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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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so what you're saying is that only way you can fight an operative/scoundrel is to run away? lol

Their damage is way to much.You can not just trinket and run away even if you want to.

let me explain how their attacks work.You get tranquilized (wow rogue sap) then they open on you with Shoot First and a few (1-2) Back Blasts (they don't cost energy btw how retarded is that????) later you're dead. Vanish+repeat on the next target...if you trinket the sap they will sap you again and this time you don't have the trinket.


PPL that are saying NO to the nerf are playing Operatives/scoundrels and they don't want their easy mode class nerfed...L2P and accept that the nerf will come, It's NEEDED!


ITT: People talking like they know things when they don't.


1) Their damage is not the problem, other classes can do comparable damage.


2) If they're sapping you first, they're wasting a GCD on buffing up your resolve meter, because sap breaks on damage.


3) Back Blast/Backstab has a 9 second cooldown, so if they're hitting you with 2, then the fight lasted at least 10 seconds.


4) Their opener completely fills your resolve meter, so you're completely immune to any CC effects for the duration of the fight. If you break that initial knock back, you win.

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It's a trade off...


They completely murder you within the opening burst (if you don't know what you are doing) and in trade, completely suck and anything objective like of team based.


You all seem to forget it's not 1v1, it's many vs many. It's a TEAM game, and ops aren't good in teams.


Also if you reduced their opening knife by 50% and gave them more endurance, they'd be shadow/assassins.


I don't want to get into the discussion as to whether or not they need to be nerfed vs reducing or limiting the stacking effect of buffs and stims/etcs... however your statement about them being useless in a team effort is a bit misleading...


In a team vs team encounter, if your team were to focus on their healer and the ops would jump the healer when they're around 70-50% health, you could easily take their healer out literally instantly, giving you a huge upper hand.


They're not anymore useless in a team as any other spec would be, they serve a purpose just like every other spec. You just have to tailor a strategy around the tools you have at your disposal.


What about having an ops jumping a lone defender at a node? Seeing as they're supposedly masters at 1v1... they could easily chew the lone defender and recap a node, providing his team an advantage.


I don't believe the team vs team argument holds as much ground as some of you are trying to mislead us to think.

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I'm a Jedi shadow Infiltration, lvl 50, I got 8 champion pieces, 2 centurion, 1 columi (409 expertise)


Operatives are really strong, but It only happened to me once that an one of them opened on me for 75% of my life bar. In a voidstar the same operative opened on me for 72-80% of my life like 3-4 times (down from full life, no resolve).


I used my trinket once, but they they have more than one stun to prevent their rotations from being entirely broken.


I'm not sure I'm ready to call them OP though. I think they're gonna have the same problem as the WoW rogue: caracters speciliazing in opening on the ennemy for a quick kill gets nerfed and QQ happens because their kit is now useless.


Good operatives (and well geared ones) deal a ton of damage, but thats in a 1v1 if they open on you. Before saying they're OP and need a nerfbat, we need to analyze more than just our own pride. If he opens 1v2 he can easily be stunned, if he's pushed away his rotation fails, if he's knocked out of stealth by AoE he's very vulnerable. If you know an operative if ruining your warzone try different strategies.

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Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.


That's a great solution if they only attack you every 2 minutes and you choose not to use your "trinket" at strategically important times.

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I'm a Jedi shadow Infiltration, lvl 50, I got 8 champion pieces, 2 centurion, 1 columi (409 expertise)


Operatives are really strong, but It only happened to me once that an one of them opened on me for 75% of my life bar. In a voidstar the same operative opened on me for 72-80% of my life like 3-4 times (down from full life, no resolve).


I used my trinket once, but they they have more than one stun to prevent their rotations from being entirely broken.


I'm not sure I'm ready to call them OP though. I think they're gonna have the same problem as the WoW rogue: caracters speciliazing in opening on the ennemy for a quick kill gets nerfed and QQ happens because their kit is now useless.


Good operatives (and well geared ones) deal a ton of damage, but thats in a 1v1 if they open on you. Before saying they're OP and need a nerfbat, we need to analyze more than just our own pride. If he opens 1v2 he can easily be stunned, if he's pushed away his rotation fails, if he's knocked out of stealth by AoE he's very vulnerable. If you know an operative if ruining your warzone try different strategies.


Yes yes we all know ops have other issues that need looked at. But before you can start buffing them in those areas you have to rethink this stupid burst/stun that brings even geared people to 1/3 their hp.


Noone of their issues with mobility/survivablity makes the absurd dmg ok.

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I don't want to get into the discussion as to whether or not they need to be nerfed vs reducing or limiting the stacking effect of buffs and stims/etcs... however your statement about them being useless in a team effort is a bit misleading...


In a team vs team encounter, if your team were to focus on their healer and the ops would jump the healer when they're around 70-50% health, you could easily take their healer out literally instantly, giving you a huge upper hand.


They're not anymore useless in a team as any other spec would be, they serve a purpose just like every other spec. You just have to tailor a strategy around the tools you have at your disposal.


What about having an ops jumping a lone defender at a node? Seeing as they're supposedly masters at 1v1... they could easily chew the lone defender and recap a node, providing his team an advantage.


I don't believe the team vs team argument holds as much ground as some of you are trying to mislead us to think.


I didn't want to try to explain it, my bad for leaving it generic.


As far as the objectives go, they aren't good.


Alderan which you quote, if you only leave ONE defender, then really that's the problem, not the fact that he snuck up and beat him one on one. You are speaking in terms of things you don't seem to understand. What makes you think that if an op opened on the healer, that the rest of the team wasn't going to turn around and stomp the op? The op is extremely squishy and could easily die before the healer dies. But again, this has nothing to do with the objective, this is just pure deathmatch. In teams scenarios they don't shine like other classes do, they die way too quick and can't do much other than kill (if they are specced that way).


Hutball. They can't carry the ball, period. They may be good and killing the opposing ball carrier, but that's assuming the ball carrier is alone, and you can get to them. You don't really have any way of stopping them other than stealthing up to them, which isn't exactly simple as your as slow as the ball carrier.


Voidstar. Is probably worse than alderan. You won't find many 1v1 situations, and as soon as you pop, the other team just has to target you for a second and your done. Really the Op doesn't bring anything tot he table in the Voidstar.

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ITT: People talking like they know things when they don't.


4) Their opener completely fills your resolve meter, so you're completely immune to any CC effects for the duration of the fight. If you break that initial knock back, you win.


Not correct.

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I'm a Jedi shadow Infiltration, lvl 50, I got 8 champion pieces, 2 centurion, 1 columi (409 expertise)


Operatives are really strong, but It only happened to me once that an one of them opened on me for 75% of my life bar. In a voidstar the same operative opened on me for 72-80% of my life like 3-4 times (down from full life, no resolve).


I used my trinket once, but they they have more than one stun to prevent their rotations from being entirely broken.


I'm not sure I'm ready to call them OP though. I think they're gonna have the same problem as the WoW rogue: caracters speciliazing in opening on the ennemy for a quick kill gets nerfed and QQ happens because their kit is now useless.


Good operatives (and well geared ones) deal a ton of damage, but thats in a 1v1 if they open on you. Before saying they're OP and need a nerfbat, we need to analyze more than just our own pride. If he opens 1v2 he can easily be stunned, if he's pushed away his rotation fails, if he's knocked out of stealth by AoE he's very vulnerable. If you know an operative if ruining your warzone try different strategies.


Thank you. I've been saying it like 1000 times but I guess my point isn't getting through. If we just always face operatives 2v1 or 3v1... we have a really good shot of dieing.. but that sucker will almost assuredly have to use his vanish and run like a lil b$%ch with 1/2 of his health gone..because there is just no way he's killing 3 ppl solo. The answer truly lies in overpowering them with sheer numbers... if BW would just implement there original wz design of not allowing ops to have teammates....this wouldn't even be an issue and all these whiners could go QQ about some other stupid thing!

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Noone of those hit for 3k. More like 1.6k 1.6k 2k 1.5k. Yes, by popping trinkets and getting exp buff and getting lucky crits you'll occasionally see 3.5k 3.8k 5k 3.5k.


But unlike the operative, that combo requires LOS and needs uninterrupted cast time. Oh, it also doesn't stun you.


These warzones are riddled with LOS breaks. Good players can easily deal with mercs/snipers cuz they both need cast time.


First of all, yes those are crit numbers. Secondly, crits are not luck they are percentage based which can be influenced. And I've crit plenty of 50s for over 4k without anything but my sexy end buff in WZs.


As far as LOS is concerned? Don't care. its annoying as hell, but you work around it with team mates. My only grip is the individuals who pick fights with me then ninja stealth when they realized I just ruined their "SURPRISE BUHT SECHS, LOL" moment.


seriously you cowards piss me off... /grumble


Don't complain, get friends. Have none? then you are just really bad... sorry

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First of all, yes those are crit numbers. Secondly, crits are not luck they are percentage based which can be influenced. And I've crit plenty of 50s for over 4k without anything but my sexy end buff in WZs.


As far as LOS is concerned? Don't care. its annoying as hell, but you work around it with team mates. My only grip is the individuals who pick fights with me then ninja stealth when they realized I just ruined their "SURPRISE BUHT SECHS, LOL" moment.


seriously you cowards piss me off... /grumble


Don't complain, get friends. Have none? then you are just really bad... sorry



He's critting all the lowbiest for 4-6k constantly. As far as 50s are concerned, he's doing upwards of 4k damage per hit on them as well.

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You guys realize you're complaining about being assassinated by a class that by design is a stealth assassin?


Failing to see the problem here. I am a 50 Merc with about half champ gear, 500ish expertise and ya once in a while I'm caught off guard or on low health and get taken out by a scoundrel but I'm still top of the boards in dps / kills.


Oh and I'm not an arsenal spec tracer missile spamming merc, pyro all the way folks.



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I didn't want to try to explain it, my bad for leaving it generic.


As far as the objectives go, they aren't good.


Alderan which you quote, if you only leave ONE defender, then really that's the problem, not the fact that he snuck up and beat him one on one. You are speaking in terms of things you don't seem to understand.


I do understand as much as you appear to be understanding.


Sneaking up to a healer and knocking them out + the burst damage could make the difference with unexpected burst from the other team, the healer would die, period.


Sure they could then focus fire the OP and kill him, but 1 team has heals, the other doesn't. You could also flashbang and vanish and get out of there. My point is they do serve a purpose in team vs team fights... you guys make it sound like all they do is kill stragglers.


As for specific warzones utility, all classes have strengths and weaknesses for each warzones. I'm not going to debate on whether they are more or less useful in each of them, you could do the exact same thing for all classes. My trooper isn't exactly super duper in Voidstar either, especially when we're on offense... I either go out of ammo AoEing or lack the burst/cc to down healers. Again, this is a case by case, it serves no real purpose. My trooper rocks in Alderaan when I'm defending with high ground... Zzzz.

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You guys realize you're complaining about being assassinated by a class that by design is a stealth assassin?


Failing to see the problem here. I am a 50 Merc with about half champ gear, 500ish expertise and ya once in a while I'm caught off guard or on low health and get taken out by a scoundrel but I'm still top of the boards in dps / kills.


Oh and I'm not an arsenal spec tracer missile spamming merc, pyro all the way folks.




Every class is designed to kill other people. When you, as the rock to their scissors, are able to hunt them down effectively and punish them as they punish paper, get back to us.

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You guys realize you're complaining about being assassinated by a class that by design is a stealth assassin?


Failing to see the problem here. I am a 50 Merc with about half champ gear, 500ish expertise and ya once in a while I'm caught off guard or on low health and get taken out by a scoundrel but I'm still top of the boards in dps / kills.


Oh and I'm not an arsenal spec tracer missile spamming merc, pyro all the way folks.




Having an assassins creed style invisable glass cannon burst gibbing wow ambush rogue that is only good when the stars have aligned in a MMORPG is retarded. Its not the ops fault bioware built them stupid. That build needs a redesign.

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Every class is designed to kill other people. When you, as the rock to their scissors, are able to hunt them down effectively and punish them as they punish paper, get back to us.


+1 OWNED!! you said it man.. and make sure you bring six teammates with you....punish that freaking ops...at least make him use his vanish cd after he kills two of ya!

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You guys realize you're complaining about being assassinated by a class that by design is a stealth assassin?


Failing to see the problem here. I am a 50 Merc with about half champ gear, 500ish expertise and ya once in a while I'm caught off guard or on low health and get taken out by a scoundrel but I'm still top of the boards in dps / kills.


Oh and I'm not an arsenal spec tracer missile spamming merc, pyro all the way folks.





I'm on the same level as you with gear. I rail in most WZs. and I play objective based, no lol spam kill for medals. I don't enjoy the fact that an Op can *** own me when my CDs are down, in fact i'm pretty sure that has something to do with the reason we have CDs... But crying that they need a nerf is just a "I'm a bad player, save me devs :**(" move.


It sucks. learn to counter it. There are plenty of PTs i've unloaded on for nearly 90 secs and still couldn't kill, without a secondary healer.

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I've got a 23 Scoundrel atm. It's pretty painful to pvp with her. She hits like she's got pillows equipped. When does it get better?


When you hit 40 and get Flechette Round, you basically get full time double backstab/ambush with 50% armor penetration.

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I've got a 23 Scoundrel atm. It's pretty painful to pvp with her. She hits like she's got pillows equipped. When does it get better?


hate to break it to ya bud, but based on all the threads on these boards... you'll never get better on that toon in pvp. It's squishy, has ZERO sustained dmg, can't function with teammates, doesn't accept any incoming heals, can't be guarded, and even its burst dmg on-trick-pony ability is easily countered. You're a lame duck i'm afraid... enjoy punching with pillows!

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