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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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The pvp content is poorly designed and implemented.


There are severe UI bugs that hamper gameplay.


There are character skill/animation glitches that make using certain skills in combination not work at all. (Charge > Ravage)


The endgame raids are at best buggy/unfinished and at worst totally broken.


The flashpoints get old fast. And the rewards are hardly worth the amount of runs required, especially when you consider raiding is near pointless in its current state.


The crew skills are mostly useless. (except Biochem)


There are still no details on the "legacy system" or information on when it will be implemented at all.


There is poor customer service.


There is almost no communication or acknowledgement of any of these issues from the developers.


Quote for truth!

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Just go here, and enjoy the read:





The rookie development team behind the engine this game runs on did a whole write-up of their recollection of how this game came to have this engine, and the many hilarious occurrences leading up to it. It's so obvious it's a "cover our behinds" write-up to try to sustain some kind of positive rep after what they think will be a disaster in this game. One of the funny key points in their recollection is when they warn Gordon that the engine is nowhere near ready, has little documentation, and has never been tested in a actual game release and that he didn't care. From the point where it says "I NEED THIS" down, it's just hysterically funny. From what I've heard, the man responsible Gordon Walton, no longer works for Bioware, and was banished to the world of Facebook gaming where he belongs.



Btw "I NEED THIS" is the quote of the month. My boys and me usually say it all serious on vent and laugh it up as we encounter glitch after glitch after glitch in this game on a daily basis. You really need to emphasize the "neeeeed" though, and prolong the ssss at the end of "this." Makes it all the more humorous.



Anyways, there's some fancy write-up from Bioware at some point stating this Gordon Walton's leaving was all mutual benefit and everybody loves each other still, but when you look at this game as it is now, and think of what it could've been, and you look back at this game in 6 months, you'll know that's not true. Also if that's the case, why is he making games on Facebook?



Oh, and incase you were wondering who that guy is, he's one of the people responsible for destroying SWG with the combat revamp and all the garbage that came after it. He'll claim he was not part of the NGE, but fails to mention the rest of the parts that ruined it. Funny guy, that Gordon. Ain't it just lovely how people like that keep getting jobs on important projects? Lol.


Him and the refugee designers of Mythic who made Warhammer Online (Now working on SWTOR for Bioware) should get together and make a really sweet Facebook game. They and Gee-org Ohglen or whatever the Director of this SWTOR project is called could get together and direct it. It would only have things that existed in the 1990's though. Obviously.

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There is a common misconception that anyone who dares to highlight bugs, problems, errors in the game, make suggestions or plain complain about something isnt' working somehow hates the game.


I see very little haters to be honest. Most people who post threads/replies are playing and many enjoy the game but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to post about problems/complaints etc.

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Just go here, and enjoy the read:


You do realize this was before BW did any customization to it right? like 5 years of it!


This is very common in the dev world. I think the point they were trying to make was how bioware took their engine and made it really shine. Very humble imho.


I don't think you are grasping the scale of this project and the fact that no media production (as in all media) has even come close to this. Guinness book of world records.


The hero engine 6 years ago was just a starting foundation for a massive project.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Because the people who enjoy the game are online playing and not on forums whining. Its like working in a support helpdesk wich i did during univeristy. You only get to handle the complaints no calls from satisfied customers so its easy to get the impression that the products you support are piece of trash. In reality its usualy the other way around.

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1. Because the game doesn't seem to be finished yet. Many things are bad which could have been corrected months ago

2. because the game is not up-to-date: It has old gameplay mechanisms

3. because aside from the main content there is not much to do. People knew this was not a sandbox game, but the expectations were higher anyway. As it is, the game content would have fit better into a single player game with coop support.

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welll no one making you stay her eif it sucha bad game and the game has sold over 2 mill copies now so other must think its pretty decent so...


for the trolls i will direct your attention wher eit need sto be http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/


And the Bible and Qur'an are the highest selling books of all time.


Numbers sold have no practical measure on the quality of a product. It only demonstrates effective advertisement.


Add the fact the STAR WARS is in the goddamn title, that alone probably sold a million copies no matter what this game turned out to be.

Edited by clench
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My only concern, is there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 50. Sure there are ops/hm/nmm/dailys etc, but once you have done them 10 times each they get boring. Not to mention that getting fully geared up takes a week at the most.


Now what? Spend the next year making every possible character?

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My only concern, is there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 50. Sure there are ops/hm/nmm/dailys etc, but once you have done them 10 times each they get boring. Not to mention that getting fully geared up takes a week at the most.


Now what? Spend the next year making every possible character?


Lol, yup, and "enjoy" the same old "amazing" cutscenes and voice acting over and over and over again! Sounds like fun! Not boring at all

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My only concern, is there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 50. Sure there are ops/hm/nmm/dailys etc, but once you have done them 10 times each they get boring. Not to mention that getting fully geared up takes a week at the most.


Now what? Spend the next year making every possible character?


there well be more content coming soon and a lot more in the pipes

Edited by xXcronicXx
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For me there are just questionable decisions.


- The UI is really poorly designed, everything from a lack of bottom toolbars, not being able to scale or move UI elements.


- Flytext that doesn't show status effects such as roots, snares etc.


- Hard to see who you have targeted.


- Once you hit 50, there is pretty much nothing to do except dailies, PvP queues or repeatable flashpoints.


- Copying everything about WoW combat except responsiveness.

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My only concern, is there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 50. Sure there are ops/hm/nmm/dailys etc, but once you have done them 10 times each they get boring. Not to mention that getting fully geared up takes a week at the most.


Now what? Spend the next year making every possible character?


Welcome to the world of theme park MMOs. This is how they are. What were you expecting?

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My only concern, is there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 50. Sure there are ops/hm/nmm/dailys etc, but once you have done them 10 times each they get boring. Not to mention that getting fully geared up takes a week at the most.


Now what? Spend the next year making every possible character?


More content will be added. Its obvious this is your first MMO. MMOs have a lack of content at end game in there birth period. Dont get me started on WoW. But look at that game, 8 years in and its has plenty to do.


If you dont understand this then you might not like the wait. but I assure you more content is coming. MMOs need time to grow.

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And the Bible and Qur'an are the highest selling books of all time.


Numbers sold have no practical measure on the quality of a product. It only demonstrates effective advertisement.


Add the fact the STAR WARS is in the gosh darn title, that alone probably sold a million copies no matter what this game turned out to be.


are you say those books are not quality omg you are about to piss off alot of people


2nd of all that is books. this is a game copies sold + sub = money to genrate = content and new release of that game.

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