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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Real Life Picture Thread!


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To be fair....


I haven't seen you picture yet. I'm at work "pretending" to work. I'll get back to ya ;)


I'd say the same, but I'm not pretending. More like spurts of work, then internet, then work. Just sometimes the Internet time is longer than the work time.


As a friend and I like to say: "Whay can't they just pay us for being awesome?"

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To be fair, no one is going to post a picture of themselves just out of bed or hungover after a wild night.


Rule 1 of Hooking Up in College- It isn't about how they look tonight, it's how they'll look when you wake up next to them.


Hey, I posted a picture of me after I got out of the water... just took my hood and mask off... I have messed up hair, no makeup, etc. And I am squinting too, lol. It's certainly not my most flattering picture (but I wasn't going for attractive... I was going for interesting since it shows one of my hobbies other than MMOs). :D


But there are a lot of good looking people here... and a lot of young people! You whipper snappers! (Man alive I feel old, lol.)

Edited by Jilla
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I'd say the same, but I'm not pretending. More like spurts of work, then internet, then work. Just sometimes the Internet time is longer than the work time.


As a friend and I like to say: "Whay can't they just pay us for being awesome?"


Thats exactly why my buddy and i started our youtube channel lol So we can get paid for being awesome :) Seems to be working...But not well enough that i dont gotta come into my day job still.




Me in my Fedora after we explored a cave up north..



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Hey, I posted a picture of me after I got out of the water... just took my hood and mask off... I have messed up hair, no makeup, etc. And I am squinting too, lol. It's certainly not my most flattering picture (but I wasn't going for attractive... I was going for interesting since it shows one of my hobbies other than MMOs). :D


But there are a lot of good looking people here... and a lot of young people! You whipper snappers! (Man alive I feel old, lol.)


I was actually surprised by the amount of people here around my age (32). You look like your maybe a bit younger then me so you shouldn't feel old at all. By the way I also love scuba. I have only been a couple times, and I'm not certified, but it is allot of fun.

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also bored at work. i guess i'll contribute to the female pictures :)


also, i'm 23.


edit - nvrm. i'm embarrassed :x


Embarrassed by what?


I saw the picture before you took it down.

You are very pretty! You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about!



Besides...you are talking to star wars computer geeks. We are the least judgmental people in the world! :)




EDIT: thought i'd add another picture lol

Me celebrating the world cup spain winning the world cup two summers ago.(the armored dude)



Edited by Tezeretz
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Embarrassed by what?


I saw the picture before you took it down.

You are very pretty! You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about!



Besides...you are talking to star wars computer geeks. We are the least judgmental people in the world! :)


Unless you're a trekkie...



We can smell the fear of trekkies.

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I'm both! Borg ftw....


That's like owning a Mustang and a Camaro.


Sure, you can have both but you know you love one more than the other. If they were both in a fire and you could only save one (and you had to)...

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I was actually surprised by the amount of people here around my age (32). You look like your maybe a bit younger then me so you shouldn't feel old at all. By the way I also love scuba. I have only been a couple times, and I'm not certified, but it is allot of fun.


Thanks for the compliment (it might not be intended, but it's there). You see, I am actually a little bit older than you :D

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