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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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perception is a funny thing. you came here expecting twitch-based combat and didn't get it so you think there's a flaw in the game's engine. i'm able to seamlessly chain together attacks by mashing buttons. get a new isp.



Oh, i apologize you said twitch based. Regardless you went from we were expecting twitch-based combat and we're all crazy and imagining this (even though BW acknowledged this issue) to we all came here expecting fast-paced. I haven't quite figured out if you're a bad troll or just not all there in the head.

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Originally Posted by Tiron_Raptor

Finally, since there's been so many posts, I present:



The game is displaying a channeled ability in the form of multiple shots. Do not forget, this is a channeled ability, and the fact that 3/4 of the graphical shots fired is irrelevant.


Think of Mind Flay in WoW. You can't cast the next ability until Mind Flay is completely finished casting, or you interrupt it.


I would say it is working as intended. The problem is that in WoW, there are no channeled abilities that appear graphically as bursts, i.e. blaster shots. If you think of Unload, and similar abilities as Mind Flay, it will make more sense to you.

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I'd love to have twitch based, but it's not that important. I just want the game to actually do what it's supposed to do when I push the button. Instead of watching my avatar jerk around for a few seconds before the damage actually comes out.
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By appealing to Casuals as opposed to the Hardcore pvp crowd I bet they will in fact find more success when it comes to PVP.


One of the biggest thing that turns people off to WoW PVP (and I played from launch with breaks in between until the end of WoTLK as both a Rogue and Off Tank Death Knight) was the twitch based combat. For many casual players it was impossible to overcome and so they didn't partake in Arena combat or PVP much at all.



With one exception by making core mechanics appealing hardcore players Blizzard appeals both.


Because most WoW population are as casual (if not more) as SWTOR's doing their fun stuff, doing BG's and easy raids and doesn't see any problem with their abilities firing when they are supposed to do.


And these categories of players don't intersect in any meaningful ways, they have their stuff to do casual or hardcore, under one "hardcore tuned" game engine.


Wich allows both ways to play, while SWTOR only allowing one.

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so what happens when I have an instant ability, not even off the GCD, who's animation is so slow (think Maul for assasins) that if I press it again (even with the ability q'er turned on) it RESETS the animation, resulting in no damage done for another GCD (essentially forcing me to miss a GCD)?
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I'd love to have twitch based, but it's not that important. I just want the game to actually do what it's supposed to do when I push the button. Instead of watching my avatar jerk around for a few seconds before the damage actually comes out.


that sounds like a network issue.

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I can sorta live with ability lag/delay in PVE, in PVP I cannot accept it. EA had the same issues with Warhammer Online and they were never able to address it. Where it stands now I do not know. But I do know that I have waited for this game for a long time and if this is not addressed I cannot see subscribing long-term. IMO PVP will make or break SWTOR for me, right now I cannot play in a Warzone, I get dizzy from the lag.
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I'm playing an Operative. The thing that bugs me the most is the fact that I have a plethora of "instant" abilities that aren't actually instant. Ok, so...instant means I push the button and I see a number right? WRONG.


In fact, I've ran into numerous occasions where I attempt to debilitate my target (an "instant" knife attack that stuns my target), but the target runs out of my reach due to the animation. How is that instant? Why not just call the ability a channel ability? After all, you are essentially waiting for the animation to channel before your ability actually goes off. It makes no sense whatsoever.

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the ones complaining haven't acclimatized to the combat system and don't really know how to play.


after you use an ability, you repeatedly click or tap a succeeding ability as the quickbar is recovering. swtor doesn't actually use a queue system (at least with my settings). the quickbar recovery is there for a reason. there's no auto attack or animation clipping. the combat is simply not as fast-pasted as you were expecting.


What is this "quickbar recovery"? Are you trying to say GCD? If so, are you implying that everyone here over the past 5000+ replies, 600+ pages simply has to wait for their GCD before hitting the button? and if this is your statement, then you don't understand the crux of this every complex (technically as well perceptibly) issue.


Also, why does mashing your button bug out the game? Why is this considered bad? Is maximization and efficiency considered bad?


I thought SW:TOR was going to compete for Market Leader, I thought PvP and PvE was supposed to be crisp and responsive, action packed and reward quick and mental agility? I believe this is a requirement...

Edited by Xcore
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that sounds like a network issue.


And yet, it's not. I played WoW for years with a 200-300ms ping with no issues. I've played SWTOR for less than a month at 50-80ms and it's like swimming through sand.


This issue isn't caused by latency. Though bad latency will make it exponentially worse.

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I can sorta live with ability lag/delay in PVE, in PVP I cannot accept it. EA had the same issues with Warhammer Online and they were never able to address it. Where it stands now I do not know. But I do know that I have waited for this game for a long time and if this is not addressed I cannot see subscribing long-term. IMO PVP will make or break SWTOR for me, right now I cannot play in a Warzone, I get dizzy from the lag.


EA i just a publisher... they have nothing to do with this issue.

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Seriously, those who don't see ability delay... go and try a Watchman Sentinel, Overload Saber is the perfect exemple of ability delay. Everytime i Leap in a grp and i dont overload on the bat, i sit there waiting on the "no GCD" to activate the ability, that shouldn't happen. Devs should fix it (either by putting it on GCD, or fixing the ability delay). Same thing with Riposte (less noticable effect tho, since it's an attack, not a buff)
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One question that´s probably been asked is why all the fanboys is here defending a broken game if they love it so much. I for one wouldn´t sit here , hogging the forums, if i enjoyed playing it. Im not a "pro-gamer". Im pretty decent. Ive played kotor, never winter nights, WoW, Warhammer, Rift, and now Swtor. I had really high hopes for this game because i love BW:s previous games and i love the idea of mmos. An idea thats only been sucessfull in WoW, sadly.


They need to fix the issues for one thing. But this is one of many flaws of this game. Im not going back to WoW. We had a really good time, but it´s time for a new game to come forward. Lets hope GW can fill that role.

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that sounds like a network issue.


nothing to do with network.



Try using assasinate on a sith assasin. The game is coded so that your toon will twirl his lightsabre around his head for almost 1.5 seconds before bringing it down and then having the damage actually show up in FlyText/applied.



Now I understand that this has a slower GCD and is different, and that's fine. But it should tell you that damage (or interrupt) is applied after GCD. My main problem is with the bugs (like what I described with maul, or with Riposte)

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What is this "quicker recovery"? Are you trying to say GCD? If so, are you implying that everyone here over the past 5000+ replies, 600+ pages simply has to wait for their GCD before hitting the button? and if this is your statement, then you don't understand the crux of this every complex (technically as well perceptibly) issue.


Also, why does mashing your button bug out the game? Why is this considered bad? Is maximization and efficiency considered bad?


I thought SW:TOR was going to compete for Market Leader, I thought PvP and PvE was supposed to be crisp and responsive, action packed and reward quick and mental agility? I believe this is a requirement...


i said QUICKBAR recovery. at any rate, it's not the same as an ability cooldown.


and i didn't say you have to wait for your abilities to recover. i said the opposite.

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i said QUICKBAR recovery. at any rate, it's not the same as an ability cooldown.


and i didn't say you have to wait for your abilities to recover. i said the opposite.


So you haven't ever run into spamming a key causing an ability to literally not fire and just see your character jerking around doing the same wind up animation for the ability?

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Producer has as much to do with the movie as director. Dictating timeframes, resource allocation and target audience.


err...wrong video game publishers generally don't have a lot to do with the actual making of the game. They mostly fund it and then publish it.

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