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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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MMOs have maintenance, this is a fact of life.


Easy solution is to not play MMOs. I can't believe people can't cope with being unable to play for 32 hours per month.



If you feel maintenance is unacceptable, don't accept it. I find it funny how so many people are complaining about how awful everthing is, yet they're still here.

Edited by Soazak
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What would you prefer that bioware never ever patch the problems in the game or give us new content or expansions?


BW/EA have publically stated that the patches/server downtime will be on a Wed. Indeed they did do maintenance yesterday.


Paying customers (which is what we are lest anyone forget) expect a certain level of availability, BW/EA have/are not even satisfying their own performance criteria.


Downtime so far this week has been what about 4 hours tops?



Actually, yesterday there was at least 4xhours of downtime, this morning again another 4xhours, who knows what will happen between now and next Wed, but I am willing to bet that there will be more downtime... so sorry you are 100% mistaken.

Edited by Nycenblack
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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


So everybody plays SWTOR constantly except during maintenance? No one has ever anything else to do? Like playing other games? Work? Family? Health issues?

Edited by Areka
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BW/EA must compensate us for 'lost' gametime.


I have just unsubscribed until such time as this policy is introduced. They have 16 days to sort things out, or I (and prob many others) will vote with our wallets.


Okay, people will say that I am moaning for nothing, after all a few lost hours gametime whilst a new MMO is bedding down is to be expected.


Well, actually no... I have paid and am being expected to pay for a MMO on a monthly subscription. In return I expect to be able to play when it suits my availability.


What makes it worse is that there was no prior annoucement that the servers were being taken offline today (Thur 5 Jan) - I have effectively wasted 1/2 a days vacation waiting to be able to play and that 1/2 day's equivalent salary is worth many many times the monthly fee.... so yes, I am really pi$$ed at BW/EA.


I see why you are pissed, but you shouldn't speak for everyone. This is how many MMOs work. In WoW (i hate this comparison but **** it) servers would sometimes be offline for an entire day because the patch caused so many issues. There is no way the servers can continue to run and function without maintenance. You cannot implement patched without taking the servers down to apply them.


What do you think they are doing for 8 hours? How do they benefit from you not playing for 8 hours?

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So everybody plays SWTOR constantly except during maintenance? No one has ever anything else to do? Like playing otehr games? Work? Family? Health issues?


Hmm in finland this downtime ends up in the middle of primetime in the evening so... Yes. I would be playing it for about 1-4 hours depending on my workday.


EDIT: That is unless the maintanence gets delayd, then its additional time during primetime when its down thus mostlikely resulting in an entire day of not being able to play.

Edited by Sohtaraz
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I fully understand the game needs maintenance, and i want the game to be better for it. But their times are totally wrong, its the middle of the day in Europe (i'm UK so same deal) and yes i did play WOW and they timed it perfectly (i.e. the middle of the night for the USA and early day for europe) on most occasions. I do not believe that we should be compensated as this is not good bussiness practice and would detract from the game as a whole but the issue needs to be solved also for the sake of business and player happiness is THE main factor in this. I remember not so long ago where i woke up at 9 to find server colsure, extended maintenance saw me waiting till 8 at night to play. This is 12am for the USA and thus is acceptable.... FOR THEM, an apology is good and it as well recived... but please do something about it instead of repeatedly saying sorry.
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Are you serious? Or are you just annoyed they took away your /emote sploit? And how does EVE compensate you the 30m-1h downtime each day?



Exactly. EvE is down a Minimum of 30 - 31 hours a month.


If you are going to use a reference as an argument don't use one that is Worse than the current system.

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Bioware could be falling victim to consumer rights laws in the UK by excessive maintenance without refunding customers.


They are selling 1 month of game time (as much as possible) and providing much less than this by putting the maintenance time in the middle of the day.


EULAs are not legal documents and do not supersede consumer rights.

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Does the European community care more about the actual timing of the implementing of patches or that potentially the US would get patched before Europe?


I feel that how the system is set up now, the timing of patches may not be all about good natured customer concerns, like we are being told time and time again, but more about how they are stuck with servers being available for both sides of the Atlantic.


US maintenance takes place in the middle of the night, EU maintenance should also take place in the middle of the night, it's about fairness to the customers. I don't care if that means getting patches 12 hours later.


We have had three different excuses from BioWare now. Chris Collins stated that it's one of the quietest times to have maintenance, which is true if you are a US customer. I received an e-mail stating that if they can't change the maintenance times as it will not be fair to other countries (clearly they mean the US), and someone else got an e-mail stating they can't do it at any other time because their tech team is based in the US.


The whole thing is US biased. Screw you if you aren't in the US basically.

Edited by Mandrax
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


Oh, shut up already.. Every MMO has maintenance, get over it. For those that keep banging on about this and the daylight EU server maintenance times, most of us WORK or are in some for of EDUCATION during the day - so those times are fine for the masses.. For the most part it's only for the lazy gimps who don't work/study that have a problem with these times..


(I appreciate some people work nights and such but Bioware have to cater for the majority I'm afraid)


Sick and tired or seeing whining and complaining threads about server downtime or the problem with the game etc. Either shut the hell up or move to another game will you...

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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


I've played games where they take the server down every night and the game itself has been out for years.


For being a huge game that just came out, this isn't bad at all, and it will only get better.


EVERY game has maintenance.

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US maintenance takes place in the middle of the night, EU maintenance should also take place in the middle of the night, it's about fairness to the customers. I don't care if that means getting patches 12 hours later.


We have had three different excuses from BioWare now. Chris Collins stated that it's one of the quietest times to have maintenance, which is true if you are a US customer. I received an e-mail stating that if they can't change the maintenance times as it will not be fair to other countries (clearly they mean the US), and someone else got an e-mail stating they can't do it at any other time because their tech team is based in the US.


The whole thing is US biased. Screw you if you aren't in the US basically.


After playing daoc and wow, where EU patches were done later, I definately prefer this method.


I also like having the option to play US servers with my american friends, rather than having to pay for a second account. This system works for some of us, especially since most people work during the day.

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In WoW (i hate this comparison but **** it) servers would sometimes be offline for an entire day because the patch caused so many issues. There is no way the servers can continue to run and function without maintenance. You cannot implement patched without taking the servers down to apply them.


Having played WoW from release (and still do), I know that Blizz suffered from downtime, but I also know and benefited from their 'good customer service' where they compensated paying customers by extending their subscription period by 1-day or more according to the disruption and period of downtime.


I am not expecting any financial compensation (that would be silly and unrealistic), but I don't think it unreasonable for customers to be compensated by credit days for unplanned downtime. This is the typical business model within the service industry and something that BW/EA need to impliment.

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So, out of your 672-744 hours of potential playtime, each hour of which is worth 2.0-2.2 cents, you would like Bioware to refund you the $0.96 to $1.05 worth of time you can't play the game, which they spend fixing and making the game better?


It's not about the money for me


It's the fact they don't fix what they say they've fixed


"Can now use emotes whilst on a speeder"


No you *********** can't

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Bioware could be falling victim to consumer rights laws in the UK by excessive maintenance without refunding customers.


They are selling 1 month of game time (as much as possible) and providing much less than this by putting the maintenance time in the middle of the day.


EULAs are not legal documents and do not supersede consumer rights.


haha! your first MMO, right? They are trying to improve the game and personally I take a few hours downtime over playing a game running in to the umptieth bug (how tiny they may be it is still annoying at times).

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It's not about the money for me


It's the fact they don't fix what they say they've fixed


"Can now use emotes whilst on a speeder"


No you *********** can't


Same goes for "resource nodes" fix in 1.0.1 - some nodes are still not harvestable.

BW is just incompetent or lazy or both.

Edited by Alexx_T
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I fully understand the game needs maintenance, and i want the game to be better for it. But their times are totally wrong, its the middle of the day in Europe (i'm UK so same deal) and yes i did play WOW and they timed it perfectly (i.e. the middle of the night for the USA and early day for europe) on most occasions. I do not believe that we should be compensated as this is not good bussiness practice and would detract from the game as a whole but the issue needs to be solved also for the sake of business and player happiness is THE main factor in this. I remember not so long ago where i woke up at 9 to find server colsure, extended maintenance saw me waiting till 8 at night to play. This is 12am for the USA and thus is acceptable.... FOR THEM, an apology is good and it as well recived... but please do something about it instead of repeatedly saying sorry.


Clearly you know nothing about WoW downtimes in the US. Back before I had class during the day I usually had to wait till 2pm just to log in on WoW. For most people this isn't an issue because they have jobs and family and class and other things during this time. I didn't run to the forums to ***** and moan about them making the game better though. I found something productive to do with my time. Read a book for instance. If you can't go without playing video games 24/7 and a few hours of your day is completely thrown off by the fact that you can't log in to TOR then you should probably either see a therapist about your addiction or just cancel your sub and walk away before they "steal" more of your money.

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Do the math


30m a day = 3.5hours a week = 10.5hours a month

1hr a day = 7hours a week = 21hours a month


Not even a full day a month, this is acceptable


2 days of downtime a month is not


You are one smart little genius aren't you.



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And btw. About the different EU maintence times Like WoW.


Isnt even possible anymore;) WoW US and WoW EU are like 2 seperate (the same) Games;P

And clients.


This is one game/one client. there u have it.


There are more then two seperate clients for world of warcraft for updating it, this does not mean that servers themselves can't be maintained during difrent times since this is what they have been doing for several years with rolling restarts and only fullblooded maintanence has all servers down at the same time. (Note: Some of them get up before others so this again is not the same)


You clearly are misinformed about the entire subject since what ever TOS and EULA say have nothing to do with Consumer Rights in EU (or US for that fact).


The only time one game/one client thing matters is when they update loginservers and upload/download servers for actual patch content, not patching the servers themselves and if this is what takes _8_ hours to do I'm at lost of words for incompetence.

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Just take the suscription off the game and put 100$ suscription on the forum, enough people here who won't be able to resist ^^


Serious now: if you are complaining for this, Bioware does you a favor, especially when maintenance falls in the evening where you live. There is probally something down your street called a bar, pub or café. Go explore that sandbox zone for a while.

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