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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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I thought that our money also payed for the maintenance of the servers, patches and stuff like that?


If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable

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No. MMOs have maintenance, its just how it is. The downtime is to make the game better for us all, and wont be like this all the time.


Just get some other stuff done during this downtime come back when they servers are up. If you want to moan about .5 euro for 1 day downtime due to server upgrades and patches, you need to stop playing so much and earn a bit more cash.

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8h down time? More like 2 yesterday. Anyways, if you really want 50 cents back for the play time you missed (considering 24h down time total a month which is high), ask them for it. I'm sure they will tell you that you won't get it as you agreed to the ToS.


Edit: Or tell you that you are already being compensated cause it would be 15.50 euro otherwise.



Conclusion: If you don't want to pay, then don't play.

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Does the European community care more about the actual timing of the implementing of patches or that potentially the US would get patched before Europe?


I feel that how the system is set up now, the timing of patches may not be all about good natured customer concerns, like we are being told time and time again, but more about how they are stuck with servers being available for both sides of the Atlantic.

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Are you serious? Or are you just annoyed they took away your /emote sploit? And how does EVE compensate you the 30m-1h downtime each day?


Do the math


30m a day = 3.5hours a week = 10.5hours a month

1hr a day = 7hours a week = 21hours a month


Not even a full day a month, this is acceptable


2 days of downtime a month is not

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BW/EA must compensate us for 'lost' gametime.


I have just unsubscribed until such time as this policy is introduced. They have 16 days to sort things out, or I (and prob many others) will vote with our wallets.


Okay, people will say that I am moaning for nothing, after all a few lost hours gametime whilst a new MMO is bedding down is to be expected.


Well, actually no... I have paid and am being expected to pay for a MMO on a monthly subscription. In return I expect to be able to play when it suits my availability.


What makes it worse is that there was no prior annoucement that the servers were being taken offline today (Thur 5 Jan) - I have effectively wasted 1/2 a days vacation waiting to be able to play and that 1/2 day's equivalent salary is worth many many times the monthly fee.... so yes, I am really pi$$ed at BW/EA.

Edited by Nycenblack
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


Have you played wow by any chance? Do you know that this game just went live a little over 2 weeks ago? Have you played any mmo before and seen that bugs will always be there and are the worst around launch?


This is a new mmo bugs are expected and it's actually had one of the best mmo launches yet, either they do maintenance to fix the bugs or do absolutely nothing and let the servers die. What would you rather have dead servers that you can't even play on because of all the bugs or let them do their work for several hours every few days so you can actually log in?


Maintenance isn't a new thing for any decent non f2p mmo and it's a way for them to actually put the money they make to use after the millions they funneled into the game, you came into the game with the full understanding it was new and had bugs do not complain about money being wasted when they are actually making the game so people can log in day after day.

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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


How old are you? Please tell me you are not of the generation in their upper 20's to low 30's like myself. If so, how embarrassing to have you in my age group. No wonder people see us as the "want whatever I want when I want it" generation.


Btw, the money you pay them monthly is used to keep the servers stable and running, apply patches for game fixes etc. Also, as another posted said, read the TOS, or at least skim through it and find the little detail in there about downtime. Good day.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Even more unacceptable if you don't sleep.

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What would you prefer that bioware never ever patch the problems in the game or give us new content or expansions? Downtime so far this week has been what about 4 hours tops? Whilst it hasnt been in the middle of the night as most would prefer its been early during the working day when most are at work or school? I dont see what the problem is personally.
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


First MMO?


Don't worry, you will learn that downtime for patches and fixes in MMO's are universal soon enough

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An average of thirty days equates 50 cents per day to play the game. So basically, you are not getting $1 worth of game time (assuming they take about 2 days a month to do **** to the servers). About $12 per year. If you are pissed about $12, then I can't do anything, its your money, you have the right to do with it what you want.


Now stealing is defined as taking something without legal right. After you accepted the terms of service, there is your legal right. Moreover, they aren't stealing. There is no bald man behind the desk stroking a cat, there is no masked villain, the Joker has not devised a plan to steal $12 from everyone playing a MMO. That $12 pays for the salaries and equipment that makes it possible for you to make fun of Jawa's and hate Taris.

Edited by MrKenjisan
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OP, we are paying customers and we pay for the maintenance. Its impossible to have maintenance and updates if customers find it unfair that they take place in the first place and want playtime reimbursed. - Im sorry but I dont know what to say other than, wow.


Ive got error 9000. I had my headstart play out perfectly without any issues. Come launch and first patch, and wham Im disconnected every day several times, and can't really play the game. - Thats something I could argue I should be reimbursed for time wise, since my free game time has ticked by, not in hours but for over a week now.


But for a patch or maintenance..- just lol!

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Do you people REALLY have to complain about something that's insignificant? It's an online video game. There's bound to be maintenance issues and server downtimes. Show me an MMO that didn't have servers down or bugs, a game that ran 100% as intended upon launch... I dare you.
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Do the math


30m a day = 3.5hours a week = 10.5hours a month

1hr a day = 7hours a week = 21hours a month


Not even a full day a month, this is acceptable


2 days of downtime a month is not


You talk about math and you come up with 2 days of downtime for TOR, the month just started and the servers where down for maybe 4 hours in total :S


Aside from that TOR downtime is to fix the game, EVE downtime is to restart the cluster and do daily statistics updates...

Edited by ilovepeanuts
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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


So, out of your 672-744 hours of potential playtime, each hour of which is worth 2.0-2.2 cents, you would like Bioware to refund you the $0.96 to $1.05 worth of time you can't play the game, which they spend fixing and making the game better?


Is the economy so bad that people whine about a single dollar? I'm a currently unemployed college student and I'm not that picky about my money....


Edit: Fact remains, MMOs are the best bang-for-your-buck entertainment available. Costs more to go to a 2 hour movie than it does for 672-744 hours of potential MMO playtime.

Edited by Daeada
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