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Selecting Need for your companion


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I will rolls NEED almost every time and this is why!!!! There is no companion equipment and player equipment. Its all one set of equipment. The devs have designed this game so you cant play without them. I NEED my companion to be just as well dressed as my char or I am gimped. Dont buy it ask the level 40+ how well they are doing without a well dressed companion. Matter of fact depending on what you are doing you need 2-4 companions well dressed for different teaming dynamics. This game is going to be the heaviest gear dependent MMO in history. I will roll need for my companion when it comes to a pug and I wont feel sorry. When I am with guildies or friends I will defer to my guildies and friends needs.


I lol'ed at this.


Yep, you are spot on, thats pretty much the train of thought of these ninjas in this thread.

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Other people have the same chance to get the same loot. What is the problem other than you feel entitled to the loot above everyone else. Why is it a big deal to just let everyone roll on whatever they want? Unless you are greedy and selfish you shouldnt have any issues with it at all. Everyone has an equal chance what is more fair than that?


If you follow your ethics:

Item A drops, it is an upgrade for the tank, but another players wins it for their companion. Then item B drops, it is an upgrade for the healer, but the tank wins it for their companion.

Etc. In the end all companions have had an upgrade, but the main characters had nothing.

It's not about fairness, it's about common sense.


Besides, it is good practize in mmo's to give loot priority to main characters. So if you want to roll need for companions, it is considerate to ask people if they mind, or to tell beforehand you will be needing for companions.


About the definition of entitlement you use, you say everyone has equal chances on loot and that that is fair. You forget that not all loot is of equal use to everyone. Taking a piece of gear that is of less use to you than to someone else while you both have contributed equally to getting the loot, is not fair in my book. And objecting to that is no false entitlement either.

Edited by hushia
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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.






i cinda like the ideah ,, why not go

#1 main need,

#2 comp need,

then #3 (greed/break)



if the there was consern that ( toon would loose out on main loot...) then i wonder why didnt he need it the 1st place?....


also making items needed only to players that could use them like for example trooper gear is not the same as say jedi sorc gear...


just my thoughts

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You're being a dick if another player needs it.


It's fine if everyone else is just choosing Greed.


Generally I'd ask beforehand and most people won't care.


Yeah you can rationalize and make excuses for why your companion needs it, but this is just being a polite and mature player.

Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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I need it cause I'm an armortech and I need the materials it breaks down to. Thanks for understanding.










lol just kidding. I'm a cybertech, but I vendored it for the credits. Gotta pay for ammo somehow.

Edited by Kourage
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If you select Need on gear for your companion in a 4 person group that another player's actual character can use, you are a lootwhore and pathetic. If you lack the knowledge required to figure that out, you ask "Hey does any one else need that item I would love to give it to my companion" Plain and simple.
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i cinda like the ideah ,, why not go

#1 main need,

#2 comp need,

then #3 (greed/break)



if the there was consern that ( toon would loose out on main loot...) then i wonder why didnt he need it the 1st place?....


also making items needed only to players that could use them like for example trooper gear is not the same as say jedi sorc gear...


just my thoughts


I would like to see Companion Need added as a button, but in order for it to really work you need a system that prevents people from using that button unless they actually have a companion that can use it.


I'd be happy if the Need button were tied only to the primary stat for the character. That means that guardians/juggernauts would be rolling against sentinels/marauders. That's fine with me since most boss loot is socketed, and those sockets (unless they have defense/shield absorption) are equally useful to either class.


Once such a filter were in place for "Need" rolls, it would be easy enough to port it over to a companion version.


However once such a filter is in place, I see no need for both a greed and a companion button. Just about every class has a companion that can use the stats from just about any piece of gear. Thus, just about everyone would be able to roll companion anyway, so just remove it and have Need (filtered), Greed and Pass.


It would also be nice to have loot tradeable to other party members unless sockets have been altered.

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I disagree just because for all intents and purposes your companion is a part of your character.


If you are soloing or duoing it has a massive impact on your ability to play the game. It is just an extension of your own abilities. It is not another player or guildmate, it is you and your control.


Still people trying to sell this argument as an excuse for ninja-looting?


I take it if an upgrade drops you and your companion both can use, you give it to your companion? I mean, it doesn't matter if you or your companion wears it, right? Since you both are equally important for your ability to play the game as you say.


I do know I sure as hell will keep it for my own character and gear up my companion last. Following that same logic, an upgrade that drops in an instance, would first go to a player and second to a companion.

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Nothing makes mine better than yours. But since we come at this as equals from diametrically opposed perspectives, one would conclude we'd have to reach some kind of conclusion on the matter if we grouped together (which doesn't seem likely, given the preponderance of servers and two factions, but who knows? We might have already grouped together without realizing it). I have a feeling that it would likely be a scenario where either you or I would leave the group since we both feel so passionately about this issue.


You are correct that either one of us will leave the group for our differing points of views. Trust me, we have not grouped together before.


You're setting up a false premise. You can't say "most seasoned MMO players", because you have no objective way to back up that statement. The best you can say is "The MMO players I've played with". This aside, the issue here is that the system is very much as you indicated: "unspoken". You're working off an assumption, I'm working off a case-by-case basis. You seem to misunderstand the term "ninja" in the MMO vernacular. It's someone who abuses a loot system by either waiting til everyone has chosen a comparative second option (frequently Greed) and then chooses the top-tier option (Need) to insure they receive the loot. Someone in this particular game rolling Need because it's an upgrade (regardless of for them or their companions) is using the system as intended: to acquire an upgrade for their character.


You are incorrect. I can back up my statement simply by searching the word "Loot Ninja" on the internet and/or simply going to every major MMO's forums and asking about their rule on the matter. Though it is not up to me to do it, as you are the one challenging the unspoken rule that has been in place after MMO society has reached an accord on the matter. Your definition of Ninja is also very lacking.



That game was brought up solely as a likely-common point of comparison. But it having no place in this conversation, from your perspective, was immediately invalidated by your continuing to build an argument based on its premise. This said, if we had no companions and I wasn't a tank, then yes, taking a tanking item from the group's tank would be suboptimal and a-holish. In this case, however, taking a tanking item for a tank class I intend to use via a companion is perfectly valid. You don't have to agree, but the system assumes companions' presence while leveling, and the system requires upgrades for their gear periodically. You don't get to determine what an acceptable upgrade path for me and the game I pay to play is.


You have two very distinct contradictory train of thoughts here. You say that taking a tanking item from the tank is being an ahole, yet you say that taking a tanking item from a tank is "ok" if you are using it on your companion. You are right in that i do not agree and will never do so. Again, difference in opinions.


In my opinion, your companions can be well off with green gear you get from quests, while you differ in that sentiment. The fact on your argument, is the fact that i do NOT EVER have the RIGHT to tell you how to play the game. I can only advice.


Yes. The existence of companions who fill a variety of roles makes this a distinct probability, which is why a Roll/Pass option makes more sense.


What will it be the point of having a "pass" button? Since you are already going against all the established social constructs, then everyone should just "need" for everything.




I ran most of the time with guild members, friends, and same-realm PUGs. This said, as I was playing a class that could both tank and DPS, I would let people know that I was interested in acquiring gear for both specs. 95% of the time, people had no issues with it. Of the remaining 5%, a solid 90% of them would just leave if it came up. The rest would just quietly go on with what they were doing, realizing whatever drop they wanted (and I lost as often as I won on rolls, 'cause that's how RNG works) would drop again, and that wasn't the only time they'd be in the instance.


If true what you say, you are taking your experiences in WoW way out of context. It will not translate to this game, at least not yet. In WoW, assuming you are all level capped, then what it means is that the players in your PUGs are farming the badges and not the gear itself. Hence 90% of them did not care. What you happen NOT to mention, is how your guild operated on this issue. Im pretty sure you know where the rest is going...




There's one primary reason I don't give these forums my main's name and server, and it has nothing to do with hiding because of reputation concerns. It has everything to do with not wanting to be bothered by people who were particularly upset with a perspective I held here, and felt the need to come to my server and start whispering me ad infinitum to drive home a point I can't be convinced away from to begin with. You don't give out your real name, city and address on an online forum so you have a layer of safety against the whackjobs who actually would take a train, Greyhound or plane to show up on your front doorstep to drive home their point in the fashion they consider most expedient. Likewise, my unwillingness to divulge my online location in this game has nothing to do with lack of faith in my perspective and its logic, and everything to do with maintaining as much control as possible over the gaming experience I pay for.


Comparing an online identity, who is anonymous in and of itself to a real name and address is not even close to comparable. You argue that you do not want players to harass you (which is still wrong no matter what the issue is), yet you fit the very definition of a ninja. If you play as how you claim here, then you will get PLENTY of complainers in your own server and faction. Worrying about OTHER players creating an account on your server to harass you, would be the least of your problems.


I can't say anything to help you if you really believe that there wouldn't be several who'd take any opportunity they could to show up on my server and start pestering me with tells or trolling/flaming me in homeworld chats (or even the General for the planet I was on at the time!) solely because they were more interested in being "right on the Internet" than in agreeing to disagree.


See above. Also, i do agree to disagree. Why? because for the players who DO think like you, i will put on my ignore list and make sure to announce it in the general chat for those of us who follow the social rules set forth. Its simple, because as time goes on, then those people WILL be black listed by the majority of the population, so server community kind of just works itself out.


So no, I won't be giving you my character's name and server. But I'll throw you a bone: I'm a 36th level Sith Marauder. Knock yourself out. ;)


I will keep playing as i have. You will keep playing as you will. We will never play together in a group. Server community will take care of the rest.


One last note before i end. If there are players like you and the rest of the like minded players here, BW sure did fail big time with this game. Instead of creating an MMORPG, they have created a coop game.

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You roll for a piece of gear.

You lose.

Winner gets gear.

Finaly , Its not yout concern If the winner uses it for companion, sells it,For themselves,Gives to a friend,Leaves it in their inventory to rot.


Basicaly you lost, If you won good for you, you have the choice to to what you will with your loot.


Otherwise this is nothing more than being a poor sport , sore loser and that you think you are more important and some how have a special right to this loot.

The reality is You want something, you didnt win, you lose and your a poor loser.

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That must be it. I quit that game before the cross-server dungeon finder system came into play, so I didn't have to deal with those types of people.


Anonymity does serve to embolden thieves and cowards. When your reputation is on the line, you tend to play by the rules.


Right there, the mindset of 90% of 12-year-olds alike on the internet or at home. It also emboldens trolls.


Aside, on topic, A need for companion button would most likely be ignored, as the need button would be abused. I see where both sides are coming from. I personally think that any player's needs goes above that of your companion's. The stats given to your companion doesn't help you as much as letting another have that gear helps him. Yes, you taking the gear helps you more than him, and vice versa, but looking at it from my logical and correct (CwutIdidThar?) point of view, it's better to just need for yourself. Being able to only /need for gear usable by your AC is a big, fat +1, In my honest and correct opinion (CwutIdidThar?).

Edited by Zunayson
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You roll for a piece of gear.

You lose.

Winner gets gear.

Finaly , Its not yout concern If the winner uses it for companion, sells it,For themselves,Gives to a friend,Leaves it in their inventory to rot.


Basicaly you lost, If you won good for you, you have the choice to to what you will with your loot.


Otherwise this is nothing more than being a poor sport , sore loser and that you think you are more important and some how have a special right to this loot.

The reality is You want something, you didnt win, you lose and your a poor loser.


No, that's not the rules. You see, there's a button for need, and a button for greed. Not just a button for "MINE."

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You were wrong OP. I'd have booted you from the group. Because only 4 characters are allowed in a group, sometimes there is massive amounts of gear that everyone rolls greed on. I've had people ask if it's ok to need for their companion and if nobody needs it for their character, I've always been 100% ok with that. Because we have 5 characters that use every type of gear imaginable, if everyone starts needing for their companions, they might as well just take away the buttons entirely and just have loot assigned to people.
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Anyone who needs for items for companions when another member of the group who needs the item for themselves (as a character) will be removed from my groups. That is all.


And as peoples ignore lists grow they will only be able to group with other ninjas, they're welcome to each other.

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We desperately need an ignore account command. I want to ignore the PERSON, not the character.


I wouldn't say desperately, there's many things that need fixed before that but aye it would be a nice addition.


As a reply to your previous post, I too have no problem if someone asks first when no one needs it for their actual character.

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No, that's not the rules. You see, there's a button for need, and a button for greed. Not just a button for "MINE."


But do people actually have to take the time to validate their need?


How about: Does anyone want this? If not I could use it.

Why they need it isnt relevant.


If your going to get scolded for it , its none of their bussiness.

I do think people in general probably dont fuss much and are willing to let a piece of loot go even if they kind of wanted it, If someone asks for it.


There are a few who will scream bloody murder but i guess thats why people play MMOs, either for a sense of team work or to just piss people off .

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But do people actually have to take the time to validate their need?


How about: Does anyone want this? If not I could use it.

Why they need it isnt relevant.


If your going to get scolded for it , its none of their bussiness.

I do think people in general probably dont fuss much and are willing to let a piece of loot go even if they kind of wanted it, If someone asks for it.


There are a few who will scream bloody murder but i guess thats why people play MMOs, either for a sense of team work or to just piss people off .


You are so lazy you can't take 5 seconds to see if a piece of gear is better for you? Are you serious?


And are you implying the reason you play MMOs is just to piss people off?


It's extremely obvious whether someone can use a piece of gear or not. If they are a Jedi Sentinel, they want Str/End medium armor - and that's it. They will never use heavy armor. They would be a moron to use endurance/willpower gear. They would be a moron to use endurance/cunning gear. Or aim gear. It takes 3 seconds to know which classes use what.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Bioware should have prepared for this long ago, as soon as they mentioned companions it was one of the first questions asked.



If you wear heavy armor you shouldn't even have the option to roll need on light armor. Only the greed button.


Normally, I don't mind pugging but out of 5 upgrades I rolled on 4 of them I lost to someones alt and the last dude said he rolled on accident. Pugs are a waste of time in this game and I'll only run guild groups. I don't even pug on my alts and if a guild mate says he is going to pug a flashpoint I push him through on my 50.

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Bioware should have prepared for this long ago, as soon as they mentioned companions it was one of the first questions asked.



If you wear heavy armor you shouldn't even have the option to roll need on light armor. Only the greed button.


Normally, I don't mind pugging but out of 5 upgrades I rolled on 4 of them I lost to someones alt and the last dude said he rolled on accident. Pugs are a waste of time in this game and I'll only run guild groups. I don't even pug on my alts and if a guild mate says he is going to pug a flashpoint I push him through on my 50.


No, having BW controlling what drops you can or cannot get should only be the very last thing if nothing else works.


Community should handle this by creating a black list for each specific server and faction.


I happen to enjoy dressing my companion with all orange FP gear and weapons. Just because i find it funny to see my companion more geared than regular players. :p However, i NEVER gear my companion with FP gear at the expense of real players. I get my friends main to run me through the FP.


For the ninjas that say that "the companion is an extension of yourself"- This does not mean that i cannot level with my companion having green gear. There will always be better green gear like 2 levels up that can easily replace the orange FP gear. I choose not equip the green gear and dont even update the mods on them. So, my companion is actually under-geared most of the time at the level i am at. YET i have a lvl 42 sorcerer, lvl 32 sniper and lvl 17 bounty hunter. DONT TRY TO PASS OFF A FLAWED LOGIC TO PLAYERS WHO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME!

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So far my experiment has yielded disappointing results.


I've rolled need for companion gear on my healer. And no one's given a damn. Two days now I've been doing it with my healer. Not a single word. At all. From anyone. Granted it's only been a handful of grouping experiences, but, it appears no one really cares what I do as long as I keep healing them.


Where's the internet justice? Where's the server blacklisting? Where's the actual rage? I keep getting in groups with nice people who like to play the game and clear content and move on.

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