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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Why are you running alone, as a healer? a level 24 is lol fodder to anyone watching out for their heal spammers. /love my heal followers!


sounds like you set yourself up to fail on that one.


your arguements begs the question, making it void. play smarter, or get better friends. :D


you argument fails the second you think a 24 should out damage my healing a 50 in a FULL SET pvp gear... waste of time reading your lame posts, pls be more creative next one

Edited by MGoetter
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my full champion op routinely crits for 7k+ on battlemasters with relic & surge adrenal its like 5k without the temp buffs... the class isn't overpowered it's the stacking of +surge (which every class can do)


the poeple claiming ops can't drop someone in 3 attacks are just trying to protect their class - but it's biochem + trinket that's making burst damage insanely powerful


^ this I like

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you argument fails the second you think a 24 should out damage my healing a 50 in a FULL SET pvp gear... waste of time reading your lame posts, pls be more creative next one


awe :( did i hurt your epeen?

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You realize that this is essentially your argument:


"They have abilities and they use them so they need to get nerfed because I suck".


Why don't you learn to play your class instead of crying to nerf ****?


Bottom line, I am not an Op/Scoundrel, I don't have an Op/Scoundrel, I play as a Bounty Hunter and I don't have any more problem with them than say Sages / Sorc.


Sorry that you suck so bad at your class that you feel the need to cry nerf to the dev's to makeup for your lack of skill. Really, I really am sorry, that must suck for you.


Don't be mad, I won't criticize your advice anymore.

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Yet its perfectly ok for troopers/bhs who can heal, tank entire teams, and do 5-7k x 3 with one button press. If you break the Ops initial routine, they are meat and hyper squishie. I'd like to see a vid of one em taking out a geared BH or Trooper in 3 shots, GL with that.
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You suck if you cant 3 shot someone from stealth.. Go ask Backtap how to do it. Learn how to maximize your classes damage and you could...noob


Wait, so now it's this? Are you telling me I can't be OP til I learn how to maximize my OP class? How is that overpowered? That almost sounds... normal.


So if taking every single possible stim buff, adrenal buff, relic buff, and expertise from full gear is "maximizing"... how is that an Operative issue? Can an Operative's 3 shot anyone without stacking all of that? Nope, they can't... not even close.


But if you know all about this "maximizing", why aren't you maximizing your classes defensive capabilities? Plenty of other people from the other classes seem to have it figured out... noob.

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I play a jedi sage. But I have to agree that stealthers should have high opening strike. The issue would be if they are consistent with that kind of damage unstealthed as well which it clearly is not.



In DAOC for example, a stealther can one hit a caster right out of stealth! Adds to the excitement of running around in pvp!


No, this isn't the whole story.


The problem is they have INSANE burst damage which usually will drop you before you can react. But lets say you CAN react:


They aren't EASY to kill. They are easiER than some other classes but it's not as if you can survive their opening volley you win.


But the real issue is that even if you DO somehow start to turn the tide on them: POOF insta-stealth. They go somewhere, heal up, and try again in 20 seconds.


Look, I've played PvP since Anarchy Online/DAoC. I understand the rogue mechanic. I understand burst damage. I understand that as a "cloth" wearer (I'm a sage), I'm probably going to die to a stealth class that gets the jump on me.


But currently, a geared OPs player is an Iwin button. Now whether it's the class itself, or the biochem buffs, or whatever, I don't care. SOMETHING is crazy wrong with the current system. And it's, frankly, a gamebreaker for PVP. When I load in and I see the ops player in question, I know immediately the final tally will be him and his guildie with 50+ kills and zero deaths, and everyone else in the 4-10 range.

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Don't be mad, I won't criticize your advice anymore.


Wasn't advice, at any rate this is pretty standard complaining. In every mmo there has ever been people get mad about being startled and killed by a rogue-ish type class. As if they want some fail safe instant ability that will protect them from ever being ambushed.


It's one of the reasons I chose a non stealth class. The way I see it though is if I don't die often to scoundrels then unless I am some pvp god you all should be capable of the same thing.


The issue I see and the thing I would be concerned about is this. Healing is already pretty powerful for survivability, without the right amount of burst dps in game to counter the huge crit heals sorcs / sages are capable of there is going to be a lot of frustrating battles where you cant kill so and so because no one can put out enough dps.


Start nerfing damage, heal nerfs will follow shortly, mark my words :). Can't have one without the other.

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lol all these people calling for nerf.. if you know how to counter ops/smuggler are so easy to control.. l2p


what they need to do is balance the animation skills delays between imp and rep sides.. because that is BS..


how do you counter an op? you can't.


Stun opening move. Break it? fine. Second stun. Now you're stuck. DPS burst damage already has you to less than 50%. Stun breaks and you're slowed. by the time you turn you're less than 20% health (assuming he didn't crit you and you're dead). Now what? DPS? Fine. You do some dps. He's down to 80% and you're dead. Run? Fine. You're slowed, he follows and you're dead.


I'd love to see your "counter" strategy for a class that can keep you stunned/slowed until you're dead/under 30% health.

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But currently, a geared OPs player is an Iwin button. Now whether it's the class itself, or the biochem buffs, or whatever, I don't care. SOMETHING is crazy wrong with the current system. And it's, frankly, a gamebreaker for PVP. When I load in and I see the ops player in question, I know immediately the final tally will be him and his guildie with 50+ kills and zero deaths, and everyone else in the 4-10 range.


I will concede this... but I seriously doubt it's the Operative's base dmg or mechanics. Stacking crit on our gear is an obvious choice... and when you're given an opportunity to buff your surge like we currently can... crits are going to hit like a truck. But those buffs ARE REQUIRED to do the type of damage people are spewing.


I don't stack any of those things, and I do nowhere near the damage people say I am doing. I guess I'll start because apparently I'm a noob for not owning everyone all the time... and to think that I was satisfied with the modest 18 kills / 80K damage per huttball match.


People really need to educate themselves.

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I will concede this... but I seriously doubt it's the Operative's base dmg or mechanics. Stacking crit on our gear is an obvious choice... and when you're given an opportunity to buff your surge like we currently can... crits are going to hit like a truck. But those buffs ARE REQUIRED to do the type of damage people are spewing.


I don't stack any of those things, and I do nowhere near the damage people say I am doing. I guess I'll start because apparently I'm a noob for not owning everyone all the time... and to think that I was satisfied with the modest 18 kills / 80K damage per huttball match.


People really need to educate themselves.


please dont, lol. It will make everyone /sad on your server too.

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how do you counter an op? you can't.


Stun opening move. Break it? fine. Second stun. Now you're stuck. DPS burst damage already has you to less than 50%. Stun breaks and you're slowed. by the time you turn you're less than 20% health (assuming he didn't crit you and you're dead). Now what? DPS? Fine. You do some dps. He's down to 80% and you're dead. Run? Fine. You're slowed, he follows and you're dead.


I'd love to see your "counter" strategy for a class that can keep you stunned/slowed until you're dead/under 30% health.


There lies the problem, people not understanding game mechanics, not understanding classes.. what can you answer to a guy that does not understand that the opening stun fills his resolve bar and therefor when using his trinket he can't be stunned for quite some time.. So what you state is a lie, good players manage to escape because they understand how the game works.. thanks for your input.

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Wait, so now it's this? Are you telling me I can't be OP til I learn how to maximize my OP class? How is that overpowered? That almost sounds... normal.


So if taking every single possible stim buff, adrenal buff, relic buff, and expertise from full gear is "maximizing"... how is that an Operative issue? Can an Operative's 3 shot anyone without stacking all of that? Nope, they can't... not even close.


But if you know all about this "maximizing", why aren't you maximizing your classes defensive capabilities? Plenty of other people from the other classes seem to have it figured out... noob.


Ahh did I hurt your feelings? Damn truth sucks huh? Sorry but if your going to say you cant kill someone before your intial knock down is off then you either suck or your a blanat liar.. Take your pick, whichever.


Fights agaisnt Bh's = 50-50 just depending on who gets what off first. Fights agaisnt any other class if I started at 100% 1v1 I will win 80% of the time... So I would say I know how to play but hey tell yourself I dont if it helps ya sleep doesnt bother me =)


When a single class can come into the middle of a group and start killing people left and right then something needs to be done. Focus on the IA and you will never kill them because the healer will keep them alive. Thats 1 healer outhealing 5 peoples dps on what your calling a squishy class. Or everyone can focus on the healer and the IA will have 3 dead by time healer dies and the other 2 still dont stand a chance.


Dont tell me what is impossible or what cant happen when I have seen it multiple times. Every hit he is doing is 3k damage ( this is out of stealth after the opener) He is moving so fast constantly that anything that requires you to face him to trigger off is pointless.


Maybe not everyone can do the damage he does. Maybe he is exploiting in some kind of way. But absolutly no class should be able to take out 5 players levels ranging from 35-50 in 12-15 seconds.

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Dude... Warzones are like 10-15 min each.. The CC immunity is 2. It's your fault if you don't have it up.


That's the most retarded argument I've ever heard. Why must you need a trinket to fight 1 class? But saying herp derp you must have a trinket to survive if a operative/scroundel opens on you is just sign of imbalance. By your logic we might aswell have bioware make a massive sign appear over your head when your trinket is on cooldown so it can make it even easier for operatives/scroundels to get free kills.


Their burst will be nerfed. No doubt about it. ROLL ON MOAR QQ

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Stupid buffs have to go...people should l2p without buff stacking. With such buffs every DD class dishes out insane damage not just op/sc....just in another thread a sorcerer did 5k dmg from RANGE and another 4k crit from ticking death field...next one has probably 1k+ dots ticking....if ranged classes have such high dmg, pvp is broken. Edited by BobaFurz
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Dont tell me what is impossible or what cant happen when I have seen it multiple times. Every hit he is doing is 3k damage ( this is out of stealth after the opener) He is moving so fast constantly that anything that requires you to face him to trigger off is pointless.


Maybe not everyone can do the damage he does. Maybe he is exploiting in some kind of way. But absolutly no class should be able to take out 5 players levels ranging from 35-50 in 12-15 seconds.


Awww.. does your ignorance usually keep you from debating intelligently?


And here again we have another "5 players in 12-15 seconds" quote... Did you know that 73.4% of people quote percentages to make their point seem valid? They also greatly exaggerate facts so that everyone see's the justification for the dramatic "flop-on-the-floor" tantrum they are throwing.


I already told you how he does it... I admit I don't take advantage of those things (some are not available to me as I'm level 40). It doesn't mean there is something wrong with the class. However, there is SOMETHING wrong... If it takes all those "buffs" to"maximize" my damage output to kill "5 people in 12-15 seconds", where do you think the problem is?

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Remember folks, terrible players need an excuse to get better through programmers that modify (nerf) good players to create artificial skill for bad ones.


I bet you choose 90% handicap in Street Fighter for your opponents, too.


Sounds like someone that picks the most op class then talks big lol, then calls people newbs when something is unbalanced.





To the actual post itself well its like the start of wow.... everyone dies fast as hell.


Lets just hope bioware doesnt go down the same road as wow..



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Bonus round to Mursie. You've turned a standard QQ thread into some good entertainment.


Let me just get this straight:


Looking at just the first page of the PvP boards, the nerf bat should hit:






Maybe it'd just be easier to have WZs that allow nothing but tanks and BH/troopers in them.

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This is patently false. There is no way they can get you to 25% with the opener + followup attack if you are 50, have good gear, and are buffed.




a. You are in the middle of a fight, with cooldowns popped, and less than 80% health when you get jumped

b. You just respawned, and have no buffs, and are not near your team

c. You just don't know what to do once that first knockdown wears off.

d. All of the above.



I guarantee you, no Sc/Op has ever opened on you when you are fully buffed, near your group, at 100% health. Never. Ever.


This ^


A full Champ Guardian cant be 3, 4, 5, 6, shoted ever, ever, ever.


What really happen was the ego of being a tank Jedi got ROFLSTOMPED by a burst rogue class, and now is trying to say words like nerf and OP.




Yea that is what is going on here, burst damage is making people angry.


Here is a funny thing, I today just got my last piece of champ gear on my 50 OP, and you wanna know something?


Other classes are better than me being a level 50 with champ gear.


OP/Scoundrel is crap compared to all the utility classes at 50 with full pvp gear.


Fact is a burst damage class can beat anyone 1 vs 1 if they are good, and that is why people are not happy.


People can't get over the fact you have to use skills, not oh **** buttons.

Edited by Caeliux
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And here screen with damage, they cc you and later you dead in 2 seconds:


Here 3.7k+3.7k in 1 second: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t122/yenoga/Screenshot_2012-01-06_23_56_18_586326.jpg


here 6k and later 3.7k by i can not scren the first damage: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t122/yenoga/Screenshot_2012-01-06_23_49_31_306031.jpg


What a pro not having up his bubble, your bubble skill on the first screenshot was not even on Cooldown....hope you did learn your lesson. With your bubble up you would absorb a lot of the incomming dmg. People complain so much but dont know how to play their class in pvp at lvl 50. Your bubble is your life saver and one of the most important skill, use it always if you are in a hostile region.


Maybe this is your first mmorpg or first light armor "Mage" character you play, but in other mmorps i.e. WoW, running around without your bubble is a deadly high risk...same in this game.

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And here screen with damage, they cc you and later you dead in 2 seconds:


Here 3.7k+3.7k in 1 second: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t122/yenoga/Screenshot_2012-01-06_23_56_18_586326.jpg


here 6k and later 3.7k by i can not scren the first damage: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t122/yenoga/Screenshot_2012-01-06_23_49_31_306031.jpg


He cant do both hit in 1 second since there's a Global cooldown of 1.5 second. Of course if you are too slow to react in that time... oh well, ur just bad.

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