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Stupid Design Examples In SWTOR


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1: Elevators - Elevators that make you go to a loading screen instead of actually being an elevator like everywhere else in the game.


2. Fleet vs Capital Planet - I mean what is the point of having a capital planet if there is no incentive to go there. GTN and crafting trainers are at both, but people default to the fleet station because things are more convenient to get to there.


3: Space Stations - Is it really necessary to have me go through load screen after load screen just to land on a planet? There should be only one load screen period. All this other crap like the airlock hallway is just extremely poor design...


4: Instancing - No need to expound upon this. I can understand separating worlds, but having such a low cap per instance is ridiculous. Beta had a lot more people in each instance. But my question is this: If an old game can support large numbers of players in one area, why can't this one? Is Bioware hosting this game on old Atari's?


These are just the ones off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others I can come up with in time.

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5. Space stations that are not entirely rested areas and yet hostile bars that are! Come on!


and AMEN to number 4. at the very least if people are working in a party and one disconnects when they reconnect PUT THEM BACK IN THE SAME INSTANCE. To not do is just stupid and adds yet another load screen to an already frustrating experience.

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I agree, but of course fan boys will show up and bash you. Fine you have fully right to disagree with OP but discuss it, don't say 'bye' can I have your stuff, go back to WoW. There is no need to go to capital cities once you done story line quest, or maybe is there?
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2. Fleet vs Capital Planet - I mean what is the point of having a capital planet if there is no incentive to go there. GTN and crafting trainers are at both, but people default to the fleet station because things are more convenient to get to there.


I might spend more time in Kaas City if the damn speeder from the spaceport would connect with the speeder in the middle of the city. As it is, it's a chore to get in and out of that place, especially if you're doing class quests and need to go to one of the enclaves.

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Totally agree. Constant loading screens leading to a segregated and boxed-in feeling, lots of dead unnecessary space with more waiting screens (black elevator screens ugh).


I wanted to hang out at Coruscant. I WANTED it to be the main place to socialize. They put an incredible amount of effort into crafting Coruscant and then they go ahead and implement Carrick Station which is an Ironforge clone and looks 1/20th as gorgeous as Coruscant. No one is on Coruscant except lowbies, it's like they went out of their way to trivialize their own efforts.


I'm sure the BW staff has some warped way of justifying these decisions though.

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I agree, but of course fan boys will show up and bash you. Fine you have fully right to disagree with OP but discuss it, don't say 'bye' can I have your stuff, go back to WoW. There is no need to go to capital cities once you done story line quest, or maybe is there?


I'm no fan boy, but I do run a SWTOR site. I support this game, but I think Bioware could have done a hell of a lot better job designing things. I know for a fact I could have.


Bioware... I've got over 10 years of MMO experience, and I'm in the last semester of my MBA. I need a job.

Edited by Thamelas
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The only valid issue, imo, is 4. Space Stations.


The elevators are to seperate parts of the world so the game won't take rediculous amounts of RAM.

The capital planet is more of a story and RP element more than anything else, the fleet will always be the social nexus of where to go to get whatever you need.

Instancing works, it's up to the developers to improve upon stability and balance when it comes to creating new instances.

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1: Elevators - Elevators that make you go to a loading screen instead of actually being an elevator like everywhere else in the game.


2. Fleet vs Capital Planet - I mean what is the point of having a capital planet if there is no incentive to go there. GTN and crafting trainers are at both, but people default to the fleet station because things are more convenient to get to there.


3: Space Stations - Is it really necessary to have me go through load screen after load screen just to land on a planet? There should be only one load screen period. All this other crap like the airlock hallway is just extremely poor design...


4: Instancing - No need to expound upon this. I can understand separating worlds, but having such a low cap per instance is ridiculous. Beta had a lot more people in each instance. But my question is this: If an old game can support large numbers of players in one area, why can't this one? Is Bioware hosting this game on old Atari's?


These are just the ones off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others I can come up with in time.



1. I've yet to see elevators that lead you to loading screens, when they don't shift you to an entirely different map. In this case, it's no different from any area transition. There's many "screen blackout to new area" elevators, but I'd hardly call that bad design.


2. I think it's a matter of convenience here. The rational seems to be that the fleet is a streamlined, small area with everything in easy reach. Capital planets have the same commodities but bent to accomodate mood and lore.

I think the design is influenced by Wrath of the Lich King. The fleet is Dalaran - a pure hub, convenient, with everything in easy reach. Capitals remain as important, but not as user friendly.


3. Is it such a major issue?


4. My persuasion is that instancing is meant to try and help community building. I've noticed that despite playing on an high population server, with often 3 or 4 instances up, I tend to meet and group with the same group of players. Which leads me to have a friend list that formed through doing a lot of content together. One day I moved to a different instance (I'm apparently assigned to 2 by default) and none of the players in my list was in the same instance.

My guess is that Bioware is trying to promote the birth of a gaming community by splitting the gamers in "groups" and encouraging them to play together and get to know each other.

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by the time you get TO the elevator you can already start releasing most of fleet station from memory. unless you designed it that poorly to where you're assuming you can "see" everywhere in the station from every point...


poor design indeed.


as far as dromund kass speeders, they didn't want the speeders flying around through their city. but then later on made the decision to add a side speeder route for convenience completely breaking the reason they didn't link the front to begin with.



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Let's see the fanboys justify as to why we need to take off and see the cinematic/loading screen and go into space when we just want to go inside our ship. Is that brilliant design guys?!


Please proceed to explain. I'm gonna love hearing this.

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Also I can't understand why we can't land in the Kaas city!, to get to capital we have to fly to space port(which of course is not in the city) and then take taxi. Any comments on that? Edited by Quenthe
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Please, give me more loading screen elevators. The up/down elevators on Hoth made me dread returning to those quest hubs.


One thing I think could be improved is terrain. There are times when your character can't walk or even jump onto something that most other games would. Having the game recognize terrain "steps" better would be great.

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Let's see the fanboys justify as to why we need to take off and see the cinematic/loading screen and go into space when we just want to go inside our ship. Is that brilliant design guys?!


Please proceed to explain. I'm gonna love hearing this.


In WoW, I can't trasmogrify legendaries, and I can't give a plate set cloth graphics. Is that brilliant design?


Game isn't perfect. Nobody in his right mind would state it's perfect. But really, is any of the issues listed gamebreaking? Does the game require you to step on your ship for anything that doesn't require you to fly to space? Does your ship offer commodities that aren't related to space travel that you can't find anywhere else?


There's valid complaints and there's grasping at straws.

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Let's see the fanboys justify as to why we need to take off and see the cinematic/loading screen and go into space when we just want to go inside our ship. Is that brilliant design guys?!


Please proceed to explain. I'm gonna love hearing this.


Do you have to be a fanboy to defend a game you enjoy?


You should probably stop throwing around terms you see other people use without really knowing what it means.

Edited by Deacoon
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Why haven't anyone mentioned the market? Seriously, how can you NOT search for an item without having to choose a category and a sub category? This is a major, absolutely major issue, seeing how the market is used a lot.


In like what, EVERY?, other mmorpg with an auction house, you can search yet you cannot do this in SWTOR? Has there been any official reply as to what they were thinking when they made one of the worst designs ever?

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4. My persuasion is that instancing is meant to try and help community building. I've noticed that despite playing on an high population server, with often 3 or 4 instances up, I tend to meet and group with the same group of players. Which leads me to have a friend list that formed through doing a lot of content together. One day I moved to a different instance (I'm apparently assigned to 2 by default) and none of the players in my list was in the same instance.

My guess is that Bioware is trying to promote the birth of a gaming community by splitting the gamers in "groups" and encouraging them to play together and get to know each other.


I can understand your sentiment of a tight-knit group formed from interaction from a single instance but I would think that more people per instance would allow you to bond with more (or allow opportunities to be able to pick and choose).


In the end, the instance idea makes me feel like the game is almost dead and I know it isn't. I walk around early zones and the republic fleet and I think "where is everyone"? I would certainly like to see Bioware increase the threshold of players per instance.

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In WoW, I can't trasmogrify legendaries, and I can't give a plate set cloth graphics. Is that brilliant design?


Game isn't perfect. Nobody in his right mind would state it's perfect. But really, is any of the issues listed gamebreaking? Does the game require you to step on your ship for anything that doesn't require you to fly to space? Does your ship offer commodities that aren't related to space travel that you can't find anywhere else?


There's valid complaints and there's grasping at straws.


No, there are valid complaints, and then there are the people who dismiss them because it doesn't bother *them*.


For example, in one part of my Inquisitor quest, I literally have to go from one planet to another, transition to land, immediately go back to space, go to another planet, land, transition back to space, and then go back to the first planet. In order to do this, I now have to step through a total of 8 space station rooms.


Where is the value in having to run through an empty room repeatedly? It is not fun. It isn't "immersive". It isn't needed.


For some reason, since there are people who are making immature or pointless arguments about problems with the game, there is now a knee-jerk reaction from people who like it to completely and utterly dismiss ALL problems with the game as "grasping at straws". He wasn't bashing the game or comparing it to WoW or griping about the patch. He was simply asking why do we have to go through this retarded merry go-round of launching into space every time a companion wants a chat or I want to access my cargo bay.


It's come to the point where if you complain about gamebreaking issues you're simply told to give BW time, and if you don't that answer leave, and if you complain about minor issues you're told they aren't gamebreaking and to shut up. I am just going to start ignoring posters like this, they aren't interested in discussion or improvement, just in mindless worship.

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