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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Not everyone thinks and acts the same bud. Others can absorb and deal with some basic mechanics that are common and simple others are looking for something more challenging and new.


This game as of the moment does not sport anything new or innovated. So the label bad is stamped on this by some veterans.


A lot of good and bad can be explained about this game but all that matters is you having fun and if you're having fun that's good and it's up to the devs to figure out how to make this game more fun for those that can't find it.


I can't support either those that love or hate this game everyone has a taste, personally if the devs don't show off something new and interesting for my taste this will be my 2nd short title wow holds the number 1 spot.

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I'll tell you the EXACT reason why.


From my experience in lingering around MMOG forums since the dawn of MMOGs when they didn't even have the term "MMOG" yet, people who really think a game is bad, don't do all this whining and bitc*ing and moaning and tantrums.


People who really think a game is bad, simply leave.



Now then, who are all these people who come to the forums, all these doomsayers?


These twirps, are the people who actually like the game a lot. They play it a lot, so they somehow assume that it automatically means they are good players.....and since they are (in their own mind) good players, and devote so much time to it, they think they should always have good results in the game whatever they do - be it PvP or PvE.


When it turns out that they aren't much good at it, they start feeling betrayed, and start blaming it on the game, on the system, and on the developers.


I mean, since I'm such a faithful player, and I loved this game so much, surely, the game must treat me as a great customer, and let me get awesome wins in PvP, or give me awesome rewards when I PvE, right??


But unfortunately, that does not happen. So, they feel wronged, and they start making delusional statements on how they rightfully deserve something. Since they are good players and faithful players, nothing is wrong with them. It is always the system, the game, the developers who are wronging them.



Hence, they start doomsaying, making threats and accusations on how the game has wronged them.



In a sense, they are the pathetic people who's been turned down by a lover, and start posting hate-posts on the blogs. That's what the whiners and moaners are.


It's called a sense of entitlement and so far that has not really applied to the comments in this thread. Although it's more likely that you just don't recognize you're making a fundamental attribution error while generalizing the population simply because you don't think others opinions are as valid as your own and you need that rationalized. Perhaps you should try less attempts at stroking your intellectual epeen and congratulating yourself on your ability to complete sentences and join the conversation at some point.


Many who spend money on a product wish for that product to work appropriately and ergo despite their not wanting to play the current product still hope that Bioware can fix the game.


***Btw we all clearly see that when you say "faithful" it's code for "cannot intellectually entertain abstract concepts, notions, and dissenting views".

Edited by Cepheid
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I'll tell you the EXACT reason why.


From my experience in lingering around MMOG forums since the dawn of MMOGs when they didn't even have the term "MMOG" yet, people who really think a game is bad, don't do all this whining and bitc*ing and moaning and tantrums.


People who really think a game is bad, simply leave.



Now then, who are all these people who come to the forums, all these doomsayers?


These twirps, are the people who actually like the game a lot. They play it a lot, so they somehow assume that it automatically means they are good players.....and since they are (in their own mind) good players, and devote so much time to it, they think they should always have good results in the game whatever they do - be it PvP or PvE.


When it turns out that they aren't much good at it, they start feeling betrayed, and start blaming it on the game, on the system, and on the developers.


I mean, since I'm such a faithful player, and I loved this game so much, surely, the game must treat me as a great customer, and let me get awesome wins in PvP, or give me awesome rewards when I PvE, right??


But unfortunately, that does not happen. So, they feel wronged, and they start making delusional statements on how they rightfully deserve something. Since they are good players and faithful players, nothing is wrong with them. It is always the system, the game, the developers who are wronging them.



Hence, they start doomsaying, making threats and accusations on how the game has wronged them.



In a sense, they are the pathetic people who's been turned down by a lover, and start posting hate-posts on the blogs. That's what the whiners and moaners are.


Then there are those people who whine about people whining on the forums to show how much more mature they are, to show how much a better person they are. They also want to prove to everyone that negative feedback, even though constructive and genuine, aimed towards the game they like is always 100% wrong.


Congratulations I did the same thing you did :)

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I'll tell you the EXACT reason why.


From my experience in lingering around MMOG forums since the dawn of MMOGs when they didn't even have the term "MMOG" yet, people who really think a game is bad, don't do all this whining and bitc*ing and moaning and tantrums.


People who really think a game is bad, simply leave.



Now then, who are all these people who come to the forums, all these doomsayers?


These twirps, are the people who actually like the game a lot. They play it a lot, so they somehow assume that it automatically means they are good players.....and since they are (in their own mind) good players, and devote so much time to it, they think they should always have good results in the game whatever they do - be it PvP or PvE.


When it turns out that they aren't much good at it, they start feeling betrayed, and start blaming it on the game, on the system, and on the developers.


I mean, since I'm such a faithful player, and I loved this game so much, surely, the game must treat me as a great customer, and let me get awesome wins in PvP, or give me awesome rewards when I PvE, right??


But unfortunately, that does not happen. So, they feel wronged, and they start making delusional statements on how they rightfully deserve something. Since they are good players and faithful players, nothing is wrong with them. It is always the system, the game, the developers who are wronging them.



Hence, they start doomsaying, making threats and accusations on how the game has wronged them.



In a sense, they are the pathetic people who's been turned down by a lover, and start posting hate-posts on the blogs. That's what the whiners and moaners are.


What the hell are you talking about? The entire problem with endgame is that it's too easy. It showers you with epics/epic mods left and right before you even get into hard modes. The hard modes aren't much harder except for maybe Esseles, and those give you raid gear.


Raids can be completed in one night... on all three difficulties (barring any encounter breaking bugs).


The common theme of every PVE encounter is tank and spank, with a gear check hard enrage timer thrown in on way too many bosses because it's the only mechanic they seem to know.


PVP has no purpose... in a faction based game. Ilum is totally broken, and the devs have pretty much said they've given up on it.


Crafting is pointless.


Space combat has 4 or 5 unique mission types that are each repeated at least twice on different level missions, and everybody's ship gets the same tech. There should have been a miriad of tech devices to choose from so your dogfighting would change based on your ship's tech.

Edited by Gungan
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been playing for a few months now, haven't seen much of a need to post on the forums till now.


i've found a few bugs so far but nothing i would call game breaking, the worst of which is when a guild mate was stuck on dromund kaas after the final jedi knight quest for the master title but that was only a fleet pass fix and a bit of an oversight, not really game breaking if you know about it and lets face it 1k credits isn't much.


the most common bug i find is that some resource node are bugged out but hey, i log the location and resource type and send it in so they know where to look for the bug.


as for the repetitive "kill x number of mobs" quests, these are typically bonus quests that tie in with quest line your currently on or work their way into the quest story if you bother to not space bar everything.


end game is lacking atm but hey, i still have stories to complete before i whinge about that seeing as the game itself is only 4 months old, a bit of patience isn't much to ask. if your wondering i have my lvl 50 commando, currently i have gunslinger, guardian, Juggernaut, agent and bounty hunter in the works and there are still some other classes to play through yet.


the crafting system isn't bad for an out of the box system i've seen worse, go take a look at rappelz for a crap game. or 9dragons for a grind, or rift for a fail launch. the games TOR is being compared to mainly are WoW and galaxies, neither of which were perfect at launch either and both have had over 6 years of active subs before they realy hit their strides as far as their own innovations and gameplay.


PVP isn't bad in TOR but neither is it great, at this point in time its almost nothing more than a place filler for larger system of improvements we'll see in coming months and years. same for the crafting system.


there is always something to do with this game and with a bit patience we'll see this game evolve from pretty good to great if instead of constantly taking to the forums with a crusader like fervor to spew bile at the dev's and actually work as a community alongside them to make what issues we have known. i know some of you are going to sit there and take offense to that last statement but i couldn't give a rat's behind to your opinion.


at the end of the day, this game has its problems, but when you look around they're not that big, seriously look at BF3 and its problems, COD MW3 and its lack of stat tracking for PC players, rift's massive security issues on launch, warhammer online launching with tank classes for some races, wow's cataclysm expansion and its "pandaria" plans, diablo 3's ever growing delay listings, duke nukem's 11+ year dev cycle for a below average game, these are just from the last year and a half of gaming but when it comes to TOR its only a very vocal few players who take issue with TOR, the rest of us are busy playing to complain.


if you don't enjoy what you find in TOR you don't HAVE to play it, let your free month run out and move along, i'm getting what i pay for here which is a decent experience with bioware's decent way of telling a story and enough diversity to keep me busy when i log on.

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because while many things about the game are good, three weeks into this experiment, several game breaking bugs have not been addressed.


Game breaking eh? So you mean it stops you in your tracks and you can not continue to play?


List them please.


I have been playing this game since early access and have not once been stopped in my tracks unable to progress since beta. I have a level 50 smuggler that has experienced all the content including , All the HM FP's dozens of times, normal mode and hard mode 8 and 16 man raids KP and EV (with little to no problems i heard their were problems in the first month while i was still leveling but by the time i hit 50 we had no problem clearing normal the first few weeks and have had no problem clearing the hard mode Ops either)

Ive experience all the warzones and Ilum with no issues except for some lag when there are 80+ people on the screen (thats gonna be the same with any mmo that doesnt have graphics that are 5+ years old) regardless though i never really drop below 40 fps except in the case of ilum on really busy days, even on republic fleet with 100+ people my FPS is fine.


Ive pretty much expereinced all the end game content and have 3 alts one at 20 and 2 above level 30 2 of them on the imperial side.


And like i said i havent experience 1 game breaking issue throughout my entire time playing, so please explain.

Edited by Samborino
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Game breaking eh? So you mean it stops you in your tracks and you can not continue to play?


List them please.


I have been playing this game since early access and have not once been stopped in my tracks unable to progress since beta. I have a level 50 smuggler that has experienced all the content including , All the HM FP's dozens of times, normal mode and hard mode 8 and 16 man raids KP and EV (with little to no problems i heard their were problems in the first month while i was still leveling but by the time i hit 50 we had no problem clearing normal the first few weeks and have had no problem clearing the hard mode Ops either)

Ive experience all the warzones and Ilum with no issues except for some lag when there are 80+ people on the screen (thats gonna be the same with any mmo that doesnt have graphics that are 5+ years old) regardless though i never really drop below 40 fps except in the case of ilum on really busy days, even on republic fleet with 100+ people my FPS is fine.


Ive pretty much expereinced all the end game content and have 3 alts one at 20 and 2 above level 30 2 of them on the imperial side.


And like i said i havent experience 1 game breaking issue throughout my entire time playing, so please explain.


You have not experienced the 8v12 PVP WZ exploits?

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Basically its bad because Bioware chose to use a third party game engine known as the Hero game engine. So they are now limitted to very limitting game engine that can not handle large amounts of players in the same area therefore the game really seems like playing KOTOR 3 in multiplayer mode with a few friends and not that epic large world feel you get with an MMO. Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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at the end of the day, this game has its problems, but when you look around they're not that big, seriously look at BF3 and its problems, COD MW3 and its lack of stat tracking for PC players, rift's massive security issues on launch, warhammer online launching with tank classes for some races, wow's cataclysm expansion and its "pandaria" plans, diablo 3's ever growing delay listings, duke nukem's 11+ year dev cycle for a below average game, these are just from the last year and a half of gaming but when it comes to TOR its only a very vocal few players who take issue with TOR, the rest of us are busy playing to complain.


Glad you're enjoying your 5 unique class quests per planet.


For people who don't like rolling alts, spending 6 hours (yes, that's right, that's the amount of time I've spent just today) in the fleet looking for a group for hard mode flashpoints because they didn't put in a LFG tool and royally screwed faction balance and server populations, it's not good enough.

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Game breaking eh? So you mean it stops you in your tracks and you can not continue to play?


List them please.


I have been playing this game since early access and have not once been stopped in my tracks unable to progress since beta. I have a level 50 smuggler that has experienced all the content including , All the HM FP's dozens of times, normal mode and hard mode 8 and 16 man raids KP and EV (with little to no problems i heard their were problems in the first month while i was still leveling but by the time i hit 50 we had no problem clearing normal the first few weeks and have had no problem clearing the hard mode Ops either)

Ive experience all the warzones and Ilum with no issues except for some lag when there are 80+ people on the screen (thats gonna be the same with any mmo that doesnt have graphics that are 5+ years old) regardless though i never really drop below 40 fps except in the case of ilum on really busy days, even on republic fleet with 100+ people my FPS is fine.


Ive pretty much expereinced all the end game content and have 3 alts one at 20 and 2 above level 30 2 of them on the imperial side.


And like i said i havent experience 1 game breaking issue throughout my entire time playing, so please explain.


1.) More than 8 players on the other team in a warzone match.

2.) Ilum exploiting that was not rolled back.

3.) Bosses in flashpoints and operations getting stuck enraged in combat, forcing you to reset the entire flashpoint or operation.

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That was a funny read, especially the last couple of lines. All you really managed to say (while coming off as a pompous pseudo-intellectual) is that I need 'proof'. Well the proof is there, you just don't want to see it. Nothing I say or do will make you see it. Where's your 'proof' that the game is a 'living breathing MMORPG world'? Because you have yet to bring ANY evidence to the table.


"Beyond that argument, once again, tihs is your opinion and has not, in any way, demonstrated that the game is a failure." is all I need to see to realize that you're not even listening to what I'm saying. I even specifically stated that I NEVER said this game was a failure and yet you continue to assume just that. :rolleyes:


Edited: Not going to play this game. You made a blanket statement. I demonstrated the flaw in the statement and asked that you qualify such. You have not. When you do I will be happy to discuss it.

Edited by Blackardin
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faction balance and server pops are a player driven problem. if you find this difficult to comprehend then wait till server transfers are available. its more than a growing trend that players will lean towards playing empire or sith in particular as on a base psychological level people want to act out a fantasy of being evil in a game when social convention says we can't do that in real life, but hey thats just human nature at work. in the future we may see cross server warzones and pvp brought in but that takes both time and patience (a recurring theme here) as there are more important thing on the devs mind with the impending launch of 1.2 and other features that didn't make initial launch.


also as far and a group finder npc, its not the devs fault noone uses the tool that already in game, the who tab in the social window lists and lfg function. on top of that i know of more than one guild who will work with pugs on hard mode flashpoints and ops.


ad victorium on corellian run is a prime example of this, on top of that they're good bunch of people to group with and vent with them is more than entertaining.


none of the problems that have been listed are really a fault of the game itself or haven't been commented on about having solution waiting to be implemented or is at least on the drawing board.


as for an earlier reply of the 8 vs 12 WZ exploit thats also a player driven problem, a) the main cause of that was apperently fixed two patches ago and if you see it your meant to screenshot it and report it, along with server and time so the powers that be can continue to rectify the issue on their end.

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Except when you ask in general chat you pretty much hear the same complaints as the forum. Some people just have higher tolerance for them.


In all the time I've been playing, My general chat is on at all times. I've seen childish behavior, arguments about certain subjects within the game, even some Chcuk Norris jokes. However, I've seen only one person parroting the negative arguments put forth on these boards in all that time.


My contention is that this statement is more conjecture. However, as per usual, I would absolutely be willing to examine proof of this happening on a wide scale basis while in game.

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Meh... Associating popularity with good is hardly uncalled for since I doubt, and reasonably so, that most of those leaving are thinking to themselves, "TOR is just too good of a game for me to keep paying for it."


Actually, the larger question is why those that claim to hate the game are still here, and still playing. That's also the most puzzling.

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Why so much hate? Not "so much hate".More like "oh boy! I get to do this mission for the 10x time! Why isn't there a 'neutral' conversation choice? Why must be a red or blue choice?"


What got me hooked was the pitch about crafting.Boy, those marketing folks SURE fooled me! Oh, and those "thousands of players at the same time" ...what planet...really..where? I can usually count w/ one hand, maybe two hands how many players are on a map. The guild that found me are like 10 people w/ 3 alts each.Artifically inflated group of 30ish.


This by no means, means I am unsubbing.I'm staying through my 6 month subscription time is up. I dropped a big chunk of change for the Collectors Edition & haven't quite had the "experience" to justify it. I don't feel satisfied so I'll speak my peace and try to be constructive about it and be patient. BW has been pretty good at the patches so far.

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Actually, the larger question is why those that claim to hate the game are still here, and still playing. That's also the most puzzling.


It's because you label everyone with a dissenting view as a person that outright hates the game when in fact most want it fixed. Nobody wants to loose money and time on a game they've been waiting for. What really boggles the mind is how people that are fans of the game and that want it to do well can condemn others for wanting improvements that are standard in almost every other MMO.


Also many are stuck with subscriptions for a game and a customer support staff either inaccessible or unwilling to work with it's clientele to help them get refunds for months that will never be played.


***Sometimes I just hit the forums to see if the majority of the community is still a bunch of dimwitted trolls and then leave. Costs me $15 a month to do this but it's more entertaining than the content.

Edited by Cepheid
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It's because those people don't realize that the game doesn't just end in the executable and folder. Look at me, i didn't know it. But i purchased a magnificent forum. And i just realized it when nearing the end of my 3rd month. All those 63 days of inactivity could have been used to ramble on the forums.


And i think this is the biggest problem of swtor, we don't use the forum enough. Or care about it. If i knew that this pearl of existence was just there sooner, i would have bought a second game card. This is the ultimate end game content.

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Meh... TOR is not a "bad" game. It sure as hell shouldn't be given how much time, talent, and treasure they spent making it. However, TOR is not a "great" game either. Someone, earlier in this thread, mentioned that if I thought there were a lot of unhappy people in this forum now then I should recall what early WoW's forum was like.


Well, I do.


My counterpoint was that there are two major differences between then and now. First was that there were a lot more people playing WoW then than are playing TOR now. Second was that there were a lot more people wanting to play WoW then than want to play TOR now. WoW had lots of growing pains but the game was so "good" that millions kept wanting to play.


It seems to me that BioWare attempted to make a more "accessible" version of WoW, itself a more "accessible" version of EQ, and succeeded. Succeeded so well that a significant number of its customers are already getting, for lack of a better word, bored.

Edited by SirRobin
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Actually, the larger question is why those that claim to hate the game are still here, and still playing. That's also the most puzzling.


Actually that question has been answered before and since. Not to mention that "hate" was not involved. That is a branding of your preference, not mine. So its hardly puzzling at all.

Edited by SirRobin
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something that cost 200 million to 300 million should be close to perfection if not perfected


things like combat delay have no place in a project that has this kind of budget backing it up


this is how 200 million dollar look like


yes, well if things were easily perfected we would all be sitting on our asses doing nothing. Shut up unless you can fix it yourself.

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Game breaking? As in, you cannot play the game because of them?


List them for me please.


Well i was a this game rocks type person from the beginning.


But lately its been just getting boring. from 30-40 it becomes a grind. Quests are the same over and over so that does get boring. There was only one quest where you interact with the enviroment. They are few and far between.


LFG sucks really bad. That is the most draining boring part of the game.


Server pops are dropping. Wound the Force is my server. I was on today at 4oclock PM and there was 70-74 people in the fleet. There needs to be a LFG tool or at min a general LFG chat channel


I hear Ulum sucks because of lack of people on the republic side, plus frame rates sucks there also.


Graphics sucks also still. The texture maps suck for a 2012 game.


Travil from ship to space dock to Shuttle to planet sucks and is a freakin waist of time.



At my work there was 20 people that got this game now i am the only one left still loggin in maybe once and awhile

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Well i was a this game rocks type person from the beginning.


But lately its been just getting boring. from 30-40 it becomes a grind. Quests are the same over and over so that does get boring. There was only one quest where you interact with the enviroment. They are few and far between.


LFG sucks really bad. That is the most draining boring part of the game.


Server pops are dropping. Wound the Force is my server. I was on today at 4oclock PM and there was 70-74 people in the fleet. There needs to be a LFG tool or at min a general LFG chat channel


I hear Ulum sucks because of lack of people on the republic side, plus frame rates sucks there also.


Graphics sucks also still. The texture maps suck for a 2012 game.


Travil from ship to space dock to Shuttle to planet sucks and is a freakin waist of time.



At my work there was 20 people that got this game now i am the only one left still loggin in maybe once and awhile


well, i have a simple solution for you, PLAY ANOTHER CLASS!!! :eek: Each class has its own story and gameplay or change to darkside / lightside.

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