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Crit Rating/Power/Surge


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Hello Everyone!

Well I have a question. What would you say is better? For getting up to 50 ATM. Crit Rating or Power and later on Surge? Also, what does Power/Surge do per say? I know that Str should be my 1st and overall choice but I do not fully understand Power. Thank-you

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110% acc > power > surge > crit.


If you never would PvE forget about the 110% acc part, then its completely debatable on what role you want to play and which spec.


as this guy said, also note that everything but power suffers from diminishing returns. I don't know the exact values from the top of my head, but base crit rating seems to be capped at ~40% and surge ~80-90%, while power will always keep increasing your damage.


What you actually want depends on your spec also, a carnage or rage marauder for example would prefer surge to crit, because his best attack will be a forced crit anyway, while an anni marauder could want to get more crits in (I would advice against it though).

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It depends on what spec you are and what you gear currently is.


However, I will say that unless higher level mods/enhancements become available it won't be worth it to replace the mods already in gear.


All the gear has a balance of stats, which I have a feeling will probably be more than ideal.


For my thoughts on the matter read the Carnage/Annihilation portion of my guide.

Edited by Kibaken
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as this guy said, also note that everything but power suffers from diminishing returns. I don't know the exact values from the top of my head, but base crit rating seems to be capped at ~40% and surge ~80-90%, while power will always keep increasing your damage.


What you actually want depends on your spec also, a carnage or rage marauder for example would prefer surge to crit, because his best attack will be a forced crit anyway, while an anni marauder could want to get more crits in (I would advice against it though).


This. It does not take a lot of crit/surge rating at all to get a decent amount. I have a 21 percent critical multiplier from 151 surge rating. That's not very much at all. It suffers horrible DR with the use of trinkets/adrenals.


Power is just too good at the moment. With adrenals/trinkets popped, I rock about 1200 power, and that gives me a bonus damage equivalent to what 1400 STR gives me. It's pretty ridiculous.

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This. It does not take a lot of crit/surge rating at all to get a decent amount. I have a 21 percent critical multiplier from 151 surge rating. That's not very much at all. It suffers horrible DR with the use of trinkets/adrenals.


Power is just too good at the moment. With adrenals/trinkets popped, I rock about 1200 power, and that gives me a bonus damage equivalent to what 1400 STR gives me. It's pretty ridiculous.


so you saying that i should stop with criticals once i hit 21 % cirt multiply?


and focus on power, even though im anh?

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If you're rage. Crit > Surge > Power.

Guaranteed one crit, isnt the same as the rest of your damage moves being able to crit. Surge to 100% After that it suffers diminishing returns, but not before 100%.


As for power. Power is the lowest scaling per point value that we have, the more you dump into it, the more you lose viability in other stats.

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