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Server population is dropping...


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Well i understand US gamers are more volatile probably due to Blizzards influence.


It really is a bad thing if that happens all the time. I'm sure Bioware will do something about it, wich can pass through trying to aim the new players at that server. Maybe it was one of the last ones to come online?


It does happen all the time, and that's all I want fixed.


I LOVE the game. I've made countless alts (I think I could literally do DK with my eyes closed) who all have varied crew skills and storylines. I really would rather not reroll and relevel every single one of them.


I don't know if this was one of the last ones to come online, all I know is that I didn't play very much at all during prelaunch since I was working at the time so when launch day came I looked at the servers, saw 2 hour long queues, and said to myself 'ok I guess I should make a character somewhere else'. At the time all of the servers were at least 'heavy' so it wasn't an issue and honestly, the first few weeks were fine.


Somewhere along the line though people started leaving, and once it reached a certain point it has dropped dramatically in the past two weeks. People who are frustrated about not having other people around are either quitting or rerolling which is just exasperating the issue.


Last night I began the process of rerolling to a heavy server, but I'm not very happy about it, and I know that if I continue things will only get worse for those left behind.


I'm also not trying to be dramatic here because I know it's just a game, but the playing experience for people on these servers really isn't what it should be, and that can't be good for the long term health of the game.

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Oh, but he himself said:




You are concluding something. To conclude something you need to interpret the data with external variables that influence it.


Its not as simple as "oh oh! WoW on patch day has dozens of people in small spaces doing daily grinds. Its so popular and sucessful! I must be playing the right game if this many people are here". Illusion is a powerful thing, and many artists make a living out of it.

I much rather a great and massive game where i see 3 different people all over the place, than one where i see dozens cramped in a little island. But, you know... i have a mind of my own.


You mean the Fleet?



Yes I am concluding something. I'm concluding that my server, Helm of Graush, has had a consistent population downtrend since the 20th of December when they added new servers or upped the server cap. Anything before the 20th can't really be counted since this was the early access time period and there were a limited number of servers. Everything AFTER the 20th is fair game and it clearly shows a downtrend in population interrupted by periods of stagnation. I never played wow, but I did play SWG so I know what low population looks like. Even on SWG I ran into more people than I do on TOR.

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Some people bought more than a copy of the game to be able to troll from one account and then use the other accounts to show suport for the first account

Many of the trolls left on the board are like that. the most famous (or infamous) was xugos who got caught redhanded creating another alt and was exposed by Reid on twitter.

xugos was actually banned from wow boards because of that reason


Ok crazy...


Well i am a father of 2, married and just bought a house. I am not gonna buy the game twice, just to spam here. I am not that rich.

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tl;dr I am disappointed in the Old Republic and you shouldn't buy it.


So ...



Because you are disappointed, no one should buy it? Little pompous isn't that?




Either way, I am still having a blast (although, Ilium PvP objectives REALLY need a looking at). Are there issues with the game? Yes, and I hope they fix these. Does the game need content? Yes, but so do all brand new MMOs (and they have said this is coming) and I am not retarded enough to think a newly released MMO should have the same amount of content as an MMO that has been on the market for years.


Is the game worth sticking around for while it goes thru it's growing/release pains? Absolutely ! It is crisp, smooth and a lot of fun, I have only worked up a Sith Warrior but am looking forward to doing the other classes (including the Republic versions) to see their stories.



If people don't like the game, why are you/they still here? I despise beets (the food, if you want to call it that) and, because I hate them, I do not go out of my way to pay for and then eat them daily, I actually completely stay away from them.


I have never seen soooo many haters (supposedly) of something on a set of forums trying desperately to get other people to hate/quit something in my entire MMO life (which goes back to the release of EQ). Ok, we get it, some people out there hate the game, got ya, it sucked for you, you had a bad experience, you hyped it up in your head envisioing yourself as a Vader-Luke-Obi Wan-Han Solo wanna-be and it didn't live upto your expectations, we got it, so quit. Hell, even make your 1 (one) "This game sucks post" and go.


But really, sticking around day after day just to post about how much you hate it and how everyone should quit? Little obsessive don't ya think? There really are many other causes in our world that your energy could be used on, like saving whales or the rare, soon-to-be extinct Whipple Bird of the Northern Andes (I do not know if there really is a Whipple Bird, but I like to think there is and it might need saving ..).




TL;DR - If you don't wanna read my post because it is too long, I don't really care and I'm not going to make you a cliff note of it. =P

Edited by Balrizangor
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I think the best thing you can do is try to open a ticket and explain the situation to Bioware and ask them if they are aware of the issue. The feedback in the forums is always more volatile to follow.


Maybe create a new thread saying that your server (insert server name) has low population and back it with that screenshot. This thread is just a flame bait due to its generalisation.


It's interesting that you said that because I actually did write a ticket concerning the low pop on my server. The answer I got back was an automated response that said 'We are aware of your concerns regarding the increase in the number of Imperials on your server'.


I'm seriously not making that up. They threw my ticket in the 'faction imbalance' bucket without even reading it.


As for the thread, people have been creating threads for their servers but the mods are closing them and redirecting people here. I'm not being paranoid and saying they are deleting them, just locking them with a post at the bottom saying 'low population is being discussed on this thread' with a link here, which is probably why you keep seeing this same thread bumped over and over.


Edit: BTW thanks for the rational discussion and not just telling me I'm a troll.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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You have to understand that not everyone has the same free-time or game centered orientation you do.

I'm in a guild with 50+ people on my republic character. The highest character is lvl 48 as of yesterday and theres always about 15 people online.


This guy said he was playing 40+ hours a week. The hardcore guys in my guild that hit 50 early didnt even play that much. It takes something under 100 hours to max your level, and thats pretty conservative.

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But when i buy a stocks i also look at trends before i buy, why ? because trends is ALL you have to base your judgement on.


Show me a "trend" that shows a increase in users a cross servers. I cant use a single person saying "more is on my server" to anything. Just something.


I want more population, and a succesfull game myself, i like it a lot atm, but that dosent mean i go all fanboy on it, and ignore the "trends" i can find and see. Its not like Bioware gives us info on how its going.


I cannot give you a trend of person per server but i can give you a trend of the games sales.




Still selling 50k+ a week. Still on europe's top 7 most sold last week. Ranked 23rd on the US charts last week.

(also that is physical copies only)


And i can also tell you that has of week 5 of sales, SWTOR is selling weekly more than WoW cataclysm did. Wich means its popularity on the long term is stronger for now.

Edited by Nemmar
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I do find this funny.




Where I have seen that before....oh yes:


LoTRO (before it went free2play)


Lineage II (before it went free2play; US-side)

STO (before it went free2play)

AoC (before it went free2play)


DCU (before it went free2play)

EQ2 (before it went free2play)



*You think they need that many "trial servers"...lol, skillfully hidden server mergers.


Seeing a pattern? Get heads out of arse. Just because you think the game is doing fine doesn't mean it is. :rolleyes:


Hopefully, ME3 won't be a let down too :\

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It does happen all the time, and that's all I want fixed.


I LOVE the game. I've made countless alts (I think I could literally do DK with my eyes closed) who all have varied crew skills and storylines. I really would rather not reroll and relevel every single one of them.


I don't know if this was one of the last ones to come online, all I know is that I didn't play very much at all during prelaunch since I was working at the time so when launch day came I looked at the servers, saw 2 hour long queues, and said to myself 'ok I guess I should make a character somewhere else'. At the time all of the servers were at least 'heavy' so it wasn't an issue and honestly, the first few weeks were fine.


Somewhere along the line though people started leaving, and once it reached a certain point it has dropped dramatically in the past two weeks. People who are frustrated about not having other people around are either quitting or rerolling which is just exasperating the issue.


Last night I began the process of rerolling to a heavy server, but I'm not very happy about it, and I know that if I continue things will only get worse for those left behind.


I'm also not trying to be dramatic here because I know it's just a game, but the playing experience for people on these servers really isn't what it should be, and that can't be good for the long term health of the game.


Yup i feel your worries. Really, the best thing you can do i go ahead with what i sugested. Open a ticket about it or make a thread about your specific server with the screenshot proving it.

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Some people bought more than a copy of the game to be able to troll from one account and then use the other accounts to show suport for the first account

Many of the trolls left on the board are like that. the most famous (or infamous) was xugos who got caught redhanded creating another alt and was exposed by Reid on twitter.

xugos was actually banned from wow boards because of that reason


You are an absolute psycho if you think this is true. Wow.

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I do find this funny.




Where I have seen that before....oh yes:


LoTRO (before it went free2play)


Lineage II (before it went free2play; US-side)

STO (before it went free2play)

AoC (before it went free2play)


DCU (before it went free2play)

EQ2 (before it went free2play)



*You think they need that many "trial servers"...lol, skillfully hidden server mergers.


Seeing a pattern? Get heads out of arse. Just because you think the game is doing fine doesn't mean it is. :rolleyes:


Hopefully, ME3 won't be a let down too :\


Seriously? Are you for real?

How many of those games sold 2 million copies in 3 weeks? What were the metacritic scores like?


I dont understand how you're able to live with yourself, knowing you're giving such a biased opinion that makes zero sense.


you even take the chance to poke at one of the GOTY candidates for this year.


Now, seriously... do you think you're cool for doing that? You're just showing us that your intellect and interpretation skills are sorely lacking. The world isnt as simple as you might believe, and hating on things definitly doesnt make you look cool. On the contrary.

Edited by Nemmar
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You are an absolute psycho if you think this is true. Wow.


I'm starting to think he is just isn't right in the head. Unfortunately it seems that his emotional/mental well being is tied into whether or not this game is perceived as a success.

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Seriously? Are you for real?

How many of those games sold 2 million copies in 3 weeks? What were the metacritic scores like?


I dont understand how you're able to live with yourself, knowing you're giving such a biased opinion that makes zero sense.


you even take the chance to poke at one of the GOTY candidates for this year.


Now, seriously... do you think you're cool for doing that? You're just showing us that your intellect and interpretation skills are sorely lacking.



How many of those games were hyped as much as TOR was? I absolutely agree, let's look at the metacritic reviews. No no, not the payed reviews where the reviewer never played past level 18, look at the user score. The player score is 6.5.

Edited by Minack
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Seriously? Are you for real?

How many of those games sold 2 million copies in 3 weeks? What were the metacritic scores like?


I dont understand how you're able to live with yourself, knowing you're giving such a biased opinion that makes zero sense.


you even take the chance to poke at one of the GOTY candidates for this year.


Now, seriously... do you think you're cool for doing that? You're just showing us that your intellect and interpretation skills are sorely lacking. The world isnt as simple as you might believe, and hating on things definitly doesnt make you look cool. On the contrary.


They sold 2 mil copies cause they over hyped the game. The game should be f2p cause in my opinion it sucks but time will tell. I though Warhammer was a better game at launch lol

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I'm starting to think he is just isn't right in the head. Unfortunately it seems that his emotional/mental well being is tied into whether or not this game is perceived as a success.


ahahah yeah right


i don't care about this game success or even more what you think


but I love watching trolls and haters strugle to come up with something that isn't the old and trite bull they always have to retort to


and the people that isn't right in the head are the ones buying multiple boxes just to be able to astroturf

how many boxes did you buy?

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You mean the Fleet?



Yes I am concluding something. I'm concluding that my server, Helm of Graush, has had a consistent population downtrend since the 20th of December when they added new servers or upped the server cap. Anything before the 20th can't really be counted since this was the early access time period and there were a limited number of servers. Everything AFTER the 20th is fair game and it clearly shows a downtrend in population interrupted by periods of stagnation. I never played wow, but I did play SWG so I know what low population looks like. Even on SWG I ran into more people than I do on TOR.


Ok, i know its tempting to ignore the first part of my post, where i mention daily grinds. This assumes most people are on the level cap since the game i was trying to allude (WoW) has released over 7 years ago.

SWTOR just released, so its natural that there are less people at max level.


Yet, just like i told another user in this thread. If your server has population issues, you should open a ticket about it to Bioware or make a thread pointing out that your specific server has population problems with screenshots proving it (on prime time).


Just dont generalise that it happens in the whole game and you should be fine.

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ahahah yeah right


i don't care about this game success or even more what you think


but I love watching trolls and haters strugle to come up with something that isn't the old and trite bull they always have to retort to


and the people that isn't right in the head are the ones buying multiple boxes just to be able to astroturf

how many boxes did you buy?



One and I'm already regretting that decision. Glad I settled with the digital deluxe rather than going whole hog on the Collector's edition. I'm as much an alt of someone as you are mentally stable.

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Ok, i know its tempting to ignore the first part of my post, where i mention daily grinds. This assumes most people are on the level cap since the game i was trying to allude (WoW) has released over 7 years ago.

SWTOR just released, so its natural that there are less people at max level.


Yet, just like i told another user in this thread. If your server has population issues, you should open a ticket about it to Bioware or make a thread pointing out that your specific server has population problems with screenshots proving it (on prime time).


Just dont generalise that it happens in the whole game and you should be fine.


Did you seriously suggest sending screenshots to Bioware to let THEM know how bad their pop numbers are?


Not even gonna touch the ridiculousness of that statement. Im pretty sure Bioware knows the pop status on their servers at all times homie.

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Nooblets like mutharex are doing more to stave off normal, sane people that might try this game than any percieved 'troll post', IMO.


"And then, when all the trolling is in vain and the troll has nothing left to say, he will try personal attacks"

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