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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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There is always a HUGE rush when a game launches.


Bioware did tremendously to take the onslaught, with the associated queues and people ranting about them, and still have reasonably populated servers IMO.


People are still joining, but at a much slower rate is my guess.

Edited by Drallbait
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You keep spamming that link everywhere... yet the site says right there than the numbers are reliant on the text that SWTOR uses to dictate server load, not actual players. So why do you keep saying "here's a link look at it numbers are dropping"


Considering that in prerelease my server was non stop full and had queues, and then they raised the population limit to hit heavy, I obviously wouldn't be seeing full anymore, unless population continued to grow at an exponential rate. As others have also said... holidays allowed a lot of play time for a big stretch of time, just because someone doesn't log in 20 hours a day anymore doesn't mean they don't play, and since that graph is of average server load, being on less frequently would show that as a result also even if the threshold wasn't changed.

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Another server status chart. Not a population chart.


There is no chart needed for me. I have been playing the game since day 1 and I play 4 servers all in which are a ghost town. A chart means nothing to me. I speak from the experience of playing.


If they dont fix this problem soon, dead servers usually creates a snowball effect of negatives. Nothing good comes out of dead servers.

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Server status does not reflect population changes, as the server caps were changed. If a cup is half full, and you pour it's contents into a larger cup, the quantity is the same.


We have no way of knowing how many people have left, how many have joined, or how many have reduced their playtime. I know for a fact, new people are joining to replace those who left. They probably are not choosing to play on a light server, I wouldn't! I know for a fact, people who played all day, all night to hit 50 ASAP do not play as much as they did before. It doesn't mean we lost them as a subscriber.


The game is a lot of fun. The Warzones are fun. Many great review sites have confirmed that. The people complaining the most are extreme and probably unhappy with their own lives. Normal people just enjoy the game and never post here.



At 5:30PM EST my server, the Defenestrator had 3 level 50s online and a total of about 160 people online. I'm happy that your server is active and fun, but this server desperately needs to be merged with another server.

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You keep spamming that link everywhere... yet the site says right there than the numbers are reliant on the text that SWTOR uses to dictate server load, not actual players. So why do you keep saying "here's a link look at it numbers are dropping"


Considering that in prerelease my server was non stop full and had queues, and then they raised the population limit to hit heavy, I obviously wouldn't be seeing full anymore, unless population continued to grow at an exponential rate. As others have also said... holidays allowed a lot of play time for a big stretch of time, just because someone doesn't log in 20 hours a day anymore doesn't mean they don't play, and since that graph is of average server load, being on less frequently would show that as a result also even if the threshold wasn't changed.


They should have raised the capps first before adding a huge amount of un needed servers.


You mark my words, if Bioware does not fix this problem soon it will have a very negative effect in the near future of this game minus them getting 4 times the subscribers they currently have right now. And in an economy like we are in right now I do not see that happening.


More then likely people will be quitting this game at a slighly higher rate then new people joining. That is a negative in population. A negative this game can not afford to have.

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You keep spamming that link everywhere... yet the site says right there than the numbers are reliant on the text that SWTOR uses to dictate server load, not actual players. So why do you keep saying "here's a link look at it numbers are dropping"


Considering that in prerelease my server was non stop full and had queues, and then they raised the population limit to hit heavy, I obviously wouldn't be seeing full anymore, unless population continued to grow at an exponential rate. As others have also said... holidays allowed a lot of play time for a big stretch of time, just because someone doesn't log in 20 hours a day anymore doesn't mean they don't play, and since that graph is of average server load, being on less frequently would show that as a result also even if the threshold wasn't changed.


But do you really think they are still raising player caps on servers? The numbers on torstatus are from the past week, and they all show negative deltas in the player count status of the servers. Unless they are still upping the caps within the last week (which doesn't make sense because queues have not been a problem except MAYBE on Swiftsure at peak times on Friday and Saturday) then players are leaving. This is the most salient week to look at these figures because this is the week when people's free months end.

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At 5:30PM EST my server, the Defenestrator had 3 level 50s online and a total of about 160 people online. I'm happy that your server is active and fun, but this server desperately needs to be merged with another server.


how did you get an estimate of how many people were online or let alone 50s? did you somehow magically log into every single planet, ship, OP and instance on both factions at the same time to accurately gauge that? or are you just pulling random numbers out of your backside to support your "the sky is falling" argument?

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At 5:30PM EST my server, the Defenestrator had 3 level 50s online and a total of about 160 people online. I'm happy that your server is active and fun, but this server desperately needs to be merged with another server.


Do not listen to him bro. Trust me you are not alone. Most people who are honest about it will admit that most of the servers on this game are way under populated. You might have exceptions here or there but for the most part they are border line ghost towns.

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my server have more players now it seems.. its full of people all over the world and the fleet is full aswell.. but maybe the republic side on low servers are low pop? :S


Ya you are the exception right now, not the rule. Be glad your on the server your on. 90% of us are struggling already with ghost town servers.

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There is no chart needed for me. I have been playing the game since day 1 and I play 4 servers all in which are a ghost town. A chart means nothing to me. I speak from the experience of playing.


Then stop quoting that chart!


Also, check your thread history. It's hilarious!


"Rawr, I quit!" "Not re-subbing!" "Hey I can still post!" "Game dying!" "Population dropping!"


Nice trollin' man.

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Last night Thier where only 12 on Tatooine, Mind you this was 4am :p


but Certain time's, it -does seem to be dwindeling.


There are plenty on active players playing this game right now. Thats not the problem. The problem is that they are spead over way to many servers.


Bioware needs to cut the servers 50% right now or this game is going to have a snowball effect of negatives because of dead servers.

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how did you get an estimate of how many people were online or let alone 50s? did you somehow magically log into every single planet, ship, OP and instance on both factions at the same time to accurately gauge that? or are you just pulling random numbers out of your backside to support your "the sky is falling" argument?


I actually am of the notion that the populations are fine, but please, quit sticking your foot in your mouth. Type /who then 50 in the search box. It'll give you a list of 50s, no matter where they are.

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Then stop quoting that chart!


Also, check your thread history. It's hilarious!


"Rawr, I quit!" "Not re-subbing!" "Hey I can still post!" "Game dying!" "Population dropping!"


Nice trollin' man.


And umadbro cuz I say it? I only say exactly what I see. I aint making this stuff up bro.


Just because you don't want to man up and tell it the way it is doesn't mean you got to get mad at me bro.


Have I become your enemy for telling the truth?

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Its possible they added the servers due to the game's design and the code that made that design simply couldn't handle the population levels. Layering instances is one thing but layering the open world has issues.


Then they should have designed the game better. MMO= mass players not few players.

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how did you get an estimate of how many people were online or let alone 50s? did you somehow magically log into every single planet, ship, OP and instance on both factions at the same time to accurately gauge that? or are you just pulling random numbers out of your backside to support your "the sky is falling" argument?


I'm not even sure if you're serious, but if you did not know:


Log onto a server.


Type /who.


In the search field type a level range. So if you typed '1-5' it will show you all people online leveled 1-5.


I did this, added it up, and came to those numbers. There is nothing 'magical' about it and I am not making anything up. If you want to see how many level 50s there are, you put '50' in the box. If you want to see all the people on Hoth, put 'Hoth' in the box.


For most 'heavy' to 'full' servers you will put in 1-10 and it will cap out at 100 results, but my server is so low in population that I can typically go from 1-20 without even reaching the 100 person limit on the search.

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Definately more "light" servers with "heavy" dropping and "full" flat lining.


But what conclusions you draw from that is up to you. has server pops been steadily increased by BW? Have people stoped playing? Are people just playing less as a normal adjustment of "oh shiny" wears off and we are seeing playtime normalise?


Who knows? No one but BW. Everything is speculation.

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And umadbro cuz I say it? I only say exactly what I see. I aint making this stuff up bro.


Just because you don't want to man up and tell it the way it is doesn't mean you got to get mad at me bro.


Have I become your enemy for telling the truth?


I see I struck a nerve for calling you on your bull.

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I'm not even sure if you're serious, but if you did not know:


Log onto a server.


Type /who.


In the search field type a level range. So if you typed '1-5' it will show you all people online leveled 1-5.


I did this, added it up, and came to those numbers. There is nothing 'magical' about it and I am not making anything up. If you want to see how many level 50s there are, you put '50' in the box. If you want to see all the people on Hoth, put 'Hoth' in the box.


For most 'heavy' to 'full' servers you will put in 1-10 and it will cap out at 100 results, but my server is so low in population that I can typically go from 1-20 without even reaching the 100 person limit on the search.


Unreal. Yelling at a guy for doing a /who and calling him a liar when the guy doesnt even know what /who does.



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