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What join date do you have to see to take someone seriously?


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I don't think the date is nearly as important as the designation.


Visit your profile, in the address you will see your "number" :p


I'm account number 1,411! Meaning, in theory, that I was the 1,441th person to register.



Edited by qqemokitty
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So you are saying that I should have activated the account I created in 2008, rather than the one I created in October in order for anyone to take me seriously?


Well, damn. I guess I'll just go delete my characters now. Thanks a LOT.

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I know I'm only an 11/11'er, but I think if you're looking at someone's join date to determine the validity of their opinion, maybe that's not the best choice?


while I don't agree 100%, it comes back to if you were such a hugh and loyal fan why did it take you till Nov '11 to join the discussions and input to help the game grow?


You weren't here for... well anything. Then just in last minute and spout off things you haven't a clue was discussed earlier. Makes it kind of annoying, when we have to to tell that is so 1977..


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while I don't agree 100%, it comes back to if you were such a hugh and loyal fan why did it take you till Nov '11 to join the discussions and input to help the game grow?


You weren't here for... well anything. Then just in last minute and spout off things you haven't a clue was discussed earlier. Makes it kind of annoying, when we have to to tell that is so 1977..





All it takes is playing the game for a little while and you're as well acquainted as anyone else.

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Your join date has nothing to do with it. In order for me to take you seriously, you need to be rational and constructive. You can hate the game as much as you want; you can love the game as much as you want.


But keep the conversation constructive...


"Hey, I find this issue to be a huge problem for me. It really makes me want to cancel, because I enjoy PVP almost exclusively, and bolstering doesn't solve X problem. I enjoy other aspects of the game, so I wish they would fix this asap."


"Hey, I hear you, the lack of specials at say, Lvl 30, can make you uncompetitive with Lvl 50's. I wish there were brackets too. Just realize that by 35 or so, you have almost everything a 50 has. Hang in there."


These conversations are just missing...

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I have to see a person able to use logic and reason in their posts.


Any use of an emotionally based argument instantly invalidates their opinion in my eyes.


Also bad spelling generally invalidates their opinion unless they're obviously ESL speakers.

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Because only fanboys create accounts before a game is actually released.


That would be the true definition of a fan....

Very good, you are progressing nicely. :D

We will make a fanboi out of you yet. ;)


But truthfully, I don't know how anyone can find a Fanboi sadder than someone who spends their free time in a place they are unhappy with.

Edited by Fraxture
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The whole date notion is ridiculous.


If anything, it tells me this person spent a lot of time hoping this game was going to be great, and that their opinion is bias in that way.


I pay to have an enjoyable experience, that's it. It's not my job to spend my time before the game giving input and it's certainly not indicative to my opinion or experience being any less valuable.


If I have a product, I want to know what the person who just picked it up thinks, not the person who helped me develop it.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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The whole date notion is rediculous.


If anything, it tells me this person spent alot of time hoping this game was going to be great, and that their opinion is bias in that way.



I pay to have an enjoyable experience, that's it. It's not my job to spend my time before the game giving input and it's certainly not indicative to my opinion or experience being any less valueable.



If I have a product, I want to know what the person who just picked it up thinks, not the person who helped me develop it.


Then if you are unwilling to provide input towards the finished product.

You shouldn't be surprised when the product doesn't fit your likes and dislikes.

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