targeted ability in general sounds fun (and fits to the lore). make it a quick leap - more or less the distance an inquisitor runs in those 2 seconds of being roadrunner - and give the trooper something similar, like an andrenalin boost. BH rocketeers off ground and lands like we loved Boba Fett doing it, and give the trooper a short sprint, a big leap and a roll animation, and everyones happy.

Edit: and make it not usefull for crossing gaps - even if I'd like it - or it would be op for getting all the datacrons.

Well I would be - but more of coolness then pvp reasons

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Like every game. Gameplay > Lore/Realism. I am sure they could work something in that would work, but they didn't. And I doubt it will be coming at any point soon.


If I could use the jet pack in a realistic manner, I would have spent a lot less time getting the datacrons so far, that is for sure ;)


The same can be said for many things though. Why can't force users just pick up a starship and crush people with them, killing them in one hit? How does anyone survive getting hit with a 1000 lb. boulder in the face? How can my character die and then just magically come back to life?


It is a game and a fantasy game at that. Some things have to be stretched to make it work.

Edited by Vidrak
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You need to give something to the topic or just mind your business. Everyone knows it's a game fool.


We are talking about a jet pack jump which in my opinion should have been an innate ability across the board every tree for the Bounty Hunter.


Only some dev. for some reason thought it would be to powerful for B.H. to be able to jump.


But I don't think so, every class should be able to jump or equivalent grapple.

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The biggest problem I have as a merc is my lack of mobility. I don't care about the irony of being immobile with a jetpack, or what some bounty hunter did in a movie. I only care that in Huttball I spend half my time chasing after the ball as it zooms away from me at a speed I cannot match or leaps away from me and I feel like the only class that cannot follow. My only recourse is to setup somewhere and spam tracer missle, which has the same problem of people using their mobility to either close and interrupt, or move out of range.


I know your pain, I'm bodyguard specced and i have almost no mobility. i get one instant heal that has a 21 second cd and a get to shoot green bullets that are really only helpful at keeping them up long enough for heat to go down. Otherwise i have to stand there keeping people alive with only a single knock back and 2 stuns, one of which takes 2 sec to cast and is immediately broken if someone aoe's too close

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I've been trying to read this entire thread, but it's taking forever to get through all the arguments!


I saw a couple of posted ideas that I thought would rock...


Make it a targetable jump, like when you target 'death from above' AND make it a slowfall ability (I also think force users should have catfall ability, if they don't already)


You can easily keep the jump and slowfall from making the class overpowered by giving it a long cooldown. The jump would equate to an occasional emergency kite/charge/get-around-cover ability, and the slowfall would just mean you don't always have to wait for that stupid elevator.


The trooper mirror ability could be a nice combat roll in place of the jump, with a shorter range but shorter cooldown, and they could have a little extra passive falling damage mitigation in place of the active+cooldown BH slowfall.


I also think it would be appropriate to give this extra rocket-powered jump and slowfall to only the Powertech (all 3 specs), since Boba Fett is the poster child for Powertechs and other known bounty hunters that DON'T have jet packs strapped to their backs, like Bosk, could be seen as the Mercenaries.


Finally, I don't think using a jetpack as a low-flying mount in place of a speeder is a good idea, since we only ever saw Fett flying in very short bursts. It's not a repulsorlift or turbine pack, its a solid fuel rocket pack, so I'd imagine it would go through too much fuel to fly everywhere you go.

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Mercs needs to be fixed. :( Powertechs have all the nifty abilities and PVP-friendly utilities, while we have none. Jet boost doesn't count, as it doesn't even work half the time.

Powertechs can grapple, aoe stun, interrupt + they have an ability that makes them immune to push AND increases their movement speed.

Seems a bit imbalanced, in my opinion.

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Really your a Bounty Hunter don't you want to go after your target instead of running away like a trackstar jedi. on the same note give Operatives a jump to ability also i mean they have a heal spec to right?.


Imo Powertechs are all pulled around being close up to the target. Merc was meant to stay at a range. Oh but they keep CC, snareing, ganging up on me!!!


BFD it happens to every class just learn to play your class and use your enviroment


I play with a buddy thats a lvl 50 Merc and he's hard as hell to kill ive seen him have 3 or more on him and him push them away and continue healing


I say no ability reason being who cares you dont get much use out of a jetpack no use in delaying the inevitible


Oh its just a jump


Go into Voidstar Warzone as attacker. Jump over barrier. Plant Bomb.


Huttball. grab ball go to trenches. Put back against wall Jump over wall. Score point


I say fix the f***ing bugs and exploits in game first then worry about want the whiny communtiy wants for their class.


Rather have a working game tbh

Edited by Azotz
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Really your a Bounty Hunter don't you want to go after your target instead of running away like a trackstar jedi. on the same note give Operatives a jump to ability also i mean they have a heal spec to right?.


Imo Powertechs are all pulled around being close up to the target. Merc was meant to stay at a range. Oh but they keep CC, snareing, ganging up on me!!!


BFD it happens to every class just learn to play your class and use your enviroment


I play with a buddy thats a lvl 50 Merc and he's hard as hell to kill ive seen him have 3 or more on him and him push them away and continue healing


I say no ability reason being who cares you dont get much use out of a jetpack no use in delaying the inevitible


Oh its just a jump


Go into Voidstar Warzone as attacker. Jump over barrier. Plant Bomb.


Huttball. grab ball go to trenches. Put back against wall Jump over wall. Score point


I say fix the f***ing bugs and exploits in game first then worry about want the whiny communtiy wants for their class.


Rather have a working game tbh


O boy here goes the Learn to play B.S.


If you can't offer something good and true to the discussion without resorting to insulting peoples ability to play the game don't bother posting DUDE!

Edited by Kelenan
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I think there are two distinct topics here one is that dealing with class balance and Merc's the other is about the fact all bounty hunters have a jet pack and have no seeming use for it.


I play a powertech and do not feel as though I am informed enough to comment on the Merc class balance issue so I will leave that to others.


As for the jet pack letting us "fly" issue I do not see how an out of combat ability that lets us target a spot we want to leap to (up or down) would break the game in anyway it could let us drop down from a cliff and take no damage or fly upto another point (within reason) put a bit of a CD on it and that would not leave the bounty hunters wanting to be able to utilise their jet packs.


This whole issue is something that surprised and disappointed me the lore of the world versus the reality of the game and the reality seemingly wins out.


I have to add though I really doubt that they will add something like this regardless of how much it makes sense to the bounty hunter players.

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^^ tank ONLY but what about us mercs that have the same jetpack on our backs


How's that different from only some force-using specs getting certain abilities? It's not like every spec of consular/inquisitor can "pull people to them with the force" (to use one of the OP's examples) even though they all should have the "same" access to it.


The game makes concessions because it's a game, and they need to worry about balance in addition to fidelity.

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How's that different from only some force-using specs getting certain abilities? It's not like every spec of consular/inquisitor can "pull people to them with the force" (to use one of the OP's examples) even though they all should have the "same" access to it.


The game makes concessions because it's a game, and they need to worry about balance in addition to fidelity.


A rocket pack jump is not a balancing issue but it is disguised as 1. A jump will not break this game it is only a jump not DPS.


Personally I think people should be powerful in the game to fulfill their ego's as long as it is a non dps power let them have it nomatter what the class.


Let people have their powers!

Edited by Kelenan
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I totally agree with the op so BioWare please fix this right away.


Remove all jet packs from gear from bounty hunters that choose the mercenary spec line enough said. The animation for Death From Above, Jet Boost, and even our ooc heal just show a small flame coming out of the boots anyways.


Better yet replace the jet packs on gear that mercs wear with a turret.



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I'd love a jetpack jump ability but you have to consider that such a thing would be way too difficult to prevent "map exploits" of any kind (not talking just PVP here but PVE). The game is designed around a consistent jump height. As far as I've seen all "jump" abilities are to other players only.


Instead I propose something that fits the bounty hunter, or at the very least, the mercenary (powertech has plenty of toys).


Allow BH (or just Merc) to "jetpack jump" to a friendly. It's not necessarily offensive. It could be used to protect friendlies or to get away from combat.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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mercs could surely use a jetpack escape tool,as it is know the merc doesnt have anything to deal with melee untis besides a knockback that is only useful at huttbal


plus besides shooting missiles there isnt a single thing that is actually cool too see on merc perk list


anyway i think that i would make this a talent for arsenal mercs,pyro mercs have alredy a good mobility

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A rocket pack jump is not a balancing issue but it is disguised as 1. A jump will not break this game it is only a jump not DPS.


Personally I think people should be powerful in the game to fulfill their ego's as long as it is a non dps power let them have it nomatter what the class.


Let people have their powers!


If you can't see how a targeted jump ability could alter game balance, particularly in warzones like huttball and void star then you really have no idea what you are talking about.


You would basically be allowing BHs(and troopers since they are mirrors) to do what wars/knights can do in huttball with their force leap and intervene ability. Except in this case you don't even need another player at you target point to jump to.


I am not against a jet ability(or rather I wish they would just fix shoulder slam) but a jump ability would indeed alter balance. And to be honest if the devs did make changes to the class I would rather they fix more pressing issues like giving mercs an interrupt or giving them a combat rez like all the other healers or a stronger aoe heal.

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And to be honest if the devs did make changes to the class I would rather they fix more pressing issues like giving mercs an interrupt or giving them a combat rez like all the other healers or a stronger aoe heal.

dear god yes please.

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