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Am I the only person not raging at bioware??


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This build of the game is EVEN BETTER than the last day of beta. It's truely amazing, and all the haters will see it soon. Just not "soon enough" for them. Maybe if they didn't call in sick to work, they wouldn't have so much time to write forum posts complaining.
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Doesn't these critters ever sleep? They've been at it for ages now and the only way to please them seems to be to make everyone stop playing until 20.12. Just so that they would get a lag fest to complain about instead. (No, I haven't got the invite yet, but behold my superiority! I do NOT cry blood over it!)


If I get one small gift from Santa Claus this year I wish it will be that PvP in this game really sucks, and I mean really, really sucks! That would probably make most of the whiny bunch of unsavoury creatures leave :( . It would at least do the trick if these vermins are of the same species that invaded Wow. Sadly enough, Santa has never liked me one bit, I probably don't whine enough to get what I want, so PvP will probably be excellent. Good enough to lure all exceptionally rude hominids to flock to this game.


They should really make an attitude thick FPS with an uncencored, public "trade" chat so that all primates that pre-dates the Cro magnons would have another game to infest, and thereby leave my game alone.


Peace and love, that's the key. But I suppose hate and envy makes child like persons happy and content.

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I was lucky enough to get my early invite yesterday(i live in UK) , although I did not get to start playing till 17:00 as I like most ppl was working, but I can say anyone worried about population levels , the server I was on was busy, was playing jedi sentinel and starting area was busy with some quests having to wait about for bad guys/ interactive bits to respawn, played up to 00:00 and was still busy, now although I say it was busy, it was not mobbed but plenty of ppl to interact with and also considering alot of ppl are saying that more ppl are playing sith rather than republic, there were plenty of jedi kicking about on my server
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Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect...


Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.


No you're not the only one not raging, there's actualy A LOT more not raging than there is that are raging (vocal minority "beware of the small dog's bark"), but most of us have given up feeding the trolls (ie posting in trollthreads using facts, logic and rational thinking) just to keep sane.

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Not raging here. I knew exactly what I was getting when I pre-ordered and how early access would work. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the game over the next several years, a few days waiting, after having already waited years is not a big deal, it's certainly not something to get angry about.


Being literate and informing myself before making purchases helps too. ;)

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I'm jus sitting here with my popcorn watching the rage fly about lol.


BW said that anyone who has pre ordered the game WILL get EGA so everyone jus chill.


I'd rather wait and get to play the game with min lag rather then all of us thrown on and the server decides to die on us due to high tarffic or playing with very high server lag etc, etc.


BW wants to make this launch smooth and i say let them do it, Heck its only been one day and people are already complaning about it. If they can do better why are they not making mmorpgs???

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Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect...


Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.


People are just spoiled and greedy because they pre order in December or sumthing it is their own fault. And they take that greedy spoiled attitude to cry like a 6 year old. " If you don't get me in early access i will sue you Bioware " " If you don't let me play i will tell mommy on you Bioware "

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I think people are mad because they got an email telling them to prepare to get into the game on the 13th. Then do not get in and see lots of light populated servers. I hope someone

steps in and changes this failed plan. I think pre orders would grow significantly if they put the preorders in game faster. Giving them incentive to buy online.

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I am certainly not raging. I am happy for Bioware to have given us such a fantastic game. Bioware are carefully monitoring EGA so as to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. I could only imagine the chaos if everyone got in at the same time.


The only thing that is true in all of this, is that no matter what Bioware done, people would still complain. Even if Bioware sent out an email a week ago saying "Your early game access will start on 17 December" it wouldn't matter, people would still complain. Additionally, if Bioware wanted to speed this up for whatever reason and the same person then got an email saying you have been moved up (or otherwise realised this) they would rant and rave about how they took time off work and now they miss out on a day of EGA.


Bioware didn't have to run EGA. Granted, many people will say they advertised it but they didn't have to. The pre-orders still would have happened.


And in any event, EGA doesn't officially start until the 15th. If you bought in July and are not in by then, maybe someone will care that you are upset/p'ed off etc.


Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. You have 3+ years to play this game. 2 or 3 days will hardly make a difference in the long run.

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If we are to believe all the hyperbole everyone is cancelling their orders over the out rage being inflicted, the truth is most of us are probably OK or maybe a bit dissapointed about not getting as early as possible and it is mostly a small minority blowing every thing massivley out of proportion on the forums.
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Nope, I activated my key in early October and was fully aware I'm lucky if I get 1-3 days of EGA. I've waited for an SW mmo ever since NGE hit so a few days means *nothing*.


Sure, some people are higher level and other crap but this isn't Darkfall or something, what other people do is completely and utterly irrelevant to your experience apart from PvP servers. On PvP servers, however, it's no different than leveling an alt, all the whining is just to mask their impatience.


Someone took your very special name? Tough ****, make up a new one. If my preferred name is taken, boohoo, I'll come up with a new one. My whole life doesn't revolve around an internet identity, if you care so much about a fake name in a virtual world, get your head straight.


If you're angry because you can't be a server first at 50, you should also get your head straight. It means *nothing*. Chilld the **** out people.

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After the four waves of yesterday I didn't expect to get in, but did so on the last and fifth wave of yesterday. I redeemed my pre-order code at the 27th of July.


Anyway so far I have to say this is by far the smoothest launch of any MMO I've ever played. This launch is much better than Skyrim's, and actually runs smoother too, although Skyrim has been out for little over a month.

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Not raging, just abit annoyed that they cant give people a ETA, i preorderd 28/7 and figured that redemming my code within the first week of preorders being avaiable would be good enough to get in yesterday.


Aperently it wasent, now i understand if they tell people they will get in on a said day, and something goes wrong and they dont they will get flak to, it would just be nice to have some sort of timeframe, its like the cable guy who tells you, he will come between 08:00 and 20:00, you sit there and wait, oh well i guess they cant win no matter how they go about it :)

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I bought early on, too. Not worried about it - I've waited a long time for this game, and I trust Bioware, and (perhaps more importantly) I'm not going to behave like a child who doesn't get his way. I wish more would make that choice.


What he said, Except I didnt buy Early, I waited Till I could find a CE I could pre-order (eb games screwed me over, long story) I wont worry about getting in early into a game ill be playing for years to come. :cool:

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Anyway so far I have to say this is by far the smoothest launch of any MMO I've ever played. This launch is much better than Skyrim's, and actually runs smoother too, although Skyrim has been out for little over a month.


Skyrim ? :eek: It's not even an mmo :)

Edited by excentric
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I'm not raging at all. I've waited for this game for years and I expect nothing less from Bioware than for them to roll out the game the way THEY deem fit. I'll trust in them to do their best to accommodate the fans of their game and ease us into the official launch. I don't have access yet and may not for another day or so.


I believe it's incumbent upon us to give them our support and the time to roll out the servers into a smooth functional game. How can I criticize them when I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.


I can understand why some are mad and their views are not completely invalid but as with anything anger often outweighs good judgement.


I would add that good communication is key for Bioware. When issues arise they must be addressed whether valid or invalid.

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Thank you everyone for replying, glad to see some support for bioware, I dunno who said it and cant be arse looking through all the replies again but yes, it does only take a small percentage of people to make a lot of noice, Bioware have been working on this game for years, and I am glad that instead of rushing it out they have taken their time, great respect to them.


Nice to see a lot of decent people within the forums, hope to see you all in game, as far as early access goes, I am happy if I get any at all :)

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Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect...


Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.


You're not the only person who's happy or patiently waiting. :) We're not as vocal about it as some that are unhappy though. My rage will most likely come after the game launches and they do something I don't agree with. :D

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