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People are lying about the game to make it look bad


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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!



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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Totally agreed +100

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Woah woah there bro. Take it down a notch. Jeeze.


There are bugs, some of them are NOT minor. healing abilities suddenly stopping working. abilities that are supposed to ignore the GCD not actually ignoring it (all interrupts and many defensive abilities included).


Will they fix them eventually? Almost certainly. Are they tiny? Not in the least.


They already did fix destroying a station's comm array instantly crashing the client with an explosive memory leak.


And The GTN Bans? Fake. Someone photoshopped together a fake 'ban' notification and all the trolls have been waving it around.


Low FPS without having a bad system IS possible, usually as a result of a hardware conflict, a misconfiguration in the hardware or software...or a serious driver issue.


Seriously...not all the complaining is about nothing. A lot of it is in fact just trolling, but not even close to all of it.


A lot of the trolls should go away sometime between the 22nd and the 29th. Just chill.

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The bottom line is that there are tons of people on the SWTOR forums complaining about SWTOR. If they really thought the game was worthless then they wouldn't waste the energy complaining about it.


I didn't like Rift. I played to level 20 and decided it was just too much like WoW to be exciting. Did I go to the Trion forums and pitch a fit? No, I left and played something else. People here are just attention starved. Probably at work/school and can't play the game so they take out their baby rage on the forums.


Look at it this way, only the greatest MMOs have forums filled without thousands of cry babies. So be glad we have so many because it's a sign of great success on behalf of BioWare.

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The more awards this game wins, and the more people quit other games to come here. The harder fanboys will try to burn this game down.


The problem with fanboys, is that they are selfish, ignorant and self destructive. They don't want anyone to enjoy something they don't. Even if that enjoyment, only strengthens the thing they love.

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What is the mentality for lying like that? I don't get it, why would someone post something blatantly false?


There are a few reasons I can think of...attention whoring being the primary culprit but I've given up trying to ascribe anything like logic to the actions of people on the internet.

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I agree to some extent


I play both Swtor and wow Because they are both amazing games


Call me a fanboy or what not I just enjoy them


I have a HP dv4 laptop with a 2.5 x2 Processor and a Built in Nvidia video card which is substandard and I get amazing fps on medium settings

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It's really ridiculous. I'm amazed by how many fake bans and just downright false info.


There are people having FPS issues and ability delay (speeders anyone?). There are bugs. Some people don't want to deal with them but they don't post and make stuff up.


Are people afraid ? Are they bored? Are they being paid? I don't know. Its certainly nothing that makes sense to me.

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People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!



Dumbest contention I have ever witnessed on this forum for a long time.



"I don't have low fps, so it's clearly YOUR fault!"



SLI 580 GTX overclocked

i7 920 @ 4.1 gHz

12 gb DDR3 RAM @ 1333 mHz.

SSD with 200 gb.



In warzones, with shadows off, I get ~30 FPS.



My rig can handle any game on the current market maxed out at 60 fps or higher, and it will handle any game on the future market maxed out as well. If SW:TOR, a game with sub-par graphics to say the least, doesn't run well on my computer, it is the GAME'S FAULT, and not a client-side issue at all!

Edited by Xugos
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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


You need to learn more about computers guy, just because you do not have issues does not mean others don't. That's like saying "Well I have the same Ford car as you do, and it doesn't rattle when I drive so you must be lying!!"


I love SWTOR, but I see the obvious flaw in your post.

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You have some very valid points; but please, stop sounding like a raving fanboy, it's damaging to your integrity. This game has some massive flaws which are fundamental to MMO's, for example: Excessive sharding, making the levelling up experience a lesson in isolation and loneliness; Highly linear maps funnel players to quest zones with no real prospect of ACTUAL exploration; The lack of a dungeon finder is not game breaking but highly annoying, I've skipped Hammer Station and Arthiss after refusing to pointlessly wait longer than 30 mins in the Republic Fleet just for the prospect of forming some sort of rag-tag team of unenthused mis-specced unfortunates. There are obviously more glaring flaws which detract from this otherwise brilliant game, however, I'm not going to stick my fingers into both ears whilst closing my eyes to any constructive criticism made on this forum... Great game but there's room for a lot of improvement, ACCEPT IT.
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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


The only one here lying is you, to yourself.


Whatever makes you feel better.

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