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*My* Ashara is both my apprentice and DS


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She could in the beginning. My Ashara had a blue lightsabre right after I acquired her, and could use it. However, now she has progressed so that she no longer can use it.


That's because companions use your morality for weapon color usage. Try equipping a lightside lightsaber (or darkside lightsaber if you've gone light) on Ashara after acquiring her and you'll find she can't use it because of your morality.

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I'm having an intersting issue with Ashara - she never gets any loyalty changes. She is sitting at 0/10,000. I am done with Quesh and still have not gained nor lost reputation with her since I got her. I am DS (and female) but I haven't seen a single positive or negative reaction from her. I have other chars that have gone into the negatives so I know it's possible, but I don't know why she refuses to acknowledge what I do.
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Ashara is neither DS or LS, she is just extremtly rational. The biggest +affection I got with her has been DS choices but they were rational. Thinking about her in the old dnd alignment system is probably better. So far she feels lawful netutral for me.


I think the better choice of words would be pragmatic.

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I'm having an intersting issue with Ashara - she never gets any loyalty changes. She is sitting at 0/10,000. I am done with Quesh and still have not gained nor lost reputation with her since I got her. I am DS (and female) but I haven't seen a single positive or negative reaction from her. I have other chars that have gone into the negatives so I know it's possible, but I don't know why she refuses to acknowledge what I do.


That's because Quesh has very little, if any, rep for any of the companions. Wait till you get to Hoth where there are a number of quests where she will gain and lose affection depending on your speech choices.

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Some threads / some people are insane.


Ashara is not Darkside. At the very, very best you can consider her a grey jedi. That is at -best-. Also the few who are fine with how she is, please understand that we who want her to be fully turnable to the Darkside want it just to be an option not that she will always get twisted. heck, I would love if she resists and fights you all the way to the end and you need to trick her, use both physical/mental torture and so forth, so forth.

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Targeting military grade missiles to shoot at a military target in Cademimu is considered evil.:confused:


That doesn't change what I said.



The Bioware writters on that plot line (and every other mustache twirling, puppy kicking, Orphanage closingly stupid DS choice) are of limited mental capacity.

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Killing one to save hundreds is not evil. Anyone who thinks otherwise is of limited mental capacity.


Killing one is just as evil. From the 'goodness' standpoint, every life lost is too much. The fact that you have to kill one to save hundreds is unfortunate, but doesnt make it 'heroic'. Unless that one was yourself.


If I had to kill one to save hundreds I would never celebrate it.

Edited by Karkais
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Some threads / some people are insane.


Ashara is not Darkside. At the very, very best you can consider her a grey jedi. That is at -best-. Also the few who are fine with how she is, please understand that we who want her to be fully turnable to the Darkside want it just to be an option not that she will always get twisted. heck, I would love if she resists and fights you all the way to the end and you need to trick her, use both physical/mental torture and so forth, so forth.


This guy gets it.

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no, hes just a useless mobile gear bank.


Unless you are Darkness spec he is your best companion... so sad that you get him wayyy too late in the game. I would have liked to use whichever companion I wanted, but the truth is that 95% of the time, I chose practicality. Deception Assassin needs someone to generate high threat for Mauls...unless you just want to use them when low slash or electrocute are up, in PvE Maul is beastly. Khem was my choice throughout the majority of the game for that reason.

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In PVE you can maul any time shock is up on weak enemies anyway, and VS VS discharge shock is probably a better rotation damage/force wise than maul even with proc most of the time, so you really don't lose much from not getting as many mauls...
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Unless you are Darkness spec he is your best companion... so sad that you get him wayyy too late in the game. I would have liked to use whichever companion I wanted, but the truth is that 95% of the time, I chose practicality. Deception Assassin needs someone to generate high threat for Mauls...unless you just want to use them when low slash or electrocute are up, in PvE Maul is beastly. Khem was my choice throughout the majority of the game for that reason.


This is actually the reason why I went darkside with my character, I didn't want to deal with a bunch of situations of losing affection when taking LS points. Now that Khem's affection is maxed, I've been playing around with the other companions to get their affections up and found Talos to be the most useful companion. He is worth losing Mauls for. He allowed me to solo a level 44 boss in Heroic+ phase that would not have been possible with Khem or Xalek.

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In my story, I have said

"I already have an apprentice" in reference to Ashara



just before travelling to Korriban to meet the new batch of possible apprentices, including Xalek





"This is a perfect opportunity to train my apprentice more." - When choosing Ashara to accompany me.


Also, person X (uh spoiler) says that I need more than one apprentice after person Y killed my two previous ones. So at this time and age, its perfectly ok to have multiple apprentices.


The funny part is the response, "She can hardly be called Sith." Until she says she's Sith and I can start placing Dark side 1+ gear her inventory, she is NOT truly my apprentice. I've said it before, I want a Jaesa type conversion for Ashara

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Killing one is just as evil. From the 'goodness' standpoint, every life lost is too much. The fact that you have to kill one to save hundreds is unfortunate, but doesnt make it 'heroic'. Unless that one was yourself.


If I had to kill one to save hundreds I would never celebrate it.


And there is the difference.



Killing one to save hundreds is not evil.


Celebrating that murder afterwards? There's the Evil.





Unless it was Hitler. Cause killing Hitler is always not-evil. ;)

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The funny part is the response, "She can hardly be called Sith." Until she says she's Sith and I can start placing Dark side 1+ gear her inventory, she is NOT truly my apprentice. I've said it before, I want a Jaesa type conversion for Ashara


She (and any companion for that matter) can be equipped with any DS/LS armor based on your current rank. I have DS mod armors on many of my companions.

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Hitler Killed Himself :p


I'm glad you spoilered that, otherwise you'ld have ruined the endings to an awful lot of good movies! ;)




i have neither enough face, nor palm, to react to this properly.


Yes, because letting hundreds die so one may live is obviously good. :|

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This is riposte to all those people complaining that you can't turn Ashara to the dark side; and also to all those people saying she's not your "true apprentice [sic]".


I'm here to tell you that you're basically doing it wrong. In turning a quest last night I chose the DS option---pretty evil choice if you ask me---that gave me 100 DS points, and a whopping 109 affection with Ashara. 109 affection for a 100 DS choice. If that's not DS I don't know what is.


My character also, in conversation, often refers to her as "my apprentice"; at one point saying, and I quote "you have learned much my apprentice".


Edit: about Xalek, some people mention that he is your real apprentice. That is dumb.



You only go get Xalek because you have to show "strength" in your fight against Darth Thanaton. And having an apprentice from the Korriban Academy is a sign of power and status. This is *the reason* you go get Xalek. While others may belittle Ashara as not a true "sith apprentice" (Zash, for example), you have the choice, in conversation, of having your character say that she is your "true apprentice". Since, you being the "lord" (and later Darth), it's your opinion that counts here. I suppose you also have the choice to push Ashara aside, if you do so that's your option (I didn't pursue this dialog course, so I don't know). But from my characters POV, Ashara is his apprentice, regardless of Xalek.






People having trouble with her, I can only assume, are being brutish, and foolish. You don't choose the "[shock her] call me lord" dialog options. You sweet talk her. You convince her that "evil" is only a point of view, and that from your point of view "it is the jedi who are evil".


You have to think Sidious in episodes 1 through 3. When did Sidious ever shock Anakin? He was nothing but sweet talk, all the time. He turned Anakin to the dark side by convincing him that only he possessed the key to what he wanted, and by goading Anakin to pursue that "by any means possible."


You can do the same with Ashara.



You can convince her that you are the only one who can bring order to the galaxy. Soon she will be convinced that the Jedi are to weak to take real action "the galaxy is at war and all they do is meditate" and I'm quoting Ashara here. At one point, in conversation, my character says "so, peace is a lie", and she replies "Exactly!"



Just don't expect her to approve of *every* DS choice you make. No companion does that. Bioware has been very explicit in that companion's affection is orthogonal to DS and LS.





Even Khem Val, who is generally considered one of the most DS companions of any class will sometimes dislike DS options, and really like the LS choice.



For example, in Dromund Kaas, choosing to kill the Sith that are killing civilians for sport gives you LS and Khem approval, choosing to kill the snitch does the opposite. Another example is in the Alderaan bonus series, where killing the woman from the Order of Extermination is DS but gives Khem's disapproval, whereas letting her live is LS and Khem approves of.



For Khem it's all about displaying power. Sometimes to the point of arrogance, and honestly sometimes to the point of stupidity. This is sometimes evil, and might be your brand of evil, but sometimes it's just brutish.


Ashara is more the calculating, ruthless, "by any means necessary" type of Evil. She does not approve of you killing two innocent civilians just for the "pleasure of it". But letting millions of civilians die, in order to push forward your agenda? Yeah, 40 affections points right there.


So, *my* Ashara is no less "evil" than Anakin was at the end of Episode III. She would willingly "kill the younglings" to further our cause, but would also protest that she's not evil, it is the Jedi who are evil from her point of view.


In my mind, the way her character develops is just PERFECT. It's just people who fail to realize her full potential complaining here.



She is not dark side, she needs the jedi councils approval to marry. You are delusional.

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Dark Side does not imply Sith, people keep on forgetting this.


She definitely can be the first, she however never can be the second. In fact, she ends up being neither Jedi, nor Sith (sounds like someone else we know, doesn't it?) even though she clings to the former title.


Also she can't be your apprentice from an official point of view partially due to the previous: she is not Sith (and has rather strong anti-Empire opinions) and she's not gone through the trials on Korriban. As far as the Sith Empire is concerned she does not exist.


You CAN twist her to the Dark Side and you CAN consider her your apprentice (and even call her that in dialogue on a couple of occasions). So yes, from a practical standpoint she is your first apprentice, from an official standpoint you only have one apprentice: Xalek.

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You have to think Sidious in episodes 1 through 3. When did Sidious ever shock Anakin? He was nothing but sweet talk, all the time. He turned Anakin to the dark side by convincing him that only he possessed the key to what he wanted, and by goading Anakin to pursue that "by any means possible."


Exactly. As in corrupting companions in KotOR II: TSL, there was an art of subtlety to it. Whispering thoughts that plants seeds like Wormtongue (LotR). She is a woman of logic, so you must make her see logic in the Sith. I do agree that she will never be the evil incarnate manifestation like my Sorcerer, but she can undergo a fall of grace, so to speak, by renouncing the ******** of the Jedi code and becoming Grey instead.

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Exactly. As in corrupting companions in KotOR II: TSL, there was an art of subtlety to it. Whispering thoughts that plants seeds like Wormtongue (LotR). She is a woman of logic, so you must make her see logic in the Sith. I do agree that she will never be the evil incarnate manifestation like my Sorcerer, but she can undergo a fall of grace, so to speak, by renouncing the ******** of the Jedi code and becoming Grey instead.


To a sith grey is not good enough if you follow the way of the sith jedi should either be a. converted to the dark side or b. destroyed. Plus in kotor 2 when i converted my companions to the dark side they became bloody evil unlike ashara who won't marry you because she needs "approval" from the jedi council the fact that she says this shows that she is no where near being a sith.


If you pay attention to the story or play the sith warrior story a jedi being "grey" is not good enough far from it as I said the sith religion requires captured jedi or jedi that are encountered in the field to be A. converted to the dark side or b. destroyed. The sith warrior even says something to this effect when they made a jedi knight fall to the dark side.


Also the very fact that she told me she is sticking to her jedi teachings right in my face condemned her to forever stay on my ship because I cannot throw her out of the airlock or convert her to the dark side fully like jaesa. After watching all her convo's on youtube in my opinion she has not fallen to the dark side and she can not be considered sith. Even zash tells you that ashara can hardly be considered sith. She has no thirst for conquest or to improve herself/ get stronger like xalek these are the core traits all sith have I see none of this in ashara.

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