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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Im in full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Are you kidding me with this crap? Im getting 3 shot by operatives non stop. I know a nerf is already incoming but it needs to hurry.


Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.

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weird... when operatives like sevvy post on these boards... I never hear them talk about being imbalanced. this is actually the first time i've seen a thread on these boards discussing ops/scoundrels and being ridiculously overpowered. Are you sure this wasn't just a one time thing? maybe a relic, with an adrenal, with a pvp boost pot, and the pvp boost in the wz, with full battlemaster gear... with buff from a groupmate and perhaps you were level 10 in greens and mistakenly thought you were lvl 50 in champ/battle? because an op/scoundrel being overpowered is just kinda coming out of nowhere based on the threads i've been reading.



/sarcasm off

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Remember folks, terrible players need an excuse to get better through programmers that modify (nerf) good players to create artificial skill for bad ones.


I bet you choose 90% handicap in Street Fighter for your opponents, too.

Edited by Proto
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Im in full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Are you kidding me with this crap? Im getting 3 shot by operatives non stop. I know a nerf is already incoming but it needs to hurry.


Screenshots of you having 60 valor please.


Screenshots of you getting 3 shot.


Otherwise ..obvious troll is obvious.

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These threads have got to stop. I don't even play an Op/Scoundrel, but what are you leaving them with if their initial opening/burst is hit with the nerf bat? It's not like the class can take much on in a straight up brawl. They go down like paper airplanes. If you break their initial CC they can't do much either.


I know these "nerf XXX class" threads are always going to exist, mainly because people don't understand the purpose or function of a class, but it's ridiculous. If you break their opening combo, they're useless.

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The operatibe is the best op class in this moment, they can hit you 3-6k easy and can healing, are inmortal in this moment.


Nerf is urgent


If we spec dps, our healing is a joke. It's also a long cast time and we're sitting ducks.


And BH's, Snipers, and other classes can crit for 3-6k also.


So...are you even 50?

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These threads have got to stop. I don't even play an Op/Scoundrel, but what are you leaving them with if their initial opening/burst is hit with the nerf bat? It's not like the class can take much on in a straight up brawl. They go down like paper airplanes. If you break their initial CC they can't do much either.


I know these "nerf XXX class" threads are always going to exist, mainly because people don't understand the purpose or function of a class, but it's ridiculous. If you break their opening combo, they're useless.


As a sniper its impossible to kite an operative/scoundrel..we are just free kills for them...

Coming out of hide like chickens 3 shot u then once they get ganked they instant hide again..if thats not OP then ***


fix cover and overall sniper class nerf the the hell as **** operatives/scoundrel...

Every noob can play an operative atm..just go hide select a target with 50% gank him kill him with 2 shot go back to hide

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These threads have got to stop. I don't even play an Op/Scoundrel, but what are you leaving them with if their initial opening/burst is hit with the nerf bat? It's not like the class can take much on in a straight up brawl. They go down like paper airplanes. If you break their initial CC they can't do much either.


I know these "nerf XXX class" threads are always going to exist, mainly because people don't understand the purpose or function of a class, but it's ridiculous. If you break their opening combo, they're useless.


Their opening deliver 50% armor reduction for 15 seconds. Even if you break the first stun (stiil your stun breaker has a 2 mins cd, more than their CDs) the debuff will be there and they will kill you faster than you can kill them - they will bring the armor of a tank at their values and the damage they do is far higher than the damage of a tank.

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Im in full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Are you kidding me with this crap? Im getting 3 shot by operatives non stop. I know a nerf is already incoming but it needs to hurry.


If you're in full PvP gear, not only are you not being three shot (even if the enemy operative pops a trinket and a surge adrenal along with being stimmed), you're not even being taken to 50% in the initial knockdown combo. It's just not happening in a 1v1. Maybe you're thinking of like a 4v1, where each of the four enemies gets three shots on you? Is that what you meant?

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Folks, just ignore this troll. He starts a whine thread about scoundrels/Operatives daily. He is like level 13 with no PvP gear and has no idea how to play his class.


/looks for forum Ignore feature.


Lol, I have 10%ish expertise and valor rank 58. I agree with all the QQ threads. Scrapper/Concealment is just completely broken atm. Everyone knows it. If you disagree you are either retarded or play a scrapper/concealment. It's funny to see people coming in here to flame all the QQ posts or actually try to use some distorted logic in hopes to deter the inevitable nerfs. It's only a matter of time. Enjoy it now when the PvP means absolutely nothing. Haha, it's going to be great when you get the "slicing" treatment.


The real question is, how fast will they respond to this retarded aspect of class balancing. Is Bioware going to go the Blizzard route and leave things broken for months & months or are they going to go the Rift route and just over-nerf everything ending all PvP? I hope there is a swift resolution before the "new car smell" of the game wears off and I just get sick of 1 button mashing mongo's destroying me if my 2m trinket is on CD.

Edited by Selout
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my full champion op routinely crits for 7k+ on battlemasters with relic & surge adrenal its like 5k without the temp buffs... the class isn't overpowered it's the stacking of +surge (which every class can do)


the poeple claiming ops can't drop someone in 3 attacks are just trying to protect their class - but it's biochem + trinket that's making burst damage insanely powerful

Edited by darthruff
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If you're in full PvP gear, not only are you not being three shot (even if the enemy operative pops a trinket and a surge adrenal along with being stimmed), you're not even being taken to 50% in the initial knockdown combo. It's just not happening in a 1v1. Maybe you're thinking of like a 4v1, where each of the four enemies gets three shots on you? Is that what you meant?


While 3 shotting might be a stretch... there is no question the damage output by scrapper/concealment is just too high. No one even comes close to that burst that often.

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No Concealment specced IA or whatever that spec is for scoundrels, can 3 shot any class. They can't even 3 shot a lvl 11 that just started playing. Yes they can drop you to below 50% out of stealth, and sit at half energy being able to only shiv (or if you're bad, backstab too) and combo on TA procs. IF and only IF you have ZERO pvp gear.


If you're in pvp gear, you shouldn't even drop below 50%. Something is really wrong with you if you're dropping sub 50% from an operative's hidden strike combo.

Edited by Nessirin
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Folks, just ignore this troll. He starts a whine thread about scoundrels/Operatives daily. He is like level 13 with no PvP gear and has no idea how to play his class.


/looks for forum Ignore feature.


Im a guardian 50 full champion. An operative just knock me down, and when i finally get up i have less than 25% of my HP, even with my shield up they still hit like a truck in melee range, 2 operatives on me, and im dead without a fight in just a few seconds. Atm the class is easy mode and need a nerf, like Now.

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If you're in pvp gear, you shouldn't even drop below 50%. Something is really wrong with you if you're dropping sub 50% from an operative's hidden strike combo.


This is just simply wrong. I routinely get below 50% with 10%ish mitigation from expertise and my trinket is down in a scrapper/conceal opener with over 14500 hp. Sorry. Could have BG exp buff, trinket popped, ect... but no one else even comes close to the pressure put out by scrapper/conceal.


The larger issue is they are probably one of the hardest classes to kill as well. Dodge, heals, vanish, stuns, stealth,... it's just too many tools along with the best burst in the game. Something has got to change. Everyone who wants to see the PvP in this game balanced, agrees.

Edited by Selout
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Im a guardian 50 full champion. An operative just knock me down, and when i finally get up i have less than 25% of my HP, even with my shield up they still hit like a truck in melee range, 2 operatives on me, and im dead without a fight in just a few seconds. Atm the class is easy mode and need a nerf, like Now.


Truth is operatives are not OP ... that's why only one person in one thread is asking for the nerf. Oh ... wait ...

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Thats right, I said it. I do not, repeat DO NOT play an agent or a smuggler. I play a BH and that's the only thing I play. I find that warzones are quite balanced at the moment. Yeah maybe I would like to see diminishing returns on CC pan out a little quicker but other than that everything has been cool for me.


Operatives attacking you from stealth is their bread and butter. All that set up takes time. You guys have to put these things in perspective. Just because it happens to you (and it's happened to me as well) doesnt mean they need a nerf. Everything is relative. Look at the scoreboard.


It's highly likely that almost everyone of their kills has been 1v1 and thus is a very low number. Operatives cannot stand and fight you. Every other class can. If they have singled you out and you are their victim, well, it sucks to be you. But their kills will be far less than yours simply because of the mechanics of the kill.


They are opportunists. If you present yourself as an opportunity then you are a sucker. Gotta learn how to trinket, knockback, stun and run. Heal up and then put a few missles in his face. If he's not running his *** off to get away from you he is a dead mofo.


Play better OP. This game doesnt need a bunch of nerfs. I havent found any class I couldnt take down. The game is fine. Dont let it end up like Rift.

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Im a guardian 50 full champion. An operative just knock me down, and when i finally get up i have less than 25% of my HP, even with my shield up they still hit like a truck in melee range, 2 operatives on me, and im dead without a fight in just a few seconds. Atm the class is easy mode and need a nerf, like Now.


This is patently false. There is no way they can get you to 25% with the opener + followup attack if you are 50, have good gear, and are buffed.




a. You are in the middle of a fight, with cooldowns popped, and less than 80% health when you get jumped

b. You just respawned, and have no buffs, and are not near your team

c. You just don't know what to do once that first knockdown wears off.

d. All of the above.



I guarantee you, no Sc/Op has ever opened on you when you are fully buffed, near your group, at 100% health. Never. Ever.

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