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Why do you hate Vette?


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Dark 5 L39 SW and Vette is closing in on 7500 affection. As long as your not a Suck up to authority and give the odd gift ( which I am sure you have to to Max anyway) the Negative for "Evil" actions are far out weighed.


Her Niceness did grate a little to begin with but now its just Vette being Vette. She comes out with funny comments is good companion for DPS often killing faster than I expect her too, She has definatly grown into my favorite SW companion. Quinn is a nice fellow but a little too stiff collared, Pierce is well Pierce :), Jaesa is ok but even though better geared than Vette seems slower at killing than vette (she is a little tougher though).

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Gameplay wise, vette is awesome, much better than jaesa because she DOESN"T STAND IN THE DAMN FIRE WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE JAESA YOU'RE LITTERALLY ON FIRE MOVE!!! I recommend her providing you don't need Quinn to heal you.


She also blows stuff up like crazy. Last night I thought they stealth buffed Juggs because I wasn't going as low on health during pulls of groups of mobs while doing daily quests. I realized it's because I upgraded both her weapons to lvl 50 orange ones and stuff was just dying so fast.




Dialog wise, I love vette. Just hearing her yell "BOOM" and "WAHOO" while we fight is hilarious. Much better than Jaesa's "I will make you suffer!" crap. Her quest to find her sister was awesome. I loved meeting her and she was like "No women, no couples, no arguments", then joking with the brothel manager about working there was priceless.

Edited by Helagoth
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Geared right, Vette is probably among the highest DPS companions in the game. I never touched quinn, never had issues. Going pure lightside, she contributes heavily to the party and on some major quest decisions she actually steps up and defends your choice.


At Lightside IV at level 27, I've had numerous interjections from Vette and interesting story dialogues that tie directly into my main class quest.




When I went to Nar Shadda, I actually had an instance where that red headed slave driver girl came on to me and basically threw herself at me. I shot her down, being lightside and she made a snarky comment to Vette. Vette retorted, defended my stance on not having a one night stand with this girl and even got into a jealous catfight with her. It was pretty hilarious.


On Alderaan, when the lord I was serving was trying to get me into a conversation trap, Vette argued with him and offered a dialogue choice to the mission that put me on a completely different set of goals that I would have never seen without her in the group. She basically came up with an infiltration plan that did not set me up as a pawn for this guy.




I personally thought she was a well scripted hero, she seems to be MUCH more interesting going lightside. She complements and defends your character every opportunity she gets and says things most darksiders would probably never hear. I suppose this comes from her acting as more of a "partner" than a "slave."


So far she has offered several mission changing dialogues through the story quest and when geared in customs with max mods, no DPS (including jaesa) can even come close to touching her.

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I meant to be a total douche with my juggernaut, but Vette simply won me over.


Yeah, not that I ever meant to be completley evil... but Vette has grown on me to the point that I often find myself making decisions to please her. She acts as my conscience throughout my adventures and even as things have gotten a bit harder 40+ I still roll with Vette out.

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Much like IRL, in game I tend to go for the crazy girls. Ashley>Liara - Jack>Miranda -Morrigan>Leliana - Jaesa>Vette - Merrill = Isabela (toss up, both are pretty dern hot and crazy). Edited by Baizak
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Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).


I see your point in this. Makes me remember how much I hated Carver; little pr**k. But imo Vette is still better than that wannabe T3-M4 the Jedi Knight gets....plus think of her as the spiritual reincarnation of

Vette is annoying, but always hilarious...which Carver kinda wasn't.

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My DS sith warrior is one day hoping that she can make vette a personal assassin because that girl is pretty much a master of infiltration all my DS sith warrior needs is to sort out her dislike for killing...... it will never happen but one can hope!
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Why do I hate Vette? Multiple reasons.


Vette is symptomatic of the worst elements of the Companion system; in essence, NPCs that are forced on to you, ones that you're in compelled to like unless you want to screw over your own progression. This isn't storytelling, this is railroading by any other name. Where was my option to shock Vette till her head explodes just so I don't have to hear another inane chirpy quip? Wait, there isn't one. She's my Companion. I'm forced to care about her for reasons that I can't begin to fathom beyond game mechanics.


If this were a Tabletop Game (and given that BioWare's Devs like to talk about how they were tabletop gamers, this comparison is rather apt), the companion would be the GM's pet NPC who's forced on the players regardless of how they feel. The GM thinks they're awesome and fantastic and that we'll love them. The players don't and hate every moment of their existence. The only difference is that in SWtoR the players have limited responses to said NPC, and none of them involve bodies in woodchippers.


Vette is one such NPC. She annoys me. She annoys me to no end. She fills me with the hatred of nine hundred and ninety-seven burning suns. Her voice is like squeaky chalk on a board. Her little quips and jokes are so mind-blowingly inane and annoying the first time; after the four thousand, six hundred and ninety-first little joke about how mean the Empire is, it's like some sort of audio torture. Her sassy little put-downs make me want to reach into the screen and personally throttle her.


Of course, that's all just the surface part of it for the real issue. Can you say 'unfortunate implications' here? Yeah. You get a Slave for a companion. Someone who is only working with you because they have no choice in the matter, one who is handed over as a gift like a piece of property. And what are the options? You can abuse her. Or, if you want, yes you can treat her well and she falls in love with you, though that doesn't change the fact that she's still a slave. Its a character that reeks of psychological issues, and I don't mean on her part. Rather, I'm referring to the writer who thought that this was a good idea in the first place.


Finally, there's that one last thing. She's a Twi'lek. I'm going to say now that I don't like Twi'leks, and it's not something that I'm going to hide or pretend isn't a fact. That the race is usually depicted as ****ty stripper-slaves has allways bothered me and has never sat well; no matter what line of work they're in, Twi'lek girls seem to allways end up scantily clad; Alya Secura or Darth Talon being regrettable examples. It's like the entire race exists only to satisfy the tastes of ***** idiot teenage males, a fact that, when you combine with the "slavery" thing that is often a part of female Twi'lek characters, comes off as quite unpleasant. Now had Vette been any other race - a Tof or a Human or a Lepi or a Swokes Swokes or a whatever, she still would have been a character whom I disliked. In this case, it's just the icing on the hate cake.

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I went dark side with my juggernaut, and zapped poor Vette on korriban for the dark side points. I felt so bad about that blue bag of pixels, i rolled a light side marauder and went all boyscout.


But even on my dark side jugger, i can't bring myself to be mean to her. By the time i left dromund kaas, i had over 5k affection with her. Yes, as a dark sider. She had me at the following dialogue (more or less accurate):


Me: "You and me. Together, we will conquer this galaxy !"

Vette: "Oh yeah... me and my Sith buddy... i guess no one will pick on me at school now.."



Oh, and Dakim, Kaliyo (IA's first companion) is one mean girl herself. Her battle one-liners are the best: "Dibs on the head !" and "Not so tough now, dirtbag". It's not about your companions liking you or not, imo. It's about the choices you make and sticking with your guns. I meant to be a total douche with my juggernaut, but Vette simply won me over. And the dark side isn't just "grraaaah, kill, kill !". It's cunning and despising weakness and the desire to make yourself stronger. Dark side doesn't have to mean dishonorable or evil per se. I'm not looking at the dark/light side as extremes, just as choices, same deal as the way of the open palm and the way of the closed fist in jade empire.



I look at the dark side a little bit differently. BTW Vette is fun to use sometimes, but jaesa is the toon I prefer to wreck stuff with when I go tank spec/quinn when I use veng/rage spec..ok go...


Questing today on Voss doing class quest(spoiler alert) did prerequisite quest to unluck getting the bone necklace, dude said you could do this for me and I'll give it you and my choices were to murder everyone in the room and take it now or go do the quest and honestly. I'm lazy I didnt want to run back out there and cut through the same 30 mobs for bonus quest xp get to the boss, then have to cut my way back through half of them again. I took the easy way. I know not all are like that, but that's a perfect example of what I want pretty much all of my quests to be. whats the easy way out of running around the map.

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The way it should be. Keep the blood of the Sith pure!


But the sith aren't pure.


Not even the pureblood sith are pure blood, they just have enough of the old sith blood in them that it's noticeable.


And even that amount of sith "purebloods" die out by the time of Darth Bane.


It kind of makes me sad.

Edited by Darth_Zev
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Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).


That's said perfectly. I only wish there was a way to bring her over to the darkside, she shouldnt be so consistent. Now if her companion story offered a path for her to start becoming evil, she would be the best companion. She is great in a fight, almost too good..she steals agro and immasculates me. "Hey, I am Sith. Be more afraid of me!!"

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You aren't forced to use her, except on Korriban.


You chose to use her afterwards.


I'm willing to bet you still used her once you got your ship and had the option to use 2vr8.



Yes, I have the option to use 2VR8; however this goes back to what I said before. You're pretty much forced to take her until you get Quinn. The droid can't do anything in battle and is worthless. Like I said, you have to like her and you have to use her or else you're effectively crippling yourself.


So yes, I did keep using her on Dromund Kaas and Balmorra. However, I didn't do such by choice.

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You aren't forced to use her, except on Korriban.


You chose to use her afterwards.


I'm willing to bet you still used her once you got your ship and had the option to use 2vr8.


In fairness the only reason I have 2VR8 is because the game simply will not allow me to flush the annoying posh voiced usless pile of drivel out of the airlock. I HATE THAT DROID

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Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).


I don't know if it's just me, but it seems the farther along in levels I go with Vette, as long as I compliment her and tell her I'm glad to have her along she seems to come around to my more sadistic Sith demeanor. She seems to not lose affection as much when I decide to kill someone or in general act like a Sith. For example when I got around to finding Raylons son on Balmora I summarily executed him and just looks at my Mara and says (paraphrasing) "I have never seen someone so useless before". I didn't notice that with my Jugg when I ran through there before, but he kept the shock collar on her and would shock her from time to time and constantly remind her that she could be next.


Now I never got hit with LS points for telling her I was happy to have her alongside me either, so no risk there. But she definitely seemed to get less whiney and *****y. Maybe I'm just seeing something that's not there and it's just anecdotal but maybe not.

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